Going for hikes of five KM or more is a lot more fun when I'm catching and hatching Pokémon along the way. Das Augmented Reality-Spiel Pokémon Go verbreitet sich rasant und Städte füllen sich mit angehenden Pokémon-Trainern. How to take on the leaders of Team Go Rocket, now with Jesse and James! All the task wants is your Raid pass. It's also best to put your effort into the most efficient counters rather than niche counters. Just getting to Giovanni gives all sorts of XP and rewards but beating him also gives you the chance to catch a Legendary Shadow Pokémon. The type of Hitmon you get from evolving Tyrogue depends on your Tyrogue's stats: How to evolve Tyrogue into Hitmontop in Pokémon Go. However, Wurmple and Whismur from Gen III are only 12 Candies to evolve, and Pidove from Gen V is as well. Even if you are not playing, you get the advantage of all the walking you're doing. Hence. You can even get special eggs as weekly rewards if you reach certain goals. For example, if you have lots of Piggy, and a few Pidgeotto, you probably don't want to spend Candy evolving Pidgy into more Pidgeotto: you want to save them until you can become Pidgeotto into Pidgeot, because it needs some more Candy. There are two kinds of eggs in Pokémon Go: Pokémon Eggs that hatch Pokémon and Lucky Eggs that double the XP you get for catching and hatching Pokémon and performing other in-game actions. You can get good counters by working your way up through raids. Everyone starts with an infinite incubator use with a ∞ symbol on, but sometimes you will be rewarded with 3x incubators, and for being able to buy them in the shop. Otherwise, you are wasting battery and time waiting for it to begin working again. You would need a phone with an accelerometer in it to work, which might exclude some entry-level Android phones. The Silver Pinap Berry will provide you extra candies too when you catch hold of that Pokemon. Either way, by the time attacker three is done, the Gym should be done too. Some of the Special Research Tasks, including two for the Let's Go, Meltan task, require you to complete several Raids to proceed. Friendship is an interesting mechanic in Pokémon Go that rewards you for raising your Friendship level, but you can only raise your level with each friend once a day. Hence, save those Lucky Eggs for those epic town centre Pokemon Go sessions to get the most of XP in return. Know about the Team of Any Gym with a … Sure, you'll get a lot of common Pokémon, but you'll also get some rare Pokémon that would take you a long time to catch in the wild, and it's currently the only way to get the Gen II and Gen III Pokémon babies. Hitmonlee when Attack is the highest stat. Learn your Pokemon types and battle advantages. It means Groudon has Solar Beam. I would like to receive mail from Future partners. Pokémon Go Eggs: How to hatch them and what's inside! The Poké Ball Plus is the more expensive of the three but also works with other Pokémon games, like Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, and Pokémon Sword and Shield. But when it comes to mastering the game, there's a lot more you need to consider. Just tap the X at the bottom to close the Stop, and you will automatically claim your rewards. Use it wise: 2. While it only works once, you can get each eevolution by renaming your Eevee before evolving. You want to anchor your Gyms with the Pokémon that are the toughest to take down: If you want to optimize for intimidation, especially if you don't mind feeding Golden Razz Berry remotely, then you can go for higher CP and not worry about it. Tap on it, and you'll see up to nine. It costs you nothing but can significantly boost your stock of Pokémon Eggs (so you can hatch more Pokémon), Poké Balls, Great Balls, Ultra Balls, Razz Berries, Potions, Super Potions, Hyper Potions, Max Potions, Revives, and Max Revives. Das Spiel fasziniert und schockiert seit Tagen die Medien. Many big-city hotels have multiple PokéStops within range as well, perfect for Lures if you have them. Raids sind für alle Spieler ab Level 5 verfügbar. Tipps und Tricks. Or, if you get a third evolution by capturing a Raid Boss, and it's perfect or near-perfect, you can save yourself evolving and spend those 125 Candies powering up. Then you want to interleave them with Pokémon that do even more damage to the counters — or the generalists that less tactical players will throw at them. For example, if you don't get Tyranitar for Lugia, it means Lugia has Hydro Pump, which hurts Tyranitar. Catch 200, and you get a gold medal. While Purifying every Shadow Pokémon you rescue is not necessary (and if you're limited on Stardust and/or Candy, it can be an outright