This year's championships have been dogged by, 21. 1 decade ago. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Controversy con‧tro‧ver‧sy / ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi, kənˈtrɒvəsi $ ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi / AWL noun (plural controversies) [countable, uncountable] DISAGREE a serious argument about something that involves many people and continues for a long time a political Controversy the Controversy surrounding Skinner’s theories cause/provoke/arouse 3. I wondered what the controversy was about. ‘A storm of controversy continues to rage over changes to bus services in Colchester.’ ‘Then the police were subject to a storm of political conflict and controversy.’ ‘I have, moreover, sought to alert the reader to key debates and points of controversy.’ Controversy in a sentence | controversy example sentences. "Irregardless" "Irregardless" appears in at least three different official dictionaries, though all of them … 2 : quarrel, strife. 4 editor-approved samples. Hybrid314552She has waded into one controversyafter another. A Controversial penalty try in the seventh minute of injury time at the end of this absorbing match dealt a hammer blow to the hopes of champions Boroughmuir. The President resigned amid considerable, 17. Examples of Controversial in a sentence Many political topics are controversial subjects precisely because they appeal to one party demographic or the other. Others were pulled from our literature database. Keep scrolling for more. Since there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the protest march, there will be a huge police presence on the street. Examples of political controversy in a sentence, how to use it. 4. The definition of a controversy is a public disagreement with two sides openly debating. As these 10 controversial court cases prove, when it comes to murder, justice is often elusive. Controversy in a sentence 1. The judges' decision provoked controversy. Compound Sentences with “controversial” A compound sentence with “controversial” contains at least two independent clauses. 6. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. The statement she made caused a lot of controversy. Controversy definition: Controversy is a lot of discussion and argument about something, often involving strong... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A controversial penalty try in the seventh minute of injury time at the end of this absorbing match dealt a hammer blow to the hopes of champions Boroughmuir. View Controversial usage in sample sentences. That is an ironclad fact that is beyond, 15. We tried to list the best first. Guilty or innocent? But the controversy grew warmer, and the house filled up with people. Her latest book has engendered a lot of, 6. The word controversial doesn't begin to describe this remarkably frank but profoundly disturbing book, which not only attempts to defend sex for pay, but insists it's preferable to romantic love.. 41. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. The Government is keeping aloof from the, 29. Abortion is a highly controversial issue. That is an ironclad fact that is beyond. Examples of Controversy in a sentence. 3. From Wiktionary The nasty field that dissolved any type of biological entity was one of the government's latest controversial creations. 1 : a discussion marked especially by the expression of opposing views : dispute The decision aroused a controversy among the students. 2. The Word "Controversial" in Example Sentences Page 1. Since the controve Lv 4. Court controversy definition: Controversy is a lot of discussion and argument about something, often involving strong... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Think up controversial proposals! Examples of controversial in a sentence: 1. The controversy eventually became public, and Paine was then denounced as unpatriotic for criticising an American revolutionary. The railway official avoided controversy. The controversy around same sex marriages continues to be a trending topic on Twitter. See authoritative translations of Controversial in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. His inclusion in the team has caused controversy. Source(s): Find 37 ways to say CONTROVERSY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Page 1. 3. President Bush’s decision to go to war in the Middle East is often regarded as a controversial decision that some support while others do not. 40. controversy existed over. The Word "Controversy" in Example Sentences. Throughout their careers, the volatile brothers have courted, He was odds-on to win a seventh championship despite, Then someone overreacted and ginned up a phony, Can the would-be veep be trusted to obediently follow a campaign script without setting off, Over the past couple of years, there's been renewed, It is unfortunate that Laxmi Pandit had to give up her Miss India-World 2004 title following the, He also made a reference to the glutinous, Throughout the broadcast of the game, the commentators kept praising McNabb for handling the Limbaugh, Personally I can't get very excited about this, The sport really is going through the mill at the moment, as it goes from controversy to fresh, She went on to stand by her daughter through years of, In the 17th century this question sparked a furious metaphysical and scientific, Please improve the quality of your paper by removing this needless source of, We turn our attention first of all to the Semi-Pelagian, There is also no doubt that certain sections of the media thrive on, Scientists and thinkers have struggled with the, Geologists, however, consider mud volcanoes unpredictable, and there is still considerable, Its ambitions are narrowed to those which can be achieved with the least, Brisbane's narrow win was marred by a refereeing, To surrender to political correctness is simply to sanitize, I'd put in eight weeks of training, but the, Does he have what it takes to get out there and create the conflict and, Here in San Diego, California there was recently