So, if you increase your friendship status with three different friends every day, the fastest you can get it is 90 days. Because the Super Rocket Radar is earned through Special Research, you cannot battle Giovanni more than once a month during normal times. The following Ultra Hero Medals also unlock avatar style items: The Purifier Medal requires purifying Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket: Although you can technically purify any Shadow Pokémon you capture, the cost in Stardust and Candy for purification increases with the rarity of the Pokémon. Gewinne 200 Trainerkämpfe in der Meisterliga. There are also events in which Team GO Rocket hot air balloons appear more often, as well as events that feature Jesse and James' Meowth hot air balloon. You can ean League Veteran Medals by completing Trainer Battles in the Pokémon Go Battle League. When you appraise a big Magikarp, your Team Leader will comment on how huge/colossal/gigantic it is. 100. Gewinne 50 Trainerkämpfe in der Superliga. Unlike the Achievement Medals, though, the type medals do come with a pretty significant reward. A few Pokémon change types as they evolve. 2) Die erste Spezial-Mission heute Starten! Verwende ein Lockmodul, um einem anderen Trainer beim Fangen von 2.500 Pokémon zu helfen. There are so many normal type Pokémon and so many common Pokémon like Pidgey and Rattata are normal types. Every time you battle in a Gym and beat a Pokémon from a rival team, you get credit for one battle. Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Diese haben erst mit dem Update auf Version 1.11.2/0.41.4 eigene Bilder bekommen. Gewinne 50 Trainerkämpfe in der Meisterliga. Super-fast mmWave 5G coming to more countries with iPhone 13, says Kuo, Rumor: Apple TV app coming to Sky Q in the UK, Apple's App Store 'breaking at the seams', says former marketing director, Get the rarest gift for the Nintendo Switch amiibo collector in your life, Silver: Shorts, Shoes (in Red, Blue, and Yellow), Gold: Top (also in Red, Blue, and Yellow), Silver: Complete 100 Field Research tasks, Gold: Complete 1,000 Field Research tasks, Platinum: Complete 2,500 Field Research tasks, Bronze: Trade Pokémon over 1,000 KM distance, Silver: Trade Pokémon over 100,000 KM distance, Gold: Trade Pokémon over 1,000,000 KM distance, Platinum: Trade Pokémon over 10,000,000 KM distance, Bronze: Become Best Friends with one Trainer, Silver: Become Best Friends with two Trainers, Gold: Become Best Friends with three Trainers, Platinum: Become Best Friends with 20 Trainers, Bronze: Have 10 Pokémon Snapshot Surprises, Silver: Have 50 Pokémon Snapshot Surprises, Gold: Have 200 Pokémon Snapshot Surprises, Platinum: Have 400 Pokémon Snapshot Surprises, Silver: Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket members, Gold: Defeat 1,000 Team GO Rocket members, Platinum: Defeat 2,000 Team GO Rocket members, Bronze: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss once, Silver: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss 5 times, Gold: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss 20 times, Platinum: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss 50 times, Silver: Giovanni Pants and Giovanni Shoes, Bronze: Register 5 Pokémon from the Kanto region, Silver: Register 50 Pokémon from the Kanto region, Gold: Register 100 Pokémon from the Kanto region, Platinum: Register all 151 Pokémon from the Kanto region, Bronze: Register 5 Pokémon from the Johto region, Silver: Register 30 Pokémon from the Johto region, Gold: Register 70 Pokémon from the Johto region, Platinum: Register all 100 Pokémon from the Johto region, Bronze: Register 5 Pokémon from the Hoenn region, Silver: Register 40 Pokémon from the Hoenn region, Gold: Register 90 Pokémon from the Hoenn region, Platinum: Register all 135 Pokémon from the Hoenn region, Bronze: Register 5 Pokémon from the Sinnoh region, Silver: Register 30 Pokémon from the Sinnoh region, Gold: Register 80 Pokémon from the Sinnoh region, Platinum: Register all 107 Pokémon from the Sinnoh region, Bronze: Register 5 Pokémon from the Unova region, Silver: Register 50 Pokémon from the Unova region, Gold: Register 100 Pokémon from the Unova region, Platinum: Register all 156 Pokémon from the Unova region, Bronze: Register 5 Pokémon from the Kalos region, Silver: Register 25 Pokémon from the Kalos region, Gold: Register 50 Pokémon from the Kalos region, Platinum: Register all 72 from the Kalos region, Silver: Pikachu Fan Shorts and Pikachu Fan Shoes, Pokémon GO Special Weekend Japan and S. Korea 2018. Allein für die erste Seite müsst ihr die Platin-Kanto-Medaille erhalten. They don't need to be unique PokéStops either. Make sure to grab some of our best Pokémon Go accessories; using a Pokémon Go Plus or a Go-Tcha will make earning some of these Medals much easier! Verwende ein Lockmodul, um einem anderen Trainer beim Fangen von 5 Pokémon zu helfen. Löse bei 1 Pokémon die Mega-Entwicklung aus. There are still 16 Pokémon from the Unova region that haven't been unlocked so the Platinum Unova Medal isn't available yet. Und die Kanto Platin Medaille habe ich bereits, muss ich trotzdem nochmal jedes Kanto mon fangen? You get the gold by putting your Pokémon in the new Gyms and having them stay there. Hierbei gibt es vier verschiedene Stufen, bei denen stets zuerst die Bronze-, Silber-, dann die Gold- und letztendlich eine Platinmedaille verdient werden kann. Registriere 5 Pokémon im Pokédex, die zuerst in der Kanto-Region entdeckt wurden. Dezember 2020 um 15:39 Uhr bearbeitet. Zo nu en dan zijn het gewoon echte ‘good boys’! Kunstenares maakt hilarische medailles voor mannen Foto ter illustratie. Wollt ihr ein Shiny Mew bekommen, müsst ihr im ersten Schritt die Kanto-Medaille in Platin erhalten. Die meisten Medaillen erscheinen erst, wenn ein Fortschritt auf dem Weg zur Bronzemedaille bei ihnen erreicht wurde. They can be super common all the way up to Mythical. Tausche Pokémon über insgesamt 1.000.000 Kilometer Distanz. Common Steel type Pokémon you can Hatch, Catch, or Evolve include: While most Ice types aren't particularly common, if you can focus your efforts during winter events, you'll make a lot of progress on this Medal. Registriere 72 Pokémon im Pokédex, die zuerst in der Kalos-Region entdeckt wurden.
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