In the years to follow, Esther bore four more children: Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. 1. The Mikaelson Family Tree. In Wirklichkeit wurde Freya Esther von deren Schwester Dahlia entrissen. He is the father of Hope Mikaelson and Grace O'Connell-Mikaelson. Trace the family tree by clicking the names. However, for many centuries, Elijah was the only sibling to escape his wrath, and Klaus led Elijah to believe that he had dropped their incapacitated siblings deep in the ocean where they could never be found. After burying his mother, Elijah, “This family makes me want to murder people.” Niklaus Mikaelson Niklaus Mikaelson is the Original Werewolf-Vampire Hybrid. Both Klaus in the novels and on the TV series takes a significant interest in Stefan Salvatore. However, Klaus felt betrayed by this punishment, and in retaliation, Klaus murdered his mother and framed Mikael for the act. MIKAELSON FAMILY TREE HOPE MIKAELSON Hope is the first tribrid and the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson (werewolf/vampire) and Hayley the werewolf. DNA. He however deeply cares for his child, as he will do anything to protect her and his friend, Camille O'Connell, as she brought out the humanity inside Klaus, as she truly understands him. The first members of this family were a man named Mikael and his wife Esther. Our editors have compiled this checklist of genealogical resources, combining links to commercial databases along with user-contributed information and web sites for the Mikaelson surname. Mikaelson Family Esther lernte den chamanten Wikinger Michael kennen, sie verliebten sich ineinander und heirateten. Later, Klaus and Katherine reunite in the city after he and Elijah return there for the first time in over a century to investigate a claim of a potential threat from a witch named Jane-Anne Deveraux. Ansel and Niklaus Mikaelson's Family Bloodline, Other spellings of the name Mikaelson include. Discover more posts about mikaelson-family. Teamed up with Esther to kill her children and his siblings. level 1. Related families Has kidnapped Damon because he hurt her feelings. This is with the exception of Niklaus Mikaelson, whose Sireline was broken by Davina Claire in. I couldn't find his … Fortunately, the child was rescued by her parents, uncle, and surrogate brother, but was ultimately sent away to live with Rebekah after they faked her death to ensure that she would no longer be pursued by their enemies. In 1880 there were 3 Mikaelson families living in Minnesota. Henrik Mikaelson and Finn Mikaelson are the only siblings he has not killed. Dahlia granted this request, but … Has manipulated the New Orleans Witch Coven, the vampires and his family into carrying out his plots. level 2. If all of the Original vampires were to die, every vampire sired from their bloodline will die as well, effectively eradicating the vampire species. The Vampire Diaries & Originals & Legacies, Hecate Amaltheia Witch-Queen (VCM's Lore), It was once believed that an unknown child, the oldest and first born child of Mikael and Esther (assumed to be a son named Aaron) died due to a plague in the Old World because inside the Mikaelson Cave there was a writing called Aaron. Henrik, the youngest and last born child of Mikael and Esther, died in the New World. Klaus uses his violence, threats, supernatural powers and intimidation to manipulate people into doing what he wants them to do. They awoke in transition, and on their father’s orders, drank Human blood from a village girl in order to complete their transformation into the Original vampires. In 1914, she betrayed Kol to Klaus, when Kol offered her freedom from Klaus' tyrannical control and allow her to finally pursue a loving relationship without his interference. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Close. (along with his siblings, except Finn) Kidnapped Elena and used her as leverage so that Damon and Stefan can help stop Esther from killing her children. It was then when they decided to abandon their homeland, to travel to the New World. She is the granddaughter ofAnsel,Esther Mikaelsonand twounnamedwerewolves, as well as the step … Exiled Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah from New Orleans and even burnt it down. Klaus is a sadistic person who has always wanted one thing - power. If you look closely, you'll find traces of them through history. WitchOriginal VampireHybridWerewolf Has stabbed Klaus with Papa Tunde's blade just to save Rebekah (arguably anti-heroic). The Original vampires are known