Chicago, IL Weather. Questions? South, west and southwestern suburbs can be more than 20 °F (11 °C) warmer than the lakefront at some times of year. Most of the Chicago area is under a winter storm warning from the National Weather Service through 6 p.m. Sunday, thanks to a storm system that could bring freezing drizzle followed by between six and 10 inches of snow between Saturday afternoon and Sunday night, ABC Chicago reports. Die gefühlten Temperaturen - in den USA spricht man von "Windchill"-Werten - liegen oft deutlich tiefer. #ILWX #INWX The National Weather Service office in Chicago has one of the longest periods of official weather records, dating back to 1870, though all the 1870 and 1871 weather records taken at 181 West Washington Street were lost in the Great Chicago Fire. [25] Most winters produce many snow falls during the season in light accumulations of around 2 in (5.1 cm). Gegen später überwiegt dichte Bewölkung aber es bleibt trocken und die Temperatur steigt auf 9°C. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Chicago area. It was the first time in 65 years that Chicago had ever seen a triad of 100 °F (38 °C) days. Further west in what would today be the near and far suburbs (e.g. A frequent lakeshore breeze pushes much cooler, moister air into Chicago than the usual hot air of the Plains States (usually a moist air mass depending on upper level circulation), but the effect can be so localized that only the immediate waterfront neighborhoods (both north and southside lake adjacent communities) are cooler than inland parts of the city. The highest temperature recorded during the meteorological autumn months of September, October, and November is 101 °F (38 °C), set on back to back days, September 1–2, 1953, closely followed by Chicago's latest 100 °F (38 °C) on September 7, 1960. 28. Einwohnerzahl: 2.720.546 Menschen Winter (21.01.20) Website öffnen. Der Jetstream verbindet das Wetter in Nordamerika und Europa miteinander. Wetter heute/morgen Stunde für Stunde 14-Tage-Wetter Wetter-Rückblick Klima. Hourly. The official reading of 105 °F (41 °C) for that day was taken at the University of Chicago campus near the shoreline off Lake Michigan. The largest snowstorm before the winter solstice dropped 14.8 inches (380 mm) at Midway Airport in December 1929. Our "gee whiz" desk has been hard at work this morning crunching the stats on the 1st half of meteorological winter (Dec-Feb). This month should be avoided if you are not a big fan of rain. drei Könige (06.01.21) Johanni / Johannistag (24.06.20) Siebenschläfertag (27.06.20) × Webcam in die eigene Website einbauen. [38] On July 29, 1916, the low temperature sank to only 85 °F (29 °C). Dabei muss am Samstag mit Regen gerechnet werden. Temperatures have reached 100 °F (38 °C) as late as September 7 (with 99 °F (37 °C) occurring as late as September 29), and temperatures have reached 90 °F (32 °C) as late as October 6, which occurred in 1963, with a temperature of 94 °F (34 °C) on that day. Die eisige Kälte in den USA und der milde Winter hier in Europa haben viel miteinander zu tun. Winter Weather Preparedness Severe Weather Preparedness Beach Hazards Awareness Rip Currents Lightning NOAA Weather Radio. Check out the Chicago, IL WinterCast. Based on 30-year averages obtained from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center for the months of December, January and February, The Weather Channel ranked Chicago the sixth-coldest major U.S. city as of 2014.[31]. Temperatures vary tremendously in the springtime; at 100 °F (38 °C), March is the month with the greatest span between the record high and low. As the winter solstice nears, the threat of a major winter or snowstorm grows, and there have been major winter storms around the Thanksgiving holiday, causing major delays at the city's two major airports. Kälte-Wetter in den USA: Nach dem Mega-Temperatursprung von bis zu 45 Grad droht aktuell der nächste heftige Temperaturabfall. The 2012–13 autumn/winter season would fail to produce a daily maximum temperature below freezing 32 °F (0 °C) until January 1, 2013, the first such time that has happened in Chicago weather records. [27] There have been streaks