Nichts kann ihn aufhalten, sein Ausbruch ist gnadenloser und heißer als die Hölle. Celebrity photos. This FAQ is empty. Unter den berühmten La Brea Tar Pits brodelt ein mächtiger Vulkan, der erst einen Hagel tödlicher Feuerbomben und dann eine endlose Flut glühender Lava über die Stadt ergießt. Michael Roark, the director of the city's Office of Emergency Management, insists on coming to work to help out with the crisis, although he has been on vacation with his daughter Kelly. One escapes and survives, but is severely burned on one side of his face. Moments later, a newly formed underground volcano erupts from the tar pits and lava begins to flow freely down Wilshire Boulevard, incinerating everything in its path, including Roark's GMC Suburban, and an LAFD fire truck downed by a lava bomb, killing two firefighters inside. It was also met with mixed critical reviews before its initial screening in cinemas. Etwas unheimlich Gewaltiges und Heißes braut sich unter der Stadt Los Angeles zusammen. Vulcan was founded in 1986 by Paul G. Allen and Jody Allen. 47 Unter dem Vulkan (Film) Film von John Huston (1984) Sprache. Thriller 1997 1 Std. It goes without saying that no scientific bodies were consulted in the making of VOLCANO . Communist Radicals hijack Air Force One with The U.S. President and his family on board. You've also got the feeling that if looters existed in this movie they wouldn't be shot but given a place on a counseling program There's also a similar aspect to the above . 42 Min. I'm not sure how many people die on screen but I'm certain not one single type of mammal dies on screen apart from homo sapiens I don't believe for one moment that Mick Jackson's contrast between this and THREADS is coincidental - It's done entirely on purpose with the only connection being a scene of irony . Die Millionenstadt droht, unter den unaufhaltsam Richtung Zentrum strömenden Lavamassen zu versinken. In Volcano muss Tommy Lee Jones die Menschen von Los Angeles vor einem ausbrechenden Vulkan … He declared: "Volcano is jittery in a clinical, self-important way. His character attempts to divert the path of a dangerous lava flow through the streets of Los Angeles following the formation of a volcano at the La Brea Tar Pits. [28] For 1997 as a whole, the film would cumulatively rank at a box office performance position of 39. In the Red Line metro tunnel, the passengers in the derailed subway train are exposed to severe heat and toxic gases, which causes them all to eventually lose consciousness. They manage to save everyone, but Olber notices that the train driver is still missing and goes back. Verzweifelt versuchen Mike Roark, Chef des Katastrophenschutzes, und die junge … Roark then spots Kelly nearby, trying to retrieve a small boy who wandered off, putting them in the direct path of the collapsing building. In iTunes anzeigen. Anthony Pereyra , I find it's impossible to write a review of a Mick Jackson movie without pointing out that in 1984 he shocked the nation of Britain with his nuclear holocaust docu-drama THREADS . The train driver tries but fails to open the doors along the length of the train, until reaching the rear where he sees the incoming lava flow in the tunnel hundreds of meters away. Kao i mnogi američki urbani centri, i on se bori sa zagađenjem i kriminalom, a uz to pokušava pomiriti razne etničke, socijalne i … But there's no mistaking this as anything but a blockbuster trying to get a running jump on competition like The Fifth Element and The Lost World. "[14] In the San Francisco Chronicle, Mick LaSalle wrote that "Things go bad after Volcano plays its last card — the lava — and from there it has nothing to show but more of the same. Jones is cast as the head of the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management (LAC OEM), which has complete authority in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. Volcano (Alternativtitel: Volcano Heißer als die Hölle) ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1997. [10] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B+" on an A+ to F scale. Vulcan Productions has closed its doors. [4] Extensive special effects surrounding certain aspects of the film such as the lava flow, were created by ten separate digital effects companies including VIFX, Digital Magic Company, Light Matters Inc., Pixel Envy and Anatomorphex. Auf DVD und Blu-Ray Nicole Bass Set Lonly Way Is Essex (7... Chrissy Teigen Marie Claire Magazine Australia October (6... Sofie Dossi Photoshoot September (7 photos) Noee Abita Slalom Photocall 46th Deauville American Film... Home. A joint collective effort to commit to the film's production was made by the film studios of 20th Century Fox , Moritz Original and Shuler Donner/Donner Productions. In der Nähe der Metropole Los Angeles bricht ein Vulkan