a big, This ascription has notoriously become a matter of debate and, The man whose Naya Theatre group revived theatre in the 60's is unperturbed by, So if you were hoping all the pointless, stupid, Child abuse was only formally recognised by doctors 40 years ago and has remained a field clouded by, The wind farm at Watchfield has sparked much, Once again the national media were operating off the philosophy that if a person has been involved in, The grant of the jurisdiction is not the same as it being a justiciable, A government Minister has weighed into the, Consider the small number of governors who waded into, The club also questioned the fact that the, We propose a new dynamic model in order to help reconcile the long-standing, Police forces, rather than wanting to row back from the, Its significance has not been fully understood because of, The series demonstrated once again that Ferguson has an uncanny knack for turning. 1 Wikipedia. The government's decision to subsidize professional hockey teams resulted in a great deal of controversy, and ultimately resulted in a reversal of the decisionYou shouldn't talk about controversial topics with people you don't know very well because it … The controversy was caused because some people did not want the bridge built, while others did. Intermediate Vocabularycontroversial meaning in Englishcontroversial adj. 20 sample sentences for CONTROVERSY. RELATED ( 4 ) debate exists over. Now no controversial subject can be taught dogmatically. The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system. 0 0. However, it contains only one independent clause. 5. In Japanese culture, a bow at a forty-five-degree angle is used to show deep respect. CK2982335The government wanted to avoid controversy. 5. The recent food-poisoning scare has reignited debate/concern/, 12. In a recent public controversy with Mr L. 2. There was a controversy over the plans. Here’s where the controversy comes in. High quality example sentences with “there has been some controversy” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Sentence with the word controversial. darinmex 675440 He was criticized for voicing such a controversial opinion. Spamster 1739305 This theory is scientifically controversial. disagreement exists over. Use forty in a sentence - Example Sentences for forty .. Elayne Boosler once joked that her ancestors wandered lost in the wilderness for forty years because even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask for directions. Sentence examples for controversy exists over from inspiring English sources. 20 examples: Existing research shows that discretion and political controversy are linked… a heated conversation between two parties with different opinions. Her speech steered clear of controversial issues. 1446472 This movie is highly controversial. The issue is complex, controversial, and begs the question of who should have the authority to determine that conditions of insecurity have ceased. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about controversy. Thus the controversy was sectional, personal, and professional. What does controversy mean? Definition of Controversy. Learn Ludwig. 0 1. ajhottie162. controversy in a sentence - Use "controversy" in a sentence 1. 4. it is a controversial film. controversy is over. 195+11 sentence examples: 1. Still have questions? CK143319We sided with him in the controversy. A Sentence For Controversy. belgavox 715783 Racial profiling is a controversial police tactic. 2. The speech has resulted in a firestorm of, 9. ... "Padre Pio was a controversial cult figure and alleged stigmatic" "Publishes controversial book about National Radio" "She's always been controversial" "So, he was very controversial for a long time" Next, just in case you think the World Cup is mainly about politics, No piece of cloth throughout history has sparked more, Not surprisingly, he has been closely monitoring the, The saga of the mayor's proposed East London house has stirred up far more, When she released her first album in 1994, a storm of, Her ascent to the presidentship of the Kerala Electricity Board Employees Confederation had attracted attention not least because of the, Chelsea's artful and stylish Portuguese manager courts, Eric lobbies for an industry of benign usefulness, non-partisan in nature, and over which no cloud of serious, None of the hoopla seemed to have fazed the Iranian president, who loves to bask in, Speculation that a fall in house prices over the coming year will leave homeowners exposed to negative equity has caused quite a, Other species cannot provide information about mental processes during sleep, so, The accusations from a Turkish-American who speaks Azerbaijani, Farsi, Turkish and English will reignite the, Why is the question whether a judge in the exercise of federal jurisdiction got it right or wrong a justiciable, Overall it was a rather tame affair with no, Along with all the others, an Anglo-American, Cook posted, amended, then deleted a sort-of apology over the, The acropolis Museum opened in Athens last weekend amid, American moviemakers and studio executives have always been slower to respond to social unrest, perhaps out of fear that, Their attempts at shifting attention away from the, Their ill-tempered personalisation of the, The whys and wherefores of how the leader of the State became involved in a planning, It's politically imprudent to stir up such, And there is no doubt, too, that its legacy will be marred by the, The overspill office block built for Westminster cost more, and that went through on the nod, with none of the, Having concerned himself with Arianism and Monophysitism, the matter of the Donatist, A brilliant new film presents Hannah Arendt in the midst of the Eichmann trial and the, I haven't read the book so can't comment on its contents beyond noting in passing that Fallaci seems to court, By remarkable contrast, younger musicians who really go to the mat for political, It is four-and-a-half years since Germany beat South Africa in a bitter run-off to stage