Prisoners lined up on arrival at Robben Image source. Its history as a prison is almost as old as the first Dutch settlement on the cape, dating all the way back to the 17th century. The programmes provide information of the Island that is more in-depth than the general visitor tour. to balance the Island’s tangible and intangible Ab 1840 wurde Robben Island dann als Krankenstation genutzt. Unesco declared Robben Island in the Western Cape a World Heritage Site in 1999. The Chauker Partridge and Guinea Fowl were introduced to the Island by humans. After 1931 all the 'patients' were sent to hospitals in the Cape and the island began to be used as a military outpost before WW II. Robben Island is an island near Cape Town in South Africa.It was a high-security prison where Nelson Mandela was held captive for 18 years. history... Robben Island and its prison buildings symbolise the The themes and content of the camps must address issues of human rights and development and reflect the spirit of RIM’s Vision and Mission as stipulated in the ICMP. Above this lies a thick limestone and calcrete deposit covered by windblown sands and shell fragments. The play is a perfect piece of edutainment and tells the story of Robben Island from the political imprisonment time to when it became a museum and World Heritage Site. How to deliver more seamless sales and marketing presentations virtually Guns were stored there and the government built roads, a power station, a new water supply and houses. significance. For around 500 years Robben Island was the place where Cape Town's authorities housed its unloved, unwanted and undesirables. The art collection primarily serves as a visual record of All Rights Reserved. These are theme driven camps organised by national and international organisations and implemented on Robben Island. A special tour with 10 highlights and 5 stops is also available and it needs the adults to pay R1050 and children below 12 years of age to pay R600 for the tickets. These camps, based on a culture of human rights and responsibilities, are designed to develop a sense of citizenship in young people. heritage resources. Robben Island or Robbeneiland (Afrikaans) is an island in South Africa, located off Cape Town, 6.9 km west of the coast of Bloubergstrand. Robben Island, island in Table Bay, Western Cape province, South Africa. Robben Island (afrikaans: Robbeneiland) ist eine Insel in der Tafelbucht im Atlantik etwa zwölf Kilometer vor der südafrikanischen Küstenstadt Kapstadt und 6,9 km vom nächstgelegenen Festlandsabschnitt bei Bloubergstrand entfernt. View Map These contain about 30 000 negatives, 70 000 prints and 4 000 transparencies of images that document life under, and resistance to Apartheid rule from the late 1940s until 1990. The 1875 census indicated that Robben Island had a population of 552. The Dutch also began to use the island as a grazing station for sheep and cattle. Four main conservation principles underlie the approach to V&A Waterfront Its name "robben" is derived from the Dutch, meaning a seal. The camps blend practice and theory and offer participants the opportunity to develop leadership skills through their first-hand experiences on the Island and participation in the various activities during the camp. It was only a matter of time before this courtesy was extended to political prisoners and other "undesirables" banished to the Cape from other Dutch colonies. 9 km (or 5.5 miles) from Cape Town’s shores, ferries to the island depart from the V&A Waterfront, at the Nelson Mandela Gateway. Robben Island was later known to the liberation struggle veterans as “Mandela University.” Between their laboring in the quarry, prisoners gave one another lessons. They were not allowed to talk or do anything but work. Reductions on the ticket price are available for children under 18 years. How to get here . New Year's Day (01 January) – 08:00 to 12:00, ©2015 Robben Island Museum. The Robben Island Political Prisoner’s General Recreation Committee records is also a collection of particular significance. Built by JUNGLE CORNER. Criterion (iii) requires that a site bears unique or at least Christmas Day (25 December) – Closed beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal oppression. Robben Island is a small island in Table Bay near Cape Town , South Africa. Robben Island’s most poignant period was the late 20th century, when the facility was used as a maximum security prison for political prisoners of South Africa’s apartheid regime. T +27 (0)21 413 4200 Separated from the Cape mainland by a narrow channel of seawater, the island is a remote place, considered inaccessible for centuries. In the past, Robben Island was employed as an animal quarantine station and a leper colony. The place of banishment derived its name after its seals. Its conservation therefore poses unique challenges. Located in Cape Town's Table Bay, Robben Island is one of South Africa's top historical attractions. Workers' Day (01 May) – Closed Before 1652, In place of dealings with the indigenous residents on the mainland, most visiting ships to Table Bay preferred to land on Robben Island to replenish their supplies of fresh water and meat. There were plenty of seals, tortoises and penguins for hunting. In addition to this it is designated a World Heritage Site and has to balance additional stringent conservation requirements in line with RIM’s mission of ensuring public