aus, dem fatale Explosion und ein starkes, plötzlich eintretenes Erbeben folgen. Picking the dumbest script imaginable Jackson has decided he's going to enjoy himself this time and filmed the complete opposite to his nuclear holocaust horror show . "[21] Not entirely impressed was Margaret McGurk writing for The Cincinnati Enquirer. We’ve been nominated for Academy Awards, won Emmys, and screened content for world leaders. He sets a blistering pace, but the movie never generates any real thrills. Beneath the famed La Brea Tar Pits, a raging volcano has formed, raining a storm of deadly fire bombs and an endless tide of white-hot lava upon the stunned city! Los Angeles je jedan od najpoznatijih gradova zabave na svijetu - zlatna metropola okupana suncem, blistava i glamurozna. Die Seismologin Dr. Amy Barnes (Anne Heche) und der Leiter der L.A.-Katastrophenhilfe Mike Roark (Tommy Lee Jones) setzen alles daran, die Lava aufzuhalten. "[24] Todd McCarthy of Variety was more positive, writing Volcano delivered "enough spectacular action to get it off to a hot B.O. [32], "Tower-ing Fiction #1: Beverly Heights apartment building, Volcano (1997)", "Volcano: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack", Volcano (1997) Very Mean Streets: They're Full of Lava, 'Volcano' Sizzles but Quickly Loses Steam, 'Volcano' more of a blast than 'Dante's Peak', The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "director Jackson and his crew (who made good use of hand-held and Steadicam shots and reportedly averaged an impressive 30 to 40 camera setups a day) move so quickly from shot to shot and location to location that viewers have a limited time to dwell on the film's predictable implausibilities. It was commercially distributed by 20th Century Fox. Anzeigen in iTunes. Ufos über Los Angeles forderten 1942 die US-Flak heraus. The film grossed $14,581,740 in box office business in Canada and the United States on its opening weekend, averaging $5,256 in revenue per theater. At its widest distribution in the United States, the film was screened at 2,777 theaters. A joint collective effort to commit to the film's production was made by the film studios of 20th Century Fox, Moritz Original and Shuler Donner/Donner Productions. Something unspeakably chilling is ultimately starting to heat up at The City of Los Angeles! The fate of the city rests on his shoulders, and he knows it. Disaster in a New York tunnel as explosions collapse both ends of it. Dieses Stockfoto: VULKAN 1997 20th Century Fox Film. Roark escapes from the wreckage with Kelly and the young child still alive. craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events "[20], Writing for Time Out, author TCh said, "The most striking aspect of this fun, old-fashioned disaster movie is the novelty of seeing the most familiar of backdrops used as a creative resource in its own right. A još milijuni drugih ljudi prepoznaju Grad Anđela kao epicentar praktički svake prirodne katastrofe – uključujući potrese, vatrene stihije i odrone tla. Die Hauptrollen spielten Tommy Lee Jones und Anne Heche. With his most recent films Honey Boy (2019) and The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019), he continues to deliver outstanding performances, while showing off his diverse acting capabilities. Lava ist ein computeranimierter Kurzfilm von Pixar. While taking samples, a more powerful earthquake strikes and Rachel is killed when she falls into the crack that is later engulfed by a rush of the hot gases. Anyone who saw that on its BBC broadcast will never forget the grim , bleak , depressing and powerful depiction of the end of humanity . The next morning, at around 5:15 A.M., Barnes and her assistant Rachel venture in the storm sewer to investigate the scene of the incident. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Special features for the DVD include interactive menus, scene selection and the original theatrical trailer. "[17] Walter Addiego of the San Francisco Examiner, felt "Volcano offers a bit of humor, a minimum of plot distraction and the joys of watching molten rock ooze down Wilshire Boulevard. Etwas unheimlich Gewaltiges und Heißes braut sich unter der Stadt der Engel zusammen. