Protestant Christianity: Protestant Christianity originated in the 16th century as an attempt to reform Roman Catholicism's practices, dogma, and theology. Ethiopia (Horn of Africa) 6. Racial groups in South Africa have a variety of origins. Comments section policy: Any attacks on BusinessTech, its journalists, or other readers will result in a ban. Eastern-Rite Churches, such as the Maronite Church and the Ukrainian Catholic Church, are in communion with Rome although they preserve their own worship traditions and their immediate hierarchy consists of clergy within their own rite. Muslims however, make up the only major religious group projected to increase faster than the world’s population as a whole. The Shia believe Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Ali, was the only divinely ordained Imam (religious leader), while the Sunni maintain the first three caliphs after Muhammad were also legitimate authorities. It encompasses several forms or denominations which are extremely varied in structure, beliefs, relationship to state, clergy, and governance. Confucianism has strongly influenced the culture and beliefs of East Asian countries, including China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Relevance. Jainism - Originating in India, Jain spiritual philosophy believes in an eternal human soul, the eternal universe, and a principle of "the own nature of things." The degree of concern about religious conflict varies from country to country but tracks closely with the degree of concern abo… Basic Groupings Catholicism (or Roman Catholicism): This is the oldest established western Christian church and the world's largest single religious body. They believe that a Kingdom of God, the Theocracy, will emerge following Armageddon and usher in a new earthly society. South Africa has a broad mix of religions. Freedom of worship is guaranteed by the Constitution. Hoa Hao: a minority tradition of Buddhism practiced in Vietnam that stresses lay participation, primarily by peasant farmers; it eschews expensive ceremonies and temples and relocates the primary practices into the home. Zoroastrianism - Originating from the teachings of Zoroaster in about the 9th or 10th century B.C., Zoroastrianism may be the oldest continuing creedal religion. 3. Importantly, there is significant and sustained syncretism with African Traditional Religionamong most of the self-professed Christians in South Africa. What are the 4 main religions in South Africa? Basic Groupings The two primary branches of Islam are Sunni and Shia, which split from each other over a religio-political leadership dispute about the rightful successor to Muhammad. The core characteristics and beliefs of the world's major religions are described below. Rwanda 14. Catholicism is comprised of 23 particular Churches, or Rites - one Western (Roman or Latin-Rite) and 22 Eastern. In regard to religion it is usually characterized as neither a belief nor non belief in a deity. Alawi faith: Another Shia sect of Islam, the name reflects followers' devotion to the religious authority of Ali. Judaism - One of the first known monotheistic religions, likely dating to between 2000-1500 B.C., Judaism is the native faith of the Jewish people, based upon the belief in a covenant of responsibility between a sole omnipotent creator God and Abraham, the patriarch of Judaism's Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh. Muslims, who comprised 1.9% of the total, predominantly reside in Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Roman Catholic (10.6%) Other Christian (35.3%) Other (0.6%) National Church of Nigeria. The Druze have a key presence in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. Mozambique 12. Most Hindus believe the soul, or atman, is eternal, and goes through a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara) determined by one's positive or negative karma, or the consequences of one's actions. Basic Groupings Theravada Buddhism: The oldest Buddhist school, Theravada is practiced mostly in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, and Thailand, with minority representation elsewhere in Asia and the West. Local communities have their own religious leadership. Alawis live mostly in Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey. Baha'i - Founded by Mirza Husayn-Ali (known as Baha'u'llah) in Iran in 1852, Baha'i faith emphasizes monotheism and believes in one eternal transcendent God. miles). Réunion 13. Zambia 20. Somalia (Horn of Africa) 16. According to StatsSA, the provinces of Northern Cape (97.9%) and Free State (95.5%) have the highest percentage of Christians in the country. Jehovah's Witnesses structure their faith on the Christian Bible, but their rejection of the Trinity is distinct from mainstream Christianity. Modern Judaism has three basic categories of faith: Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform/Liberal. Kimbanguist: a puritan form of the Baptist denomination founded by Simon Kimbangu in the 1920s in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Religion in South Africa and around the world, Watch: Homo naledi – science, religion, and racism tackled. Definition: This entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population. Variants Ismaili faith: A sect of Shia Islam, its adherents are also known as "Seveners," because they believe that the rightful seventh Imam in Islamic leadership was Isma'il, the elder son of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq. In 2050, Christianity will still be the world’s largest religious group, with around a third of the world’s population adhering to its various denominations. The data comes from the Pew Research Center and it shows that Christians make up 50.9% of Africa’s population, followed by Muslims at 43.3% and others with 5.8%. Its pluralistic makeup is reflected in the constitution's recognition of 11 official languages, which is among the highest number of any country in the world. South Africa Sri Lanka State of Palestine Suriname Switzerland Thailand Timor-Leste Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Uganda United Kingdom of … Ancestral or traditional African religions are practised by 5 % 1.Table 3 to Table 11 are compiled … Statistics South Africa asks people to describe themselves in the census in terms of five racial population groups. According to Stats SA’s Community Survey 2016, the distribution of religious beliefs in South Africa is as follows: Christianity – 43 423 717 Islam – 892 685 Traditional African religion – 2 454 887 Hinduism – 561 268 Buddhism – 24 808 Bahaism – 6 881 Judaism – 49 470 Atheism – 52 598 Agnosticism – 32 944 No religious affiliation/belief – 5 964 892 Other – 1 482 210 Do not know – 704 358 Source: Official Guide to South Africa The denomination generally holds a combination of traditional African and Protestant beliefs. Most of the world’s major religious groups are expected to rise in absolute numbers by 2050, the research finds, with Islam set to overtake Christianity and become the world’s dominant religion by 2070. A Sunni Muslim may elect to follow any one of these schools, as all are considered equally valid. ), Hinduism is an extremely diverse set of beliefs and practices with no single founder or religious authority. This is one of the findings from Stats SA’s latest Financial statistics of … Seychelles 15. The median ages of these groups ranged from 17 (for Muslims) to 20 (for the unaffiliated). Orthodox churches are highly nationalist and ethnic. Church of Melanesia 32.8%, Roman Catholic 19%, South Seas Evangelical 17%, Seventh-Day Adventist 11.2%, United Church 10.3%, Christian Fellowship Church 2.4%, other Christian 4.4%, other 2.4%, unspecified 0.3%, none 0.2% (1999 census) Somalia: Sunni Muslim: South Africa
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