For those who live or work with narcissists, perceptive awareness and assertive communication are musts to establishing healthy and mutually respectful relationships. It will then describe data collection methods for cultural heritage, information reproduction, and symbolical regeneration, exploring how informatized cultural heritage, distributed cognition, and high-definition simulation of cultural heritage symbols make up contemporary modes of collective memory. Hyperosmia is associated with multiple conditions and can trigger a variety of symptoms. In Alien Phenomenology Bogost writes that, "ethics itself is revealed to be a hyperobject: a massive, tangled chain of objects lampooning one another through weird relation, … Just like the other 7 sensory systems, children can be hyper-responsive or hypo-responsive to interoception sensory input. Hyperstress Definition The psychological strain people often feel when they perceive themselves as being overwhelmed by work forms the basis of a good working hyperstress definition. First popularly used by Chevy Chase’s character, Pierce Hawthorne, in the NBC TV comedy Community, episode 2 ‘Spanish 101.’ Their effects may be experienced even if they cannot be necessarily touched. Keenly Perceptive - You have heightened perceptive skills. Hyper-Responsive and Hypo-Responsive Interoception Reactions. Patients suffering from hyperacusis may appear overly sensitive to a range of sounds, finding many noises unbearable and painfully loud. See … Hyperosmia is an increased sensitivity to smell, and it is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. 15 synonyms of hyper from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 27 related words, definitions, and antonyms. This article will define hyper-presence and the three types of presence within cultural heritage. You may also be empathic or even psychic. It may occur intermittently, particularly when it happens in association with certain medical conditions, such as migraine or upper respiratory infections. A Sensitive Soul is intuitive, highly aware, and keenly observant of the subtleties of your environment, including energy, light, noise, smell, texture, and temperature. It is an assumed macho excuse for their many failed marriages and sterility (which they perceive others to view as unmanly). Hyperacusis is a disorder in loudness perception. Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. Find another word for hyper. A feigned rare condition used by infertile men in the senile stage of their life. Hyper: easily excited by nature. Hyperobjects are objects which have a vitality to them but you can't touch them, like race or class, or climate change. Some conditions associated with hyperosmia can cause the change in smell, and vice versa. Definition. Synonyms for perceptive include sensitive, observant, sharp, acute, discerning, quick, penetrating, responsive, insightful and intelligent. Hyper-responsive, also known as over-responsive or hypersensitive means a … Find 47 ways to say PERCEPTIVE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
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