access to the Island’s heritage. It was established by the Department of Arts and Culture in 1997. The Resource Centre provides educational resources and specialised learning spaces for RIM staff, visitors, the African Programme in Museums and Heritage Studies (APMHS) students, visiting scholars, interns, youth and adult groups. It houses footage of about 1 000 documentary productions and 6 000 unedited recordings. The name comes from the many seals ( robben in Dutch) that once lived there. debates about, for example, stigma, human rights, Inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1999, Robben Island is known for being used as a prison, leprosarium, psychiatric hospital and military defence post. It is linked by an undersea saddle to Blouberg. reconciliation and healing; Robben Island Museum is committed to a conservation-based Most of these films and videos were banned in South Africa prior to 1990. It was also used as a post office, a grazing ground, a mental hospital and an outpost. By ferry, from the Nelson Mandela Gateway on the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. In dem einstigen Gefängnis … The film and video recordings includes hundreds of hours of news footage, production rushes and stock footage from more than 200 film and video production projects. Those unfortunates were often subjected to treatment, which was unhealthy and inhumane even by the standards of that time, and conditions on the island became the subject of constant complaint from progressive clergy and medical staff. The Island’s complex and sensitive ecosystem includes Birdlife, Natural Vegetation, Marine and Wildlife, Geology and Cultural Conservation sites. In 2010, a new stage play was introduced with more vibrant musical drama and choreography. Robben Island also served as a leper colony, starting in 1845. Robben Island is famous, or rather infamous, as the holding place for the imprisoned Nelson Mandela. Robbeneiland, voorheen Eyland Cornelia, is 'n eiland in Tafelbaai, 12 kilometer vanaf die kus van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika.Die eiland het 'n tipiese Karooklimaat ten spyte daarvan dat dit so naby aan Kaapstad, wat 'n Mediterreense klimaat het, geleë is. The island has been used as a prison since Dutch colonial times around 17th century. meaning and value which has both tangible and intangible Public Holidays - 08:00 to 17:00 For centuries it was used as a penal colony, primarily for political prisoners. Although its maximum security prisons have now closed, the island remains famous as the place where former South African president Nelson Mandela was an inmate for 18 years. His body was later returned to his son in Indonesia. over time. It is 5 miles (8 km) west of the mainland and 6 miles (10 km) north of Cape Town and has an approximate area of 5 square miles (13 square km). Robben Island is located 12 km from V&A Waterfront and about 7 km from the nearest coast of Cape Town. exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization Ex-political prisoners from Robben Island also Street Address: Robben Island Museum, CAPE TOWN Allow extra time for the exhibitions at the Nelson Mandela Gateway too! Robben Island may be geographically small, but it’s an incalculably large part of South Africa’s history, and a site not to be missed when you’re in the area. Robben Island is a small landmass located just seven kilometres (four miles) off the coast of Cape Town, in Table Bay.The island is a UNESCO World Heritage site and has served as a whaling station, a leper colony and most notably as a prison, where South Africa’s Nelson Mandela spent 18 years of his 27 years of incarceration before being elected as the country’s first democratic president. The Audio collection includes interviews with exiles, political prisoners and the Radio Freedom collection. sculptures that were acquired by UWC and the Mayibuye Archive Convention’s Operational Guidelines’. Most of Robben Island’s rich archival resources are housed at the Mayibuye Archives at the University of Western Cape. Family Day (26 December) – 08:00 to 12:00 Subjects include the history of colonialism, the history of apartheid, images of apartheid, liberation movements, forced removals and resettlements, repression, political prisoners, trials, labour and trade unions, women, culture, education and the armed struggle. Its buildings, particularly those of the late 20th century such as the maximum security prison for political prisoners, witness the triumph of democracy and freedom over oppression and racism. A tour of the island is three and a half hours long and takes you on a journey through every aspect of what life was like on the island. and layered history that has resulted in both the tangible (built It includes prison clothing, items manufactured in the prison workshop, workshop tools, prison registers, a music collection of LP records, sporting equipment and furniture. During apartheid, Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years – of which 18 years were right on this island! Robben Island has been used as prison and a place where people were isolated, banished and exiled to for nearly 400 years. It holds a very special collection of books donated by Jack and Ray Simons as well as Emeritus Archbishop Ndungane. The art collection includes paintings, lithographs, etchings and Initially the island was inhabited by a variety of wild life, including birds, penguins, seals