of multiple winter seasons without a single subzero reading, yet there have also been winters with 20 or more subzero readings. During the springtime, the effects of Lake Michigan are most prevalent. [16] The greatest amount of precipitation that fell in a 24 hour period was 9.35 in (237.5 mm) on August 13–14, 1987. Wetter; Über dieses Thema berichtete Inforadio am 16. The highest temperature recorded during the meteorological spring months of March, April, and May is, officially, 98 °F (37 °C) on May 31, 1934, when weather records were still taken near Lake Michigan. These extreme temperatures are not shown in the official records because daily weather observations were taken at the University of Chicago until 1942. [16], Official monthly mean temperatures have ranged from 10.1 °F (−12.2 °C) in January 1977 to 81.3 °F (27.4 °C) in July 1955, both recorded at Midway,[16] while the annual mean temperature has ranged from 45.1 °F (7.3 °C) in 1875, as recorded at the Roanoke Building, to 54.5 °F (12.5 °C), as recorded at O'Hare. Dieses Stockfoto: Chicago, Illinois, USA. In addition, the all-time record low maximum temperature of −11 °F (−24 °C) was set on December 24, 1983, and tied on January 18, 1994. Calendar Year Picker. "Precipitation Rankings for January for Chicago, Illinois", "February Precipitation Rankings for Chicago, IL", "July Precipitation Amounts for Chicago, IL", "August Precipitation Amounts for Chicago, IL", "History of the Chicago and Rockford weather observation sites", "Chicago, Illinois Köppen Climate Classification (Weatherbase)", "GLOBAL ECOLOGICAL ZONING FOR THE GLOBAL FOREST RESOURCES ASSESSMENT 2000", "Top 20 Weather Events of the Century for Chicago and Northeast Illinois 1900–1999", "Chicago, IL - Detailed climate information and monthly weather forecast",, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "Chicago/O'Hare, IL Climate Normals 1961-1990", "1981–2010 Normals – Data Tools – Climate Data Online (CDO) – National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)", "Sub-zero temperatures end 711-day streak Tuesday – Philadelphia News, Weather and Sports from WTFX FOX 29",,,, "How cold is it? During the autumn, the effects of Lake Michigan are usually reversed from the spring or summer, particularly in the late autumn. It is believed to have been created by a New York newspaper writer deriding Chicagoans' bluster as they promoted their city as the site of the 1893 Columbian Exposition. Most winters produce many snow falls during the season in light accumu… It is also believed to be called the "Windy City" because of politicians in the area blowing hot air. there was a total of 67.4 inches of snow recorded at ohare which is 39.3 inches above normal...and the third snowiest winter on record in chicago. Both sites have served in the past as the official observation location, the latter being the current official station. [37] Chicago nearly recorded a fourth consecutive 100 °F (38 °C) day, but the temperature reached 98 degrees at O'Hare in late morning before a cold front came through the area and cooled temperatures off slightly in the city area, holding in the lower 90s. Gegen später überwiegt dichte Bewölkung aber es bleibt trocken und die Temperatur steigt auf 9°C. Expect winter-like weather to persist early spring through April, occasionally including snow. However, like much of the northern USA, can vary tremendously within the span of one week. November bis 4. Die Schneefälle sorgten für teils schwierige Straßenverhältnisse. Deutschlands beliebteste Wetterseite mit tagesaktuellen Wetterberichten, Videos und Prognosen für bis zu 30 Tage! ×. