Has the Pokémon boosted all its stats one stage? Infinite Fusion Calculator. You can include nature and IVs to see the stats for a specific pokemon or leave them blank to see all possibilities for a pokemon at a specific level. With the IV Calculator, it's now possible to get EXACT CP and HP numbers if you're willing to input a little more information. Description: Fusion Calculator made specifically for Pokémon Infinite Fusion. Pokemon GO Raid IV Calculator. for a Pokémon. Pokemon Sword and Shield Damage Calculator for VGC 2021 & 2020. Check out the Stardust Strategy to help you with this rare resource or Buddy Stats to help you choose your perfect Pokemon buddy. You can include nature and IVs to see the stats for a specific pokemon or leave them blank to see all possibilities for a pokemon at a specific level. Contains all Pokemon in the game as of version 4.8. In practice, it's a bit stronger than Machamp, meaning it's definitely a strong Pokemon worthy of a team slot. POKEMON TOOLS - STAT CALCULATOR. 48th 100% Select the calculator's mode … • pokémon ©1995 pokémon, This tool will calculate the possible range of IVs of a Pokémon given its Species, Level, Nature, and EVs (Effort Values). nintendo, License. A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations Pokémon 1's Moves (select one to show detailed results), Pokémon 2's Moves (select one to show detailed results), (If you see this message for more than a few seconds, try enabling JavaScript. Select up to eight Pokémon to compare their stats, moves, etc. Pokemon Quest IV Calculator. It can also calculate stats at any given level and deduce a Pokémon's Hidden Power type and power. So, say you’ve got a 600CP Eevee that you want to evolve into an Umbreon, you’d just pop that information into a calculator and it’ll tell you that Umbreon will have about 1247CP when you evolve it.. IV Go. This calculator will help you estimate your Pokemon's IV's in Pokemon GO. This calculates what a Pokémon’s CP will be when you evolve it. Forked from the Sun & Moon Individual Value & Stat Calculator and tailored to Pokémon Sword & Shield. Stat Exp. These are called diversification values and determine the Pokemon’s training potential compared to others of its species. Is the Pokémon protected by an ally's Friend Guard? Is the Pokémon protected by an ally's Aurora Veil? Pokémon Go evolution CP calculator. Each individual value must be 0 to 31, each effort value must be 0 to 255, and sum of effort values must be 510 or less. This calculator will figure out that score (called a "gene" or, more obtusely, an "IV") for you, so you can discard the unworthy. After calculating damage, add the value of your Pokemon’s Attack stat to Melee - Attack damage and Ranged - Attack damage. HP Ranking XY version. POKEMON TOOLS - IV CALCULATOR. If you want to translate, modify this program or include it in your website, please read the License provided below. IVs range from 0 to 31. Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet IV Calculator Latest Content. Does this Eevee have good stats or not?! Evolution calculator This tool will calculate how strong your evolved Pokémon will be. So far, there are three Individual Values in the Pokémon Go game, namely Attack, Defense, and Stamina. for your Pokémon based on the information available. This page allows the user to calculate the stats of a Pokemon by entering IVs/EVs. Select the calculator's mode of function. Is Cannonade and/or Volcalith affecting this side of the field? Compatible with: Pokémon X & Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire for the Nintendo 3DS.. Several Pokémon have had their Base Stats changed in Pokémon X & Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire; therefore, this calculator is incompatible with previous games.However, you can use the Advanced Individual Value & Stat Calculator instead.. "Effort" is accumulated as your Pokémon battles. Find out if your Pokemon can be the best. Base Stats Ranking XY version. • country flags from famfamfam. game freak, Version to use for moves: Compare: 22ms 3 queries: 3ms ©1999 eevee/lexy munroe • pokémon ©1995 pokémon, nintendo, game freak, creatures. If terms such as IVs and EPs sound Greek to you, then you should read a Pokémon Training Guide before using this tool. ATK SP. ... PvP Stat Product Calculator. RBY GSC ADV DPP B/W X/Y S/M S/S Select the output notation. As multiple IVs can give the same CP and HP values for a Pokémon, sometimes the range given can be quite large. When it comes to simplicity, IV Go tops the list of Pokémon Go IV calculator apps. Pikalytics pokedex team builder Damage calc Articles tournaments follow us Support Us ♥. Atk: Sp. creatures, many thanks to these amazing contributors This tool will calculate all the possible IV of a … Info. Link: https://aegide.github.io/ Author: Aegide, SDM0. Pokémon Go IV Calculator (also known as Pokemon IV Calculator) is a tool for calculating your Pokémon’s Individual Values (IVs). Pokemon Go IV Calculator Find out if your Pokemon can be the best. Make a local copy to use it. DEF SPD; Stats: EVs: If you find any errors, contact KaBob799. This calculator will tell you the potential base stats of a pokemon at a given level. This calculator simply attempts to calculate the IVs (what are Pokémon IVs?) Breakpoint Calculator. Has this Pokémon been revealed with Foresight or Odor Sleuth? Contribute to dalphyx/pokemon-stat-calculator development by creating an account on GitHub. It was optimized for players in the Pokémon Championship Series by Tapin, Firestorm, squirrelboy1225, and DaWoblefet. EVs will be applied to all calculations. This calculator is based on the work of Honko, gamut, and Zarel. This calculator allows the reverse calculation of any Pokémon's Individual Values when given the Pokémon's details. The program's author would