Investment and administrative development within the territory were kept to a minimum. A new concern with racial purity was apparent in various legislation and residential segregation was enforced. Early on in its history, the Bantu tribes migrated to the area. The first Europeans to come to South Africa were the Portuguese in 1488. …stations in what is now South Africa. South Africa is the southernmost country on the African continent. When calamity struck the British forces battling the Zulus in 1879, Wolseley was given command in South Africa. South Africa is a country of many cultures, known by its citizens as the Rainbow Nation. British-Boer relations in South Africa, always tense, were further worsened after the Jameson raid of December 1895, and, in October 1899, war began. 1895-07-08 Delagoa Bay Railway opens in South Africa; 1896-01-02 Battle at Doornkop, South Africa (Boers beat Dr Jamesons troops); 1896-02-14 George Lohmann takes a hat-trick for England v South Africa, 8-7 for inning - their lowest ever; 1896-03-02 Best 9-wicket haul in cricket history; George Lohmann takes 9-28 as England beats South Africa by an innings and 197 runs in 2nd Test at Johannesburg Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. South Africa held its first democratic election in April 1994 under an interim Constitution. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership,, 20th-century international relations: South Africa, capital punishment: The abolition movement, civil rights: Civil rights movements across the globe, 20th-century international relations: Regional crises, Southern Africa: The nature of colonial rule, 20th-century international relations: The reorganization of the Middle East, Southern Africa: The annexation of Southern Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa, Southern Africa: The consolidation of white rule in Southern Africa, United Kingdom: Imperialism and British politics, Mahatma Gandhi: Sojourn in England and return to India. South Africa’s diamond mining industry dates back to 1867, when diamonds were discovered near Kimberley in what is today known as the Northern Cape. However, tourism in South Africa is an important industry. …of agreements concerning relations between South Africa and Mozambique. The history of Africa begins with the emergence of hominids, archaic humans and—at least 200,000 years ago—anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), in East Africa, and continues unbroken into the present as a patchwork of diverse and politically developing nation states. …a mandated territory administered by South Africa. The South African War [The Second Boer War 1899-1902]. Modern humans have lived in the region of South Africa for over 100 000 years. The controversial 1913 Land Act, passed three years after South Africa gained its independence, marked the beginning of territorial segregation by forcing black Africans to … The Second Anglo-Boer War occurs and becomes known as the most destructive modern armed conflict in South Africa’s history. At several archaeological sites there is evidence of sophisticated political and material cultures. All Rights Reserved. The king of Portugal changed it to " Cape of Good Hope ". About 200 AD people mixed farming (growing crops as well as raising livestock) and iron tools were introduced into the east of South Africa. The first Black newspaper in South Africa, Imvo Zabantsundu (Black Opinion), was published in King William's Town in 1884 with Tengo Jabavu as editor. As stated in the NDP, by 2030, South Africa’s rural communities must have better opportunities to participate fully in the economic, social and political life of the country. Boer troops in a trench during the South African War (1899–1902). Strong, legal vehicles for the democratic forces tested the State, whose response until then had been invariably heavy-handed repression. In short, many of the discriminatory features so typical of twentieth-century South Africa--pass laws, urban ghettos, impoverished rural homelands, African migrant labor--were first established in the course of South Africa's industrial revolution. In 1910, the Union of South Africa was created out of the Cape, Natal, Transvaal and Free State. In the 1820s, the celebrated Zulu leader, Shaka, established sway over a vast area of south-east Africa. To a multiethnic association such as the Commonwealth, South Africa was not only an anomaly but a reproach. A state of emergency was imposed, and detention without trial was introduced. Africans or South Africans and Bantu-speaking people form the major part of the population (approximately 35 million). Modern humans have lived at the southern tip of Africa for more than 100 000 years and their ancestors for some 3,3 million years. They were the ancestors of Khoekhoe and San (´Hottentots´ and ´Bushmen´) also known as the ´Khoisan´. In the Western Cape, the only province not won by the ANC, the DA increased its majority from 51,5% to 59,4%.. Discoveries of gold and diamonds in South Africa exceeded those in any other part of the world, and more foreign capital had been invested in South Africa than in the rest of Africa combined. It has a long history of conflict and human rights issues, but it has always been one of the most economically prosperous nations in southern Africa due to its coastal location and … In 1955, the Freedom Charter was drawn up at the Congress of the People in Soweto. His charisma and personal style kept his government in power despite the…. In order to acquire cheap labour and to end competition from independent African agricultural producers, landowners and miners encouraged the adoption of policies that deprived the indigenous population of its social and political rights and most of its land. National Development Plan: Vision for 