and tortoises. Its lower strata consist of Malmesbury shale forming a rocky and somewhat inhospitable coastline. During apartheid many Black people were kept on Robben Island as political prisoners. Criterion (vi) requires that sites should be directly or tangibly Robben Island is located in Table Bay, some 6km west of Bloubergstrand, and stands some 30m above sea level. The circular tower, designed by the Colonial Engineer, John Scott Tucker, was built in stone quarried locally, and stood 18m high. It is located on the Island at MPLC (the old Medium B prison). other items. The prison internationally notorious for its harsh conditions and when the political prisoners of the apartheid government were released Robben Island became a symbol of the strength of the human spirit. As of 2 April 2019, Robben Island has officially been declared a Marine Protected Area by the Department of Environmental Affairs. Cape Town 8002 Letters from Robben Island: A Selection of Ahmed Kathrada’s Prison By Ahmad Kathrada, Robben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid By Fran Lisa Buntman, Nelson Mandela: Robben Island to Rainbow Nation By Marian Pallister, Letters From Robben Island : A Selection of Ahmed Kathrada's Prison Correspondence, 1964- 1989 by Kathrada, A. M.; Vassen, Robert, Political prisoners including Ahmed Kathrada visiting Robben Island, Ahmed Kathrada: Remembering the Anti-Apartheid Activist Jailed on Robben Island with Mandela, Memories of a political prisoner on Robben Island, 1987-1991 by Cecyl Esau, The Island: A History of Robben Island, 1488-1990 edited by Harriet Deacon, Cape Saint Francis, Lighthouse in the Eastern Cape, 'Agoada de Saldanha', Table Bay, Saldanha, Qunu, Wild Coast of Eastern Cape- Where Mandela Spent His Childhood, A Free Mind: Ahmed Kathrada’s Notebook from Robben Island By Ahmad M. Kathrada, Sahm Venter. It reads: The buildings of Robben Island bear eloquent testimony to its sombre In addition to this it is designated a World Heritage Siteand has to balance additional stringent conservation requirements in line with RIM’s mission of ensuring public access to the Island’s heritage. PO Box 51806, Clock Tower, V and A, WATERFRONT, 8002. Some birds from the mainland such as the Crowned Cormorant and Black Crowned Night Herons breed on the Island in large colonies. This programme provides specially crafted adult heritage education programmes for audiences of diverse learning environments and backgrounds. It has within it many and varied layers of history that are at times contested. For most school children this is a once in the lifetime experience. Robben Island generates its own electricity and is involved in a research initiative to draw electricity from the strong waves that pound its shores. Robben Island is located in Table Bay, some 6km west of Bloubergstrand, and stands some 30m above sea level. Robben Island. It is about 5 miles (8 kilometers) from the mainland and 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) north of Cape Town. Robben Island is a complex, sensitive eco-system and as such is protected by South African Law as a nature conservation area. The excursion includes a return ferry to the island, a bus tour on the island and of the prison. Facts about Robben Island 6: other functions. Die frühere Gefängnisinsel wurde Mitte der 1990er Jahre zu einem Natur- und Nationaldenkmal, das frühere Gefängnisgebäude zu einem Museum umgestaltet. Tours last for approximately 4 hours, including the round trip on the ferry, a visit to the maximum-security prison and the guided bus tour. For nearly 400 years, Robben Island, 12 kilometres from Cape Town, was a place of banishment, exile, isolation and imprisonment. This collection includes organisational records of each RIM department, its publicity and educational materials, proceedings of conferences organised by RIM and copies of RIM’s publications. However it soon became apparent that this offered convicts an easy escape route, and it was closed down in 1820. The images of two prominent photographers’ work represented in the collection are those of Eli Weinberg and Leon Levson. An organisation applies to use the Multi-Purpose Learning Centre (MPLC) facilities and accommodation. political protest during the anti-apartheid struggle. Aerial view of Robben Island with Table Mountain in the background. associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with Ostriches, Lizards, Geckos, Snakes and three species of Tortoises can also be found on the Island. An old map of the island. The Island favours a Mediterranean climate, but unlike nearby Cape Town, it experiences stronger winds and comparative extremes in temperature. Former President Nelson Mandela was kept there. The lighthouse on Robben Island was commissioned in January 1865. During Mandela's time on Robben Island, a typical day looked like this: 05:30: Get up and clean up the cell. Mayibuye’s collections include artefacts, historical documents, photographs, art work and audio visual materials relating to the struggle for freedom and democracy; Robben Island; imprisonment under apartheid and South African culture making it one of the largest archives in the country that contains liberation struggle material. Robben Island is situated about 12km into the sea in the middle of Table Bay. Private Bag Robben Island policy-based and process-driven management that seeks - ‘Nomination Dossier’ 1999. Robben Island was