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. But not here where the guardians of law and order are not only noble enforcers of justice throughout the movie but also make sure no one is discriminated on the grounds of race and culture . (1997). Die … [29], Following its cinematic release in theaters, the film was released in VHS video format on May 26, 1998. Los Angelesben egyre furcsább dolgok történnek. Jones' fierce, unflagging portrayal helps us accept Roark not only as the man to save L.A., but as a loving father who is more concerned about his daughter's safety than that of every other citizen." Roark barely manages to save both of them from being crushed as the building collapses. View production, box office, & company info. It can't make us care. Bearbeiten. A comet is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. A subway train derails underground and power is knocked out across the city. Log into The Los Angeles Film School's learning management system for access to your classes, grades, and assignments. Der Regisseur war John Patrick Shanley, der auch das Drehbuch schrieb. If you didn't feel sorry for the human beings killed you'd feel sorry for the poor animals . At that point, the lava reaches the dead end of the subway tunnel extension, and bursts out of the ground in a massive geyser. Volcano is a 1997 American disaster film directed by Mick Jackson and produced by Andrew Z. Davis, Neal H. Moritz and Lauren Shuler Donner. C.I.G.S. The survivors are left to fight for their lives as they attempt to escape the sinking ship. Title: Handlung. "[18] Left equally impressed was James Berardinelli of ReelViews. Anne Heche und Tommy Lee Jones entdecken Magma, das unter Los Angeles fließt. Whether global or local, our work for good is financed by our thoughtful investing and innovative development. Volcano. The plan is successful, and the lava flows directly into the ocean. U.S. Category: film & animation. "[6], Volcano premiered in cinemas on April 25, 1997. As doomsday nears, the human race prepares for the worst. From the iconic to the eclectic, relive the most memorable moments from the Oscars red carpet. Auf einmal beginnt es allerdings unter dem bekannten Wilshire Boulevard zu brodeln: Ein Vulkan, heißer als die Hölle, bricht aus, und dessen glühende Lava fließt unaufhaltsam los. "[23], Rita Kempley of The Washington Post, openly wondered why "there's no volcano in "Volcano"?...The hokey disaster drama features towering plumes of smoke, a splendid display of fireworks and brimstone, and rivers of molten magma, but I'll be darned if there's a burning mountain. Cholula ist die grösste Ausgrabungsstätte der Region. His character attempts to divert the path of a dangerous lava flow through the streets of Los Angeles following the formation of a volcano at the La Brea Tar Pits. 69. Beneath the famed La Brea Tar Pits, a raging volcano has formed, raining a storm of deadly fire bombs and an endless tide of white-hot lava upon the stunned city! Meg Donnelly Vulkan Magazine August (13 photos) 4 … start" and that "first-time screenwriters Jerome Armstrong and Billy Ray waste no time with exposition or scene-setting, starting the fireworks with a nerve-jangling morning earthquake that puts city workers on alert for possible damage. Kaufen 9,99 €. Directed by Mick Jackson. Twenty-three years ago, Vulcan Productions was started with the idea that storytelling can drive real impact. "[22] Describing a comical position on seismic activity, Marc Savlov of The Austin Chronicle said Volcano was a "laughably ridiculous take on what we all secretly dream of: Los Angeles, washed away in a huge, molten tide of cheese — uh, lava, I mean. With Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche, Gaby Hoffmann, Don Cheadle. They calculate the speed and realize that they have thirty minutes until the lava flows reaches the end of the Red Line. In the history of motion pictures in the United States, many films have been set in Los Angeles respectively in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, or a fictionalized version thereof.. Beobachten. She called the film "depreciating entertainment value of the natural-disaster trend" while also mentioning how the "High-caliber special effects are still fun, but all this lock-step storytelling is wearing thin. Juni 2014 auf dem Hiroshima Kokusai Animation Festival und wurde in den Kinos am 19. Nichts kann ihn aufhalten, sein Ausbruch ist gnadenloser und heißer als die Hölle. Film. There's even a scene of self sacrifice that has to be seen to be believed , not that the scene was in any way believable to start with The English speaking world are obsessed with their pets and Jackson used this to harrowing effect in THREADS . I'm not sure I've ever seen a disaster movie in which special effects this realistic and accomplished were put to the service of a premise this outlandish." Beobachten. Director Mick Jackson, who also made Steve Martin's wry "L.A. Story," must have had his hands full with the logistics of this bombastic extravaganza. Gator refuses to abandon an LAPD SWAT cop, who has gotten trapped under a fallen ventilation duct while slotting explosive charges when it fell on him due to the tremors. An unusually intense storm pattern catches some commercial fishermen unaware and puts them in mortal danger. On New Year's Eve, the luxury ocean liner Poseidon capsizes after being swamped by a rogue