waste,) there are achievements and Research tasks that rely on Purifying Pokémon. The 1.7x bonus for a Curve Ball is higher than the 1.5x bonus you get for using a Razz Berry or switching to a Great Ball, and it consumes no resources. Travel far and wide, go crazy for the special events. Have some of your own that aren't included? For example, get Machamp to get Tyranitar. Use the Golden Razz Berry or Silver Pinap Berry with purpose. ★ In this video I will be going over 5 advan... (2020) Throwing Tutorial! Da es so oft passieren kann, dass Informationen verloren gehen, möchten wir auf dieser Seite ein paar Tipps und Tricks aufzählen, die unsere Fans herausgefunden haben. Learn about Pokémon Go nests and how to find them, Throwing a Curve Ball in Pokémon Go gives you a 1.7x bonus to catching a Pokémon. If you need to complete a Research task that requires several purifications, you might want to hold off until you have several of the cheap ones. Once you get the hang of hitting Great or even Excellent throws, you can up your odds by setting the circle size, so it's ready when you want to throw. Have you tried out these tips and tricks? No spam, we promise. Mai) Ende April haben wir Dir über die Nostalgie-Herausforderung berichtet; ein großes Event, das den ganzen Mai über stattfindet und Dich an vergangene Pokémon-Abenteuer erinnern soll. Much like the Sinnoh Stone in Gen IV, now that Gen V has been added to the game, players can also obtain the Unova Stone. The target circle will remain the same size you set, so if you hit it correctly, you'll score the Excellent throw and associated bonus. Here are the best Pokémon to evolve and power up for Raid Battles! But if you're not careful, you can consume a lot of resources at best, and fail in your raid attempts at worst. That way, hopefully, they can get off a charge or two moves before the Raid Boss squishes them. As we said above, you can only carry a finite number of Pokemon, and you want them all to be robust, hence get rid of the weaker specimens. If you get a Raid task after Raids have ended for the day, or a catch-task for a type of Pokémon that's unlikely to spawn due to location, time, or weather, you can delete it and get another, easier to complete a task. If you interact with someone with whom you've reached Best Friend status, you have a chance to become Lucky Friends (you'll get a notification). They're perfect for helping catch essential Pokemon that don't want to be caught. It's called grinding, and it's a huge accelerator when it comes to leveling up. Thanks to CP decay, almost anyone can destroy almost any Gym in a short amount of time. For example, if you have to catch ten Pokémon and you have to hit three Great Throws, go for the Great Throws on those ten Pokémon. A lot. If there's only one defender, that's three battles total. Grund genug also, einen kleinen Guide mit hilfreichen Tipps und Tricks zu präsentieren! Sure, you can still hatch and catch your way to a lot of candy but, Rare Candy can be used as any candy. Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, as well as our many other Pokémon Go guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master! Here are some of the most expensive and hard-to-find Nintendo Switch amiibo figures on the market. More than that, you can let your items lead you and help you to decide what to do while you're out playing. But if you care about getting the best Pokémon possible, ones with the highest stats (IV) and HP (Hit Points) to attack in Raids or defend Gyms — or just show off! The first is Nearby, which shows you Pokémon hanging around the PokéStops in your area. What are the best Pokémon Go tips and tricks? So, it's consistency that counts. You can move through the levels of XP, requiring more XP each time to level up. Heavy Slam Machamp or Fire Blast Tyranitar are near useless. Yet another unique evolution mechanic, Trade Evolution was recently introduced to Pokémon Go. Pokémon Go has helped me get out and go. If you have a Lucky Egg, a bunch of Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedle, and Rattata, you want to mass-evolve for leveling, and a slew of Pokémon Eggs available to hatch, start your ten KM eggs incubating. As the Pokémon gets to about 3/4 through its attack, throw the curve ball as close to dead center as you can. This will double your XP that was earned for 30 minutes. Keep in mind, the costs for Purifying Shadow Pokémon varies based on the species. Hence, learn your Pokemon's skills and build an army for those who fight well, like Gengar, Blissey, Vaporeon. If you are struggling to beat a Pokemon and you can't figure out why, it's probably because of type advantage. I've completed