Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Panic! Smudge Sticks. What are you? Words and Phrases Ghosts Will Respond in Phasmophobia 24.09.2020 0 By Butcher79 For Phasmophobia players, this is a comprehensive list of all the voice recognition key phrases for items and general voice chat commands that will work in the current game state. This guide shows all the voice recognition keys: questions (ghost, ouija board, and more) in Phasmophobia. scare. So here is a list of different questions and key phrases you can try out. Some ghosts will not show their face until they’re a little upset. If you have played Phasmophobia you have probably experienced the pain of not getting the ghost to interact with you. Fingerprints. But be prepared, because if you anger the ghost, there’s not much you can do. Discord: Song: So as not to anger the ghost. Further, some players are wondering what to do when dead, let’s find out! And as you know, ghosts aren’t chill – they get aggressive pretty fast. panic. frighten. However, a Steam user named JAVA has compiled a list of some trigger words that seem to work. The idea is that the Spirit Box can reach across the void, allowing some types of ghosts to communicate with you using actual words rather than screeches or flickering lights. Warning: There will be an overwhelming amount of trigger warnings. Thanks to Steam User Java for discovering these. "Only certain ghosts will talk through a Spirit Box when asked a question with your voice. Since Phasmophobia allows players to use a mic to verbally interact with ghosts in the game, it’s not really possible to create a list of all triggering phrases in the game. If you have played Phasmophobia you have probably experienced the pain of not getting the ghost to interact with you. Ghost Photo. Phasmophobia is available now on PC in Steam Early Access. Phasmophobia is a four-player online co-op horror game that requires players to investigate paranormal activity and hunt down ghosts. JAGGANOT. We take a look at some ways to make the ghost angry in Phasmophobia. Banshee. One of the coolest parts of Phasmophobia is the ability for players to verbally ask the ghosts questions.There are several questions players can ask allowed to solve the mystery in the house, 140 in fact. So here is a list of different questions and key phrases you can try out. Show us. I Decided to Test the Trigger Words. Trigger Words. Phasmophobia Wiki Guide. Show me. Vocal commands are an important part of Phasmophobia, being a very useful way to learn more about your target. How to Use Phasmophobia Cheats and Hacks. EMF Reader. Trigger Words – Phasmophobia Assistant. fright. Ghost Event. Things you say in game that trigger the ghosts; Phasmophobia – Words and Phrases ghosts respond to ! Phasmophobia featured voice recognition, and the Ghost will always hear you, so it benefits you to stay quiet if you don't want the Ghost to appear. It’s been just a few weeks since Phasmophobia got released and the game has already become the next big thing in the horror genre. Andrew Smith is the founder of Guide Fall and From Gamers Magazine. Phasmophobia Assistant; Trigger Words; Search; Search Submit. Phrases that Trigger Ghost Activity in Phasmophobia, List Of Words To Trigger Ghost In Phasmophobia. I am scared. Ghost Orbs. Banshee. Contents . Make sure the lights are off." Below are some questions or phrases you can ask or say in Phasmophobia to encourage ghost activity. The Ouija Board is a special item in Phasmophobia. To edit a trigger, edit either the Full Pull Action or Soft Pull Action, then proceed as before. What makes Phasmophobia unique among horror games is that you can use your Microphone (Voice Recognition) to communicate with all the different kinds of ghosts, spirits, demons, etc in the game. Fun Fact: these curse words will make the ghost target you.F*ck.B*tch.Sh*t.C*nt.As*.Bast*rd.MotherF*cker.Ars*hole.Cr*p.P*ssy.D*ckhead so yeah watch your language unless you want to be the target Posted by 21 days ago. With more than 10 types of different ghosts to encounter in this immersive game, you have a lot of things to do. You can actually communicate with the ghosts using your actual voice through Ouija Boards and EVP Sessions using a Spirit Box. Give us a sign. So here is a list of different questions and key phrases you can try out. Do you want us to leave? horror. Happy hunting! Below are some questions or phrases you can ask or say in Phasmophobia to encourage ghost activity. Said “crap” and the ghost immediately hunted. Spiritbox. Since you will be speaking into the mic to interact with ghost, you can say various things that can potentially increase the ghost activity thereby giving you a terrifying match to remember! With more than 10 types of different ghosts to