Private Bag X1, THAT THE DETAIL WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE LATER. Tel. 2021 - Present. An application therefore does not guarantee acceptance into this programme. Department of Economics, Stellenbosch University. A thesis of independent research has to be submitted on a topic approved by the Department and supervised by lecturers in the Department. The choice between these two degree programmes will depend on the qualifications obtained by the student prior to one of these programmes. Application closes 30 November 2020 (SA) / 15 November 2020 (International) If you want to make it your life’s work to help unlock Africa’s growth potential, the MPhil in Development Finance will equip you with critical skills to become a … (Leiden), ormation about fees for International Students, Academic achievement in the relevant undergraduate and/or post-graduate degrees and in Taxation. A select number of students may register for a double degree coursework programme between Stellenbosch (MCom in Economics) and Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany (MA in Development Economics). Q: What is Stellenbosch University’s language of instruction? Maps: Get Directions. The course work, evaluated through essays and written examinations, accounts for 67 per cent of the required credits and the research assignment for 33 per cent. -​The topic for the research assignment for Tax 872 must be selected and approved. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Education is not just about learning — it’s also about people. The content of the program is reviewed with each intake and no detail is currently available. Stellenbosch University BComHons • MCom • PhD. The aim of these programmes is to prepare students as tax consultants and to enable them to interpret tax legislation and case law in order to provide tax advice and -opinions. Biography. (Leiden) ​, ​Information about fees for International Students​Please follow this link​, All rights reserved © 2013 The list below details some of these initiatives. Contact. Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2020. cycle will commence during January 2020. Stellenbo sch Campus Map . Sponsored Links. Department of Economics, University of Stellenbosch, The taught master's is intended for students who aspire to become professional economists with a sound grasp of analytic techniques and a capacity for research. Practical experience in the field of taxation obtained through completed SAICA or CIMA traineeship (articles) or as an attorney (except in the case of academic trainees). The minimum requirement for an application to be considered is an Honours in Business Management degree awarded by a university. The benefits of studying Development Finance. Media Enquiries – For media queries or to be added to Stellenbosch University journalist distribution list, contact Martin Viljoen on media@sun or 0218084921. There is no difference between the content of these two degree programmes. Founded in 1904 with headquarters in London, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a global professional accountancy body, with 154 000 members and 432 000 students in 170 countries. Second year: Advanced Taxation-assignment 872* A research project of limited scope must be completed in accordance with the requirements of the School of Accountancy comprising a research assignment as well a relating article that will qualify for publication in an accredited journal. Strict requirements apply for admission to the third year of studies. Currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Stellenbosch. The programme falling under the lecture option is presented on a two-year cycle. Lectures presented under the lecture option consist of interactive group discussions and it is expected of students to thoroughly prepare for all lectures. The degree BAccHons, BAccLLB or the Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA) (after a recognised BCom or BAcc bachelor's degree was obtained) of this University or any other degree approved by the Senate. This provides graduates with a professional network of development finance practitioners in Africa and beyond. While the originality of the research and its contribution may enhance the grade awarded, it is not regarded as a requirement. The choice between these two degree programmes will depend on the qualifications obtained by the student prior to one of these programmes. Official web site of the University. The attendance of all lectures is compulsory and the degree must be completed in two years, with a maximum of three years allowed. At USB we recognise the need to develop responsible leaders, as well as create new knowledge that contributes to better business in better societies all over the world. Sitemap, academia, admin, news and events, alumni, student information centre. of students are only admitted to this programme every second year. Soon NEL, Professor | Cited by 84 | of Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch (SUN) | Read 14 publications | Contact Soon NEL I grew up in Johannesburg and after high school opted for an adventure. Lee-Ann Steenkamp specialises in tax and climate change at the Business School, Stellenbosch University. What are the primary tasks SU clerks are exposed to? Technical Advisors. Admission requirements. : +27 21 808 9111. Department of Industrial Engineering, Stellenbosch University. THAT THE DETAIL WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE LATER. Stellenbosch is the oldest university in South Africa and the oldest extant university in Sub-Saharan Africa together with the University of Cape Town which received full university status on the same day in 1918. 