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Chicago city limits is −27 °F (−33 °C) at O'Hare on January 20, 1985,[16] though unofficial temperatures as low as −33 °F (−36 °C) have been recorded at Chicago Aurora Airport in far western suburbs and in the rural areas to the west of Chicago. [citation needed] The lake breeze also has other effects, including dense fog spilling into the city. Chicago Winter ‘One of the Warmest on Record' So Far, Midterm Report Card Shows "Only four of the first 46 days of winter were 5 degrees or more below average, while 29 were 5 … ‘It Touched My Heart:' Vigil Held to Honor Girl Killed in Weekend Shooting, Man Gets 12 Years in Prison for Selling Guns to Chicago Gang Members, Copyright © 2021 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. Der Polarwirbel kommt – und bringt einen eisigen Winter Über Sibirien erwärmte sich die Luft vor kurzem drastisch. Aktuell: 6 °C. The coldest month is January with an average maximum temperature of -1°C (30°F). Chicago is known as the Windy City. US Dept of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service Chicago, IL 333 West University Drive Romeoville, IL 60446 815-834-1435 8am-8pm Comments? The lowest temperature recorded during the meteorological autumn months is −2 °F (−19 °C), set on November 29, 1872 and tied on November 24, 1950. "We think you'll find it interesting. Klimadiagramm für Chicago. Am Abend ist es in Chicago locker bewölkt bei Werten von 7 bis zu 8°C. Klimadiagramm für Chicago. Mar. On a typical summer day, humidity is usually moderately high, and temperatures ordinarily reach anywhere between 78 and 92 °F (26 and 33 °C). Diese Durchschnittswerte stammen aus Chicago Midway Airport (15 Kilometer von Chicago entfernt). The effects of the cold front did not affect many suburban areas, as temperatures reached or exceeded 100 °F (38 °C) for a fourth consecutive day throughout much of the region. Alle Infos. Check out this unbelievable footage of the Chicago lake front during the first large winter storm of 2021. Wetter heute, 15.04.2021 In Chicago überwiegt am Morgen dichte Bewölkung aber es bleibt trocken bei Temperaturen von 4°C. The city typically sees less snow in winter than other major cities near the Great Lakes, such as Cleveland or Buffalo, but more snow than that experienced on the East Coast in cities like Washington DC or New York City. Vor allem im Frühjahr und Herbst weht oft ein starker Wind, zudem herrscht ganzjährig eine hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit. The daily average high temperature in January at O'Hare is 31.0 °F (−0.6 °C) with the average daily low of 16.5 °F (−8.6 °C) and the daily mean of 23.6 °F (−4.7 °C). The area's average temperatures between Dec. 1, 2019, and Jan. 15 were about 7.2 degrees above normal, according to the NWS, and snowfall during the same period was 8.4 inches below normal. Am Mittag überwiegt dichte Bewölkung aber es bleibt trocken bei Höchsttemperaturen bis zu 9°C. 41 Grad ist die höchste in Chicago gemessene Temperatur. Februar 2021 um 17:30 Uhr. Spring in Chicago is perhaps the city's most unpredictable season: Winter can last until April or even May, with the 1953-54 winter in Chicago lasting from November until May, as measured by timespan between the first and last measurable snows of the season. Klimatabelle Illinois. Klima in Illinois: Chicago (im Nordosten von Illinois, am Ufer des Lake Michigan) Illinois Klima: Peoria im nördlichen Teil von Illinois Zwar tendieren die Modelle weiter in Richtung mildes Wetter für Deutschland. Im Sommer ist es in Illinois oft zu heiß und schwül, im Winter zu kalt. Wetter heute, 15.04.2021 In Chicago überwiegt am Morgen dichte Bewölkung aber es bleibt trocken bei Temperaturen von 4°C. Mit dem Klima in Chicago im Februar wissen, wie warm es wird. Here is a list of official weather observation locations for the Chicago office:[5], Note: Some of the addresses prior to 1909 are different than the post-1909 addresses. Many suburban locations have all-time records that have surpassed 110 °F (43 °C). The warming effect of Lake Michigan during the winter makes subzero temperatures somewhat less common on the lakefront than in the more inland parts of the city. The warmest month is July with an average maximum temperature of 28°C (82°F). (Wetterstation: Chicago Midway Airport, USA). Ausführliche Informationen zum Klima Chicago. It is rare, though possible, during the Indian summer when unusually warm temperatures are occurring in the inland areas of the city and suburbs for temperatures to be somewhat cooler along the lake as often happens during the spring season. In Chicago werden die Weichen „angezündet“, um ihr weiteres Funktionieren zu sichern. wie viel Uhr ist es in Chicago? The "Windy City" moniker did not originally refer to Chicago's climate. Today. Zur Wetterübersicht. The Chicago weather in winter gets pretty cold, and may sometimes even go into the minus degree, so be prepared for it, and there are very few chances of a winter storm in Chicago. The highest temperature ever recorded in the Chicago city limits is an unofficial 109 °F (43 °C) on July 24, 1934, at Midway Airport. That event also set the records for heaviest 6 and 12 hour rainfall amounts and contributed to August 1987's record rainfall. In umgekehrtem Sinn. The event from May 1997 through May 1998 is among the strongest on record and brought Chicago its seventh-warmest winter … The official record high for Chicago for July 11 is also from 1936—but is recorded as just 97 °F (36 °C). Temperatures drop to or below 0 °F (−18 °C) on 5.5 nights annually at Midway and 8.2 nights at O'Hare and up to 10–14 nights in some far western and northern suburbs,[26] although subzero (°F) readings in the absence of snow cover are rare. In terms of climate, Chicago is slightly windier than the average American city. The 105° high that day is the highest official temperature ever recorded in the city. Dear Tom, When do Chicago’s daily average temperatures bottom out at the coldest point of winter? 7,268 talking about this. 8/9 Auf dem Chicago River bahnt sich ein Eisbrecher den Weg durch die Schollen. 80.6 inches of snow fell in 1978-79...the snowiest winter on record...and 71.2 inches of snow fell in 1977-78...the second snowiest winter on record. Annual precipitation in Chicago is moderate and relatively evenly distributed, the driest months being January[1] and February[2] and the wettest July[3] and August. 3 hours ago More The lowest temperature recorded in the meteorological summer months is 35 °F (2 °C), set on June 4, 1945. Chicago (seltener auf ... Insgesamt gilt das Wetter in Chicago als wechselhaft. Viele Menschen drehten die … Während am Freitag das Wetter sich noch vielfach heiter präsentiert, lässt eine geschlossene Wolkendecke am Samstag in der Region Chicago kaum einen Sonnenstrahl hindurch. Expect temperatures for December to fall one or two degrees below the average of 28 degrees. Winter temperatures are generally cold. The city typically sees less snow in winter than other major cities near the Great Lakes, such as Cleveland or Buffalo, but more snow than that experienced on the East Coast in cities like Washington DC or New York City. The last couple of 80 °F (27 °C) days in this record-breaking stretch of warmth occurred after the vernal equinox. Aktuell: 6 °C. 46° 33° 29. Bei diesen Temperaturen scheint die Sonne bis zu 10.4 Stunden pro Tag. During the summer, Lake Michigan continues to have an effect on Chicago weather, but it is not as common or as strong as it is during the spring months. In Chicago and the Midwest, there tend to be large temperature swings. It is common for Lake Michigan shoreline and water temperatures to remain in the 40s even into May. The first freeze of the season on average occurs on October 24 at Midway and 11 days earlier at O'Hare. On such warm nights, especially during strong heat waves, most suburban locations drop down to between 75 and 79 °F (24 and 26 °C) but quickly rebound in the early morning hours. 7,146 talking about this. The entire calendar year of 2012 did not record a temperature lower than 5 °F (−15 °C). Heiliger Abend (24.12.20) Hl. Calendar Month Picker. Wind speeds reached at least 20 miles per hour, exacerbating the wind chill effect.[28][29][30]. the expected highest and lowest temperature readings at any point during the year or given month) calculated based on data at said location from 1981 to 2010. La Ninas can cause warmer and wetter winters than average with more snow and winter storms. 