While the majority of the population resides in the south, Tuareg and Arab groups in the sparsely populated north rebelled against the government in 1963, 1990, and 2006, attempting to gain autonomy for the region they named Azawad. New York Times Justice Minister Malick Coulibaly, appointed in May, took concrete steps to improve prison conditions and vowed to improve access to justice and make progress on atrocity cases. Jamestown Foundation March 1, 2017, Mali Violence Mars Cautious Progress on Joint Patrols, Alex Thurston The Central Sahel: Scene of New Climate Wars? October 20, 2017, John Campbell February 26, 2019, In West Africa, Violent Extremism Spreads as United States Trims Military Footprint, Michael M. Phillips and Joe Pakinson Juni 2020 Demokratische Republik Kongo: vermutlich ADF: islamistisch Brandstiftung Gebäude, Zivilisten 6 ADF-Konflikt: 15. Der Konflikt in Mali ist eine Kombination aus dem Aufbegehren der Tuareg im Norden, einer sozio-ökonomischen Krise und der dschihadistischen Expansion in der gesamten Sahel-Zone. February 2, 2020, America Shouldn't Abandon Its Allies in the Sahel, Olivier-Remy Bel World Politics Review Wir sind dankbar für die Unterstützung, die wir in all den Jahren erhalten haben und freuen uns über die zalhreichen neuen Weggefährten, die wir im letzten Jahr gewinnen konnten. Mali galt lange als ein demokratischer Musterstaat in Afrika. Needs a Different Approach in Mali, John Campbell CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” The protests, referred to as the June 5 Movement, focused on highlighting corruption and the government’s failure to curb insecurity across Mali. In addition, northern Mali remains a central transit point for young migrants from all over western Africa looking to travel to Algeria or Libya with the ultimate goal of reaching Europe. November 3, 2017, Audu Bulama Bukarti Juni 2020 Mali: Tarkint: UN-Konvoi 2 0 Konflikt in Nordmali (seit 2012) 14. European Council on Foreign Relations 2012 January. It Failed. September 25, 2020, With Keita Gone After Another Coup, Mali Enters a New Phase of Uncertainty, Peter Tinti Agri-Photovoltaik, kurz Agri-PV - Eine neue Form von PV-Anlagen, in der neben der Stromerzeugung auch die landwirtschaftliche Fläche zum Nutzpflanzenanbau erhalten bleibt. Jahrhundert), das von den Malinké gegründet wurde und als das bedeutendste frühmittelalterliche Großreich Westafrikas angesehen wird. CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” Mali - Nachrichten und Information: An 365 Tagen im Jahr, rund um die Uhr aktualisiert, die wichtigsten News auf tagesschau.de A foot soldier of the 2nd Mechanised Company of the Senegalese Battalion of the MINUSMA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali) patrols in the destroyed Fulani village of Bare, on July 5, 2019. April 28, 2015, Zachary Laub and Jonathan Masters The coup followed months of protests against Keita’s administration, which escalated in July 2020 when a clash with security forces resulted in several fatalities. N24-Reporter Christoph Wanner ist in Mali. Estimated number of internally displaced persons. July 2017, Mali's Next Battle: Improving Counterterrorism Capabilities, Michael Shurkin, Stephanie Pezard, and S. Rebecca Zimmerman The Atlantic In January 2020, a terrorist group linked to al-Qaeda, the Group for Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM), attacked a military outpost and killed dozens of Malian soldiers. As Islamist groups began pushing toward the center of the country, the French military intervened in January 2013 at the request of the Malian government, deploying ground troops and launching an air campaign to push back the militants. Washington Post April 9, 2018, Regions at Risk: Preventing Mass Atrocities in Mali, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum December 19, 2018, Drug Trafficking, Violence and Politics in Northern Mali, International Crisis Group Over 150 children were killed during communal violence, by explosive devices or in crossfire. CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” Conor Gaffey International Peace Institute CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” Critical Threats Project The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported 99 cases of recruitment and use of children by armed groups in the first six months of 2019, more than double those reported the previous year. April 22, 2020, Katherine Zimmerman April 9, 2019, Radical Islamists Have Opened a New Front in Mali, James Blake Mali ist eine ehemalige französische Kolonie und erhielt seine Unabhängigkeit im Jahr 1960. In der Folge des entstandenen Machtvakuums machten sich islamistische Terroristen i… January 23, 2019, The Salafi-Jihadi Base in the Sahel: December 2018, Emily Estelle CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” In July, the parliament passed a law of “national understanding,” which civil society groups contended could lead to impunity for some serious human rights violations. CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” ... Nun griff Frankreich militärisch in den Konflikt ein, weitere Länder wollen folgen. January 29, 2019, Timbuktu: A Laboratory for Jihadists Experimenting With Politics, Alex Thurston September 25, 2018, ‘I Have Lost Everything’: In Central Mali, Rising Extremism Stirs Inter-Communal Conflict, Philip Kleinfeld