4 Ghost: Giratina. I want a powerful electric type pokemon for my Platinum party first I have a Luxray all said its not a good choice so i want an another electric type. Trainers who defeat him will receive the Beacon Badge, TM57 (Charge Beam), and will be able to use Waterfall outside of battle. It is defined as the mud-fish Pokémon and it is blue with a strange face and peculiar limb shapes. The Electric-type Pokemon from the name itself are Pokemon using the power of electricity. It has a … One Of The Best Electric Pokemon Obtainable In Pokemon Platinum. Beat garchomp with Ice- and Dragon-type moves while scorching her roserade with powerful Fire-type moves. But, you can find other fire types in-game. Giratina, the box art legendary for Pokémon Platinum, takes the spot as the strongest ghost-type in the game. Which one is your favorite?My top 3:1.-Zekrom2.-Tapu Koko3.-Jolteon How about a HM Tropius? More Cheats and Tips for Pokemon Platinum. It's not very effective - your type is Fighting. Probably one of the most important types, electric Pokémon are weak against only Ground, but are resisted by Grass and Dragon type Pokémon. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. D E F E N S E — If a Pokemon type is listed as Immune against, it will take no damage from attacks of that type. May paralyze, burn or freeze opponent. Keep in mind that Cynthia is the strongest opponent you will ever battle against in … Ho-Oh revived the trio with each Pokémon acquiring an attribute of the accident: Raikou, an Electric-type, symbolized the lightning that had struck the tower; Entei, a Fire-type, was the flames that had engulfed the tower; and Suicune, a Water-type, represented the rain that put out the blaze. Grab an Electric type Pokémon. Ground-Type trainers should definitely try to catch or breed Mudkip so they can raise a Marshtomp to its full potential. Pokemon Types, Strengths & Weaknesses. Rotom (Japanese: ロトム Rotomu) is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokémon. Mr. Rogu Smash Ace. The majority of the type chart has remained the same over the years, but there have been a few changes. It deals regular damage - your type is Dark. The opposing Pokemon is unaffected - your type is Ghost. Hits the foe with an icy storm that may freeze it. Prior to Generation V, all of Rotom's forms shared the same Electric/Ghost typing as a normal Rotom before swapping the secondary Ghost type with another type. Its speed is one of the fastest in whole pokemon platinum game. atk is also nothing to laugh at. Giratina was one of the earlier Pokémon with multiple forms, Altered and Origin. #405 Luxray Electric Electric / Dark Intimidating look and general dark colored aesthetic fit with Dark-type; unique type combo. You can catch a Shinx early in the game, and it's evolved form, Luxray, can be an indispensable member of your team. However, like the other types in the game, you need to know the different Electric Pokemon strength and weakness. The move SolarBeam has a base power of 60. When it comes … Any Electric-type move's power is increased by 10%: Iron Island: Meadow Plate : Raises power of Grass moves: The Underground Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App. Image via The Pokemon Company. It will eventually turn into the ultra strong Electric-type, Luxray. Swaps held items with the opponent. That way your 4 pokes won't need to waste slots for HMs. A type-enhancing item, when held, enhances the power of attacks with the corresponding type. The Sinnoh Gym Leaders are Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Fantina, Byron, Candice, and Volkner. Attacks thrice with more power … If you need more help with this game, then check out the following pages which are our most popular hints and cheats for this game: Pokemon Type Match-ups. Mental Herb: Removes Infatuation status; can only be used once: Route 216: Metal Coat: Any Steel-type move's power is increased by 10%: Iron Island Wild Beldum (Post-National Dex) Try Electivire or Raichu if you don't want a Luxray. Shinx can be found very early in the game. This is the walkthrough of how to battle and defeat Volkner, Gym Leader of Sunyshore City in Pokemon Platinum. It’s 110 spl. In Generation 2, Dark and Steel types were added, while in Generation 6 (Pokémon X and Pokémon Y) the Fairy type was added.Below are the differences compared to the current type chart. And You Find Him Righ tIn The Begining, So Hes Sorda A Low Level, But Exellent To Train You Get His Three Evolutions Stored In Your Pokedex, So It Might Take A While To Train Him, Cuz Of His Low Level, But Hes Great Against The Elite Four. It might be slower than flying types, but you can get it early in the game if you do not choose Chimchar. The remakes must keep Rotom's various dual-types, which not only provide it with a lot of dynamism but make it one of Sinnoh's most versatile creatures. The electric-type pokemon we are going to use in our platinum team is Jolteon. It has Heat Wave which will be super effective against any Ice-Type. Evades attack, but may fail if used in succession. Need Help With Choosing A Good Water-Type Pokemon in Platinum. For example, one of such features is that Rotom, originally available as its base Electric/Ghost form, received five new elemental forms in Pokemon Platinum. Powerful, but leaves the user immobile the next turn. … Bug Type Good against Grass, Psychic, Dark Bad against Fire, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, Steel. Like routine, Dragon and Ice are types I strongly urge against. Another tough starter Pokémon, Torterra is a dual