62° 47° 30. [34] Even more extraordinary, over 18 in (46 cm) of snow fell on March 25–26, 1930, which remains one of the city's five biggest recorded snowstorms despite it occurring past the vernal equinox. Chicago ist die größte Stadt des Bundesstaates Illinois, der im Mittleren Westen der Vereinigten Staaten liegt.Sie grenzt direkt an den Michigansee, einem der fünf größten Seen der USA.. Klima in Chicago. In July 2012, during the 2012 North American heat wave, Chicago reached and exceeded 100 °F (38 °C) for three consecutive days at O'Hare Airport with highs reaching 103 °F (39 °C) in the city and many suburban areas recording temperatures between 105 and 110 °F (41 and 43 °C). A winter storm warning was in effect for 4 p.m. Monday to 5 p.m. Tuesday for Cook, DuPage and Will counties, with other parts of the Chicago area under warnings until midday Tuesday. However in late January 2019, a violent polar vortex drifted southward, enveloping the city in new record-breaking temperatures as low as −23 °F (−31 °C) on January 30. However, wild weather can and does occur in the region during this season. In addition to great options for dining out, we also have plenty of … Precipitation will be near normal. Winter in Chicago is generally cold and snowy. Chicago can be cooler and moister than other parts of Illinois because of its proximity to the relatively cooler waters of Lake Michigan, effects which are most pronounced during spring and early summer. Forecasting the snowfall amount probability, snow accumulation, and a snowfall forecast map. Das angenehm warme Wetter wird durch rund 12 Regentage ergänzt, wobei die Temperaturen auch während dieser Regentage nur selten wirklich abfallen. The Chicago area can expect a wetter winter this year, but temperature predictions aren't quite as clear, national forecasters said.. By … For example, during the 2005 American League Division Series, for both home games between the Chicago White Sox and the Boston Red Sox, temperatures soared to near 90 °F (32 °C), despite the fact that it was already well into October. On a normal … 16.02.2021. Wetter-Webcams in der Region Chicago - Webcams zeigen das Wetter live und aktuell vor Ort. In Chicago herrscht ein kontinentales Klima.Das bedeutet, dass die Sommer heiß und die Winter kalt sind.. Visitors in Chicago experience around 3.0 inches of rain in April and 4.0 inches in June. 6. Die zahlreichen Sonnenstunden, gepaart mit herrlichen Temperaturen, erlauben auch im Mai und Oktober noch einen Ausflug nach Chicago – dann ist das Klima aber bereits wesentlich milder geprägt. [16] The driest month on record has been September 1979 with a mere 0.01 in (0.25 mm) of rainfall, while the wettest is August 1987 with 17.10 in (434 mm) of rainfall; annual precipitation has ranged from 22.22 in (564 mm) in 1962 to 50.86 in (1,292 mm) in 2008.[16]. Chicago Weather Forecasts. During such strong heat waves, the outlying suburban areas can record temperatures more than 5 °F (2.8 °C) above city and lakeshore locations. May and June are quite pleasant, and arguably the paramount months of the year to visit Chicago. FIELD MUSEUM, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA Chicago Region Trees in Winter Iza Redlinski, Laura Milkert, John Balaban & Ellen Woodward [] #885 version 1 3/2019 7 D ichotomous Key to Identifying Woody Vegetation in Winter 1 If leaf scars are in bundles of three, 1. Video. Januar 2014. Vielerorts sind in der Nacht auf Sonntag die bisherigen Tiefsttemperaturen in diesem Winter gemessen worden. Wetterbericht Chicago. Der Mittlere Westen der USA leidet schon früh im Jahr unter einem heftigen Wintereinbruch. Protect your lower body. However, every three years or so during the winter Chicago experiences a heavier snowstorm that can produce over 10 in (25 cm) of snow over a 1- to 3-day period, a level of snowfall very often seen in cities on the "snowbelt" on other side of the lake such as Grand Rapids, Michigan, Kalamazoo, Michigan, and South Bend, Indiana. Because of the closed-loop circulation pattern with a lake breeze that moves back and forth across the city, it is thought to significantly increase low-level ozone counts. And Christmas 2019 was more than 20 degrees warmer than both Halloween and Thanksgiving. "Check out the 'report card' on winter so far," the National Weather Service tweeted Sunday. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) (Cook County, Illinois): Aktuelle Uhrzeit / Ortszeit & Nächste Zeitumstellung in Chicago, Zeitzone America/Chicago (UTC-6). 