We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets, 7. 14. When to use a semicolon in a sentence is to show a pause between two independent related clauses; before introductory words, such as therefore, for example; a semicolon separates a list already using commas; and when a conjunction joins two sentences and there's a comma in the first sentence. A fish. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. CK1303307He went there insteadof his father. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. So here’s how to use instead: Instead at the end of a clause. We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets. Such as. Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5% instead of the usual 7%. 30. thesaurus " Instead of tug o' war, let's play hug o' war" Shel Silverstein "Live truth instead of professing it" Elbert Hubbard "Live up to your potential instead of imitating someone else's" Martha Burgess "Never despise fashion. CK 314953 She stayed at home all day instead of going out. Similar to other grammar issues, try and avoid using it in consecutive sentences. I wish she'd do something to help herself, 25. He stayed at home all day instead of going out. 16. 6. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. We can use instead at the beginning or the end of a clause, although in spoken English it is more common at the end. I faithfully learned the rule. They raised prices and cut production, 16. The Word “instead” in Example Sentences. 4. quite. Instead is actually an adverb, which means the same as instead of, but is obviously used in a different way, given it’s a different word class. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. replace. How to connect 'instead' with other words to make correct English sentences.instead (adv): in place of someone or something elseUse 'instead' in a sentence He usually uses credit cards instead of cash. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, camapign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assigns a randoly generated number to identify unique visitors. There’s no coffee – would you like a cup of tea instead? Let’s reason the matter out instead of quarreling. This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5%, 30. That way, you avoid the pattern of I as the first word of every sentence. He used a knife instead of chopsticks. exact ( 59 ) It means ordering from the appetizer section of the restaurant menu instead of from the entrees. RELATED ( 1 ) but of from. nonetheless. Believe it or not, there are other rules for using “a” vs. “an” correctly. 8. If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia', 16. Examples of how to use the word 'instead' in a sentence. A: You can put actions after instead of with a contradicting statement after it. Will you go to the party instead of me? Again, without sentences, there’s no real communication. They’re thoughts, ideas and stories. However, it contains only one independent clause. 33 Related Question Answers Found What word can I use instead of? They chose her instead of me. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute. but. 10. Would it put you out if we came tomorrow, 24. Instead is an adverb. Sentence types can also be combined. 24. Sentence Examples. The semicolon ( ; ) is one of the most misused punctuation marks and often confused with a colon. 5. CK1304797He came by car insteadof by train. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Instead of starting your sentence with I, just push it somewhere down in some sentences. Instead of in a sentence 1. Hume here accents difficultie on the antepenultimate instead of the first syllable. (For a list of vowel examples, see below.) This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking. CK11868445Tom called Mary insteadof John. Instead, he bought two small loaves. however. Since we had no sugar, we used honey instead. To strengthen this sentence, simply delete with, slightly alter the main clause and present it as a parenthetical phrase, and close the sentence with a verb to transform what was originally a subordinate clause into the main clause: “A potential quarter-billion-dollar industry, and a real possibility of supporting the community with something other than an economy based on a nearby prison, awaits.” “instead” in a sentence. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 18. indeed. At first, I thought about ordering water, but in the end I ordered beer instead. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. Will you go to the party instead of me? The 1959 edition of Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style begins two senten… You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others ‘heart through appropriate ways. They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs. This cookie is used to signal to the code repository website if the user has browsed other website resources during the current session. These cookies do not store any personal information. 13. Use “instead” in a sentence | “instead” sentence examples 1. Here are some examples. 3. . 2. Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates to fight it out. Mr. Lee, instead of the manager, is in charge of this. Many translations of the Bible are filled with sentence-initial ands and buts, and they even may be found in some of our more beloved—and prescriptive—usage guides. To sum, the main difference of instead and instead of is the part of speech they belong to. You can also put instead of in the middle of the sentence. It maddens me that she was chosen instead of me! Sentence examples for instead from inspiring English sources. . Arisa would love to take a boat ride to the island, but I think that we should explore the city instead. Both words are articles and are extremely common in the English sentence. instead (adv): in place of another Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) The adverb form is only “ instead” while the preposition “instead of ” is composed of two words taken as one. Use a before words, abbreviations, acronyms, or letters that begin with a consonant sound, regardless of their spelling. CK 245331 I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message, 5. Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. In the place of something (usually mentioned earlier); as a substitute or alternative. I wish you’d come with us this summer instead of your colleagues. Instead, “so” is used as a way of setting the tone (interested, awkward) or expressing some emotion as an interjection does. Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 3. 29. I travel all over the UK and it is a pleasure bypassing most towns, looking at countryside insteadof built-up areas. Instead of catching fish,all he fished out was an old boot. It means ‘as an alternative’. 22. 20. synonyms. Use “insole” in a sentence | “insole” sentence examples, Use “insulinoma” in a sentence | “insulinoma” sentence examples. Find 11 ways to say INSTEAD, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Instead, I ate cake. RELATED ( 15 ) somewhat. " Instead of being outraged, many ranchers seemed resigned" " Instead of deploying corps, our heavy divisions sufficed" " Instead of having teeth, birds have developed beaks" His bloody uniform had disappeared and instead he had on a soft white night-shirt. Now that you have learnt when you can start a sentence with the word also, it’s time to use your skills in practice. If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia'. 2. If only she’d been called ‘Camilla’ or ‘Flavia’ instead of the prosaic ‘Jane’. Instead of using the locker that was assigned to him, the high school senior carries around his books in a backpack. Sentences are more than just strings of words. Normally, a sentence expresses a relationship, conveys a command, voices a question, or describes someone or something. We have been breaking this rule all the way from the 9th century Old English Chronicle through the current day. As such, I will go over the general rule for a and an and use each in multiple example sentences. For words with vowels at the beginning that sound like consonants, such as the “u” in unicorn, use “a” instead. The government wants more people to use public transport instead of private cars. When we bought our house, we did our own conveyancing, 12. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages viisted in an anonymous form. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word “instead”; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there’s a better way for you to learn meaning of “instead” through sentence examples. 6. nevertheless. antonyms. 10 examples of sentences “instead”. 7. I wish Jon would make some constructive proposals. 3. That rules out starting sentences with either \'and\' or \'but\' when writing. People dump their refuse in the surrounding woods, 22. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. 1. CK 3150446 You know, maybe we should buy a computer instead. An English teacher shows different ways to use the word "instead." Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly, 26. 1 The New York Times. If we only had some God in the country's laws, 23. Sentences build language, and give it personality. A complex sentence with “instead” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. CK139168Play outside insteadof watching TV. definitions. Otherwise, the result will be choppy. Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead. If we only had some God in the country’s laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution, it would be better all around. But if you learn whole sentences with “instead”, instead of the word “instead” by itself, you can learn a lot faster! Instead at the beginning of a clause A sentence become grammatically ‘passive’ when emphasis is put on the person or thing that experiences the action instead of the person or thing driving the action, e.g. The reason why people give up so quickly is because they look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come. We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? He just breezed in as if he’d only been away a day instead of ten years. actually. Instead, we're going to Greece. instead of ‘I gave the opening speech’ you’d write ‘The opening speech was given by me’. 28. ? Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5%, 14. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Example sentences with Instead. He didn’t buy a large loaf. Sentence Examples. Read More. Instead In A Sentence How To Use Instead In A Sentence? I'm too tired to play football today. Let’ s go for a walk instead of playing video games. The government wants more people to use public transport, 13. if you find you read too slowly in a second language, you are probably focusing too much on each word, instead of looking for the overall message. Instead of buying a new car, I bought a used one. Today, I am here to set you free from one of the shibboleths of grammar. For example, A dog. Instead of simply punishing them,[TranslateEN.com/instead] the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour. adverb. Mr. Lee, instead of the manager, is in charge of this. 25. He just breezed in as if he'd only been away a day, 28. A simple sentence with “instead” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. You might as well read a novel instead of staring at the ceiling. Holidays in Italy are too expensive. 13. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Focus on small goals instead of big ones. Examples of Instead in a sentence. Yes, for example, please refer to the following two sentences: I didn't want to eat ice cream. meaning . Sentences are everywhere. The basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the verb. When to Use A. 32 sentence examples - proper usage in context Lists. I certainly was. The government wants more people to use public transport, 29. True, there are still words that you don’t know. When we bought our house(TranslateEN.com), we did our own conveyancing instead of using a lawyer. Instead of going to the beach, we could go camping this summer. Without sentences, language doesn’t really work. Take as an additional example “fine.” “Fine” has many definitions, none of which I know to be labeled as an exclamation or interjection. 12. CK 280192 I stayed at home all day instead of going to work. CK 39166 Let's play cards instead of watching television. 11. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 5. She visited the Princess Royal University Hospital's maternity ward to encourage parents to use reusable nappies instead ofdisposable ones. 27. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldn’t be able to understand what I’m saying to you at all. When we bought our house, we did our own conveyancing, 27. Instead of playing soccer, I played netball. CK135395Let's go by train insteadof by bus. Let’s reason the matter out instead of quarreling. To fix that, you can switch sentences around to put the object first, add one of these transition sentence starters, or just reword the sentence. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. I found it in this sentence: I had thought instead with M. Reimer that the printing of the map (the corrections of which are at the moment on lithography stones) should be deferred for a short term. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the wbsite is doing. You probably picked up my keys instead of yours. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. 19. 2. The basic rule for using a in a sentence is. alternatively. If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead. Firstly, has it ever been wrong to begin a sentence with and or but? Can you start a sentence with the word ''Instead''. He used a knife instead of chopsticks. Let's reason the matter out instead of quarreling. They raised prices and cut production, 10. A university. use "instead" in a sentence i altered my typical lunch and had a steak instead. Sentence examples for instead of from from inspiring English sources. At school, we were taught you should never, ever, under any circumstances start a sentence with a conjunction. 23. 5. 4. This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message, 18. The real rule is that you have to use “an” in a sentence when a word has a vowel sound at the beginning. 24. He used a knife instead of chopsticks. Instead of injecting drugs into toes, they mainlined themselves under the tongue. If a sentence doesn’t have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence “Went to bed,” we don’t know who went to bed). It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark. 21. Holidays in Italy are too expensive so we're going to Greece instead. 20 examples of simple sentences “instead” . Instead of complaining about it, I’m just gonna go in every day and give it my all. Source: Understanding Life in the Borderlands: Boundaries in Depth and in Motion, edited by I. William Zartman. 22. You will be liberated! A sentence is commonly defined as "a complete unit of thought." No, it has not. examples. harder. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Instead: Instead is an adverb and means ‘as an alternative’. I played netball instead of playing soccer. Share. DICTIONARY instead. It’s also slightly more informal than some of the other words such as furthermore, which can be used instead. In 1598 he killed a fellow actor in a duel, but escaped hanging by pleading benefit of clergy, being branded insteadas a felon. 26. Improve this question. meanwhile. It is advisable that we stay at home instead of going to the movie. How to use “instead” in a sentence. More and more birds are losing chicks and returning to nest the following year instead ofskipping a year. Instead of working hard at her lessons, Mary spends her time building a castle in the air. Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox. I wish people would just be themselves, 21. contrariwise. 15. Follow edited May 21 '14 at 13:34. conversely. A compound sentence with “instead” contains at least two independent clauses. The reason why people give up so quickly is because they look at how far they still have to go, 25. A compound-complex sentence with “instead” contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. 4. 17. otherwise. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. 9. Instead of going home, I went to the mall. Instead of catching fish,all he fished out was an old boot.
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