all my regional Pokédexes, and have beaten over 2,000 Raids. Für Pokémon: Let’s Go Pikachu und Let’s Go Evoli läuft es ähnlich: Öffne die Pokémon-Home-App an der Switch und öffne unter „Pokémon“ Deinen aktuellen Spielstand. It's not as high as a Curve Ball bonus, but it's also effortless once you have it. A new rumor on Reddit claims the Apple TV app may be coming to Sky Q in the UK. Traveling fits right into this, as well. It also increases their IV scores and level quite a bit. 1. Have an excess of Balls? Trade the oldest Pokémon you're willing to trade for their Larvitar. By using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 candies, you can evolve: And now, there are a few other Gen 4 Pokémon that evolve via different means: So, get those high-stat 'mon and all the candy you can! Also, double-check the revolution path. IF another team owns it, you can battle the gauntlet and take charge. Once you visit a Poke Stop and spin the sign, you do not have to tap everything released. None of the Gen II Pokémon are at the same 12 candy level, so while you can catch Sentret, Hoothoot, and the rest, they're more like Rattata — a slower grind. The good news is: You don't have to complete them. It even comes with the Mythical Pokémon Mew for those games. Drop a Star Piece before you start, and you'll get 1.5x as you go. It typically takes three rounds to take down a fully motivated Gym in Pokémon Go. Purifying your Pokémon changes them from their Shadow state and teaches them a new attack called Return. Neither Nearby nor Sightings show you every Pokémon around you. For more on how to make friends, check out our guide. Probably best way not to do that with Magikarp, because you require 400 candies to evolve it and you'll get bored before anything happens. Once upon a time, you had to wish for rare hatches or chase down nests to get the candy you needed to evolve and power up your Pokémon. Hatch the eggs and use your incubators wisely. I would like to receive news and offers from other Future brands. 1.1 Warning: Using Illegitimate Pokemon Go Hacks May Get Your Account Banned; 2 List of Legal Pokemon Go Hacks & Tricks. The more Coins you make, the more stuff you can buy. To really stock up on items, get a Pokémon Go Plus, put it in PokéStop only mode, and then go somewhere with high-density stops, like downtown. See how to find rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Ab Level 20 sollte … When you get to eight KM or three KM, start your two KM eggs incubating. In Pokémon GO können Trainer ab Level 38 nun Stops einreichen. Pokémon Go Fest 2020: Tipps und Tricks - so seid ihr optimal vorbereitet! Having captured a Pokemon and got the Stardust and Candy that they bring, can then transfer out Pokemon if you do not need. To help compensate for that, you want to make sure your Pokémon have Psychic or Fairy type moves to at least damage the Fighting types that'll be thrown against them. Your home town is most likely to be dominated by a particular variety, so make sure you go to new places to find more now, which might mean getting off the bus early and walking, or taking the weekend to head to a different area. Attacker one enters the Gym and battles defender one. They're less common than Pokémon Eggs, so you'll have to hit a lot of PokéStops to get them. You only ever need three waves, though, because that's usually how many battles you need to take down the Gym. Schaut auch hier vorbei: Pokémon Go Fest 2020: Tipps und Tricks - so seid ihr optimal vorbereitet! Don't be shy to use them on the Pokémon that mean the most to you. Wer viele Pokémon fängt, … Make sure you Raid, battle at a Gym, or exchange a Gift with as many of your Friends as possible every day. Spin these stops to start an encounter with the grunt and pick your best three Pokémon to battle. Pokémon Go Tipps & Tricks. Give it that, and you can jump out of the lobby and go on to the next Raid. Silver gets you a 1.2x bonus, and gold gets you 1.3x. There are a couple of things you can do, though, to complete them faster. In Pokémon GO müsst ihr Rayquaza kontern und im Raid besiegen, damit ihr es fangen könnt. Pokémon einer Art (also jedes 100. And if you happen to hatch something new, your Pokédex bonus will get doubled as well! Now there's Rare Candy. If you would want to hang onto that Gym, this helps. If it's a full six defenders, that's 18 battles. You will need a Sinnoh Stone to develop them, meaning some Pokemon you thought were finished can now do something else. That said, sometimes my schedule or the weather makes it hard to get all those KM in. It's cheap and easy to come by, while also being relatively small and discrete. So, now, you can spin