encounter in this immersive game, you have a lot of things to do. Phasmophobia uses phrases understood through voice chat to make the ghost react to players, and it turns out there's a list of swear words. Related | How to Use Phasmophobia Cheats and Hacks? However, a Steam user named JAVA has compiled a list of some trigger words that seem to work. Deutsche Fragen und Trigger-Wörter für Geisterbox und Ouija-Board. Phasmophobia: All Voice Commands & Phrases. What are the Ghost Trigger Words or Phrases in Phasmophobia? (careful!) Spirit Box and Ouija Board – What Questions to Ask. Most people have been told to shut up at some point in their life. Are you friendly? I’m panicking. People who know me, know I love the Parabolic Microphone in Phasmophobia. What do you want? However, this is a comprehensive list of all the voice recognition key phrases for items … . Show your presence. Be careful if you choose to use it as they have been known to lower your sanity. But as with most things in Phasmophobia, it doesn’t come with a manual. EMF FREEZING TEMPS GHOST ORBS Strengths/Weaknesses: Sanity drops considerably when looking at a Phantom Taking a photo of a Phantom will make it temporarily disappear. If you’re not having any luck finding paranormal activity, you may want to try using Ghost Writing or looking for Ghost Orbs. Sep 19, 2020 @ 3:36pm Trigger words for the ghosts hi ther with what words can we trigger som actions from the ghosts ingame ? How to anger the ghost as much as possible . What makes Phasmophobia unique among horror games is that you can use your Microphone (Voice Recognition) to communicate with all the different kinds of ghosts, spirits, demons, etc in the game. Phas Ghost Tool. These words are hardcoded in to piss the ghost off even more so than the checks for [FirstName], [LastName]. As you can use the spirit box to ask ghosts questions and find out more about them, you first need to place the … What makes Phasmophobia unique among horror games is that you can use your Microphone (Voice Recognition) to communicate with all the different kinds of ghosts, spirits, demons, etc in the game. 24.09.2020 0 By Butcher79. Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. 0:00. Show us. So here is a list of different questions and key phrases you can try out. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Phasmophobia > General Discussions > Topic Details. You can even try different versions of the Phasmophobia trigger words mentioned above just to see if it works. JAGGANOT. He is a lover of all things gaming and physical media. Such includes angst, anxiety, torture, death, manipulation, blood, and paranormal activity. Are you angry? Can you still help complete the objectives in the game after you’re dead? Footstep in Salt. Words and Phrases Ghosts Will Respond in Phasmophobia. Last … In this game, you play as a paranormal investigator who goes to houses or buildings to find out the type of ghost lurking around, among other things. But what happens when you die in the game? If you want to feel like a pro ghost hunter, you may want to know which phrases can trigger a ghost leading to higher paranormal activity. Does repeatedly saying Bloody Mary while playing Phasmophobia have any effect on the ghost you're hunting? Also, did you check out the new ghost model that crawls?! After consecutive tests, all results came conclusive that this term angers the ghost to the point where hunting periods will happen every few seconds. This can make it difficult to learn what type of ghost you are dealing with and can make the game rather dull. The Sundew Rascal. » Trigger Words. There are some questions or phrases below you can ask or say in Phasmophobia to help encouraging the ghost's activity. Show your presence. Show me. Shouting these into the darkness can trigger responses such as turning on and off lights, shutting down the power, or moving something. Phasmophobia is a unique take on the multiplayer game genre which adds ghosts into the mix. Are you close? Fingerprints. This can make it difficult to learn what type of ghost you are dealing with and can make the game rather dull. The Sundew Rascal. These actions will be discussed in the next section (Intermediate: Customizing Your Settings). Use this list of Phasmophobia trigger words or phrases to make the ghost activity rise. 191. Do you want us to leave? . For Phasmophobia players, this is a comprehensive list of all the voice recognition key phrases for items and general voice chat commands that will work in the current game state. run. Can you still help complete the objectives in the game after you’re dead? For Phasmophobia players, this is a comprehensive list of all the voice recognition key phrases for items and general voice chat commands that will work in the