The Ingenuity helicopter took its historic flight on Mars Monday. NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter is seen in a close-up taken by Mastcam-Z, a pair of zoomable cameras aboard the Perseverance rover. Next came stunning color video of the copter's clean landing, taken by Perseverance, “the best host little Ingenuity could ever hope for,” Aung said in thanking everyone. Washington (dpa) - Mit dem Mars-Hubschrauber «Ingenuity» hat erstmals ein Luftfahrzeug einen Flug auf einem anderen Planeten absolviert. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. It was a brief hop — just 39 seconds and 10 feet (3 meters) — but accomplished all the major milestones. The little chopper with a giant job attracted attention from the moment it launched with Perseverance last July. NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter performs a spin test of its blades on April 8, 2021. NASA will give the public a … The agency will livestream coverage of the confirmation of Ingenuity's first flight on NASA TV. Get up to speed with these key facts about its plans. If you need help with the Public File, call 407-291-6000. Das teilte die US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA am Montag mit. Watch NASA fly its Mars helicopter live. Its fuselage, containing all the batteries, heaters and sensors, is the size of a tissue box. The mini 4-pound (1.8-kilogram) copter even carried a bit of wing fabric from the Wright Flyer that made similar history at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in 1903. Future helicopters could serve as otherworldly scouts for rovers, and eventually astronauts, in difficult, dangerous places. Flight engineers affectionately call them Percy and Ginny. The $85 million helicopter demo was considered high risk, yet high reward. But on April 9, there was a problem during a test in which the rotors had spun up to flight speeds without the helicopter taking off. NASA's Ingenuity helicopter is expected to rise into the Martian skies today at 03:30 am EDT, with data about its adventure arriving here on Earth a few hours later, transmitted in … La NASA è pronta ad esplorare questo asteroide da "700 quintilioni di dollari" Ingenuity si è finalmente separato dal rover Perseverance! On February 18, 2021, NASA's Mars Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter (shown in an artist's concept) will be the two newest explorers on the red planet. NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter is two days away from making humanity's first attempt at powered, controlled flight of an aircraft on another planet. NASA's experimental Mars helicopter has taken flight. Ingenuity Mars Helikopter-Flug - NASA Live Stream Version 1.2.39 Die NASA plant den ersten motorisierten, kontrollierten Helikopterflug auf einem anderen Planeten. Scientists cheered the news from around the world, even from space, and the White House offered its congratulations. NASA astronaut Victor Glover tweeted from the International Space Station. NASA scientists explain how this successful mission will change the … If … NASA has delayed the first flight of its Mars helicopter Ingenuity after the vehicle's last test ended earlier than planned. Following Monday's success, NASA named the Martian airfield for the Wright brothers. The AP is solely responsible for all content. So beyond flying and capturing photos and video from the air, it won't conduct any science. “We’ve been talking so long about our Wright brothers moment, and here it is,” said project manager MiMi Aung, offering a virtual hug to her socially distanced colleagues in the control room as well as those at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Update: It looks like … Ingenuity’s team has until the beginning of May to complete the test flights so that the rover can get on with its main mission: collecting rock samples that could hold evidence of past Martian life, for return to Earth a decade from now. Follow us on Twitter. The Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity, is a technology demonstration to test powered flight on another world for the first time. As its own separate mission, the helicopter will hitch a ride to Mars attached to the belly of NASA’s Perseverance rover (part of the Mars 2020 mission). On Earth, the technology could enable helicopters to reach new heights, doing things like more easily navigating the Himalayas. Ingenuity will receive data instructing it to fly from Mission Control at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Helicopter Ingenuity flew for 39 seconds above the Martian surface. To accomplish all this, the helicopter’s twin, counter-rotating rotor blades needed to spin at 2,500 revolutions per minute — five times faster than on Earth. NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter is slated to attempt the first-ever powered flight on another world at 3:30AM ET on Monday. The rover and helicopter … This image from NASA’s Perseverance rover shows the agency’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter right after it successfully completed a high-speed spin-up test on April 16, 2021. How to watch the NASA live stream about Ingenuity’s first flight on Mars Life on Mars New Horizons is now 50 times as far from the sun as Earth. NASA flew the aircraft, dubbed Ingenuity, and beamed in the live stream first thing Monday morning. Up to five increasingly ambitious flights are planned, and they could lead the way to a fleet of Martian drones in decades to come, providing aerial views, transporting packages and serving as lookouts for human crews.
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