declared as a World Heritage Site (WHS) in precede 1994. RIM’s public heritage / education programmes aim to educate and expose people of all ages from all walks of life to elements of South Africa’s rich heritage that is embodied in Robben Island’s multi-layered history. The flora and fauna of the Island were affected by farming practices of the past and also the introduction of extensive plantations of shrubs and exotic trees. In 1961 it started being used as a prison again. BirdlifeThe Island provides shelter and a s… The collection includes artefacts that were used as forms of fabric) as well as the rich intangible heritage (memories). Initially this was done on a voluntary … Unesco declared Robben Island in the Western Cape a World Heritage Site in 1999. manifestations in cultural and natural contexts; Robben Island’s heritage value is both local and universal; Robben Island’s heritage value is related to current social Robben Island is a complex, sensitive eco-system and as such is protected by South African Law as a nature conservation area. The Island’s complex and sensitive ecosystem includes Birdlife, Natural Vegetation, Marine and Wildlife, Geology and Cultural Conservation sites. In 1812 the first attempt was made to use the island as an asylum for the mentally ill, and in 1843 the Colonial Secretary, John Montagu, put forward a plan to use it as a colony for lepers, paupers, the mentally unfit and the chronically ill. 06:00: Breakfast - corn porridge and corn coffee. Robben Island has been used as prison and a place where people … Important collections within this archive are the IDAF, Billy Paddock, South and Grassroots Collections. The variety of species includes sea birds, water birds and terrestrial birds. PO Box 51806 During the first British occupation of the Cape, from 1795 to 1802, whaling activities were begun in Table Bay, and after their return in 1806 a whaling station was located on Robben Island. However, the islands potential as a convict station did not go unnoticed, and in about 1671 the Dutch began to place their convicted criminals upon it. These include T-shirts, stickers, badges and jewellery, among The core of the collection came from IDAF. Robben Island was used at various times between the 17th and 20th centuries as a prison, a hospital for socially unacceptable groups and a military base. The programmes provide information and experiences of the Island that are more in-depth than the general visitor tour and focuses on inculcating an understanding of and commitment to human rights and development. Cape Town 7400 These include recordings of interviews with ex-political prisoners, former exiles and political activists; Radio Freedom broadcasts; unique recordings of speeches and lectures; and historical papers archive. Robben Island was the location of a maximum security prison during apartheid rule in South Africa, and this is where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 of his 27 years of incarceration. As a result it also became a major point for the exchange of mail, where letters from an outgoing ship would be left underneath an inscribed stone for collection and delivery by a home-going vessel. The historical papers section includes more than 350 collections of personal and organizational records of major political events and turning points that culminated in the unbanning of political organizations in the 1990s. The Robben Island entrance fee via a boat has been categorised into two. It also had a plentiful supply of fresh water available from a number of springs. Boarding gates close 10 minutes ahead of departure. which is living or has disappeared. He was one of several Muslim leaders who resisted Dutch colonization, and was banished to Robben Island in 1682. The plan also provided for the removal of the penal colony to the mainland where convict labour could be used more productively on government projects, such as road-building. From the 17th to the 20th centuries, Robben Island served as a place of banishment, isolation and imprisonment. When the British annexed the Cape in 1806 they continued this practice. The Island is low-lying with the highest point also known as Minto’s Hill (named after the 19th century Surgeon-Superintendent of the General Infirmary) being 24 metres above sea-level. For adults, the normal ferry trip costs R360 while for children it costs R200. Today it is a World Heritage Site and museum, a poignant reminder of the price paid for freedom. Robben Island was declared a World Heritage Site because the buildings on the island are a reminder of its sad history and because the same buildings also show the power of the human spirit, freedom and the victory of democracy over oppression. The Island is the summit of an ancient, now submerged mountain. The spectacular veld flowers typical of the West Coast also occur on the Island during spring. View Map, Monday to Sunday - 08:00 to 17:00 resistance to the apartheid system and thus all of the works It is One of the Most Visited Sites in South Africa. The boat trip to the Island provides an opportunity to see a wide spectrum of seabirds and mammals including Cape Fur Seals, Southern Right Whales, Dusky and Heaviside Dolphins. It is designed to expose adults to heritage knowledge and to assist in the national mandate of providing education and training services for ensuring life-long learning.
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