as the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, but the Mikaelson family is also known for having members who are witches and Hybrids as well. She went to her sister, Dahlia, and begged her to use her magic to grant Esther the ability to have children. Kidnapped Elijah and mentally tortured him. When their first born Freya died of a plague, Esther and Mikael were devastated and planned to move away from the place that gave them such great … MyHeritage is the best place for families online. It was the latter's death that revealed to many that when an Original vampire is killed, every vampire in their bloodline (ie: any vampire they have ever sired) dies along with them, as evidenced by Sage and Troy dying just an hour or so after Finn was killed. They heard from a witch called Ayana that there was a land where everyone was healthy and strong — a land that happened to be the new world. As of 2011, the Mikaelson family resides in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana, where Klaus inadvertently started his own family when it was revealed that his Original hybrid nature (being born a werewolf and turned into a vampire by magic) allowed him to father a child with the former-vampire Katherine Pierce during a one-night stand. Rebekah also had a similar fate to Kol and was also daggered on various occasions, including in 1835, 1922, and 2010. Turned numerous people into hybrids and has had Tyler Lockwood under his spell and do his dirty deeds. Soon after the Mikaelsons were turned into vampires and learned of Klaus' werewolf heritage, Esther was obligated to curse Klaus in order to make his werewolf nature dormant so that he would not upset nature further by possessing so much power. This shows that she was not aware that Original vampires cannot be killed by normal wood, nor that most of them had already been "killed" by Niklaus. They consist of the patriarch, Mikael, the vampire who hunts vampire, the matriarch aka the Original witch, Esther and their children, Klaus, Freya, Kol, Rebekah, Finn and Elijah. Original Vampires — in the universe of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies — are extremely powerful and old vampires from which all vampires are descended. Report Save. Some things you can't give up on, even when all hope is lost. In Season Two, Rose stated, "Elijah may be dead, but this isn't over. Er wollte 1492 seinen Werwolf Fluch brechen, und somit den Doppelgänger (Katherine, Petrova-Familie angehörig) töten. Evil Family Elijah had assumed that Niklaus had buried his neutralized family at sea where he couldn't find them to undagger them, but Niklaus admitted to Elijah when Elijah attempted to kill him that it wasn't true and that Klaus would take Elijah to them. The Vampire Diaries & The Originals Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Family heritage Thi… Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. To each other (members of the Mikaelson Family) (on-and-off). Discover (and save!) (1920) Trapped all of Kol's witch friends in a mansion. Framed and manipulated Thierry Vanchure, then killed a witch Katie, so that he could gain Marcel's trust. Esther Mikaelson Has kidnapped Elijah, Rebekah and Marcel and tortured them for a theatre so that Klaus can save him and has taunted Klaus and caused his children's exile. Maid a deal with the witch Sophie Deveraux but was actually using her. Has trapped the werewolves and vampires using a spell that will make their villainous emotions come out so that he could start a war. Hannah Mikaelson is the lead character in Little Miss Mikaelson. This thread is archived. When Marcel, his army and Rebekah were going against Klaus, Klaus resorted to violence by killing a majority of his vampires until Marcel gave into allowing Klaus to be King. Mikaelson MansionThe Abattoir (Freya's)Niklaus Family Mansion (Niklaus')Rebekah's House (Rebekah's) Yes, to my beloved siblings. Home / Base of Operations The Vampire Diaries Mikael: Mikael was an Original vampire who was once a Viking and a wealthy landowner in Norway. Mikael and Esther with Freya's surviving brother, Finn, and their recently born son Elijah traveled to this paradise with Ayana, where they settled in a village full of the healthy people they had learned about, who were revealed to be werewolves, and lived peacefully for years. save. Killed his mother, Esther, due to her binding his werewolf side, denying him of his hybrid nature, as well as lying to him about the true identity of his father, and turning her back on Niklaus after she