The prison at Moritzplatz was used by the Volkspolizei from 1952 until 1958. This often included psychological attacks, such as breaking into homes and subtly manipulating the contents, in a form of gaslighting – moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Stasi experts helped the President of Ghana, The Stasi sent agents to the West as sleeper agents. [93], Gedenkstätte Moritzplatz Magdeburg [de] - The memorial site at Moritzplatz in Magdeburg is a museum on the site of a former prison, built from 1873 to 1876, that was used by the Soviet administration from 1945 to 1949 and the Stasi from 1958 until 1989 to hold political prisoners. These candidates were then made to sit through several tests and exams, which identified their intellectual capacity to be an officer, and their political reliability. ", Operation INFEKTION - Soviet Bloc Intelligence and Its AIDS Disinformation Campaign, "Stasi Files Implicate KGB in Pope Shooting", The Kremlin's Killing Ways—A long tradition continues, "Stasi Aid and the Modernization of the Vietnamese Secret Police", "Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret Police", "Germans piece together millions of lives spied on by Stasi", Stasi Records Agency. In einer Zeit wo ca. Gedenkstätte Amthordurchgang Gera e.V. Mediathek der Stasi-Unterlagen-Behörde - Akten, Fotos, Videos und Tondokumente der Stasi zeigen Struktur und Tätigkeit der Geheimpolizei [33] About one out of every 63 East Germans collaborated with the Stasi. Selbstbild der Stasi-Leute. Es sind bisher ca. Schools, universities, and hospitals were extensively infiltrated,[24] as were organizations, such as computer clubs where teenagers exchanged Western video games. Blumenau, Bernhard. [16] Collaboration was so close that the KGB invited the Stasi to establish operational bases in Moscow and Leningrad to monitor visiting East German tourists and Mielke referred to the Stasi officers as "Chekists of the Soviet Union". [30] The number of IMs peaked at around 180,000 in that year, having slowly risen from 20,000 to 30,000 in the early 1950s, and reaching 100,000 for the first time in 1968, in response to Ostpolitik and protests worldwide. Between 1945 and 1989, more than 10,000 political prisoners were held in the prison. "KGB ordered Swiss explosion to distract attention from Chernobyl." [77] There was a debate about what should happen to the files, whether they should be opened to the people or kept closed. Although Mielke's Stasi was superficially granted independence in 1957, until 1990 the KGB continued to maintain liaison officers in all eight main Stasi directorates, each with his own office inside the Stasi's Berlin compound, and in each of the fifteen Stasi district headquarters around East Germany. [101], Former Stasi agent Matthias Warnig (codename "Arthur") is currently the head of Nord Stream. By at least one estimate, the Stasi maintained greater surveillance over its own people than any secret police force in history. Stasi Offiziere im besonderen Einsatz (abgekürzt OibE) Stasi Schläfer Liste Technische Hinweise: Diese Daten stammen aus der OibE-Liste, die am 30.3.1991 von der tageszeitung (taz) in Berlin abgedruckt wurde. For example, in March 2006, the Berlin Senator for Education received a letter from a GRH member and former Stasi officer attacking the Museum for promoting "falsehoods, anti-communist agitation and psychological terror against minors". Many thought that they were losing their minds, and mental breakdowns and suicide could result. It is estimated that this task may be completed at a cost of 30 million dollars.[80]. Die Frase der Aufarbeitung geschlossen . [25], The Stasi had formal categorizations of each type of informant, and had official guidelines on how to extract information from, and control, those with whom they came into contact. It arrested 250,000 people as political prisoners during its existence. Stasi Mitarbeiter Liste Online mit PKZ-Nummern und Diensteinheitenschlüsseln Liste hauptamtlicher Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit der DDR Stasi Offiziere im besonderen Einsatz (OibE) A high-ranking official was in charge of a particular mission of the Ministry and headed a division in the Central Apparatus (Zentrale). Honecker was charged with authorizing the killing of would-be escapees on the east–west frontier and the Berlin Wall. On 7 November 1989, in response to the rapidly changing political and social situation in the GDR in late 1989, Erich Mielke resigned. West Germany asked for their return and received some in April 2000. Other opinions, such as the one of West German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, believed in putting the Stasi behind them and working on German reunification. In der Stasi-Unterlagen-Behörde werden außerdem 1,85 Millionen Fotografien, 2.865 Filme und Videos sowie ca. Spies reported every relative or friend who stayed the night at another's apartment. [70] Stasi had been tasked during this period with preventing the country's economic difficulties becoming a political problem, through suppression of the very worst problems the state faced, but it failed to do so.[19]. 6 19288 Alt Krenzlin; vor 15642 Tagen Jana Weste Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. The word is difficult to translate because it means originally "biodegradation". The Stasi perfected the technique of psychological harassment of perceived enemies known as Zersetzung (pronounced [ʦɛɐ̯ˈzɛtsʊŋ]) – a term borrowed from chemistry which literally means "decomposition". GDR Execution site - The execution site at Alfred-Kästner-Straße in south Leipzig, was the central site in East Germany where the death penalty was carried out from 1960 until 1981. The Stasi also fielded Location Detachments (Objektdienststellen) at state-owned enterprises of high importance (such as the joint USSR-East German Wismar uranium mining company). Gedenkstätte Roter Ochse Halle (Saale), Gedenkstätte Moritzplatz Magdeburg. Der Superintendent Schlage war kein inoffizieller Mitarbeiter der Stasi. Shortly before the transformation of the Stasi into the Office of National Security the Ministry had the following structure: Divisions directly subordinated to the Minister Army general Erich Mielke (Dem Minister für Staatssicherheit direkt unterstellte Diensteinheiten), Divisions directly subordinated to the Deputy Minister Colonel General Werner Großmann (Dem Stellvertreter GO Großmann unterstellte Diensteinheiten) (his predecessor was the legendary Colonel general Markus Wolf), Divisions directly subordinated to the Deputy Minister Colonel general Rudi Mittig (Dem Stellvertreter GO Mittig unterstellte Diensteinheiten), Divisions directly subordinated to the Deputy Minister Lieutenant general Gerhard Neiber (Dem Stellvertreter GL Neiber unterstellte Diensteinheiten), Divisions directly subordinated to the Deputy Minister Lieutenant general Wolfgang Schwanitz (Dem Stellvertreter GL Schwanitz unterstellte Diensteinheiten) (Schwanitz was appointed as the chief of the Stasi successor agency - the Office for National Security), Between 1950 and 1989, the Stasi employed a total of 274,000 people in an effort to root out the class enemy.
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