879 Thesis option. Our institution also understands that people are the lifeblood of the school. The objective of the programme is to train competent professional economists for a working environment typically found in developing countries. Stellenbosch University | SUN ... DCom, MCom, BCom(hons), BCom. Students with a BAccHons degree, BAccLLB degree or the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting will follow the MAcc, while students with both a BCom degree (with subjects in law) and a LLB degree will follow the MCom. Attending lectures on writing skills and how to write a research proposal are compulsory. In addition to the course work, candidates must write an assignment on a research topic selected in consultation with the Department. In addition to meeting the aforementioned requirements, applicants on the short list will be required to write a five-page tax opinion on a specific tax question provided to such applicants. Stellenbosch University has moved all teaching online, with classes to resume on 20 April. The taught master's is intended for students who aspire to become professional economists with a sound grasp of analytic techniques and a capacity for research. Applications for the lecture option (888) in respect of the 2020 cycle After five years of membership, it changes to FCCA, which means ‘Fellow of th… Department of Curriculum Studies. A detailed research proposal has to be prepared by the candidate and approved by the Department. The master's programme follows on from the honours programme with the option of a full thesis or coursework. It is relevant for Africa and beyond and uses African case studies. We have an extensive programme in teaching and learning for this large student body, which includes 1 500 newcomer first-years annually. Stellenbosch University (Afrikaans: Universiteit Stellenbosch) is a public research university situated in Stellenbosch, a town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. This means that a new group Stellenbosch, South Africa HEDLEY ROOS Stellenbosch University MCom Economics Economics. Course Overview. Report this profile Activity Simon Brown and myself recently had a talk to discuss some of the tax matters arising from the latest Budget Speech. MCom (Business Management) The Master's programme in Business Management is offer ed full-time (one year) or part-time (two years). Nathan Potgieter MCom Economics (cum laude) Stellenbosch University Cape Town Area, South Africa 82 connections cycle will commence during January 2020. 2019 - 2019. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Stellenbosch University Courses Offered 2021 Stellenbosch University Courses Offered - See Details Below: Undergraduate Courses BAgric University of Cape Town UCT Online Application Updated 2021-2022 Ongoing Applications and Recruitment in South Africa. PROF A ENGELBRECHT Voight Chair in Data Science. The know-how to shape development projects and policies. LLM (International Tax Law) This will be considered in the final admission process. With almost 9000 students, the Faculty is the largest at the University. This means that a new group Since only a limited number of students can be accommodated a pre-approval and admission process will take effect in accordance with the University's overall policy. Scroll through the drop-down menu on the MCom Computer Auditing Tab to find useful information for your research. I am currently pursuing a MSc in Development Economics at the University of Göttingen, DE, and a MCom in Economics at Stellenbosch University, SA. The University of Stellenbosch offers the degrees MAcc (Taxation) and MCom (Taxation) lecture options as  two year programmes. Upon completion of the degree you will become a member of the Chartered Institute of Development Finance. The next Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with your scientific community. The University of Stellenbosch offers the degrees MAcc (Taxation) and MCom (Taxation) lecture options as two year programmes. The MCom in Development Finance intake often includes up to 60% international students. close on 31 October 2019​. Connect with experts in your field. Prospective students can apply electronically by clicking on the following link: ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS​ Application forms are also available at the Faculty Secretary, Ms. Nazli Daniels Telephone: +27 21 808 4837 Email: Mrs. Nazli Daniels Administration Block A, University of Stellenbosch. Rika Butler is an Associate Professor in Auditing at the School of Accountancy at Stellenbosch University. For the coursework master's option, a minimum period of one year of residence is required, although some students take two years to meet the requirements.The programme covers the fields of economic theory and policy on an advanced level. First year: Advanced Taxation 871*-Lectures will take place on a number of Saturdays per year from 08h00 to around 14h00-Various assignments must be handed in during the year. Lee-Ann does research in Tax law and policy, climate change and environmental policy. MCom Economics at Stellenbosch University Cape Town Area, South Africa 389 connections. An analysis on the impact that droughts have had on both the quality and quantity of Cabernet Sauvignon wine grapes in the Stellenbosch region The ability to use this knowledge in policy-making institutions. As such, the University is a multilingual institution, using these three languages. Tygerberg Campus. BCom (ActSci) BComHonours (ActSci) MCom (ActSci) Partner: Ethos AI Fund Non-Executive Director: Rain, Tyme Bank, Discovery Insure. Both the degrees BCom (with subjects in law) and LLB of this University or any other degree approved by the Senate. and it must reach the University before/on 31 October 2019 for the 2020 cycle. -​An open book examination must be written during September. There is no difference between the content of these two degree programmes. Engineers and scientists from Stellenbosch University have developed a visualisation tool that can... Read more › Vision 2040 and Strategic Framework 2019-2024 Only online applications are accepted -An oral presentation relating to the research assignment must be made.