February 27, 2020. The alliance between the MNLA and the Islamist groups was short-lived; in June 2012 the MNLA broke with Ansar Dine and AQIM over the Islamists push to impose Sharia law in the north. IRIN A new justice minister improved detention conditions and pledged to prioritize the fight against impunity. November 22, 2019, Getting a Grip on Central Sahel’s Gold Rush, International Crisis Group Die Putschisten warfen Touré Unfähigkeit bei der Bekämpfung des Aufstandes vor. July 2017, Reconstructing local orders in Mali: Historical perspectives and future challenges, Andrew Lebovich March 16, 2016, John Campbell Nachrichten zum blutigen Anschlag auf einen Militärstützpunkt im nordischen Mali und zur UN-Friedensmission zur Stabilisierung des westafrikanischen Staates. On September 27, Mali’s former Defense Minister Bah N’Daw was named the new president of the transitional council, while the head of the military junta that took power, Assimi Goita, was named vice president of the council. May 30, 2018, Islamic State Ally Stakes Out Territory Along Lake Chad, Paul Carsten and Ahmed Kingimi Newsweek Hier finden Sie alle News und Hintergrund-Informationen von ZEIT ONLINE zu Mali. Mali’s jihadist merger: desperate or dangerous? Armed Islamists massacred numerous civilians, including in Menaka region and at least 38 in Yoro and Gangafani II villa… Voice of America Foreign Brief Er selbst war 2012 durch einen Putsch an die Macht gekommen - doch es war ihm unter anderem nicht gelungen, den seit der Zeit andauernden dschihadistischen Aufstand im Norden des Landes und die Gewalt zwischen verschiedenen Ethnien … Armed Islamists continued to threaten, and sometimes kill local leaders deemed government collaborators and beat those engaged in cultural practices they had forbidden. May 18, 2018, Mapping Islamist Terrorist Incidents in Africa for 2017, John Campbell February 15, 2019, How Mali Is Pursuing Justice for a War That Never Really Ended, Anna Pujol-Mazzini New York Times April 30, 2020. World Politics Review April 16, 2020, Judd Devermont and Marielle Harris July 30, 2014. Mali und Togo "Wir müssen alles tun, um Gewalt in der Sahelzone zu stoppen" Togo nimmt eine aktive Rolle beim Übergangsprozess in Mali ein - zum Beispiel als Ausrichter von Gesprächsrunden. This crisis is both a humanitarian and security concern as militant groups in the Sahel region often tax trafficking and smuggling routes to fund their campaigns. CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” Du kan läsa om olika konflikters bakgrund, hur … Troops from the Malian Armed Forces and French soldiers conduct a joint patrol during the regional anti-insurgent Operation Barkhane in Tin Hama, Mali on October 19, 2017. Malian security officials show a jihadist flag they said belonged to attackers in front of the Radisson hotel in Bamako, Mali on November 20, 2015. International Crisis Group The G5 Sahel multinational counterterrorism military force, created in 2017, comprising forces from Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad, did not become fully operational as a result of insufficient financial support and equipment. Seine Einschätzung zur Lage und den Vorwürfen der Racheaktionen der Regierungstruppen. Which Jihadi Groups Operate in Africa's Sahel Region? In August, the UN Security Council renewed for one year the mandate of the Mali Sanctions Committee Panel of Experts and imposed an asset freeze and travel ban against those individuals and entities who obstruct the 2015 peace accord and commit human rights abuses. The United States and France immediately condemned the coup, as did the UN Security Council, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the African Union (AU). The UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) was also created to combat extremism in the region in April 2013. February 2, 2018. June 5, 2018, The Islamic State ‘Presence’ in the Sahel Is More Complicated Than Affiliates Suggest, John Campbell In einem Papier, dass Sie gemeinsam mit anderen Afrikanisten und Kennern der Region erstellt haben, kritisieren Sie die Einsätze. Der Konflikt und die Instabilität in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik (ZAR) sorgen für noch mehr Vertreibung und eine Verschärfung der Ernährungssituation. … January 18, 2017, Protecting Mali's Peace: The Role of Civil Society, Delphine Mechoulan, Lesley Connolly, and Minna Hojland Taking Steps to Reduce Vulnerability in Africa in Wake of Tongo Tongo Ambush, John Campbell Peter Dörrie After gaining independence from France in 1960, Mali endured decades of instability. August 12, 2020, French-Led Decapitation Strike on AQIM in Mali, John Campbell Foreign Policy In the wake of the coup, the June 5 Movement remained a party to negotiations as ECOWAS, along with other regional organizations, pressed for the militia junta—calling itself the National Committee for the Salvation of the People—to form a transitional government predicated on civilian rule. However, it had not yet sought arrest warrants for any individuals at time of writing. January 9, 2020, Foreign Troops Fighting Jihadists in the Sahel Face Criticism as Terror Grows, John Campbell Wall Street Journal February 7, 2020, Hunger in Central Sahel Rising at Alarming Rate as Conflict Intensifies, Lisa Schlein April 29, 2018, A Shadowy War’s Newest Front: A Drone Base Rising From