: Her conscience pricked as she took one of the seats near the very back corner. "arouse" is a transitive verb. You must listen to the voice of your conscience. Because the hotel doesn’t offer a gym or pool as a fitness convenience, I have to walk around the neighborhood for exercise. 1) I feel a prick of conscience. conscience in a Sentence. 1 - Ah my conscience is acting like my damn Mom 2 - Meet Grady, a 29 year old construction worker. Criticise in a sentence | criticise example sentences. He is objective and fair in his judgements and true to his conscience. 16. We normally speak of something pricking our conscience, not of our conscience pricking. 3 I went against my conscience. A clear conscience is always victorious. 1. As someone with body-image issues of my own, I can't in good conscience send innocent women into the buzz saw that is your cruel gaze. He told the truth for his conscience's sake. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. However, I criticise, but I do not insult. Learn more. Sentence examples for with your conscience from inspiring English sources. Comments . Here are some examples. Sentence examples for with full conscience from inspiring English sources exact ( 2 ) "I, Moussaoui Zacarias, in the interests to preserve my life, enter with full conscience a plea of guilty, because I have knowledge and participated in Al Qaeda". Example of correct usage: Under the right conditions, the vast majority of people act as if they have a conscience that causes them to act ethically and look out for others’ interests. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "conscience" The man who sold you this house obviously has no conscience; it is really in bad shapeMy conscience would never allow me to sell my car without telling the buyer that it has major mechanical problems. any other verbs used with "conscience" thanks . A sentence with conscience? Lot of example sentences with the word a conscience. the part of your mind that tells you if what you are doing is right or wrong Conscience Sentence Examples He did the task for the sake of his conscience. Sentence Examples. Wiki User Answered 2014-05-12 09:01:15. The man who has a clear conscience is happy. Examples of Convenience in a sentence. Find 16 ways to say CONSCIENCE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Mary’s conscience bothered her after she cheated on the test and she decided to make a conscious effort to study and prepare for the rest. 1. : 2. Sceptics often criticise the idea that two of. Log in. The Report: When Sentence Rhymes with Conscience. June 20, 2018 June 20, 2018. His fine character and conscience earned him universal respect and confidence. The research protocol is an exploration of the endless debate about the right penalty for sex crimes. May 27 2009 21:44:18. napoleonponapa; 1 2. (highly, extremely, fairly, very) " She is completely conscious of what is going on. Commonly Confused Words: Conscience vs. CK 1 3313149 We made a bargain. Conscience is the second studio album, and fourth album overall, by English electronic music group The Beloved, released in February 1993.It reached #2 on the UK Albums Chart and includes "Sweet Harmony", the first single taken from the album and the first from the band to enter the Top 10 of the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number 8 What does conscience mean? My conscience on what had happened earlier meant I got little sleep that night. HiNative is a global Q&A platform where you can ask people from all over the world questions about language and culture. The New York Times "But then, you never have to make any compromises with your conscience ". Conscience Make a sentence below using the word 'conscience'! Asked by Wiki User. The company’s new online payment system is a huge convenience for customers with mobility issues. She wanted to skip her spelling lesson, but her conscience knew this was wrong. Sentence with the word guilty conscience. The man who sold you this house obviously has no conscience; it is really in bad shape. Many of the sentences have audio, too. social conscience in a sentence - Use "social conscience" in a sentence 1. (environmentally, politically, socially) How to use conscience in a sentence. Forums Grammar & Sentence Structure 0 2,117 + 0. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " The child was barely conscious after the accident. Conscious. (noun) conscience definition: 1. the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you feel guilty about bad…. See Answer. Example sentences with Liberty of conscience. Translations of the phrase GOOD CONSCIENCE from english to czech and examples of the use of "GOOD CONSCIENCE" in a sentence with their translations: I can not in good conscience recommend him. added by an unknown member, date unknown #3290204 Hyvä … Here is conscience used in some example sentences:. See how to use a conscience in a sentence. Example sentences with the word conscience.conscience example sentences. ‘They have a social conscience and, in the rock star manner of John Lennon, use their fame to publicise their concerns.’ ‘True to her social conscience, Edith has taken a new job working with less privileged children.’ ‘The series is being promoted as entertainment with a social conscience… Sexual violence is part of a serious public health problem related to power imbalance between genders, which mainly affects women. As someone with body-image issues of my own, I can't in good conscience send innocent women into the buzz saw that is your cruel gaze. 1 a knowledge or understanding of what is morally right in a society Synonyms and related words Definition and synonyms of Social conscience from the online … Our conscience does not arouse; something arouses it. Consciousness or awareness of something. conscience - meaning in Hindi and English. Like Sauvageot, many of the students became educators with a social conscience. The cities had also acquired a political conscience to protect themselves from prying princes. Support Us On Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Wordinsentence We support over 110 languages. Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. Today you criticise what you know nothing about. conscience (noun): the sense of right and wrong as regards things for which one is responsible. 39. 2) I was plagued by conscience. 1) I feel a prick of conscience . English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Bargain" in Example Sentences Page 1. In this example, Mary feels guilty for violating her own sense of what is right and wrong in order to get a good grade on the test, and makes a deliberate decision to work hard in preparation for future exams. in good conscience definition: without feeling guilty: . And what right had he to criticise him in that. Find 9 ways to say Social conscience, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Conscience definition is - the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good. (barely, hardly) " The president is highly conscious of America's problems. Can chefs serve swordfish, bluefin tuna or Chilean seabass in good conscience? HasibrahmanCould you please tell me why you used "passive structure" in those sentences? 2182510 It's a bargain. How to use conscience in a sentence. exact (7) You've got to live with your conscience. Learn more. How to use in good conscience in a sentence Looking for sentences with "in good conscience"? Learn correct use of word. See how to use conscience in a sentence. Definition of conscience written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. (completely, fully) " The group is environmentally conscious. View Liberty Of Conscience usage in sample sentences. which one is correct? My conscience does not permit it. After coming home from a hard day's work, he walks in the door of his trailer park home to find his wife in bed with another man. "prick" is normally a transitive verb. Hybrid 1 2329595 I got a bargain. Lot of example sentences with the word conscience. The elevator is a pleasant convenience that helps me avoid stairs. 2. Sentence Structure is important because it provide us with the framework for the clear written expression of our ideas.The aim in writing is always to write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated. Sentence with the word conscience "I know that Elise has a conscience that will hold her fast to duty," said Benigna, but she did not speak hopefully: she spoke deliberately, however, thinking that these words _ conscience _ and _duty_ might arrest the minister's attention, and that he would perhaps, by some means, throw light upon questions which were constantly becoming more perplexing to her. That shift probably has less to do with social conscience than economics. Top Answer. Click here for the full Spellzone dictionary definition of the word.. What does each word mean? Example sentences for conscience in popular books and movies. A conscience is one’s moral sense of right and wrong and is used to guide the way one chooses to conduct themselves.
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