(One opponent says that since we restrict felons from having guns we can restrict them from having votes, but a gun is generally far more obviously dangerous than a vote, unless the vote happens to be for Donald Trump.) ... Of Universal used in a sentence. use "suffrage" in a sentence W omen 's suffrage Wells became an early advocate of w omen 's rights, writing under the name " blanch e Beechwood" for the Woman's Exponent. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal … It is commonly used in phrases like "woman Suffrage " or "women's Suffrage " or "universal Suffrage." The second sentence suggests that the schools are experiencing negative results because of the neglect. Universal suffrage definition: the right of all adults (with minor exceptions ) to vote in elections | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples If the people in the small country had suffrage, they would remove the … The NPCSC in August 2014 decreed that the chief executive in 2017 can be elected by one-person-one-vote, but only after a “broadly rep suffragist in a sentence She also was an active suffragist before her death in 1873. Read more… Then freedom for the citizen represented through the political right of universal suffrage. But the broader point is that there shouldn’t be moral character tests for voting, period. Anguilla was granted universal adult suffrage in 1952. What does suffrage mean? (noun) An example of suffrage is the right to vote in a political election... Middle English intercessory prayer from Old French from Medieval Latin suffrāgium from Latin the right to vote from suffrāgārī to express support bhreg-in … English This is a Parliament which represents 300 million citizens, it was elected by direct universal suffrage in fifteen Member States and it is the strongest democratic Assembly in … I can't think of any sentence that has suffrage in it.. Well-organized to fight the battle for women's suffrage, they were poorly adapted once suffrage had been won and the goal was to organize women for participation in electoral politics. How to use abrogate in a sentence is shown in this page. 3. suffrage - translate into Norwegian with the English-Norwegian Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary The right to vote in a political election for all citizens who have attained the age of majority and are not disenfranchised under the laws of the country. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: n. suffrage for all adults who are not disqualified by the laws of the country. (noun) What does suffrage mean? Mali has universal adult suffrage. in a sentence. France, under the 1793 Jacobin constitution, was the first major country to enact suffrage for all adult males, though it was never formally enacted in practice (the subsequent election occurring after the fall of the Jacobin government). Because the aristocracy cared nothing about the woes of the starving proletariat, a revolution occurred in France. from inspiring English sources. How to use suffrage in a sentence is shown in this page. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese simplified Dictionary. In some languages, and occasionally in English, the right to vote is called active suffrage, as distinct from passive suffrage, which is the right to stand for election. . Following the French and American revolutions, the first movements in the Western world toward universal suffrage occurred in the early 19th century, and focused on removing property re… The Second French Republic did institute adult male suffrage after the revolution of 1848. Universal suffrage had long been under consideration ― at issue. Definition of universal suffrage in the Definitions.net dictionary. Women had to fight for their suffrage. Universal suffrage consists of the right to vote without restriction due to gender, race, social status, education level, or wealth. make sentence of Of Universal. Provision was made for the adoption both of universal suffrage and proportional representation. A sentence with suffrage would be 'The women's suffrage moved forward without delay'. Definition of suffrage in the Definitions.net dictionary. suffrage translate: (尤指选举议会等机构代表的)选举权,投票权. Universal Sentence Encoder(USE) On a high level, the idea is to design an encoder that summarizes any given sentence to a 512-dimensional sentence embedding. Women who acquired the freedom to vote can thank the female leaders who fought for universal suffrage. In the US, those are generally crimes of incarceration for a duration of more than a year and/or a fine exceeding $1000. suffrage was, following the Danish model, limited to males of substantial means and at least 25 years of age, which to begin intent for them to suffocate. Universal suffrage in a sentence 1 When was universal suffrage introduced in your country? 26 It is the significance of laws guaranteeing free speech. Suffrage is very important in democracy, but clearly it is not a sufficient basis for legitimacy; many countries that we would not call democratic have had universal suffrage -- and even more have had the forms of suffrage comparable to the US in 1790. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. 3 Even now, (www.Sentencedict.com) not every country in Europe has universal suffrage. Source: 'Daily Use'. universal adult suffrage. 2. How to use the word universal suffrage in a Sentence? Menu ... Suffrage Sentence Examples. 2 However, the government continued to resist demands for universal suffrage, preferring a power-sharing system. Moreover, the oldest "democracy" would be Athens. 23 sentence examples: 1. By allowing employees to leave work early during the elections, the company president is encouraging each employee to use his right of suffrage. If the people in the small country had suffrage, they would remove the evil leader from power. In , she moved to Topeka and became active in the women's suffrage movement. Instantly, the scene transformed itself from a suffrage meeting to a social function that was unique. Universal suffrage definition: the right of all adults (with minor exceptions ) to vote in elections | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 52. Kitty's choice will propel her into the suffragist movement. Use ‘suffrage’ in a sentence | ‘suffrage’ example sentences . Sentence Examples for suffrage. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Check the meaning of suffrage. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you think we can improve, please write us at Email To Searchsentences. A good father would never abrogate his parental responsibilities. Suffrage definition is - a short intercessory prayer usually in a series. Finland was the first country to have universal suffrage in … Here's the news in Special Eng It is thanks to direct universal suffrage that we can rightfully speak on behalf of all Europeans. She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage. I have no objection in principle quoting the declaration of independence as an example of However, Black women quickly faced enormous obstacles to voting, and not just in the South. The first sentence can be construed to mean only that the schools are being neglected or ignored. The minimum age was reduced to 18 years by the Constitution (Sixty-first Amendment) Act, 1988, with effect from 28 March 1989. See Synonyms at general. " Suffrage " is used today to mean the right to vote in elections, sometimes also including the right to run for and hold elected public office 51. How to use suffrage in a sentence. Universal suffrage has this admirable property, that it dissolves riot in its inception, and, by giving the vote to insurrection, it deprives it of its arms. 1. When people of the prominence of the Ashtons take up suffrage and make special requests to have certain persons come to a … Suffrage is the right to vote in an election. In 1906 Finland became the first country to have universal suffrage. Meaning of universal suffrage. What does universal suffrage mean? Of Universal sentence in english. make sentence with Of Universal. The word suffer in the King James translation of Mark 10:14 seems to have more to do with suffrage than suffer: “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and … When was universal suffrage introduced in your country? What does universal suffrage mean? Complex Sentences with “universal” A complex sentence with “universal” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The most radical elements proposed universal manhood suffrage and the reorganisation of parliamentary constituencies. 326 of the 1950 Constitution of India. Use suffrage in a sentence? use "suffrage" in a sentence Women's suffrage Wells became an early advocate of women's rights, writing under the name "blanche Beechwood" for the Woman's Exponent. suffrage in a sentence - Use "suffrage" in a sentence 1. 51- Ramey competed as Miss District of Columbia and worked during her reign to help win suffrage for Washington D.C. in 1945.. 52- Mary Church Terrell, the Association’s first National President, also played an important role in the fight for woman suffrage. Suffrage is the right to vote in an election. sal (yo͞o′nə-vûr′səl) adj. Burritt was also a defiant proponent of women's suffrage. We have moved on since then, and we have developed wider democracy, The agreement provided for qualified majority rule and elections with, Craig used a forthcoming review of local government structures to procrastinate on the issue of, Marx and Engels supported the Chartists' campaign for, The last general election saw the lowest turnout since, Marx wrote that the Paris Commune was elected by, In this, it's like the more sophisticated political ideas behind, In 1944, with the granting of a new constitution, Jamaicans gained, While senators are appointed by the King, deputies of the lower house are directly elected by, In 1928, all women were given the vote, thus creating, In that country this year a ruling class which had always denied the vote to the great majority of the population was forced to concede, The 1840 constitution of the Kingdom of Hawai'i granted, Political agitation at home from radicals such as the Chartists and the suffragettes enabled legislative reform and, In 1832, the Reform Act extended the vote in Britain but did not grant, Late August 1792, elections were held, now under male, Political debates, however, have centred themselves predominately on, Aside from clashes over a range of social, welfare, labour and economic policies, the most contentious topic has been, Since 1962, the French president has been elected by, Each department elects its own authorities through a, This party, led by Guy Rozemont, bettered its position in 1953, and, on the strength of the election results, demanded, Members might be chosen through a direct election under, Many of these had overtly political motives, like the 1893 General Strike that helped achieve, The government soon backed down, and passed male, The next large scale general strike took place over half a century later in Belgium, in an effort to force the government to grant, In 1918, all men over 21 and women over 30 won the right to vote, and in 1928 all women over 21 won the right to vote resulting in, The next day, the Prussian delegate to the Frankfurt assembly presented a plan calling for a national constitution, a directly elected national Diet, and, In particular, the Chartist movement, which demanded, Plans to expand the voting population had begun to appear in the 2000s, and political figures liaised with the government to provide, Denmark is a representative democracy with, Since 1979, however, MEPs have been elected by direct, They say universal suffrage is a failure, forgetting that we have never had, The question what is to be done with you is no concern of, He aslo, in the constitution for the new confederation, introduced a parliament elected by, Gentlemen, what a voice you have here to-day for, The notion of good and evil is insoluble by, The chartists' petition of that year had asked for. Information and translations of universal suffrage in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions Sentence Examples for abrogate. universal suffrage translation in English-Chinese dictionary. Soon universal time signals will be transmitted through all power and telephone lines.
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