1. 57. ", As the clown begins juggling the flares on the side of the road, a good-old boy, drunk off his ass, pulls in behind the trooper to witness the spectacle. Funny Would You Rather Questions to Ask Over Text. 18.2k. Would you rather have ten minutes to study an interactive GPS map to figure out a route OR have a printed topographic map of the area to take with you? Would you rather be able to Copy/Paste in real life, or Undo? Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! "But...that's impossible. A bunch of books fell on my head this morning. Listen to an audio version of … Would you rather have an immortal bumblebee friend or wasp friend? 90. There once was a man in Guam who loved driving trains. Funny would you rather questions are a blast to ask. ", A chicken walks up and says, "Don't do it, mate. Straight males: Would you rather suck one dick for $50,000, or get $1000 for every dick you suck? You'll never hear the end of it.". 6. Would you rather have to listen to your least favorite music for the rest of your life or have to say the “YOOUUUUUUUU!” from Crank that by Soulja boy every time you say the word “you”? Would you rather have a magic fedora that allows you to attract any woman with the words “m’lady,” or be able to run 5x as fast so long as your arms are extended behind you and you’re making airplane noises? 7. They can turn any conversation into a hilarious and ridiculous exchange. As he is mounting up the bartender walks out and asks, "Say partner, what'd you have to do in Texas?" They spot a good-sized rock and toss it down the well next. 14. She agreed. Would you rather have the power to control the weather within a 1 mile radius of where you are at any moment, OR: Clap your hands and 3 hot, fresh tacos made to your taste appear on a plate before you. 101. "Alright," says the trooper, "If you juggle for me here, I won't give you a ticket." 29. "I'm a juggler," says the clown. ", "You're goat's crazy, sir!" 18.5k. On a date, these questions can fill awkward silences and spark romance; at the office, they can help you bond with coworkers; and when out with friends, they can create fun and engaging conversation.Armed with some thought-provoking "Would You Rather" questions, you can … The old dilemma of beauty vs. intelligence, which is more important? 71. 32. Would you rather drink two litres of piss or two litres of sweat? My wife said to me "If I ever get Alzheimers I would commit suicide rather than burdening you with me" I said "Thats the fifth time you've said that today" One day, he drove his train a little too fast and ended up killing someone on the tracks. ", The wife said, “Thanks, that means the world.”. Would you rather tattoo your Reddit username on your forearm for free or pay in dollars the amount of karma you have so you don’t have to tattoo it? 38. 105+ Corny Jokes to Send to Friends. 5. 87. Would you rather strangle a dog with your bare hands or strangle a bear with your dog hands? 28. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Whether you are playing with a group or one other individual, how to play would you rather will remain the same. He was tried once again and was found guilty once again. Would you rather receive 500 million dollars but never be able to leave your home country or receive 1 million + a free trip to 20 countries of your choice ? Would you rather date a 2 of your preferred sexual gender or a 9 of your unpreferred? Would you rather not have sex for a year or have it every day of your life but not orgasm ever? Would you rather get ten bucks, or take a chance and you got a 90% chance of a billion and 10% chance of instant death? 49. He holds the bulb while the world revolves around him. I'm just a bad conductor.". Would you rather be a spider or the most boring man on earth? Not only is it terrible, it's also terrible. The clown says, "I'm headed to Tulsa for a circus show and I don't want to be late." Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. 98. He went to court for it and was given the death sentence. Would you rather have a child made of pee or a pee made of child. 12. Would you rather gain the knowledge of any book by touch or gain the skills of any person by touch? Would you rather stay subscribed to a subreddit and have weird, awkward, irrelevant, 2-choice scenarios take up your front page expecting to one day see something original and thought provoking, OR just give in and finally make the decision to unsubscribe? You find yourself halfway inside your mother and your father halfway inside of you. Let me know in the comments! 30. Here is a list of The 100 Best Would you Rather Questions on Reddit. Would you rather have the Genius Intellect like that of Tony Stark OR just take $5,000,000 and walk away? 80. Would you rather cry all night or meaningless sex that just makes the void bigger. Created Jan 25, 2008. A cowboy walks into a bar. Well, at the time in Guam, a failed execution was considered divine intervention and he was set free. Close. Here is a list of The 100 Best Would you Rather Questions on Reddit. Would you rather there be a ding sound every time you wink or have a cartoonish gun sound go off when you make a finger gun. However, I can think of fifty other things that I would rather do than watch poorly-written porn and hear the gooftastic phrase, “Oh my” muttered numerous times on the big screen. Would you rather have a fork that sanitizes anything eaten with it (filters out junk, keeps taste, non allergic, no poison, disorder prevention) or a blanket that makes you very comfortable in any spot and position (no health issues, temperature aware, self cleaning)? 1.Would you rather poop in the only toilet at a party, knowing that you’ll clog it, or poop in the bushes in the backyard? Would you rather automatically say “Ahoy, matey!” when you get an erection or “Shiver me timbers!” when you cum? ", The wife said, "Thank you, that means more than you could imagine. Rather Jokes. It's time to make some hard decisions. This wacky game of hypotheticals can be a good way to get to know somebody or challenge their ethics. Or receive 400K in cash? 96. Would you rather automatically shit yourself everytime you get sexually turned on, or have to do 508 forward rolls on the spot everytime someone asks your name, with no explanation? 4.9k members in the AussieDeals community. 77. If tails, you must move to Pakistan and never leave but no money provided. 