Grass/Ground-Type found in the Sinnoh region. _____ Honchkrow Lv.47 Type: Dark-Flying Drill Peck-Night Slash Psychic-Heat Wave Even though you do have an Ice-Type for Crobat, use an Electric Type against this guy. At this step, test against a Gastly or a pure Poison-type like Ekans. Slower Pokémon move first in the turn for 5 turns. Fire types are rare in Pokemon Platinum, which makes it even more important to make them a part of your team. Unfortunately, its a pretty mediocre Pokemon stat-wise. In Platinum, when first introduced, Rotom stayed Electric/Ghost throughout its transformations, making it considerably less interesting and useful. The Worst Types. Your Roserade already covers water, and there won't be that many flying-types, so you can go on without an electric-type. It has quite a few resistances to threats, has a useful ability in levitate, and can use moves like Roost in order to stay healthy throughout any match. ATK damage. Switching between the two allows it to occupy different roles on the team, both of which can slot in anywhere. Pokédex entries state Glalie has a body made of rock with ice on top; unique type combo. From Generation IV onward, these items boost the power of moves of the corresponding type by 20%; prior to Generation IV, they give boosts of 10%. Joined May 26, 2008 Messages 607 Location Cruisin in my Jeep.. The move Weather Ball becomes the Water-type and has a base power of 100. why not?Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Gamefreak.Pachirisu troll. 12 Torterra. Thread starter Mr. Rogu; Start date Apr 2, 2009; Status Not open for further replies. These incorporate more puzzles than before in order to make it even more of an accomplishment to get the badge. Bibarel uses Surf, Waterfall, Strength and Rock Climb. Creates a wall of light that lowers SP. If you … Rotom can transform into various forms which resembles household appliances. Volkner is friends with Flint, and had become dejected and depressed because no worthy challengers had come to Sunyshore City in a while. 3 Keep: More Fire-Type Pokémon Electric Pokemon Strength and Weakness Guide Strengths of Electric-type Pokemon . Your Hidden Power is now either Psychic or Fighting. Type chart changes. #370 Luvdisc Water Water / Fairy Heart and love aesthetic fits with Fairy-type; makes it just a little more noticeable. Although jolteon is not going to be the strongest pokemon in your team it can provide much-needed coverage against Water, Flying and Steel Type pokemon. Lowers target's Speed. Vikavolt is a bug/electric-type Pokemon hailing from the Alola Region. Luxray and Electrivire are both good electric pokemon for physical electric attacks like Thunder Fang, but I would go with Zapdos, Jolteon, or Magnezone for special attacks like Thunder and Thunderbolt. Like most other regions, Sinnoh also has a wide array of Gyms that trainers can battle to obtain badges and to be able to qualify for battle and face the Elite Four. Adds Ghost type to opponent. Apr 2, 2009 #1 Ok well I think this is the right place to post this. Gym #1 - Oreburgh Gym. One such is Rapidash, which is a great choice for its speedy fire attacks. If other better than these 4 than too tell me. Note that this only occurs in Diamond and Pearl versions - Protect always blocks Thunder even in the rain in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Battle Revolution, and Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. They can learn a large variety of moves. You might want your Pokemon to be Lv.50 and up. SoulSilver : If the electric pouches in its cheeks become fully charged, both ears will stand straight up. It's super effective - your type is Psychic. The game gives you the choice of starting with a Chimchar. They are capable of shocking their enemies and causing a paralysis status and more. Beat tough gym … It’s slow and frail. Outside Sandgem, You Can Find Shinx. Unlike in Emerald, the gyms in Pokémon Platinum have all had a radical redesign in comparison to the gyms in Diamond & Pearl. Blasts the foe with an icy beam that may freeze it. Tropius uses Fly, Defog, Cut and Rock Smash. Crasher Wake's Gym in Pastoria. But I need help in choosing a good water type pokemon. Volkner uses Electric-type Pokémon in his battles. Dragon Type Good against: Dragon Bad against: Ice, Steel. Type-enhancing item. HeartGold : When its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated, and it becomes more aggressive than usual. RELATED: Pokemon: The 10 Strongest Electric Type Moves. I think of 4 electric type 1.Luxray 2.Jolteon 3.Electivire 4.Raichu. Platinum : Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked. In addition, all Pokémon, no matter what level, will obey them. Finally, strike her milotic with Grass- and Electric-type moves and win the battle. Dark Type Good against: Ghost, Psychic Bad against: Fighting, Dark Steel. Byron's Gym in Canalave. User takes on the form and attacks of the opponent. I wish. Additionally, if you’re playing Diamond or Pearl, Fire and Electric are pretty abysmal. Which types of Pokemon attacks are effective against which types of Pokemon? Boosts the power of WATER- type moves for 5 turns. Even with Platinum these types suffer due to late game availability (especially Ice), limited selections, and poor coverage. Good Luck with your battle with Cyrus and hopefully you can capture Giratina! _____ Just a little side note here. All electric type Pokémon are here!! We'll add each gym as we go, but until now we only have info for a small number of gyms. Because.
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