I can not find any place to enter a code. Pressing the Home button from your remote. Um Dich bei YouTube … You will be prompted to sign into your Google account that you have a YouTubeTV account created under. However when I go to my YouTube TV account on my phone I can't find anywhere to enter the code. Follow these steps to activate YouTube TV on your Roku streaming player or TV: 1. With a Google Account, you can access many YouTube features, including Like, Subscribe, Watch Later and Watch History. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. It tells me that its the wrong code on my roku device can anybody help me. We're excited for nonprofits to captivate and activate supporters on YouTube by leveraging the power of storytelling to reach more than 88 countries around the world. Getting started | How and why to sign in to YouTube and create a YouTube channel. I am trying to set up YouTube TV on my Roku Premiere. Watch must-see videos, from music to culture to Internet phenomena You will enter the code on the YouTubeTV activate page: tv.youtube.com/start from any web browser on your computer or mobile device. But I've found that if you've used tv.youtube.com/start or tv.youtube.com/activate in the past while logged into your Google/Chrome account, Chrome won't take you to those pages ever again while logged in to that same account. Whether you want to watch informative tutorials, or movies, or even web series, YouTube has it, and hence, it is the most popular video publishing and the streaming site as of date. Select Add Channel option and press Ok on your remote. You can reach them here: https://support.google.com/youtubetv/?hl=en#topic=7071745. Visit tv.youtube.com/start from any web browser on your computer or mobile device. I have moved and trying to set up the new tv. So funktioniert das Anmelden mit Aktivierungscode; YouTube auf dem Fernseher mit Smartphone, Tablet oder Rechner steuern; Zusammenfassung ; So funktioniert das Anmelden mit Aktivierungscode. Once your player starts up again, add the channel back once more. Google support will tell you that the Chrome browser works best for this. Ready? In order to activate YouTube on Roku, you need to first make sure; Your Roku is connected and activated. How To Activate YouTube On Roku. Once you sign in, enter the code into the browser that is displayed on the TV screen. Try removing the channel from the Roku home screen by navigating to the channel tile, pressing the * key on your remote and choosing 'Remove channel'. When I select the YouTube TV channel it tells me to sign into YouTube TV and then enter a code. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. This happened on both my computer and on my android phone. te agradecería mucho que me dejes un comentario de que te parecio. Manufacturer Support & Warranty Resources, https://support.google.com/youtubetv/answer/7452153, https://support.google.com/youtubetv/answer/7129767?hl=en&ref_topic=7071745, https://support.google.com/youtubetv/?hl=en#topic=7071745, BritBox now says "Not available in my country", YouTube Channel Not Displaying Subscriptions Tab. In these cases, the channel provider will need to investigate the issue in order to help resolve it. Auf YouTube finden Sie so ziemlich alles, von Action und Unterhaltung bis hin zu familienfreundlichen Bildungsinhalten. Go to Top Free and select YouTube and press Ok from your remote. 2. What is Youtube? Then enter the tv.youtube.com/start URL and the page with the code box should appear. Go to YouTube. (b) if you need to reset or re-install YouTubeTV on your device. Once the above requirements have been met, follow the steps below to activate Youtube on Roku. The photos you provided may be used to improve Bing image processing services. Aber all diese Shows sind noch besser, wenn sie wie Ihr großer 34-Zoll-LED-Fernseher auf der großen Leinwand zu sehen sind. Launch the channel and select 'Already a member' from the options on-screen.
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