wave. The mixing of the sound elements were orchestrated by Jim Tanenbaum and Dennis Sands. A volcano erupts in downtown Los Angeles and a city official and a seismologist try to stop its inevitable flow through the city. Despite its release and recognition, Dante's Peak (which was released 2 months before) gained more commercial success than Volcano. It earned an additional $73.5 million in business through international release to top out at a combined $122,823,468 in gross revenue. [12] In 1997, the film was nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award in the category of "Worst Reckless Disregard for Human Life and Public Property", but lost to Con Air. [8] Recording artists James Newton Howard and Dillinger among others, contributed songs to the music listing. So bad, in fact, that the screening audience I viewed Volcano with seemed to enjoy it immensely, hooting and hollering and laughing as though it were an old episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Za druge je, pak, L. A. nešto sasvim drugo. Seeing as THREADS was set in the Yorkshire town of Sheffield and filmed on a budget of what appeared to be three dollars fifty cents you'd think he'd use some of his unquestionable talent and VOLCANO's $90 million budget to make a convincing scenario of a city devastated by events beyond its control But Jackson has been there , done that , bought the T-Shirt and written his name in broadcasting history with THREADS and the last thing he wants is to make another grim shocker where millions of city dwellers die . Japanische Bomber, Wetterballons oder gar Ufos: Am 25. Mind you this may actually work in the context of the story since the characters are so dumb , there is a logic to having a bunch of underground workers being burned to death and no one saying " Hey these men were killed by lava . 1997. Commenting on the character significance of Mike Roark, played by Jones, he said it was "a wonderfully heroic figure — a man of action who never has time to rest. Puebla ist der Bundesstaat der Vulkane, mit den drei Vulkanen Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl und La Malinche thronen gleich drei mächtige Berge mit Höhen gegen 5000 m in der Region von Puebla. The death toll is nearly a hundred people, thousands injured, and damages in billions. A host of characters is introduced in the opening scenes, but Volcano doesn't know what to do with them. You won't need life insurance when the bomb drops while VOLCANO shows being able to read a book on screenplays doesn't mean you're capable of writing oneUnfortunately VOLCANO flopped at the box office and only made half its production costs in American cinemas which effectively ended Mick Jackson's successful Hollywood career which is shameful . Film von John Patrick Shanley (1990) Sprache. - 2DW31BH aus der Alamy-Bibliothek mit Millionen von Stockfotos, Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken in hoher Auflösung herunterladen. "[23] Savlov added, "Screenwriters Jerome Armstrong and Billy Ray have crammed the script with topical references to the L.A. riots, Rodney King, racial inequality, sexism, the ineffectuality of the 911 system, and reams of very, very bad dialogue. 69 Nutzer haben sich diesen Film vorgemerkt. [5], Among mainstream critics in the US, the film received generally mixed reviews. Es ist die Literaturverfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von Malcolm Lowry . In his latest role in David Ayer’s newest film, The Tax Collector, LaBeouf roams the streets of LA as he collects “debts and taxes” for a Los Angeles crime lord. That was probably the most terrifying thing about the docu-drama , of having your throat cut for your meager supplies of food . Final erschüttert ein Feuerregen die Stadt und so bricht das komplette Chaos aus. The coast may be toast, but it's the lava, covering everything like a malevolent tide of melted butter, that makes this a disaster picture that's tastier than usual. In THREADS people are left in the rubble to die since it's not practical to save them . Volcano: Heißer als die Hölle streamen | Ganzer Film | Disney+. Bearbeiten. It is not enhanced for widescreen televisions. Something unspeakably chilling is ultimately starting to heat up at The City of Los Angeles! Use the HTML below. A volcano erupts in downtown Los Angeles and a city official and a seismologist try to stop its inevitable flow through the city. Lava heat. Roark, Barnes, and LAPD police lieutenant Ed Fox devise a plan to stack concrete barriers at the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue, creating a cul-de-sac to pool the lava as helicopters dump water on it and all fire fighters open their hoses to form a crust, making the operation a success. In his summation, he wrote, "Volcano has opened the "summer" movie season at