-​The topic for the research assignment for Tax 872 must be selected and approved. Currently enrolled as a full-time MCom student at Stellenbosch University. For the full thesis option, a minimum period of one year of residence is required, although some students take two years to meet the requirements. MCom in Operations Research University of Stellenbosch, ranked n°2 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Gain the skill to design and implement African-driven solutions. The programme is policy-oriented and suited to the needs of private firms, public corporations, government agencies and non-governmental organisations. CA (SA), CFP®, Adv. Contact. Connect with experts in your field. For a list of all programmes and admission requirements, please look under Prospective Students. Lecturers and study leaders consist of full-time personnel of Stellenbosch University and also various tax experts employed in trade and industry or in the accounting profession or at the South African Revenue Services. Certificate: Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Diploma: Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (Teaching and Learning) (PGDipHE (T&L). In this guide, we aim to bring together all information related to conducting your research in a single place. Stellenbosch University | SUN ... MCom Operations Reseach. Jacques Bartlett MCom Economics Student at Stellenbosch University and ESSEC Business School Cape Town Area, South Africa 500+ connections Special attention is also given to the development of writing skills, quantitative econometric skills and the preparation of research reports. Skip to content. Stellenbosch University Faculty of Education Postgraduate Courses. Only online applications are accepted BAcc & BAccHons: Chartered Accountant (CA), BCom & HonsBCom Management Accounting (CIMA), Thesis Options: Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting & Taxation, Masters lectured options: MCom (Taxation) MAcc (Taxation), Masters lectured options: MCom (Computer Auditing), Graduate School of Economic & Management Sciences, BAcc & PGDA / BAccHons: Chartered Accountant (CA), PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DETAILS OF THE LECTURE OPTION IS UNDER REVISION AND An honours degree with Economics as the major component with an average mark of 60%. Lecture option: Afrikaans and/or English Thesis option: Afrikaans or English​. The objective of the programme is to train competent professional economists for a working environment typically found in developing countries. The next The designation for ACCA members internationally is ACCA, meaning ‘Associate of the Chartered Certified Accountants’. Read More. Two options are available under both the MAcc (Taxation) and the MCom (Taxation).PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DETAILS OF THE LECTURE OPTION IS UNDER REVISION AND Programme leader information:​, Until 31 December 2019 Prof L van Heerden CA(SA), MCom (Taxation), LLB  Telephone: +27 21 808 3434  Email: Prof. Linda van Heerden, Ms M Malan CA (SA), CFP®, Adv. of students are only admitted to this programme every second year. Members of the Department, in addition to their online teaching duties, are also providing valuable input across many platforms to help combat the disease and its effects. Anthea LESCH, Lecturer | Cited by 228 | of Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch (SUN) | Read 15 publications | Contact Anthea LESCH A: SU is located in the Western Cape province of South Africa, where the three official languages are English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa. -​An open book examination must be written during September. LLM (International Tax Law) Ombudsman: Office of the Ombud. Research thesis: Usage-Based Insurance: Nudging Towards Responsible Driving Stellenbosch University Stellenbosch University Bachelor of Commerce Honours (BComHons) Cum Laude Transport Economics 85.6% weighted average. Aktivitäten This updated #VaccinEquity tracker shows a lot of work remains to include more countries and intensify vaccination. The ACCA qualification offers you status, security, financial reward and respect throughout the world. Students write a thesis on any approved topic in business management. *Please note: these two modules must be passed individually and passing Advanced Taxation 871 is a pre-requisite for Advanced Taxation-assignment 872.​. Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with your scientific community. Special attention is also given to the development of writing skills, quantitative econometric skills and the preparation of research reports. Welcome to the MCom Library Guide. Join to Connect Stellenbosch University. Course starts 22 February 2021. University of Stellenbosch Postgraduate Fees 2021 – 2022 – See Details Below: FEES. Stellenbosch University/ BER. My study is focused on the applications of statistical and machine learning applications within the framework of macroeconomic forecasting and evaluation. and it must reach the University before/on 31 October 2019 for the 2020 cycle. The purpose of this section is to give you an indication of the fees linked to the University’s full-time postgraduate degree programme offering. Matieland, 7602, Stellenbosch University courses – Application and Contacts Find a list of all certificate, diploma, postgraduate diploma, bridging, degree, masters, doctorate courses, distance education as well as open learning academic programmes offered at Stellenbosch University courses. The programme is policy-oriented and suited to the needs of private firms, public corporations, government agencies and non-governmental, double degree coursework programme between Stellenbosch (MCom in Economics) and Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany (MA in Development Economics). Students with a BAccHons degree, BAccLLB degree or the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting will follow the MAcc, while students with both a BCom degree (wit… A select number of students may register for a double degree coursework programme between Stellenbosch (MCom in Economics) and Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany (MA in Development Economics).
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