Subfolders. Best general purpose tank was the upgunned M4 sherman (with 76mm or 17 pdr), while the best tank hunter would be the M26 pershing. The Panzer V medium tank - or 'Panther' - is oft-regarded as Germany's best all-around tank of the war with its potent mix of armor, armament, mobility, and production reach. The Panther was so unreliable, that it couldn't perform its job properly. It had a periscopic gun sight which gave it an advantage in tank down and hull down engagements. To bad it came so late. Only a single E-100 chassis was completed; Leichttraktor, pre-war light tank, four built; Neubaufahrzeug, pre-war heavy tank design, five built; Panther II, development of the Panzerkampfwagen V "Panther".A single chassis was built The German tank force was an amazing success due to tactical innovation more than tank quality. Video: WW2: Hitler’s Workhorse Tank: Panzer IV 4 G Wehrmacht German Medium Tank – Modern version on show 25th February 2021 0 Comments (000573.87-E004356.63NAVRLOSUC20V) Ryan (Matt Damon) attempting to hold a village with a small contingent of U.S. soldiers during World War II. Soviet tank commander Dmitry Lavrinenko was given only several months to prove that he was the best Allied tank ace of WWII with 52 victories. Weisenwolf Member. Even small things like it had a variable speed, multidirectional powered turret traverse, unlike the panther. The Tiger I heavy tank brought an all-new level of lethality against Allied tanker crews and infantry requiring particular attention in … 1. Entwicklung Series Entwicklung series, a comprehensive redesign of German armor from small tracked vehicles to a 100-ton super-heavy tank. Anyway I have two. Hitler ordered that the T-34 be copied and the result was the Panther, … I know the Jerries went from Panzer Grey to Yellow base coat, but not sure when, nor which is the best Yellow to use for Eastern Front/Normandy battles. When the Germans invaded Russia in June 1941, they were surprised by the quantity and quality of Soviet armour. The Sherman wasn’t the best tank, but thanks to efficient American production methods it would be the most prolific. Many of their tanks outclassed allied armor, delivered more casualties than they took in most engagements due to the impressive training the German soldiers received, and the excellent tactics used by the German forces. A spin off of my best tank thread. Michael Wittmann (22 April 1914 – 8 August 1944) was a German Waffen-SS tank commander during the Second World War.He is known for his ambush of elements of the British 7th Armoured Division during the Battle of Villers-Bocage on 13 June 1944. The German heavy tank of choice during World War II, the Tiger was a formidable adversary, bringing massive armour and firepower to the theatre of war.. Designed in 1937, the early models were armed with short-barreled 75 mm guns best suited for infantry support. See more ideas about german tanks, world war, world war two. Debates on the best tank of WW2 often get bogged down in the questions of production ease and reliability (sherman) shit tons of armor and a kick ass gun (Tigers), and the flaws of the same. Probably the heavy tank with the longest track record was the Tiger family (the Tiger I qualifies as a heavy tank, as well as the next generation Tiger II. That large shell fired at very high velocity made the 88 the premier tank … Mar 17, 2021 - Explore Tyler Harkness's board "WWII Tank Photos" on Pinterest. The only weapon able to deal with the tank was an 88mm anti-air gun. To start browsing, please select a photo album below. More than eight thousand were built. Miller (Tom Hanks) and Pvt. One of the most popular war movies of all time ends with Capt. Along with the Panzer, the Tiger is one of the most iconic German tanks of the Second World War. The Panzer IV comprised 30% of the Wehrmacht's total tank strength. After watching Brad Pitt’s latest tank movie called Fury we got into the mood to watch other tank movies, which lead us to this list; the top 10 tank movies. The Panzer IV was the only German tank to remain in both production and combat throughout World War II. This is a translation of a German training circular issuedby the German Armored Force containing 30 basic lessons ofarmored combat on the platoon and company level derived from theWehrmacht’s experience against the Soviets. The best tank THAT SAW ACTION in WW2 was the Comet, hands down. Joe, Mar 16, 2008 #10. The best anti-tank gun of World War 2 was an anti-aircraft gun. If you’re a war historian or WW2 German tank buff you will probably know some of their stories, if not all of them? The Mark IV was the most common German WW2 tank, and therefore in Normandy. The Panther is often believed to be the best German tank of the Second World War. For purposes of this thread tank Destroyers also count as tanks. Mar 27, 2017 - World War 2 - Germany. The Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger tank was a German heavy tank … There are a total of [ 24 ] WW2 German Tank Destroyers entries in the Military Factory. They might have had a better chance if they weren't facing a German Tiger tank. The original Panzer IV was designed to operate in support of the Panzer III and not for anti-tank work. Written during the SecondWorld War by a German company commander, these lessons arefresh with recent combat experience. The United States built a staggering 49,234 Sherman … But every tank fielded in the war wasn't a 40s equivalent of a MBT. Best! There’s been plenty of war movies which naturally would mean that there are a lot of tanks in them, but the question as to whether it is a great tank movie remains to be answered. German tanks and tank destroyers in World War II. The Gun was excellent, speed, blah blah it has all the fine points of a brilliant tank. A new video at the YouTube channel Military History Visualized breaks down actual data on the German Tiger tanks. The German 88mm flak gun never met a tank it couldn't kill. The first German tank that was produced in great numbers was the Panzer I. I'm getting into 20mm WW2, but am totally confused by German tank colours (Eastern front). The best tank overall is the PzKpfw V Panther.Many have of the respondents have said the T-34 is the best.But the main difference is that the Panther was basically the same tank when it was first built in 1942 till the end of the war. See more ideas about wwii, tank, ww2 tanks. However a Panzer IV or T-34 wouldn't do any better. (Whether it was ever 'officially' know as Konigstiger/King Tiger is an issue of debate) Many people will say the Panther. The Panther was viewed by the German's as a medium tank, so it should remain in that category. In practice, is was a nightmare. For these reasons, the Panzer II was developed to overcome the many shortcomings of the previous Panzer I model. If you don’t know all of them and would like to, I have made this page as a simple line up of some of the famous Panzer Generals you may wish to read up on for further study. ww ii panther tank and infantry soldiers - ww2 german tanks stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Soviet t-34 tank on the berlin highway in 1945. Without any doubt, the Panzer IV. It also had very good crew ergonomics which means they could get the very best out of their tank. German engineers proved adept in developing Tank Destroyers from obsolete combat vehicles, designing all-new types from proven chassis and running gear. And on paper the Panther looks very good. The Panzer IV was the most widely manufactured and deployed German tank. As it was armed only with two machine guns and was lightly protected, its combat potential was quite limited. Sherman The old Sherman has a bad rep probably due to they got shot with high velocity anti tank guns and German tanks. Russian arms production during WW2 amounted to 99,150 armored vehicles (including all kinds of assault guns, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns) from June 1941 to May 1945. Undoubtedly, it was a long way for the T-34 that the Red Army could ultimately win WW2.However, the price was enormous, as about 44,000 T-34 tanks (or 82 per-cent of total production) was a total loss. The best MBT (main battle tank) that the Germans had was the Panzer V (Panther) despite both later Tiger variants having the better armament.The Panther armour was based on captured examples of the BEST tank of WW2 the T34 of the Russians.The Germans had a wonderful habit of both using and adapting captured Allied Tanks for their own use. The Mark VII …
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