current game state. Best item ever. Can you show yourself? It also led players to wonder whether saying the words Bloody Mary does anything. Make sure to know how to use every item and understand if the crucifix, smudge sticks and other equipment can help you in times of panic. User account menu. I Think it Worked. This is a comprehensive list of all the voice recognition key phrases for items and general voice chat commands that will work in the current game state. I’m scared. Was playing phasmophobia and had a friend test this. But if you need to identify the ghost using either the spirit box or Ouija Board you’ll need different questions. All Rights Reserved. Comments: 9 Kudos: 78 Bookmarks: 9 Hits: 1131; Omori X Phasmophobia by Bluetenit Fandoms: OMORI (Video Game), Phasmophobia … Highly Recommended asking these questions with the lights out and in the Middle of the Night too! Credits: NeenoPeeno YT Follow: IG / @PhasmophobiaMemes . !TO INCREASE GAME QUALITY USE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION!! Scared. Highly Recommended asking these questions with the lights out and in the Middle of the Night too! Then select the key on the keyboard that corresponds to the mapping in-game. And as you know, ghosts aren’t chill – they get aggressive pretty fast. | 254,599 members Only certain Ghosts will respond via the Spirit Box, which can be used as Evidence when identifying the Ghost. The whole point of Phasmophobia is to find the ghost and identify it, hoping to get some extra evidence along the way. Every Voice Command and Phrase You Can Ask Ghosts. To do so, you and your party can use a variety of equipment that you would see in most ghost busting shows, a variety of phrases and trigger words, cameras, and a whole lot more. That’s how to use the Phasmophobia spirit box and all the commands – but if your sanity is slowly depleting, here’s our guide to using the crucifix in Phasmophobia. Language: English Words: 14,195 Chapters: 11/? Eine Sache, die dieses Spiel so einzigartig macht, ist, dass die Geister tatsächlich hören können, was du sagst. Phasmophobia is a psychological horror game developed by Kinetic Games. What should we do? Communication with other players is limited and worked into the gameplay, and this all factors into the ghosts as well. How to use the spirit box in Phasmophobia. It has a 50% chance to spawn during an investigation on each map, and can be used to communicate with the Ghost at the cost of Sanity. If you’re new to the game, Phasmophobia is an online co-op ghost hunting experience where players must collect concrete evidence of paranormal activity. If you want to feel like a pro ghost hunter, you may want to know which phrases can trigger a ghost leading to higher paranormal activity. Knowing how to Anger ghosts is one of the many tasks that Phasmophobia allows us to perform. < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . Written by JAVA / Sep 24, 2020. Sep 19, 2020 @ 3:46pm Say their name a bunch and they get self conscious #1. Talk a lot. frighten. The aspect that makes the game unique is … We take a look at some ways to make the ghost angry in Phasmophobia. Phasmophobia – How to Talk and Kill a Ghost (Step by Step) Phasmophobia – Difficulty Rewards Guide; Phasmophobia – All the Voice Recognition Keys: Questions (Ghost, Ouija Board, and More) Phasmophobia – All Questions and Answers (Ghosts, Ouija, Spirit Box) Phasmophobia – Guide to the Evidence (EMF Level 5, Fingerprints, and More) Motion Sensor. Phasmophobia: List Of Words To Communicate With Ghosts. By using this guide of what voice commands will trigger the ghost, you will be able to have more control over when the ghost interacts. She will remind you of a couple of famous ghosts of Japanese horror movies. fright. Should we leave? The goal of GT is to be the best source of easy-to-understand tips and tricks, reviews, original features, hidden cheats and gaming tweaks that will help players worldwide. Since Phasmophobia allows players to use a mic to verbally interact with ghosts in the game, it’s not really possible to create a list of all triggering phrases in the game. How to get dirty water in Phasmophobia. Top Contributors: Adam Bankhurst, Wiki_Creation_Bot, HavokRose. by JAVA. Get an average sanity below 25%. Clips. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Trailer Out, Optimized for Xbox…, You Can Now Play As Snoop Dogg In NHL 20 Starting Today, PlayStation Plus Offer Titan Fall 2 And Monster Energy…, Best Steam Adult Game List 2021 – Top NSFW 18+ PC Games. Log In Sign Up. EMF FREEZING TEMPS GHOST ORBS Strengths/Weaknesses: Sanity drops considerably when looking at a Phantom Taking a photo of a Phantom will make it temporarily disappear. Once the hunting phase triggers, the player has about 5 seconds to begin running or hiding. I Think it Worked. Then select the key on the keyboard that corresponds to the mapping in-game. Fullscreen. Some ghosts will not show their face until they’re a little upset. Are you angry? You May Also Like: Phasmophobia – Ghost Communication Guide (with Tips) Phasmophobia – Useful Tips; Phasmophobia – Common Misconceptions; Phasmophobia – Audio Hints In-Game Guide Evidence Phantom. And as you know, ghosts aren’t chill – they get aggressive pretty fast. The aspect that makes the game unique is … GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. All the Voice Recognition Keys: Questions (Ghost, Ouija Board, and More) This is a comprehensive list of all the voice recognition key phrases for items and general voice chat commands that will work in the current game state. For example, I have Run as R2 (right trigger) so I named it Run. Words that Immediately Enrage the Ghost. It’s been just a few weeks since Phasmophobia got released and the game has already become the next big thing in the horror genre. Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking … Sep 19, 2020 @ 3:36pm Trigger words for the ghosts hi ther with what words can we trigger som actions from the ghosts ingame ? Phasmophobia is the most popular co-op horror game right now, and rightfully so. horror. Further, some players are wondering what to do when dead, let’s find out! Other times, the ghost will need a bit of persuading. Phasmophobia, a paranormal investigation game where you try to find which ghost type is haunting the place without getting killed. Why are you here? Show yourself. Do you want us here? But what happens when you die in the game? Prevent Ghost from hunting. Table of Contents General Ghost Questions This will be your only warning. The game also allows voice recognition, which means you can say … The Spirit Box is a piece of Equipment, as well as a type of Evidence, that can be used to ask the Ghost questions to get more information. < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . 191. You can also use phrases like “I’m afraid“, “I’m scared” or “Help” to potentially trigger the ghost. Spiritbox. Highly Recommended asking these questions with the lights out and in the Middle of the Night too! white = Unknown: Green = I found this evidence: Red Clips. Do you want to hurt us? !WARNING THIS LIST DOES CONTAIN GAME SPOILERS AND THE DEVS DO SUGGEST FINDING THE PHRASES ON YOUR OWN!! You can find him playing anything from random indies to AAA releases. Phasmophobia ist ein Horrorspiel, das in letzter Zeit bei Streamern und YouTubers sehr beliebt ist. 21 days ago. The player’s first instinct may be to exit the house by running through the front door. It's our code phrase for "leave now." hide. This is scary. scared. By using this guide of what voice commands will trigger the ghost, you will be able to have more control over when the ghost interacts. Highly Recommended asking these questions with the lights out and in the Middle of the Night too! You can play single player or co-op with three other friends. Optionale Ziele: Dreckiges Wasser, Geister-Events und mehr erklärt. scary. "The most common way of accidentally summoning a ghost is with a Ouija Board so you may come across these during your investigations. The Ouija Board is a special item in Phasmophobia. ! scary. We tried a multitude of other insults and semi-bad words (including words on this list) which did next to nothing, but “crap” made the ghost angry. Phasmophobia Assistant; Trigger Words; Search; Search Submit. What makes Phasmophobia unique among horror games is that you can use your Microphone (Voice Recognition) to communicate with all the different kinds of ghosts, spirits, demons, etc in the game. Spooky. Play. Phasmophobia - Comprehensive List of All the Voice Recognition Key Phrases. Press J to jump to the feed. Why are you here? spooky. Trigger Words/Phrases; Phasmophobia Assistant v1 - - EMF Level 5. Do you want to hurt us? Phas Ghost Tool. Sometimes if a ghost enters the sink area and interacts with the sink, the water will turn brown. panic. scare. Fright; Frighten; Hide; Horror; I am scared; I’m scared; Panic; Run; Scare; Scared; Scary; Show me Settings. Show your presence. After all, since you can use a mic, you have the whole English language at your disposal — so get creative. How to get dirty water in Phasmophobia. But if things get out of hand, you may want to have some Smudge Sticks on hand to ward off the unfriendly spirits. Related posts: Phasmophobia: How To Use Smudge Sticks To Prevent Ghost Attacks Discord: Song: Is it advisable to Anger ghosts in Phasmophobia? Ghost Writing. run. Using it is simple enough, so just make sure you grab it and bring it into the house as you start the hunt. Phasmophobia is a