indirectly set off the chain of events that exposed her own infidelity. Affiliation He is the husband of Camille O'Connell-Mikaelson. She went to her sister, Dahlia, and begged her to use her magic to grant Esther the ability to have children. The family (excluding Freya, Henrik, Adyelya, Henriikka, and Nik) are the main antagonists of the third season of The Vampire Diaries. Species Patriarch She was not sired to any Mikaelson and was instead turned into a hybrid upon her death while birthing her and Klaus's tribrid daughter, Adyelya. Grey Family Tree Mikaelson Family Tree Stewart Family Tree. Freya is the only one of the Mikaelson family, other than Klaus, to kill a parent. Is working with Mikael to kill Klaus and his allies. They have been torn apart numerous times, due to Esther and Mikael turning them into vampires due to their neighbors, the werewolves killing one of their sons, Henrik. These words are confirmed by the actions of Mikael, Esther, Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah, all of whom have been seen to go back on their word or have used clever wordplay to create loopholes in their promises. This has granted him and his family many enemies and made him a major villain in The Vampire Diaries and a primary protagonist of the Originals. The Originals, they'll come for her, they have to. Every family has a legacy, and this is mine. Has killed his true lovers, Celeste and Tatia. Has daggered his siblings numerous times. How can you fight your enemies, while also fighting yourself? After Esther's death at Klaus' hands in the 11th century, Elijah and Rebekah swore to stick with Niklaus "always and forever." The name Mikael comes from the Hebrew מִיכָאֵל (Mikha'el), which translates as the question "Who is like God"? Months later, Kol was killed by Jeremy Gilbert in order to finish his Hunter's Mark, as his death would result in the deaths of thousands of vampires who were sired by him. 1. Rebekah says "No one in my family is to be trusted". Has turned Joshua Rosza into a vampire and used him as his spy and forced him to kill people as well as manipulated him. Unfortunately for them, there were consequences for this transformation, and Nature sought to try to restore the balance they upset by giving them a weakness for every new strength they had gained. Has forced Stefan to turn off his humanity and even threatened Elena while holding the Mystic Falls High School hostage. She even conspired with Elena to have them killed. Type of Villains With the exception of Mikael who was previously just a human. We've all heard the legends, the first vampires. Hannah is the daughter of Freya Mikaelson and the guardian of Hope Mikaelson. Has made the Crescent Wolf Clan become under her spell. Part of the Guerrera's alliance with the witches involved handing over the pregnant Katherine so that they could sacrifice Katherine and Klaus' baby daughter to gain more power for the coven. Status The Mikaelson family hails from Norway, where the young witches Esther and Dahlia were captured by Viking raiders during the 10th Century. Has killed a majority of Marcel's vampires and has taken control of them. Get Started. Also, Stefan and Klaus have both killed their fathers; Stefan killed his father with Klaus killing his stepfather Mikael and birth father Ansel; also, the siblings of both families were raised by abusive fathers that were hard to please. Family tree . Niklaus Mikaelson has killed nearly every member of his family one way or another. English. Relationships Hope is thetribriddaughter ofNiklaus Mikaelson andHayley Marshall-Kenner and twin sister of Henry Mikaelson. Property best. See more ideas about the originals, vampire diaries, vampire diaries the originals. You can help Villains Wiki by expanding it. Ordered Rose and her friend to kidnap Elena Gilbert and has killed Rose's friend. Kept alive so Dahlia could aid them using witchcraft, Esther was allowed to live freely but fell in love with one of the Vikings, Mikael. The Mikaelson siblings share many similarities to the Salvatore brothers, Stefan Salvatore, and Damon Salvatore: Both family's siblings share a strong bond and do anything for each other, both families siblings were killed by their fathers, both families siblings have negative relationships with their parents, some members of each families siblings have died and been resurrected, and both families siblings have in some way been responsible for the death of a family member, such as Damon killing some of his distant nephews, and Finn killing Kol as well as Klaus