those as well. 1. It's worth noting. Tyrogue is one of the baby Pokémon introduced in Gen II and can evolve into three different Pokémon, the Gen I Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan or the Gen II Hitmontop. When everything comes together, you can not only get some new Pokémon, candy, and Stardust to evolve more great Pokémon and a considerable amount of XP towards your next level. Nur schade, dass sie so selten sind. Similar to Espeon and Umbreon, to evolve a Feebas into a Milotic, you need to make it your Buddy Pokémon and walk it for 20 KM. It's the stuff I know now that I wish I knew back when I started. While the Apple Watch is not longer supported, there are a few alternatives that work just as well and for far less. There's a limit of 20 gifts you can send or receive, but no limit to Gyms or Raids you can coordinate. Pokedex: this shows all the Pokemon you've acquired, those you have seen and details the evolution paths. Between the XP and Stardust, being able to trade and battle, and the massive bonuses when taking on Raids and Gym battles together, having friends can only improve your Pokémon Go experience. 4. Some Pokemon do not appear very often. You can also earn Gym badges, from basic to bronze, silver, and gold. 3. Then, if you get a higher IV base Pokémon, you can evolve that one instead. Combine the two methods, and you can wipe out any Gym quickly and effectively. Denn die Anleitung im Spiel ist äußerst sparsam und keine große Hilfe bei der Monster-Jagd. Also, if you spin ten PokéStops in a row, with no more than ten minutes between each one, you can also get extra items. 100 Top Tipps/Tricks & Life-Hacks, die jeder kennen muss | Pokémon GO Deutsch #1000. Turn on the Adventure Sync function from the settings menu, and that will do the counter when you are just walking, meaning you can hatch those eggs quickly. Evolution Items are items that trigger new or newly split evolutions. If you attack in waves, though, you can get that down to one round each. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Arlo, Cliff und Sierra in Pokémon GO für Dezember 2020 schlagen können. If you win, not only will you get more experience and items, but you also have the chance to catch a Shadow Pokémon that you can later purify, boosting its stats a lot! Wir zeigen euch effektive Konter und die besten Attacken. Another special case, evolving Wurple into Silcoon or Cascoon is completely up to chance. Bereit? Use your favourite functions to put a star on them so you can see, at a glance, those Pokemon that you are still trying to create. Raiding has brought new challenges, new rewards, and a new sense of community to Pokémon Go. How to really rack up the Stardust in Pokémon Go. Sollten weitere Ankündigungen folgen, aktualisieren wir diesen Artikel entsprechend. Two people can do the first wave, for example. They're Normal type and so are all vulnerable to Fighting types. Spin as often as you can. If it is not responding, stop, restart, open the application and keep going. Incubators are one of the very few things I'll pay for if I need to. Sadly, very rare Pokémon like Tyranitar, Dragonite, and Hydreigon don't have any known nests, but others like Electabuzz, Rhyhorn, and all of the Starter Pokémon do. Unlike Shiny Pokémon, Lucky Pokémon aren't a different color — though they do sparkle on your screen — but they do have a benefit: They cost only 1/2 the Stardust to power up. Die Aufregung um Pokemon Go macht das Spiel zum lohnenswerten Ziel für Hacker und Cheater - zumal Niantic bisher nur sehr zaghaft gegen die Schummler vorgeht. 13. 2.1 1. Use a Lucky Egg when you are active in playing Evolve base Pokemon with excess candies like Pidgey or Rattata Catch hold of everything. Using the Unova Stone and 100 candies, you can evolve: Always trying to bring in new features, Pokémon Go now has Team Go Rocket Grunts causing all sorts of trouble and corrupting poor Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon! You can leave Pokémon Go on while you're doing housework, shopping, walking the dog, even riding in slow-moving transports like ski lifts, trams, ferries, buses in traffic, and more. Instantly Add Friends; 2.5 5. Switch it off and play the game world and you will find it's easier to catch Pokemon since the environment remains the same. As already said, you can only carry a finite number of Pokemon, and you want them all to be robust, hence get rid of the weaker specimens. If you do want to use a Gengar or some other high DPS, low toughness Pokémon put them first in your Battle Team. Wer in Pokémon GO richtig durchstarten will, kommt ohne die richtigen Tipps und Tricks nicht weit. Also, Water type