Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium. Source = CRB. Immunity to any conditions are really excellent. This one is cool. Make sure you realize, however, that getting spell access is probably not the intended consequence of this power, so your DM might say “no chance!”. If you're not going for a melee build, trade this out for Blood Havoc. This is the second best bloodline power in the game (right after Arcane Bond) and that’s only because you need to use a feat to get the full benefit of this one. I like the list, overall. Seriously, as disgusting as it it, this is a sweet power. [Seaborn arcana]: Boosting your caster level is always a great idea, and at lower levels you’re getting summoned creatures to stick around longer while also getting extra damage with blasting spells. : Very nice! You never use Intelligence in battle, but you want to have a lot of skill points? Grant ability to speak, read, and write one or more languages for 8 hours. Since the effect is random, I don’t recommend it. : A decent debuff, but it would be MUCH more useful if it stacked with other fear effects. Yes please! I kinda like it, it’s very flavorful and situationally could be super useful. Class Skill: Knowledge (nature) - This skill comes up often enough to be very useful. Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. I would personally choose this as a VMC for an Oracle or Hunter, no question. You touch someone, and they break out in smelly, disgusting pustules, and they’re sickened for several rounds, no save. This is a decent capstone, but nothing I’d build a character for. Eldritch Heritage/VMC: Wasting Ray is obscenely good, and would be a good candidate for Eldritch Heritage. Once again, a solid power. Source = CRB. In any case, there are some real winners here, but remember that you don't have any way to affect creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects, so that can be a serious issue. And if you like your bloodline powers a lot, but you want any one of these, you can replace a Bloodline Feat with one of them instead!!! Source = APG. Wow. Conviction: Luck-style abilities that allow rerolls are ALWAYS excellent, and this is no exception. : Augment Summoning is good, but otherwise unless you’re completely melee oriented, it’s painful. could be just what you need to get out of a tight spot. Not a super great power, because it requires a melee touch attack and you’re not going to want to get that close most of the time. This bloodline has very nice powers overall, and it’s cool to turn into a god of storms, so I recommend it. - This is a very helpful skill, as sneaking around can be useful in many situations. Elemental Movement: +30 feet movement means that now you can move almost as fast as a monk of your level, without using any spells. : If you fail your concentration check to cast defensively, an adjacent enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from one of your allies. I can imagine making a character who stares off into space and just starts walking on walls one day, acting as if it's completely normal. : Wow. You get. While Heal isn't a useful skill for an arcane caster, if you go into the EH feat line with an Oracle or other divine caster, having Skill Focus (Heal) could come in very handy. I’ll give it green because of that. She can make a very good blaster, using her raw arcane power to destroy enemies directly. Eldritch Heritage/VMC: This one has a terrible 1st-level power, though it might be worth your while to pick up voidwalker or aurora borealis. (19th). If you plan to fight some incorporeal or ethereal creatures... this is a great way to do so. A +2 bonus to saves against a few types of spells is also decent, but ALSO nothing exciting. Snakeskin: This is decent, since a natural armor bonus is always helpful. I would have preferred to see something like imbuing your weapon with your draconic bloodline’s element or something instead. For anyone non-melee oriented, this list is crap, sadly. You can also boost the bonus you’re getting from this ability at higher levels by carrying a Courageous weapon! Enveloping Darkness: Deeper darkness that you can see through with absolutely no penalty. The downside to this is that claws would give you two attacks per round, as opposed to a single one from unarmed strikes. Deep One: This is just.. wow. | 13th Age SRD Source = APG. Consider trading several of your bonus feats for Bloodline Mutations instead. : Your summoned creatures gain DR/adamantine, and that’s really excellent. if you take the form of a Lunar Naga, you can have sneak attack +3d6 for no extra cost! Just like the Djinni bloodline, you get access to. Bonus Feats: This is a good list of feats for a melee-based build, as Arcane Strike, Power Attack and Toughness are solid choices. Bonus Feats: This list has a few gems and a few strange ones in it. Getting to do touch attacks with some extra range is pretty cool. Seriously... WOW. Sign me up! | d20HeroSRD Not the best skill a Sorcerer could ask for, but it uses your casting stat and can be situationally useful.
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