daggering his siblings repeatedly over the centuries. All of the Mikaelson brothers have demonstrated a certain gesture by raising both their arms up to their sides as a sign of power. The Mikaelson Genealogy and Family Tree Page Welcome to the Mikaelson Family page at Surname Finder , a service of Genealogy Today . Threatened to kill Oliver so that he stands by Hayley. They married only for Esther to discover she was barren. The Mikaelson family name was found in the USA between 1880 and 1920. Some things can't be broken. A manipulative and hypocritical antagonist, Esther possesses a twisted love for her children as she first wanted to kill them in order to end the vampire species and later wanted them to possess mortals in order for them to leave their vampirism. Has killed Ansel and has mentally tortured Klaus for several years as he was his step-son, causing Klaus to be evil in the first place. Matriarch Stood beside Klaus with his evil plans and has threatened to kill a female if Elena didn't do something for her. Members of the Mikaelson Family.They are one of the oldest and most powerful families in the TV series and are commonly known as the Original Family. Jan 8, 2013 - The Originals • The Mikaelson Family. The coffins that the Mikaelsons lie in when daggered/dead are scribed with a metal 'M' to represent Mikaelson. But what happens when the thing you love most is overtaken by darkness? Mikaelson Web Site. The Originals They were wealthy landowners in an Eastern European village until they were devastated by a plague, which killed their only child at the time. Killed Katerina Petrova's entire family due to her turning into a vampire, preventing her from being sacrificed for the Hybrid Curse. Helland Family (Dahlia and Esther's Family Bloodline)Ansel and Niklaus Mikaelson's Family BloodlinePetrov/Petrova FamilyHarman FamilyMalraux Family BloodlineGriffith Family Knowledge Base. The Abattoir. I intend to fight for "Always and Forever", even if it destroys me. Mikael was also not anonymous in history, but no one knew he was an Original vampire, either, nor did they know his true goal was to slay his step-son Klaus;he was instead infamously known as Mikael the Destroyer, the ancient vampire who hunted vampires. Conspired with Marcel to have Mikael to hunt down Klaus and make him leave New Orleans. Adyelya Mikaelson is the first hybrid of all three supernatural species; werewolf-witch-vampire. Log in Sign up. Mikaelson Family Tree. Grief-stricken, Mikael decided to search for a way to protect his family from the werewolves. Trapped Rebekah in a witch's body as vengeance due to her betraying him to Klaus. However, it was Elijah who revealed to the Mystic Falls Gang that the other Original vampires were his siblings. Help Center. Explore Mikaelson genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. TheMikaelson Family(Elder Futhark:ᛗᛁᚲᚨᛖᛚᛋᛟᚾ)is a powerful family whose line dates back at least to the then Kingdom of Norway in the late 10th century withMikaelandEsther, a wealthy landowner and a Viking warrior, and a housewife and awitch, respectively. Esther longed for a family, though, after over a year of marriage, she found herself barren. Log in Sign up. Was leading Tyler Lockwood astray as a hybrid by making him give into his bloodlust. Mikael The Mikaelson Family Tree. Has tortured Davina Claire and even planned to have her sacrificed for the Harvest Ritual. To most, they were monsters, but to a few, they were something more. Plotted to kill her children by using a linking spell and later manipulated one of the show's protagonists, Alaric Saltzman to have an evil alter ego and has turned him into an Enhanced Original Vampire so that he can kill her children. Hayley would also be one of the vampires left, apart from Klaus's bloodline, due to the way in which she was created. Share. Archived. Rebekah, Kol and Finn Mikaelson are the only Original Vampires to possess witches of New Orleans, out of all the Mikaelson family. This was probably caused by Esther and Mikael. report. Has tried to kill Elena for betraying her. The Family Tree of A. Mikaelson. He was believed, mistakenly, to be the oldest vampire in the world to the few vampires who knew of him, and while many vampires knew of Elijah, he was mistakenly assumed to be a "foot-soldier" or minion of Klaus' and wasn't revealed to be an Original vampire to most, nor was he known to be Klaus' half-brother. This is not only because he co-parents with Freya and Keelin, but also because he has developed close bonds and friendships with the members of the Mikaelson Family over the years. Kidnapped Camille and threatened to kill her and has traumatized her just to lure Klaus to him and has stabbed him with the White Oak stake. Internecine Vampires, The Abattoir (Freya's)Niklaus Family Mansion (Niklaus')Rebekah's House (Rebekah's), Freya MikaelsonKol MikaelsonRebekah MikaelsonFinn MikaelsonElijah MikaelsonHope MikaelsonHenrik Mikaelson. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Klaus' Family MansionRebekah's HouseMikaelson MansionThe Abattoir Finn was the first to be daggered in the 1100s and was left neutralized for nine hundred years, while Kol was daggered on multiple occasions and for various lengths of time, including in 1701, in 1821, and again in 1914. Has killed thousands of innocent people. Even when it seems like it's over; it's never over. Rue was only a baby when her family decided to kill her but then Klaus Mikaelson, the hybrid, shows up after hearing the baby's cries, and sees what they're doing. During the Middle Ages of Europe, the Original Family was wealthy and their lives went by peacefully until the plague spread throughout their village and they lost their daughter to it (or so the rest of the family believed). In the end, they burned the tree down to ensure their own survival, though the ashes were later saved to later be used against them. After an intense war between the five supernatural factions of the city, the Guerrera werewolves, who had been living undercover as humans for decades and who had allied with the French Quarter Coven of witches, staged a coup against the Originals and the vampires and seized control over the city. your own Pins on Pinterest Shortly after becoming a vampire his mother was killed by "Mikael". Related Projects. Bit Caroline and was about to leave her to die. Ordered the attack on the werewolf pack in the bayou. Killed his mother, Esther, due to her binding his werewolf side, denying him of his hybrid nature, as well as lying to him about the true i… Attacked Jackson Kenner because he didn't trust him with the knowledge of his child's survival and even snapped the neck of Hayley Marshall. In order to complete the ritual, Mikael had his children drink wine laced with the blood of Tatia, a Petrova doppelgänger and distant descendant of the world's first immortal woman, Amara before he then thrust his sword through their chests. Has compelled someone to kill another person for his own amusement. Overview Ethnicity Estimate DNA Matches How it works Founder Populations Ethnicities Map Upload DNA data Order DNA kits. Only one was actually known at all: Klaus. As such, the next generation of Mikaelsons are: Adyelya, Nik and Henriikka. Made a deal with the Crescent Wolf Clan for moonlight rings. Hope Andrea2 Mikaelson is amain characterinLegacies, she was a former major recurring character inThe Originals before being promoted to a main character in thefifth season. Dahlia granted this request, but made it clear that the magic had a price, and it was a price that Esther was forced to pay years later—her payment to her sister would be her first-born child, and the first-born of her children's children, and their children's children, for as long as Esther's line shall live. Helped Esther have the werewolves under her control. Original Poster 8 months ago. Elijah was, however, serving his own interests: namely, Klaus' destruction in recompense for his lost family. He was born of an affair between Ansel and Esther Mikaelson and is the stepson of Mikael. Teamed up with Finn to kill his siblings. This stake was then stolen by the recently-resurrected Esther and Alaric Saltzman's dark alter-ego in 2010, the former of whom melted down Alaric's Gilbert ring to make the stake indestructible and prevent it from being burned after an Original was staked with it. Abuela & Abuelo's Abuela Esther Mikaelson Abuelo's Ansel & Mikael Padre- Klaus Mikaelson Madre- Hayley Klaus is also known of the Padre When Klaus made his first kill after being turned into a vampire, it triggered his werewolf gene, which ultimately revealed the truth of his true parentage to his family— Klaus was not Mikael's son but was instead the son of the chief of their village's werewolf clan, with whom Esther had an affair. Daggered Elijah so that he can gain Marcel Gerard's trust. As a result of this, any siblings shown are those of your current parents. The most dangerous of the family and also possibly the Big Good of the protagonist villains of the Originals.
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