spawns aren't nests because they don't migrate and have multiple Water type Pokémon that spawn together. When you see a Pokémon on your catch screen, you also see the CP (Combat Power) of that Pokémon. To really stock up on items, get a Pokémon Go Plus, put it in PokéStop only mode, and then go somewhere with high-density stops, like downtown. Therefore, check the power of the Pokemon in the Raid Battle before you begin. You can also focus on taking out one Pokémon at a time, making it less likely other defenders will get notifications and start feeding berries as well. Gyms are really what Pokemon Go is all about. And, watch out for special events where hatching distances are slashed. Not only is it a great strategy for getting as much free stuff as possible, but it also helps keep storage open, so you never lose out on a Pokémon Egg or anything else you desperately need just because your bag is full of stuff you don't. I've been playing Pokémon Go since it launched. Use whichever one you want on a Pokéstop, and you'll be prompted to evolve your Eevee. How to get XP and level up faster in Pokémon Go. 1 Pokemon Go Hacks & Tricks in 2021. Zusätzliche Bonbons erhalten. Do not waste your 3x incubators, use them for 10km eggs. Auf unserer Webseite findest du hilfreiche Tipps & Tricks zum Spiel Pokémon Go. These evolve into a special Raichu, so it is worth having and holding these, so that you can put them in Gyms for others to be jealous of. If, for example, you already have 20 Rattata, you can probably swap some for candies to power up those who will battle for you as Raticate. Each one of those will net you 250 XP — 500 XP with a Lucky Egg. Make sure the first defender is gone. GPS drift — where your trainer runs around because Pokémon Go can't get an exact fix — can add up to extra KM for hatching eggs or walking your Buddy as well. But CP doesn't just depend on level; it also depends on stats (IV). Bronze medal earns you an extra 1.1x bonus for catching Pokémon. You still need 25 Eevee candy, or the prompt won't appear. Same for Gyarados for Groudon. Why bother? Share. Still, you can destroy them even faster if you want to, even if defenders are feeding berries. So, if you want to trade high level but low IV Larvitar to try and get a Lucky Tyranitar, here's how to increase your odds: Also, another mechanic was introduced in April 2019 called Lucky Friends that assures you a Lucky Pokémon. If you're lucky enough to have a lot of good counters, pay attention to what Pokémon Go auto selects for you. It takes 30 days to reach Ultra Friend and 90 days to reach Best Friend status. Since you won't see these very often, making them your buddy means you can earn those types of candies gradually as you walk. The Field research is ongoing, allowing you to complete tasks you get from Poke Stops like collect 5 Pokemon with the weather boost. If your team controls the Gym, you get a bonus time. 5 Advanced Fast Catch Tips & Tricks In Pokémon GO! Das schnelle Fangen von Pokémon lohnt sich vor allem auf dem GO Fest 2020. Aber zuerst einige allgemeine Tipps… Wie man Team GO Raketenführer besiegt. You can get them randomly from other spins at any time, but the odds seem to be around 1/300. You will also need to carry those you still need to evolve and hang on to those who need a particular item to develop, like Onix if you have not yet got Steelix. Now, Pokémon who originally evolved by trading in the core games can be traded to evolve for free! Pokémon Go Fest 2020: Tipps und Tricks - so seid ihr optimal vorbereitet! This is the underlying principle of the whole Pokemon battling world. 8. Delete tasks that are hard to complete. These migrations occur at 12 AM UTS (5 PM PST or 8 PM EST) every other Thursday. Still, it's better to have several powerful Blissey than one Blissey and a Caterpie, Metapod, Kakuna and so on, because those 9. How to stack bonuses and catch any Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Hier seit Ihr richtig! Some of the more common species, such as Rattata and Zubat, only cost 1,000 Stardust, while some of the rarer Pokémon can cost up to 5,000 Stardust. 