an astoundingly early late-April date. In the La Brea Tar Pits, volcanic smoke and ash billow out, followed by lava bombs that burst out of the tar pits, which ignite several buildings. [5] An 80% full-size replica of Wilshire Boulevard, which was one of the largest sets ever constructed in the United States, was assembled in Torrance, California. He finds the driver alive but unconscious, just as the lava reaches the train and begins to flow underneath it. Roark and his daughter become separated as she is injured when a lava bomb badly burns her leg and she is taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center by Dr. Jaye Calder. Volcano: Actionfilm/Katastrophenfilm 1997 von Andrew Z. Davis/Neal H. Moritz mit Keith David/Tommy Lee Jones/Laurie Lathem. 15 Nutzer sagen Hass-Film. After discovering that an asteroid the size of Texas is going to impact Earth in less than a month, NASA recruits a misfit team of deep-core drillers to save the planet. ", This page was last edited on 12 April 2021, at 15:34. His associate, Emmit Reese, notes that the quake caused no major damage, but seven utility workers are later burned to death in a storm drain at MacArthur Park. [5][7], The score for the film was originally composed and orchestrated by musical conductor Alan Silvestri. However, Barnes later theorizes that the magma is still flowing underground through the Red Line subway extension, and calculates that the main eruption will occur at the end of the line at the Beverly Center near Cedars-Sinai. [25] The film's revenue dropped by 37% in its second week of release, earning $9,099,743. In Los Angeles ist eigentlich von Erdbeben über Unruhen und Straßenschlachten oder gar Überschwemmungen mit Schlammlawinen schon alles passiert. Shia LaBeouf has been on a roll. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. This is the second year in a row that Graphic Design students from The L.A. Film School have competed and won ADDY Awards here in Los Angeles. Unter dem berühmten Wiltshire Boulevard brodelt ein mächtiger Vulkan. A film this technically clever can't get away with patronizing and familiar genre cliches. "[15] Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun-Times called it a "surprisingly cheesy disaster epic" while musing, "The lava keeps flowing for much of the movie, never looking convincing. "Auf dem Vulkan", der Film im Kino - Inhalt, Bilder, Kritik, Trailer, Kinoprogramm sowie Kinostart-Termine und Bewertung bei TV 20th Century Fox Studios - 10201 Pico Blvd., Century City, Los Angeles, California, USA. Kao i mnogi urbani centri SAD-a, Los Angeles se i dalje bori sa zagađenjem i protiv zločina te traži sklad u etničkim, društvenim i financijskim nejednakostima. [10] Rotten Tomatoes reports that 50% of 46 sampled critics gave the film a positive review, with an average score of 5.1 out of 10. The only way to save Earth from catastrophe is to drill down to the core and set it spinning again. [27] The film went on to top out in the United States and Canada at $49,323,468 in total ticket sales through a 7-week theatrical run. To prove this, Barnes and Roark lower a video camera into the tunnel to watch it, only for the camera to be incinerated by a fast-moving flow of lava. The film features Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche, Don Cheadle, and Keith David. In Los Angeles ist ein bisher unbekannter, unterirdischer Vulkan ausgebrochen. [4] Between visuals, miniatures, and animation, over 300 technicians were involved in the production aspects of the special effects. "[11] At Metacritic, which assigns a weighted average using critical reviews, the film received a score of 55 out of 100 based on 22 reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews". "Destruction: Los Angeles", der Film im Kino - Inhalt, Bilder, Kritik, Trailer, Kinoprogramm sowie Kinostart-Termine und Bewertung bei TV Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? 49. In THREADS this takes the form of characters standing in front of a billboard advertising life insurance while in VOLCANO a character reads a book on writing screenplays . Der Regisseur war Mick Jackson, das Drehbuch schrieben Jerome Armstrong und Billy Ray. It starts to rain, with surviving civilians having a sigh a relief. Naturkatastrophenfilm von Mick Jackson mit Tommy Lee Jones und Anne Heche. Chantel Jeffries Drew Taggert Farmers Market Los Angeles (16 photos) 4 months ago 4 months ago. Written by Marshal Samuel Gerard and his team of Marshals are assigned to track down Sheridan, who has been accused of a double-murder. I loved it when the firemen aimed their hoses way offscreen into the middle of the lava flow, instead of maybe aiming them at the leading edge of the lava—which they couldn't do, because the lava was a visual effect, and not really there. geologist