2030, Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996, Agriculture, land reform and rural development. The ANC also won eight of the nine provincial legislatures. In South Africa, which formerly had one of the world’s highest execution rates, capital punishment was outlawed in 1995 by the Constitutional Court, which declared that it was incompatible with the prohibition against cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment and with “a human rights culture.”, …to the end of the South African system of racial segregation known as apartheid. The earliest history of South Africa is not well-documented. However, it was not until 1652 that the Europeans founded a colon… In 2019, South Africa celebrated 25 Years of Freedom. Modern humans have lived here for more than 100 000 years. The demand for franchise rights for English-speaking immigrants working on the new goldfields was the pretext Britain used to go to war with the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 1899. The census, which analysed the country’s demographics, population distribution and access to services, average household size, income, migration, and mortality, was the third national population and housing count in post-apartheid South Africa. The discovery of the Witwatersrand goldfields in 1886 was a turning point in South Africa’s history. History of South Africa. His findings led to a condemnation of the colonists for their harsh treatment of the Khoekhoe. Mass resistance increasingly challenged the apartheid State, which resorted to intensified repression accompanied by eventual recognition that apartheid could not be sustained. …and empire builder of British South Africa. Beginning in 1978 South Africa made periodic retaliatory land and air strikes into Angola. South Africa’s rhinos are one of the world’s most endangered species History of South Africa. South Africa is a country in Africa bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, eSwatini, and Lesotho. The rising De Beers colossus bought Oranjemund and the…, South Africa agreed to a transition to Namibian sovereignty over Walvis Bay, which was effected in 1994. The Kimberley diamond fields, and later discoveries in Gauteng, the Free State, and along the Atlantic coast, emerged as major sources of gem-quality diamonds, securing South Africa’s position as the world’s leading producer in the mid-twentieth century. From the 1770s, colonists came into contact and inevitable conflict with Bantu-speaking chiefdoms some 800 km east of Cape Town. Humankind has its earliest origins in Africa. A brief history of South Africa. South African expansionists clung to their own version of manifest destiny and dreamed of absorbing German South West Africa, Bechuanaland, and Rhodesia to forge a vast…, …Parliament in 1909, the four South African colonies of Transvaal, Natal, Orange Free State, and the Cape were unified as provinces of the Union of South Africa. From the west it's an endurance drive through Lesotho's awesome Central Highlands, past huge dams containing Gauteng's water supply. In 1795, the British occupied the Cape as a strategic base against the French, controlling the sea route to the East. On 25 May 2019, Mr Ramaphosa was inaugurated as the President for the sixth democratic administration. Matters came to a head at Sharpeville in March 1960 when 69 PAC anti-pass demonstrators were killed. Petty apartheid laws and symbols were openly challenged and eventually removed. The first European settlement in southern Africa was established by the Dutch East India Company in Table Bay (Cape Town) in 1652. …sign the Nkomati Accord with South Africa in 1984, under which each country agreed not to support the other country’s opposition movements, and thereby maintained an economic relationship with the white minority government battling the African National Congress. First formal school opens at the Cape. In 1806, Britain reoccupied the Cape. Subsequently appointed the first superintendent for the missions of the society, Philip devoted the rest of his life to promoting the cause of the Africans and the…. In 1998 the OAU sponsored an international panel…. The programme embodied a rejection of white domination and a call for action in the form of protests, strikes and demonstrations. It…. 1934 - The Union of … He called it this because the cape gave the Portuguese a new chance to find a sea route to India . After restoring order in Zululand, he moved on to the Transvaal, where he discouraged rebellion among the Boers. 1919 - South West Africa (Namibia) comes under South African administration. South Africa is a country of many cultures, known by its citizens as the Rainbow Nation. It became increasingly controversial and eventually led to international sanctions and … Over a hundred thousand years ago people in what is now South Africa lived by hunting animals and gathering plants. As the colony prospered, the political rights of the various races were guaranteed, with slavery being abolished in 1838. The landscape is riveting, too: arid, ancient terrain that's twisted and knotted, with rocky bluffs offering majestic views, and mighty rivers that intersect. Brief Overview of the History of South Africa South Africa has been inhabited by people for thousands of years. At the end of the 15th Century the Portuguese sailed past the Cape of Good Hope. The international community strengthened its support for the anti-apartheid cause. South Africa entirely surrounds Lesotho in the east. Jacob Zuma was inaugurated as President of South Africa on 9 May 2009. The initial convention, concluded between Portugal and the Transvaal republic in 1875, provided for commercial relations between the parties and the building of a railroad between Lourenço Marques in Mozambique and the Transvaal. Today the