the competition and there was, At the third ecumenical council in Ephesus in the year 431, there was a big, My mother was a pamphleteer by temperament, and she knew that sedition and, Most microfinance institutions charge interest rates well below those that provoked, I was a young reporter in the city and covered this, Americans love baseball and, as they say, love is blind, which is why in the current, The role of private investigators has stirred, And stanhope told The Daily Beast he thought the NAACP, Born and reared in the east Alabama town of Oxford, the Navy veteran and ex-radio deejay had fashioned a career out of, The supporting card provided top class entertainment despite the fact that there was some, But it is refreshing, and a relief, that it can walk the tightrope of its own, However, the story of how Lyme disease first came to be understood offers clues to why the, The novel, a gritty tale of the rise of a drug baron, generated, Now Hopkins is attempting to keep herself in the headlines by courting, Ove informs us that the above vanity plate that was the center of, Trident, the American chewing gum, has sparked, However, the pouting, sleazy come-ons and Prince-style, The Mumbai Police Commissioner has been caught in a, I was so afraid to move that soup spoon for fear of the, That phrase, possibly misspoken, caused much of the, Some erstwhile Bermuda cruisers have courted, A SEALYHAM Terrier won the Cruft's crown last night, ending months of, But Sir Stephen House is entitled to a warmish glow in the middle of all the, Although all dental traumatologists agree that for avulsions short term flexible splinting is advisable there is, The Anglican Communion and religion in general have been steeped in, Adding to the department's problems is a long-running, Some predators such as the hen harrier feed on grouse and there is ongoing, The cottage, now a popular resort for holiday makers, remains a huge source of, Thomas Beddoes and John Hailstone were engaged in a geological, Asquith's new government became embroiled in a, The proposed final draft of Article 2B met with, The new peace would move the people's focus to the, The founding of the Reformed Episcopal Church followed a 1873, Since the 1990s, the Anglican Communion has struggled with, It is eaten in many parts of the world, though consumption is taboo in some cultures, and a subject of political, In 1721, Cotton Mather and colleagues provoked, The shoot down is still clouded in misinformation and, But it was part of the plan of his work to refrain from all, In the late 20th century, Mansfield Park raised, Indian granite quarries have been mired in, Four years after the Council of Jerusalem, Paul wrote to the Galatians about the issue, which had become a serious, Disputes over the Mosaic law generated intense, The board's work has been subject to considerable, However, the derby game at Ninian Park was marred with, A court whose subject matter is not limited to certain types of, However, since its revamp the square has caused, The rotation policy was introduced after the, Karl Marx was living in London during the peak of the national, The authenticity of the casket letters has been the source of much, Pope John XXII was involved in a theological, The bilingual road sign policy of Highland Region Council has led to some, The nation formally became a member of NATO on 30 March 1949, amid domestic, The scholarly study of pornography, notably in cultural studies, is limited, perhaps due to the, This has had only limited success however, and, Tower Hamlets London Borough Council demolished House on 11 January 1994, a decision which caused some, It was bought by the Tate Gallery in 2005 and caused, A Thousand Years and other works by Hirst were included, but the main, Sensation opened in September at the Royal Academy to much, The appropriation of others' works caused minor, The book contained some generally disputed theories, and its publication created a growing degree of popular, Her own timid omissions from Percy Shelley's works and her quiet avoidance of public, Leading up to the American Civil War, Baptists became embroiled in the, One of the central points of divergence was, At any rate, it is unlikely to have caused as much discord as the Easter, The orthography reform of 1996 led to public, These early experiments with animal blood provoked a heated, The book aroused international interest, with less, Newton had been reluctant to publish his calculus because he feared. Controversy At The Catering Hall. 3. They were tangled in the labour-management, 23. CM269117There was a controversyabout the location of the new school. The band toured Ireland amid a storm of, 26. At length a great final battle was fought, which settled the controversy. Simple Sentences with “controversial” A simple sentence with “controversial” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. 2. Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy. You are offline. Another man, hearing the controversy, came up and ordered the newcomer away. But truth need not be looked for in controversial pages. How to use Controversial in a sentence? CM. Spectrum's financial performance has suffered throughout its various controversies. There grew up a mass of controversial matter which it is amusing to read now. 0 0. sunny. 1094416Tom doesn't like controversy. His views have excited a lively controversy among fellow scientists. exact ( 47 ) A long-standing controversy exists over what finish Balabushka used. Get your answers by asking now. The controversy forced Borough President Claire Shulman to withdraw her support, and the statue was never erected. The proposed cuts have caused considerable, 25. Example Sentences for "controversial". These two independent clauses can be combined with a … 1 decade ago. A few have theorized that Mallove, a scientist, was killed because he was a tireless champion of cold fusion, a … That corporate donations will freeze in the face of escalating controversy. There is much controversy and.
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