78. He has a drink and walks back outside. A collection of rather jokes and rather puns. 90+ Fun Would You Rather Questions For Your Boyfriend. Would you rather date the most beautiful person of the opposite sex or become the most beautiful person of your sex? 126 of them, in fact! When added with the “why” question, you’ll most probably get some really hilarious answers. A big list of rather jokes! Would you rather spend the day wearing wet socks or spend the day with a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth? The goal of would you rather is to create scenarios in which both choices seem equally as difficult. My favourite joke to perform. Would you rather fuck the top half of Emma Watson with the bottom part of hulk hogan, or the top half of hulk hogan with the bottom half of Emma Watson? 19! I'd rather stick needles in my eyes I'd of rather cut off my hand Mildred Pierce I'd rather cut off a finger than live hear one more year I'd rather walk barefoot on hot coals I would rather cut off my own *** and sit in vinegar! Would you rather Have s#x in the morning or at night? 66. They want to know how long the drop is so one of them throws a pebble down there. A loud crash is heard. See more ideas about jokes for kids, jokes and riddles, corny jokes. Would you rather it gives you the same PBJ, potato chips, and apple each day or the favorite food of the person who happens to be sitting next to you? 19.8m. (Top 300). 52. The game of Would You Rather has entertained people of all ages for generations. 14 Of The Hardest "Would You Rather" Sex Questions. 59. 10 . Two boys are taking a stroll through the woods, when they come across this well. 42. Again, sparks flew, smoke rose, but he was fine. Would you rather have everything cost $10, no matter what the item is, or have everything cost one cent more each time you buy an item with the first item starting at one cent? A would you rather questions game is one of the best conversation starters, and it will definitely spice up every party or friendly get-together (the ones where dirty talk is welcome, of course). Would you rather poop every time you orgasm, or have a 5% chance that you will say “nigger” in every conversation that you have? The trooper asks the clown, "Why were you driving so fast?" Watch a Caillou marathon. (So it is like you are twice as strong). Would you rather have free unlimited Starbucks for the rest of your life or Always have your phone/laptop charged 100% without ever having to charge ever again for the rest of your life? Would you rather receive a free 2 mil helicopter for life(gas paid for, maintenance paid for, pilot paid for) but you can’t sell it or use it for money. If you were to be pro at one game?, you would rather Be great at CSGO? 64. Or would you rather live out your days normally, dealing with the good and the bad? 9. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! See how , Get more customers and establish new marketing channels, Establish and grow your social media community & influence, Bring users into your funnel by amplifying and promoting your content across Reddit. Rip off my toenails with pliers. 95. Posted by 1 year ago. zombies). No one answers. Would you rather be able to summon a candy bar from thin air whenever you wanted or have your farts smell like freshly cooked thanksgiving dinner? 17. Would you rather during a zombie apocalypse you and your loved ones are in command of a 200 foot yacht; OR: You and your loved ones are in command of The White House? Do you do it? (Global Elite) than Be great at PUBG? A duck was standing by a busy roadside, waiting for a break in traffic as cars went roaring by. after dark Ask Reddit Dirty Dirty Jokes Jokes Reddit TC-Trending. 99. My wife said she would rather commit suicide than have dementia. 13. There once was a man in Guam who loved driving trains. 16. He had done it all his life, and he intended … Would you rather be controlled by a mantis shrimp for a day and be forced to watch him make stupid shrimp decisions or be the most wanted pirate on all the seven seas for a month in the 1700s. Would you rather be immortal or be given $1B tax-free? Would you rather have one of these random superpowers, OR $50,000,000? You’ll find some ridiculous, some quite deep, while others are just fun to read. Is ignorance truly bliss, or is that just cop out? 50. Brush your teeth with clean toilet water from your own toilet or drop your phone in a porta potty? Would you rather be able to poop in someone else’s pants or every time you sneeze you or someone in your immediate area grows a huge mustache. He says, "Which one of you idiots stole my horse?!" Would you rather instantly gain $1,000,000 but be bound to ludicrously slow moving mobility scooter for the rest of your life, or instantly gain $50,000 but you’ll only be able to pee if you’re totally naked and sitting down? 65. "Excuse me, I left my goat around here, do you know where it went? Do you have a good “would you rather” question in mind? Would you rather get $20 every hour for doing nothing or get $5 every time you yell “FUCK” at the top of your lungs? Would you rather get one million dollars and never masturbate again or one hundred dollars for every fap? Related. One. I tied it to an engine block.". 60. Would you rather have the ability to summon a 25′ tall lava golem that would do your bidding OR win $50M in the lottery and be irresistibly attractive to the opposite sex? He had done it all his life, and he intended to continue. These are the 20 nerd jokes … The trooper asks the clown, "What do you do in the show?" We've collected the best of rather jokes and puns just for you. This is the game you can play with your crush because it will help you reveal a lot about them. Enjoy the best Would You Rather questions in one spot for a fun game with friends. Would you rather Bring another person in bed or cheat on me? The man stood at the podium and said, "Plethora." 94. They wait a while....then BANG! For a bit of inspiration, here are some uncomfortable propositions compiled from Reddit, either.io, and our sick, sick imaginations. 50 Fucked Up Jokes You Should Never Tell Your Easily Offended Friends. 53. 2. Would you rather only be able to use one toilet the rest of your life or never be able to use the same toilet twice?
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