population of South Africa is 56 million. Shortly after the establishment of the colony, slaves were imported from East Africa, Madagascar and the East Indies. In December 2012, President Zuma was re-elected as the president of the ANC during the ruling party’s congress in Mangaung, Free State with Cyril Ramaphosa elected as the party’s deputy president. Africa's highest pub is a hell of a place to get to. A brief history of Zambia. South African secret society composed of Afrikaans-speaking Protestant, white men over the age of 25. By the late 1960s the few remaining nonindependent African countries were all in settler-dominated Southern Africa. The Boers lost over 34 000 people and more than 15 000 black South Africans were killed. Throughout the 1800s, the boundaries of European influence spread eastwards. Together with a sliding economy, increasing internal dissent and international pressure, these developments inevitably led to historic changes and the fall of apartheid. In 1961 the Union of South Africa gained independence from Britain and became the Republic of South Africa. The second democratic election, in 1999, saw the ANC increasing its majority to a point just short of two-thirds of the total vote. In contrast, the Algerian government was unable to capitalize on Algeria’s victory in the 1990 Cup of Nations, as fans celebrated the team’s triumph…, It monitored events in South Africa and advocated international economic sanctions against that country as long as the official policy of apartheid was in place. In 1986, the pass laws were scrapped. October 2011 saw Statistics South Africa conducting a comprehensive national census. …black majority-ruled countries near minority-ruled South Africa that wished to reduce their dependence on that country. The British parliament passes the South Africa Act in September 1909. So long as South Africa could point to the…, …the 1996 tournament at home, South Africa’s racially mixed team seemed to symbolize football’s power to bridge the gaping social and economic inequalities left by apartheid. At a time when much of Africa was on the verge of independence, the South African Government was devising its policy of separate development, dividing the African population into artificial ethnic “nations,” each with its own “homeland” and the prospect of “independence.” Forced removals from “white” areas affected some 3,5 million people, and vast rural slums were created in the homelands. …of the Anglo-Zulu War in Southern Africa. At the Rivonia Trial, eight ANC leaders, including Mr Nelson Mandela, convicted of sabotage (instead of treason, the original charge), were sentenced to life imprisonment. In terms of music, the Dutch formed instrumental bands like those they had known in Europe, with brass and wind instruments. 1829-10-01 South African College is founded in Cape Town, South Africa; later to separate into the University of Cape Town and the South African College Schools. South Africa, the southernmost country on the African continent, renowned for its varied topography, great natural beauty, and cultural diversity, all of which have made the country a favoured destination for travelers since the legal ending of apartheid (Afrikaans: “apartness,” or racial separation) in 1994. They were the ancestors of Khoekhoe and San (´Hottentots´ and ´Bushmen´) also known as the ´Khoisan´. The Afrikaners are the Dutch population established by 1800, called Boers by the British in the South African War of 1889-1902. In the Cape Colony it greatly increased pressures on the…, …to the new Union of South Africa. South Africa was divided into nine new provinces to replace the four existing provinces and 10 black homelands. Apartheid had a negative impact on South African society in many ways. In 1921, the South African Communist Party was established at a time of heightened militancy. Some ethnic groups are unique to South Africa while others like Basotho crossed the border into the country. The NDP sets a growth target of at least 5% a year, and emphasises measures to ensure that the benefits of growth are equitably shared.. South Africa’s fifth general elections were held on 7 May 2014. Except for diamond mines, most property—including Tsumeb—found its way back into German hands. The prehistory and history of South Africa span nearly the entire known existence of human beings and their ancestors—some three million years or more—and include the wandering of small bands of hominins through the savanna, the inception of herding and farming as ways of…. The aboriginal indigenous people – the San Bushmen and Khoikhoi (collectively known as Khoisan) were joined by an influx of Bantu and Europeans to evolve into present-day South Africa’s cultural make-up. Shaken by the scale of protest and opposition, the government embarked on a series of limited reforms in the early 1980s. Afrikaner élite openly started to pronounce in favour of a more inclusive society, with a number of businesspeople, students and academic leaders meeting publicly and privately with the ANC in exile. Early on in its history, the Bantu tribes migrated to the area. In the April 2004 election, the ANC won the national vote with 69,68% and the celebration of 10 Years of Freedom attended by heads of state and government delegations from across the world. Top leaders still inside the country, including members of the ANC’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), were arrested in 1963. Under the leadership of Adam Kok III, the Griqua sided with the British in a war against the…. The Union of South Africa becomes an independent dominion within the British empire in May 1910. The ANC won 53,9% of the total vote, followed by the official opposition DA with 26,9% and the EFF with 8,2%.
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