Cloudflare Ray ID: 642d5f682ae64bca We apologize for this issue, and to help Trainers who purchased a ticket feel like they are receiving its value, paid ticket holders will be able to participate in a bonus event. Pokémon and its trademarks are ©1995-2021 Nintendo, Creatures, and GAMEFREAK. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated. Das sind Rampenlicht-Stunden, Raidstunden und … Das Event findet vom 16. bis zum 22. Both regular and shiny can be obtainable during certain events. It also featured the GO Fest Weekly Challenge: Friendship Timed Special Research. Die Pokémon GO Wetterwoche hat in Teilen der Welt bereits begonnen und wie immer haben die Spieler auf Reddit ihre Funde und Erlebnisse zum Event veröffentlicht, sodass wir alle Eventdetails für euch zusammenfassen können. Pokémon GO - Special Events Like most games, Pokémon GO runs various special events … If you’re a big fan of the location-based monster collector, then there’s very little reason to ever not be playing, whether it’s participating in Raid Hour, Community Day, Go Fest 2020, or the smaller events that take place in between. March 2021 Events in Pokémon GO A complete guide to events that take place in Pokémon GO during the month of March, 2021. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Download Size: 161MB (iOS) Menu Icon. Event-Übersicht zu Pokémon GO. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Complete event-exclusive Field Research tasks and Timed Research to encounter Pokémon like Nosepass! Pokémon Snap event – szczegóły wydarzenia. Upcoming events are subject to change. Déroulement de l'Évènement Pour célébrer le quatrième anniversaire de Pokémon GO, l' été sera rempli d'événements, menant tout droit au Pokémon GO Fest 2020 qui aura lieu, on le … These are days where, for a portion of the day, certain Pokémon will spawn in increased amounts, usually with Timed Research and Field Research. Szczegóły dotyczące nowej gry na Nintendo Switch… Czytaj więcej! Was sind das für Events? … On Kwi 13, 2021 8:07 pm, by Ivrin. So, of course, Pokémon Go has announced details of an event to celebrate. You can find them on my Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook Page. Pokémon GO hat überraschend ein Mini-Event für den 1. Wir zeigen euch alle Inhalte des Events. For the latest on in-game events and feature updates, be sure to check this help center article. I think we’ve had one week off in 2021, bar the single days between events. This website is not officially affiliated with Pokémon GO and is intended to fall under Fair Use doctrine, similar to any other informational site such as a wiki. [ [events.displayDay (event)]] [ [events.displayMonth (event)]] [ [event.title]] ic_health copy. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Quelle: Niantic Pokémon GO: Events und Boni im April 2021 - das erwartet euch im neuen Monat Der April steht vor der Tür - und in Pokémon Go warten neue Events auf euch. Upcoming events are subject to change. The Rivals' Week event in Pokémon Go is available from Tuesday, April 13th at 10am local time to Sunday, April 18th at 8pm local time.. [1]Also during the event, a Pokémon Spotlight Hour featuring Oddish happened. Eigentlich hat Pokémon Go bereits ausreichend Events, aber die Leute von Niantic führen einen weiteren Event ein, der neben dem Community Day monatlich wiederkehrt: der Freundschaftstag. Summer Event was an event in Pokémon GO. Unown Events; Peripherals; Pokémon GO Plus; Pokémon GO for Apple Watch; Details. Pokémon GO Events - Pokémon GO. Pokémon GO has officially announced a new event starting on Thursday, April 29 at 10 a.m. that goes through Sunday, May 2 at 8:00 p.m. local time to celebrate the release of the upcoming New Pokémon Snap game for the Nintendo Switch.. Pokémon, die mit dem Wetter zusammenhängen, wie etwa Formeo und die Kräfte der Natur … A Pokémon Go event is a regular occurrence these days, with something new happening pretty much every week. Sobald weitere Details zum Event bekannt werden, ergänzen wir diese. EVENTS. Their evolutions, Dragalge and Clawitzer, will also be available for the first time. Picture: Name: Duration: Focus: Catch Mastery Ghost : October 25th 2020 08:00-22:00 Local Time: Drifloon: Game Names. Eine chronologische Übersicht zu den Events in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und der ganzen Welt findest du hier! Can anyone else remember the last time we didn’t have an event on in Pokémon GO? 2021 © Leek Duck. Due to a technical issue that occurred during Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto, some Trainers were able to access the ticketed portion of the event without purchasing a ticket. Players: 1. Mit dem Event "Pokémon GO-Tour: Kanto" sollen Spieler von Pokémon GO auf die Spuren aller Kanto-Pokémon gehen können und können sich am Eventtag für die Rote Version oder die Grüne Version (inspiriert von den ersten Pokémon-Editionen aus Japan) entscheiden. I create Pokémon GO graphics, resources and report Pokémon GO news. Bonuses, Sales, Pokémon Appearances, Raids and more. Für den März 2021 in Pokémon GO planen die Entwickler wieder viele Events. New Pokémon in Pokémon Go Rivals' Week. 30 kwietnia wydana zostanie nowa gra z serii Pokemon Snap i z tej okazji w Pokemon GO odbędzie się specjalny event. Date + Time. It is has been pretty constant this year, and a lot of the community are starting to experience event fatigue with this never ending cycle of events. • Upcoming events are subject to change.” Be sure to follow Niantic and the Pokémon GO Hub on social media to stay up to date with the latest news and information as soon as they are announced. - Get the latest info on Shiny Pokémon, Raid Bosses, Research, and more in Pokémon GO from Leek Duck, a Trainer from NYC. Event Pokémon, also called costumed Pokémon, are specifically made for events with visual attributes closely related to the event theme, such as, themed-hats, clothes or costumes. List of Catch Mastery Events. Wie lange … • April angekündigt. März statt. Schließt während des Events exklusive Feldforschungsprojekte ab, um Pokémon wie Trasla, Volbeat, Illumise, Pandir mit einem Herzmuster und Mamolida zu begegnen und andere Belohnungen zu erhalten. News Rivals’ Week – co warto wiedzieć. Sustainability Week – From Tuesday, April 20, 2021 to Sunday, April 25, 2021, you can look forward to … iOS & Android Australia: July 6th 2016 US: July 6th 2016 Germany: July 13th 2016 UK: July 4th 2016 Spain/Portugal/Italy: July 15th 2016 Europe (Mainland): … Highlights include new GO Rocket Special Research, Therian form legendaries in raids, a surprise Mega-evolution and 4 yet-to-be-detailed events. Your IP: Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Release Date. This event introduces the Mock Kelp Pokémon Skrelp and the Water Gun Pokémon Clauncher to Pokémon Go, where they'll be appearing in the wild, raids, and Field Research encounters. Rivals' Week event dates and times in Pokémon Go. Frühlings-Event in Pokémon GO: Dieses Event startet an Ostern und verspricht spannende Boni. Es wird der Release von New Pokémon Snap gefeiert. All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo, Niantic, The Pokémon Company, and GAMEFREAK are property of their respective owners. Performance & security by Cloudflare. The event will feature Pokémon inspired by the landscapes in the Lental region, the setting of New Pokémon Snap. Let’s GO! Das Elektro-Event in Pokémon GO ist gestartet und es hält wieder neue Aufgaben und sogar eine Überraschung für die Trainer bereit. Event Pokémon are not recorded in Pokédex. Genre: Augmented Reality. Rivals’ Week – From Tuesday, April 13, 2021, to Sunday, April 18, 2021, Pokémon that are rivals will be featured, including some Pokémon making their Pokémon GO debut! In Pokémon GO finden diverse Events mit tollen Belohnungen statt. In Pokémon GO startet bald ein neues Event, was unter anderem Shiny Farbeagle ins Spiel bringt. Wir zeigen euch Shinys, Quests und Raid-Bosse. In einem neuartigen Event mit Elektro-Pokémon erscheinen erstmals neue Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. April 2021 um 10:00 Uhr wird in Pokémon Go der Frühlings-Event gefeiert. So soll die gesamte Chaneira-Familie mit Blumenkranz erscheinen. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Wetterwoche. Train to be the very best. Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Developer: Nintendo GAME FREAK The Pokémon Company Niantic. All rights reserved by their respective owners. You can also find me on YouTube but I haven't gotten around to that. Here is a list of current and upcoming events in Pokémon GO. Es geht erneut um “Tricky-Pokémon”, die für einen Tag im Spiel erscheinen. Catch Mastery Events. On Kwi 15, 2021 3:54 pm, by Ivrin. In 2020, Pokémon GO introduced the concept of Catch Mastery Events. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated. Ein weiteres Event befasst sich im März mit dem Wetter. Created with Sketch. Hey, I'm LeekDuck. Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO.
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