Dr. Amy Barnes believes that a volcano may be forming beneath the city with magma flowing underground. The website's critical consensus reads, "Volcano's prodigious pyrotechnics and Tommy Lee Jones' crotchety sneers at lava aren't quite enough to save this routine disaster film. The Los Angeles Film School is pleased to announce that nine students from its Graphic Design Degree Program won American Advertising Awards at the 2021 Los Angeles competition. Minutes later, steam explodes from the sewer system. To celebrate love this month, VULKAN is happy to present to you a truly inspirational cover which features Philippines’ favorite love team, Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil. In Volcano muss Tommy Lee Jones die Menschen von Los Angeles vor einem ausbrechenden Vulkan retten. Meanwhile, Olber leads his team through the tunnel to the derailed train, searching for survivors. During that first weekend in release, the film opened in first place beating out the films Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion and Anaconda. [26] In the month of June during its final weekend showing in theaters, the film came out in 12th place grossing $602,076. The Vice President negotiates from Washington D.C., while the President, a Veteran, fights to rescue the hostages on board. [6] The computer-generated imagery was coordinated and supervised by Dale Ettema and Mat Beck. From "Dexter" to The Suicide Squad, here are our picks for the reboots and remakes we're most excited for in 2021 and beyond. Deutscher Titel. We saw family pets suffocating in firestorms . Los Angeles Convention Center Room 502AB This introductory course provides an overview of switching from current to next-gen APIs; discusses similarities between next-gen APIs; covers basic API details for DirectX12, Vulkan, etc. Unter dem berühmten Wiltshire Boulevard brodelt ein mächtiger Vulkan. Unter dem Vulkan ist ein US-amerikanisches Drama aus dem Jahr 1984. [13], Janet Maslin wrote in The New York Times, "Volcano begins so excitably and hurtles so quickly into fiery pandemonium," but noted that "in the disaster realm, it's not easy to have it all. Roark helps injured firefighters out of the area. This isn't the kind of film where it's worth waiting for the video tape — it's too big and brash, and demands the speakers and atmosphere of a state-of-the-art theater. 11 of 30 people found this review helpful. Here the laws of physics have been changed so that if anyone is trapped under a burning truck a passer by can magically lift up the truck with one hand thereby rescuing the injured party . "[21] He commended how "Jones and Heche work hard to dig up an emotional rapport from next to nothing" while also praising how the "slow but inexorable progress of the lava makes for more suspense than the usual slam bang firework display. In VOLCANO we're treated to several scenes of pets in peril being rescued . Status: Active. Although the film used extensive special effects, it failed to receive any award nominations from mainstream motion picture organizations for its production merits. Celebrity photos. In downtown Los Angeles, an earthquake strikes. [30] The Region 1 Code widescreen edition of the film was released on DVD in the United States on March 9, 1999. Bill and Jo Harding, advanced storm chasers on the brink of divorce, must join together to create an advanced weather alert system by putting themselves in the cross-hairs of extremely violent tornadoes. Roark devises another plan to demolish a twenty-two-story condominium building to block the lava's path from flowing towards the medical area and the rest of the Los Angeles West Side. "[19] Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times added to the positive sentiment by saying the film "glows with heat. [9] The sound effects in the film were supervised by Christopher Boyes. They barely escape when hot gases suddenly spew out of a crack in the concrete lining and flood the tunnel. The storyline was conceived from a screenplay written by Jerome Armstrong and Billy Ray and is inspired by the 1943 formation of the Parícutin volcano. Roark tells Reese that he is on vacation after all, and to tell the chief that too, as he goes home with Kelly while Reese takes over to handle the situation. A vulcanologist arrives at a countryside town recently named the second most desirable place to live in America, and discovers that the long dormant volcano, Dante's Peak, may wake up at any moment. ", accompanied by the opening of the Randy Newman song "I Love L.A.", Filming was shot primarily on location in Los Angeles, California. "[22] But in a hint of commendation, McGurk thought "on its own escapist terms, Volcano dishes up a textbook serving of low-I.Q., high-energy entertainment.
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