four-player online co-op horror game that requires players to investigate paranormal activity and hunt down ghosts. This is where this guide comes in – here are all the Phasmophobia trigger words you can use to get the horror factor up! There are some questions or phrases below you can ask or say in Phasmophobia to help encouraging the ghost's activity. scared. Scary. I Decided to Test the Trigger Words. These actions will be discussed in the next section (Intermediate: Customizing Your Settings). Official subreddit for the game Phasmophobia. These are things you say unintentionally for the ghost to get triggered: I’m scared. October 17, 2020 by Ordinary Gaming. To edit a trigger, edit either the Full Pull Action or Soft Pull Action, then proceed as before. You can play single player or co-op with three other friends. Let us know you … Close. One of the more fun and interesting ways that Phasmophobia mixes up the horror gameplay is by relying heavily on your voice. How to Make the Ghost as Angry. 2. There may be more keywords apart from these but the ones mentioned below have worked for most players. In diesem Spiel musst du Geister jagen und erraten, welche Art von Geist sich in dem Gebäude befindet, das du erforschen willst. Phasmophobia > General Discussions > Topic Details. If you want to feel like a pro ghost hunter, you may want to know which phrases can trigger a ghost leading to higher paranormal activity. Phasmophobia is a new co-op horror game that released via Steam early access last month, and … Other times, the ghost will need a bit of persuading. Phasmophobia. The Ouija Board is usually hidden out of sight and can be found in places like basements, attics, beds, closets, and storage rooms. Ghost Writing. Evidence Phantom. Sometimes if a ghost enters the sink area and interacts with the sink, the water will turn brown. Look for closets, wardrobes, and bathrooms. 3. Phasmophobia is a psychological horror game developed by Kinetic Games. There are also a few statements that acts as Phasmophobia voice commands that trigger Ghosts when said. hide. Phasmophobia - Comprehensive List of All the Voice Recognition Key Phrases Written by JAVA / Sep 24, 2020 This is a comprehensive list of all the voice recognition key phrases for items and general voice chat commands that will work in the current game state. Things You Say in Game That Trigger the Ghosts. Phasmophobia is a unique take on the multiplayer game genre which adds ghosts into the mix. Sep 19, 2020 @ 3:46pm Say their name a … Please proceed with caution. spooky. Run. As you can tell, most of these phrases are about scared out of your mind, which is fitting. How to make the ghost as angry as possible, with just three words. But be careful though, these ghosts won’t take too kindly to being hunted! JAGGANOT. As you probably know, there are a lot of different phrases you can use in the game, so we’ve put together a quick list of some proven trigger words in Phasmophobia. I’m frightened. But this is not a viable option because the front door is always locked when this phase is triggered. Phasmophobia is a unique take on the multiplayer game genre which adds ghosts into the mix. Trigger Words. Freezing Temps. Freezing Temps. I am scared. I'm scared. Should we leave? For example, I have Run as R2 (right trigger) so I named it Run. To use one, activate it and then ask a question with your voice." A guide on how to make the ghost as angry in Phasmophobia. The whole point of Phasmophobia is to find the ghost and identify it, hoping to get some extra evidence along the way. While the list above seems to be some sure-fire trigger words to elicit a response from a ghost, feel free to get creative with different phrases that you think may elicit a ghost. Talk a lot. © 2018 - 2021 - Gamer Tweak. I don't know if this has already been shared but I just found this list of words that immediately piss off the ghost and I love it so much and just wanted to share it lmfao . For more extensive list of hidden tips and tricks, read our Phasmophobia wiki page. Most people have been told to shut up at some point in their life. If you’re getting ready to hunt some ghosts in Phasmophobia, you may want to consider using trigger words to try and get the spirits to become a little more active. So the player’s next best option is to hide. What do you want? We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! Ghost Orbs. Trigger Words/Phrases; Phasmophobia Assistant v1 - - EMF Level 5. 0:00. Official Discord: Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror game. Do you want us here? MLB The Show 21 – How to Change Players Position…, MLB The Show 21: How To Create Your Own Stadium. Cheats zu Phasmophobia (10 Themen) 1. Show yourself.
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