7. Even if you don't have an accessory and can't leave your game running, Pokémon Go has a feature called Adventure Sync that will count the distance you're walking even when the app isn't running. As a result, Gyms are getting taken down more often. Mit den „Pokémon GO“-Tipps von der Redaktion starten Sie perfekt in die Monsterhatz, die „Pokémon GO“-Tricks für Profis bringen Sie tiefer ins Geschehen – die folgende „Pokémon GO“-Hilfe ist Anleitung und Training-Booster zugleich! When you get to 5 KM on them, start your five KM eggs incubating. Nachfolgend findest Du Infos zu allen bislang bekannten Events für den Mai. Das findet diesmal von Zuhause statt und könnte sogar besser werden, als die vergangenen GO Fests. Using this technique, you will get more efficient use of those incubators. Wir zeigen euch die EP-Anforderungen, die Aufgaben und geben Tipps … People do them, and they seem to work, which is frustrating, so more people start doing them, and it creates a vicious cycle. Raid-Guide Don't. I know the feeling. This may not be possible for some, but going to as many places as possible will help you collect more types of Pokemon. Dynamic Punch Machamp or Stone Edge Tyranitar are forces of nature. Too many Potions and Revives weighing you down? Aber hier sind einige der besten Tipps, um das Beste aus Ihrem Spiel herauszuholen. For example, if you have lots of Piggy, and a few Pidgeotto, you probably don't want to spend Candy evolving Pidgy into more Pidgeotto: you want to save them until you can become Pidgeotto into Pidgeot, because it needs some more Candy. Favourite Pokemon to find those that need to evolve As more regions opening up in Pokemon Go, it can be hard to keep track of those Pokemon that can still develop. AirPods Pro deal at Amazon: Save $52 for a limited time! These three are much tougher to beat than any of the Grunts, but the rewards for beating them are much greater too. Another special case for evolution is that of Tyrogue. In Pokémon GO könnt ihr nun auf Rang 50 aufsteigen. Hard as it may be, wait until you have the full 125 candies to evolve completely before doing any evolutions at all. Additionally, keep your eye out for special edition characters - like the seasonal Pikachu. Taubsi, jedes 100. 18. Also, consider that Pokemon that can sit in Gyms and don't defend it, don't earn many coins - so that small Gym isn't going to make as much money as you might think. This might sound tad bit cowardly approach, but there is little point in pitching your 86CP Squirtle against a 50000CP Kyogre. Almost as fast as mass-evolving. Hatch the eggs and use your incubators wisely. Most of the best defenders have one thing in common — and one weakness in common. These evolve into a special Raichu, so it is worth having and holding these, so that you can put them in Gyms for others to be jealous of.Transfer Pokemon for candies The following names work one time each: If you want more Espeon or Umbreon, you have to make an Eevee your Buddy, walk 10 KM with it, then evolve during the day (Espeon) or at night (Umbreon) while it's still your Buddy. When attacker one defeats defender two, and attacker two defeats defender one, attacker three enters and starts battling defender one. If all you care about is finishing your Pokédex, it may not matter to you. Mehr Tipps, Tricks und Guides zu Pokémon GO Kämpfe sind ein essenzieller Bestandteil von Pokémon GO. Gyms are where the real glory lies, since they are the route to Coins. You can buy Lucky Eggs, but you also get them as rewards for hitting some levels. There are two areas of the game which helps you register the Pokemon you catch: Bag: these are the Pokemon you have available to you. The Pokémon Go Plus was the first of these accessories. But we live in a very, very imperfect world. Das solltet ihr beachten, wenn ihr die Funktion jetzt nutzt. Adventure Synce is a great way to hatch eggs and earn rewards. You can also anticipate counters. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details without your permission. Unterstützung für Raids suchen. There's the simple stuff everyone already knows: Use the best counters and give them the best moves. 4 talking about this. The second is Sightings, which shows you the Pokémon hiding anywhere close by, ready to spawn. Touch and hold the Poké Ball until the target circle shrinks down to Excellent size. A new report from Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims Apple will bring faster mmWave 5G to multiple new countries with iPhone 13, including Japan, Australia, and Canada. Once a month, you can even complete Special Research to challenge the boss of Team Go Rocket himself: Giovanni. (Some people like force-quitting each evolution to speed up the process — your mileage may vary.). Making more mid-tier Pokemon is relatively less useful than getting the rarer evolved form that will often be more useful in battle. Pokémon Eggs are free, and you can only get them from spinning PokéStops. If so, move on to the second defender. Bans come in waves every month or so, but now they've also been joined by "slashing," which puts a line across illegitimately gained Pokémon and makes them useless in Gym and Raid Battles.
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