17. Abends ist es in Chicago wolkenlos bei Temperaturen von 6 bis 7°C. August is the most wet month. Spoiler alert: it's been one of the warmest on record! Weather data from Midway Airport before July 1, 1942, and after January 16, 1980, and data from O'Hare Airport before January 17, 1980, are not part of the official climate record of Chicago. Mean monthly maxima and minima (i.e. In addition, the all time record high minimum temperature of 85 °F (29 °C) was set on July 29, 1916. Offshore or land breezes shutdown the lake breeze and can have the opposite effect, with over lake convection occurring, usually in mid- to late summer and autumn. The most severe storms can contain large hail, damaging straight-line winds, flooding, and tornadoes. The lowest temperature recorded in meteorological spring is −12 °F (−24 °C), set on March 4, 1873. February is the driest month. Midway Airport recorded a record eight consecutive 100 °F-plus days in July 1936. Am Flughafen O' Hare und Midway wurden Hunderte Flüge abgesagt. Temperatures near the immediate lakeshore can be a few degrees warmer than in outlying areas, especially during nighttime due to the delayed effects of cooler temperatures on the large body of water. [33] Twelve years later, Opening Day for the Chicago White Sox was postponed due to another 9-inch (23 cm) snowfall that had occurred on April 5. Although extremely rare, temperatures at or above 70 °F (21 °C) have been recorded into early December, most recently in 2012 when 70 °F (21 °C) was recorded on December 3, some surrounding areas reaching temperatures as high as 72 °F (22 °C) to 75 °F (24 °C). The highest temperature recorded in Chicago during the meteorological summer months of June, July, and August, which is also additionally the all-time record high in the city, is 105 °F (41 °C), set on July 24, 1934, though at Midway Airport, a future observation site, the temperature reached 109 °F (43 °C). During this season, the lake is still quite cold, as the effects of much warmer temperatures are slow to affect the large body of water of Lake Michigan. Seasonal snowfall in the city has ranged from 9.8 inches (24.9 cm) (in 1920–21) up to 89.7 in (228 cm) (in 1978–79), and the average annual snowfall in Chicago is 36 inches (91 cm). Highs reach 50 °F (10 °C) an average of 8.8 days each winter from December to February at Midway. Mit dem Klima in Chicago im Dezember wissen, wie warm es wird. [16] Daily snow depth has amassed as high as 29 in (74 cm) on January 14, 1979; as of 2019[update], January 1979 alone holds the first 8 of the top 10 daily snow-depth measurements. The coldest season / winter is in the months of January and February. The extreme heat that Chicago is capable of experiencing during the height of the summer season can persist into the autumn season. Cities on the other side of Lake Michigan usually receive more snow than Chicago because of the lake-effect snow that falls on these communities, even though northeasterly winds can sometimes bring lake-effect snow to Chicago area too. Nachts kühlt es dann oft nur auf bis zu 18 Grad ab, es kann aber auch mal bis zu 8 Grad kalt werden. [32] Thunderstorms can occur any time of the year, but are most prevalent in the springtime as the city's central location within the United States as well as its lakeside location makes it a center of conflicts between large volumes of warm and cold air, which can trigger a wide variety of severe weather. Am Abend ist es in Chicago locker bewölkt bei Werten von 7 bis zu 8°C. Although it is extremely rare, temperatures during late winter (generally March 1–20) can reach up to and well over 80 °F (27 °C). Klimadiagramme und Klimatabellen für Chicago im Februar. CHICAGO (WLS) -- There's no avoiding winter, especially in Chicago. There's no better time to order in. [35] The average date for last measurable snowfall (≥0.1 in or 0.25 cm) is April 1. (This is where the oft-repeated weather-forecast phrase “cooler by the lake" comes from.) [40] Differing wind direction on either side of the thermal dividing line allows for sharp updrafts under certain conditions, favorable to thunderstorm development. View. Chicago Residents ‘Urged to Take Precautions' Ahead of Winter Storm A winter storm warning issued by the