When you have it go to the Pokemon Mansion and 'Save' the game. The Trophy Garden in Pokemon Diamond is located behind the Pokemon Mansion on Route 212. He will say that there is a Pokémon that can be found at his garden, Trophy Garden. He mentions a new Pokemon every 24 hours and you can soft reset which Pokemon he mentions, but you have to do it in the first place, otherwise Eevee won't be there at all. The Pokemon changes each day, so you can come back the next day and he'll have a different Pokemon. The Trophy Garden stores 2 Pokemon from the "Daily Pokemon" list in encounter slots 6 and 7. Then walk through the door. Added: Oct 19th 2007. Can you get Eevee in the Trophy Garden before the National Dex in Platnium? These Pokemon remain in the encounter slots until you talk to Mr. Backlot again. Walk in and talk to the maid on the red carpet. After you get the national dex and go to him he'll say that there was a cute eyes pokemon that gave him a smooch or whatever then his butler will say that the pokemon doesn't live in the Trophy Garden, but it actually turns out that they are there in the back. Many pokemon are kept their, so when Mr.Backlot's butler leaves the room, he goes into that pokemon cellar, and takes a bunch of the pokemon which Backlot said kissed him and put them in the Trophy Garden. Many rare Pokemon may be encountered and caught only in the Trophy Garden. My theory is: The secret room guarded by a maid is secretly a pokemon prison where they are locked in cages. Then the owner will … I can't find Pikachu. Trophy Garden Pokemon Editor is the thing you need to recall and remember when you want to edit, adjust the Trophy Garden’s Pokemon. Trophy Garden Pokémon Editor is useful when you want to edit trophy garden’s pokemons. Eevee is a special Pokemon in the Trophy Garden, which means it has to be one of the last two Pokemon mentioned by the owner, Mr. Backlot. The new pokemon he sees is placed in slot 6, the previous pokemon in slot 6 is moved to slot 7, and the pokemon in slot 7 is removed from the garden. There will be a couple of trainers in front of a Mansion, the POKEMON MANISON. How to open closed doors in the Pokemon Mansion? How do the daily Pokemon work in the trophy garden? There will be patch of grass, that is the Trophy Garden. Trophy Garden Pokemon. How did I find a bonsly in the trophy garden in Diamond? To be able to catch these Pokemon you must first have the National Pokedex. However, the butler said there isn't. For example, Day 1, he'll have Ditto in his garden. There is a Trophy Garden here. There are sixteen Pokemon available in this area, so if you do not want to use the default Pokemon of your game… you can use this tool to change those ones. He is apparently a compulsive liar, as he will repeatedly insist that a Pokémon appears in his garden despite not even residing in his region. Events Catch New Pokémon. Note that you can have up to 2 unique Pokemon in the garden at a time. The game chooses Pokemon at random and when it does they're hard to find. Mr. Backlot (Japanese: ウラヤマ Urayama) is the owner of the Pokémon Mansion and Trophy Garden.He is also said to be the owner of Amity Square.His house has a back garden where players can capture wild Pokémon.. If you got a National Pokédex, talk to the owner of the mansion. Day 2, he said there is Chansey in his garden. What kind of Pokemon does Mr.Backlot say are in his garden?
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