Though it was eventually defeated, Croaky managed to wake Y and the others up, allowing them to go ahead while X and Blue stayed behind to keep Xerosic busy. In PS573, Y reunited with X and the others on Route 8. There were no Pokémon introduced in Generation III whose name starts with O, Q, U, X, or Y. Noticing Trevor's strange behavior, Lysandre asked to see the photo, even sending out his Pokémon to surround the group when Trevor refused. It turned back to normal when X battled Lysandre in the Team Flare Secret HQ and later joined Y's team in Rhyhorn Charges. First release date: October 12, 2013. After saying goodbye to AZ, the group was greeted by Sycamore, the Gym Leaders, Alexa, Bonnie, and Yvette. Find a look that suits you, and then set off on your travels! Later, the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal appeared in Vaniville Town and began fighting, causing mass panic and destruction. Y is the daughter of Grace, a famous Rhyhorn racer. Team Flare sought after Xerneas so they could use its life force to power the ultimate weapon. Become a Pokémon Trainer and set out for adventure in a visually stunning new region filled with new Pokémon to catch, trade, and battle. Froakie: Evolves into Greninja. Y received a Key Stone and Mega Ring from Gurkinn, officially making her a Mega Evolution Successor. Y returned to X's house only to find it under attack by the Team Flare members Aliana and Mable. X's group found Korrina, only to discover that Celosia managed to defeat her. She attacked Lysandre, stealing back Korrina's Key Stone in the process. In the Japanese version, Y gives her Pokémon nicknames by taking one or two syllables of the species name and repeating it twice. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. An all-new 3D Pokémon adventure packed with never-before-seen Pokémon has launched! Y and the others returned home, where she reunited with her mother. Realizing the Hawlucha were under a Trainer's command, Y and X stayed behind while Tierno and Shauna borrowed their Mega Rings and went to search for stones for Solsol and X's Rute. Encouraged by Y's kind words, Trevor gained the confidence to stay and fight by himself. After learning that X obtained his Mega Ring without the proper succession ceremony, Korrina refused to acknowledge X as a true Mega Evolution Successor and angrily left without telling him more about it. After Y reunited with the others, Xerneas decided to join her team and was nicknamed Xerxer. By evolving into a Greninja, Croaky teamed up with X to battle Xerosic. After saying farewell to Diantha, Y and the others met back up with X and Sycamore. The only exception is Fletchy. With the Gengar he received from Gurkinn, X defeated Essentia and forced her to run away. Unlike previous games, the local Pokédex in X & Y is split into three different sections: Central Kalos Pokédex, Coastal Kalos Pokédex and Mountain Kalos Pokédex. AZ is a mysterious man who appears in Pokémon X and Y. Frustrated and confused by this behavior, Shauna refused to go and ran off. . The inn was actually a Team Flare trap designed to keep Y and the others inside while Aliana and Mable attempted to steal Li'l Kanga while X wasn't looking. In Epilogue, AZ approached the Vaniville children and revealed he created the ultimate weapon. Die folgende Pokémon-Liste enthält alle bekannten Pokémon aus dem Pokédex von den Editionen X und Y. . In Xerneas Gives, it ended up turning back into its tree form alongside Malva's Yveltal, who turned into its cocoon form. Her name is derived from 'Synthesis,' … In Malamar Traps, Y, her friends, Blue, and Diantha set off to confront Team Flare at the Pokémon Village. Once Y and X reunited with their friends, Y decided that with their home destroyed and Team Flare after them, the best option was to leave town. He is level 47, has a Careful nature, and his Characteristic is "thoroughly cunning.". As of November 2011, it has over 11,000 different pairing names. It also revealed that the games would b… Everyone tried stopping AZ, but he retaliated with his Golurk. AZ stayed behind to allow Xerneas to take X and the others back to the surface. This game is Pokémon Y. During X's search for a Pinsir, the group encountered Blue, another Trainer from the Kanto region, and Diantha, who was rescued by Blue earlier. bring the experience of a classic Pokémon RPG to Nintendo Switch with gameplay that is easily approachable for newcomers to the series, but is also deep enough to keep veteran Trainers on their toes. Gotta catch 'em all! As with all new generations of games, X & Y bring a plethora of Pokémon to the fold. ... Name: Pokémon X/Y. When one of Golurk's attacks was about to hit Y, AZ stepped in and took the attack himself. X battled and defeated the editor-in-chief's Pangoro, rescuing Alexa's Heli in the process. The following are cool Pokémon names you can use for your character: Escobar – After the infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar. The battle was merely an act to prevent Y and the others from heading down the path Lysandre took. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He was given to Trevor as a Froakie from Professor Sycamore alongside Chespin and Fennekin in the hopes that they would break X out of his depression. On Route 15, Y caught an Absol and nicknamed it Solsol. Fennekin, a FirePokémon: an orange, fox-looking Pokémon with flame-like fur emerging from its ears. By evolving into Frogadier and startling a herd of wild Rhyhorn, Croaky convinced Celosia she was mistaken about someone else being there. With his mind at ease, AZ thanked the Vaniville children, only to be shocked at the return of the Floette that left him 3,000 years ago. Due to Xerneas and Yveltal being evenly matched, Xerosic announced that Lysandre ordered a ceasefire. In Pinsir Glares, the group rested at the Lost Hotel. The male protagonist from Pokémon X/Y. Xerxer confirmed this and retreated, taking Y and the others with it. Gym Leader: Grant. Reward: Cliff Badge, TM 39 Rock Tomb. In PS570, Cassius used a helicopter to transport Y and the others to Cyllage City, where Grace was last spotted. Y, Tierno, and Shauna trained together under Gurkinn's tutelage. If you enjoy this game then also play games Pokemon Fire Red Version and Pokemon Emerald Version. Veevee's known moves are Baby-Doll Eyes, Draining Kiss, Swift*, Quick Attack*, Disarming Voice, and Misty Terrain, and her Ability is Cute Charm. Auch wenn der Name in den Spielen frei wählbar ist, gibt es für sie geläufige Namen, die in Verbindung mit dem Namen der jeweiligen Edition, in der sie auftreten, stehen. Pokemon X and Y has 1302 likes from 1661 user ratings. Y went ahead and found the Hawlucha's Trainer was Essentia, leading to a battle on the rooftops. It first appeared in Vaniville Town, where it battled Yveltal, causing destruction to the town. 651: Y praised Trevor, stating that he grew stronger over the course of their journey. When X and Trevor returned after having beaten the Grunt, they found that Y had gone into a slump of depression. X and Trevor chased the Grunt while Y helped remove a tree that fell on top of Clemont, who revealed he spotted Grace being taken away by Team Flare. Ramos revealed that Team Flare blamed the destruction caused by the ultimate weapon on the Vaniville children and the Gym Leaders. She was first seen as a Fletchling with her Trainer while flying to X's house to convince him to get out of his house. Once taken to safety, Sycamore revealed that ultimate weapon's blast affected the Key Stones, giving them the ability to track Mega Stones, but only from 8 PM to 9 PM. The damage dealt to the helicopter caused a propeller blade to snap off and hit Y, sending her crashing down to Route 9. Cynthia is the name of the champion of the Sinnoh region. Xerxer (Japanese: ぜるぜる Xerxer) is Y's fifth known Pokémon. There, they met Viola, who allowed everyone to investigate photos she took of the Vaniville incident at the Santalune Gym.
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