National Weather Service will take effect Monday afternoon in … 67° 35° 31. Deutschlands beliebteste Wetterseite mit tagesaktuellen Wetterberichten, Videos und Prognosen für bis zu 30 Tage! Schulen und viele Geschäfte wurden geschlossen. The warmest goes to an average temperature of 38.8 degrees set in 1890. [4] Chicago's weather is influenced during all four seasons by the nearby presence of Lake Michigan. Klimazone In Chicago bestimmt kontinentales Klima das Wetter. In Chicago fielen 46 Zentimeter Schnee, Schulen wurden geschlossen. Of the two major airports located in Chicago, Midway Airport began observations in 1928, and O'Hare Airport began them in 1958. Lincoln ranks 7th coldest in nation", "Longest time span between chicago's first and last measurable snow", "Late-March madness: The unprecedented spring snowstorm of 1930", "Double trouble: The week-apart spring snowstorms of 1970", Chicago Summer Precipitation Rankings Summer (June–August) (November 29, 2005), "Chicago Heat Wave: Friday Completes City's First Triad Of 100-Degree Days Since 1947", "Chicago Lake Breeze Effect Could Increase Asthma Risk",, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 March 2021, at 23:38. Things to do in Chicago this winter Bundle up and prepare to brave the cold weather while exploring some of Chicago's best winter offerings. Sie liegen dann durchschnittlich bei 29 Grad. Wetter heute, 17.04.2021 In Chicago gibt es am Morgen eine Mischung aus Sonne und Wolken bei Werten von 5°C. Find the most current and reliable 7 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for [city] with The Weather Network. Wetter heute/morgen Stunde für Stunde 14-Tage-Wetter Wetter-Rückblick Klima. Mit diesem Code können Sie diesen Webcambaustein ganz einfach in Ihre Website einbauen. Get the monthly weather forecast for Chicago, IL, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. During thunderstorms lightning strikes are seen to frequently hit Chicago's skyscrapers. In most years, a period of warm weather, known as an Indian summer, occurs well after the autumnal equinox has occurred. Daraus resultieren kalte Winter und warme Sommer. Today’s and tonight’s Chicago, IL weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Spring in Chicago . The Chicago area will likely see its biggest snowfall of the season starting Monday, with a winter storm warning issued for most of the region. Diese Durchschnittswerte stammen aus Chicago Midway Airport (15 Kilometer von Chicago entfernt). Die kälteste Temperatur in Chicago mit einer kalten 16 unter Null mit dem Wind Chill Faktor negativ 50 in einigen Teilen. The lowest temperature recorded during meteorological winter is −27 °F (−33 °C), set on January 20, 1985. Though rare, triple-digit heat has occurred in late May at Midway Airport and in outlying suburban locations. Hi/Low, RealFeel®, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! Wie war das Wetter gestern oder letzte Woche? The index has recorded more than 20 events since 1950. [39] On December 24, 1983, and January 18, 1994, the high temperature reached only −11 °F (−24 °C). In Chicago findet man ein kontinentales Klima vor, dieses zeichnet sich durch heiße Sommer und kalte Winter aus. Klimadiagramme und Klimatabellen für Chicago im Dezember. Conversely, on the other extreme, temperatures can on a rare basis remain above 80 °F (27 °C) overnight, though this level of overnight warmth is generally limited to the city proper with its urban heat island effects along with Lake Michigan nearby. Typically, the last freezing low of the season on average occurs on April 13 at Midway and ten days later at O'Hare. Please Contact Us. msf./fra. Chicago's winters aren't exactly balmy, especially after wind chills of -16 degrees were reported Sunday morning at O'Hare International Airport, but according to a new report, this winter has been less frigid than most. Beste Reisezeit Chicago Als beste Reisezeit empfehlen wir die sonnigen Monate Mai bis Oktober. Summer is both the rainiest and sunniest season in Chicago;[36] only the three months of June through August experience more than 65% of possible sunshine.[24].
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