be glad if notified about your modifications, including translations. Mega Evolutions. Stay ahead of the game with the Pikalytics damage calculator! Defense. Is the Pokémon boosted by an ally's Battery ability? Despite its bad Fighting Type moveset, its high Attack Stat is enough to power through and allow this rabbit to kick just as hard as the Champ can punch. Pokemon Stat Calculator; Multi-Search. Trainerstats open to Reddit users. It helps you find the hidden attributes of a Pokemon. Stat calculator; Conquest. It can also calculate stats at any given level and deduce a Pokémon's Hidden Power type and power. "Stats" are your Pokémon's actual stats, from the Summary screen in-game. This calculator allows the reverse calculation of any Pokémon's Individual Values when given the Pokémon's details. Is this Pokémon protected by Reflect and/or Light Screen? Thus, defeating a Pikachu - at any level - would give 35 stat experience points in HP, 55 in Attack, 30 in Defense, 90 in Speed, and 50 in Special. If you don't know what this is, and your Pokémon has EVER battled or eaten a vitamin, this calculator CANNOT work. • icons from fugue set This calculator will tell you the potential base stats of a pokemon at a given level. Full Instructions. Un-Resisted: Recommended Additions: Rating: Outstanding. Huge thanks to Nugget Bridge for hosting this calculator in the past. Catch Rate Calculator . Is Stealth Rock affecting this side of the field? IV Calculator; EV Planner; Individual values, abbreviated as IVs, are Pokémon's equivalent of genes, and help determine its stats. This page will be dedicated to Stat Exp. Pokémon Damage Calculator Select the generation. To explain, … Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Pokemon Sun and Moon (Gen 7) Stats Pokemon GO Raid Catch Calculator. Is Steelsurge affecting this side of the field? Landorus - Therian and its Place … Calculate Pokémon stat. The first Fighting Type Mega Evolution in Pokemon Go, Mega Lopunny has a lot to aspire to and a lot to fear. The Defense Stat is used when you receive damage from a Melee - Attack or Ranged - Attack Move. These three values define your character’s potential and ability as a Gym attacker or defender. This calculator is designed to work with pokemon from Generation 3 and newer. The Attack stat is used to calculate damage when making a physical based attack. Are there Spikes on this side of the field? @jakerodelius The Pokémon moveset searcher allows you to input up to four moves and see which Pokémon can learn all of those moves. EVs will be applied to all calculations. ). Every time a Pokémon defeated another Pokémon, it would gain stat experience equal to the base stats of that Pokémon's species. Name: Gender: Pokemon: Level: Nature: HP ATK DEF SP. Description: Google sheet to calculate and compare fusions stats. Pokémon; Level; Hit Points Attack; N/A: N/A: N/A: Settings × . This calculator can be used to calculate the IVs of a Pokemon based on its current level, stats and nature. It's more accurate for higher-level Pokémon, so it's helpful to go into a level 100 wifi battle with someone and check your Pokémon's stats from there. Is Vine Lash and/or Wildfire affecting this side of the field? Created by Honko, maintained by Austin and Kris. ©1999 eevee/lexy munroe What is the DV Calculator? Using Rare Candy is okay, though. Pokemon DV Calculator Created by tewky Updated 2020-07-29. The Pokémon's status can be calculated by inputting the Pokémon name, the Pokémon's nature, the individual values and the effort values, and pushing 'Exec' button. If terms such as IVs and EPs seem unusual to you, then you should read a Pokémon Training Guide before using this tool. Has this Pokémon's power been boosted by an ally's Helping Hand? Home - | IV Calculators: Generation 1 Generation 2 Generations 3-8. WHIRLWIND EXPLANATION: Pokémon have a fixed, permanent score from 0 to 31 for each stat that affects how good that stat can ever get. IV Calculator. Pokémon; Warriors; Abilties; Moves; Warrior Skills; Etc. Enter your Pokémon and its current CP and this tool will estimate how many CPs the evolved Pokémon will have. IV Calculator Find out if your Pokemon can be the best. WHIRLWIND EXPLANATION: Pokémon have a fixed, permanent score from 0 to 31 for each stat that affects how good that stat can ever get. Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet. This calculator is designed to work with pokemon from Generation 3 and newer. Menu. Please note that this tool is a fast way of getting an approximation of your Pokemon's future CP. Pokemon GO Evolution/CP Calculator. They are the generation 1 and 2 equivalent of individual values. This tool will tell you the IVs of the Pokemon. Pokemon: Level: Nature: HP: Attack: Defense: Sp. Has this Pokémon been affected by Leech Seed? The CP for the evolved forms is based on the current Pokémon's stats. Downloads; Compare Pokémon. Generation VI Pokémons. They are also a completely hidden statistic; unless you keep track of it yourself, you'll never know the Stat Exp. This tool will calculate the stats of a Pokemon given its DVs, EVs, Level and species. This proves very useful for finding that perfect moveset, finding breeding partners who can pass down moves, or looking for utility Pokémon for certain tasks like easily catching wild & legendary Pokémon.. A Pokémon's stats are given a multiplier based on its Energy level: Energy level Multiplier Highest 1.1 High 1.05 Neutral 1 Low 0.95 Lowest 0.9 In addition, a Pokémon with maximum Energy will gain slightly more link percentage after a battle, while a Pokémon with minimum Energy will gain less link percentage. is a means of augmenting stats, and is one of two ways that the stats for trained Pokémon in these generations differ from regular Pokémon.
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