Saharan Dust, Eric Schmitt Humanitarian agencies were attacked, largely by bandits, undermining their ability to deliver aid. Die große Mehrheit der Bevölkerung Malis lebt im Süden des Landes. July 2020, Fratricidal Clash in West Africa Pits al Qaeda Against Islamic State, Joe Parkinson, Michael M. Phillips, and Warren P. Strobel Voice of America Over 85,000 civilians fled their homes as a result of violence in 2019. Brookings Institution Der Bundestag hat für die Verlängerung des Bundeswehr-Einsatzes in Mali gestimmt. Voice of America July 21, 2020, Stabilizing the Sahel: The Role of International Military Operations, Kalev Stoicescu Jahrelanger Beschuss von Wohnvierteln, herabfallende Bomben, Tote und Verletzte – diese Bilder haben sich einer ganzen Generation eingebrannt. Members of MINUSMA’s Chadian contingent patrol in Kidal, Mali on December 17, 2016. November 13, 2019, Shifting Borders: Africa’s Displacement Crisis and Its Security Implications, Wendy Williams CTC Sentinel Dieses Engagement ließ auch in der internationalen Gemeinschaft zum Jahresende 2019 die Hoffnung aufkeimen, dass 2020 das Ende des Krieges im Jemen sehen könnte. June 25, 2014, Adjunct Senior Fellow for African Peace and Security Issues, Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies. CFR Council Special Report September 22, 2014, Press Statement of the 457th Peace and Security Council meeting on the developments in the situation in Mali and the Sahel, African Union Through Operation Barkhane, France continues to lead the fight in Mali and three thousand troops have been deployed since July 2014 to protect civilians and aid the efforts of local militaries. The Malian judiciary remained plagued by neglect and mismanagement, and many posts in northern and central Mali were abandoned due to insecurity. April 22, 2020, France Should Give Mali Space to Negotiate With Jihadists, Alex Thurston Human Rights Watch Im März 2012 hatte ein Militärputsch im Süden des Landes gegen Präsident Amadou Toumani Touré die Regierung destabilisiert und den Boden für den Konflikt im Norden bereitet. In July, the Council put five men—two businessmen, two armed Islamists, and a parliamentarian—on the sanction list. CIA, Mali: UN condemns attack on peacekeepers in Kidal, Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Mali, United Nations Security Council By April 2012, the groups controlled nearly all of the territory in the north and declared independence. Wall Street Journal In June 2020, the mandate for the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali (MINUSMA) was renewed and approved to maintain more than fifteen thousand personnel in Mali and support implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali (2015), among other priority tasks. March 1, 2019, New Humanitarian Aufständische Soldaten haben Malis Staatschef Keita und Regierungschef Cissé in der Hauptstadt Bamako festgesetzt. Defense One Als dort der Konflikt eskalierte, flohen sie in Richtung Süden: ins legendäre Mande, das Land ihrer Vorfahren. Does Washington Have a Stake in the Sahel? May 2015, John Campbell The violence pitted ethnically aligned self-defense groups against mainly ethnic Peuhl or Fulani communities accused of supporting Islamist armed groups. Rampant banditry continued to undermine livelihoods, and protests against the government over corruption continued. Bei einem Luftangriff der französischen Armee in Mali starben im Januar mehr als 20 Menschen. International Crisis Group October 5, 2017, Terrorism in Africa: Ending Violence in Mali Starts with Building Communities, Lisa Inks Armed Islamists massacred numerous civilians, including in Menaka region and at least 38 in Yoro and Gangafani II villages near the Burkina Faso border. Despite increased international involvement, the campaign against militants has instead resulted in the spread of militancy to countries across the Sahel. IRIN News November 6, 2017, U.S. France also maintains more than five thousand personnel in the country under Operation Barkhane and, in September 2020, it was announced that a new task force comprised of other European military forces would also deploy to Mali under Operation Barkhane. October 17, 2019, Destroying a Fragile Peace, Terrorists Wreak Havoc in West Africa, Danielle Paquette The military justice system made some progress in investigating dozens of past extrajudicial killings by their forces. May 12, 2016, Corinne Dufka Local groups said the government was reluctant to question or charge militia leaders credibly implicated in massacres, favoring short-term reconciliation efforts envisioned to mitigate communal tension. World Politics Review The MNLA was backed by a collection of Islamist militant groups—Ansar Dine, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), and the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa—and together the groups moved to take over territory in the north. Hundreds of detainees were held in extended pretrial detention due to the courts’ inability to adequately process cases. Trotz des Friedensabkommens von 2015 greift die Destabilisierung immer weiter vom Norden auf die Mitte des Landes über. February 12, 2019, U.S. Military Presence in Sub-Saharan Africa Will Likely Decline, John Campbell Es ist ein trauriges Jubiläum, das Syrien im Frühjahr 2021 begeht: Seit einem Jahrzehnt ist das Land im Bürgerkrieg. Wall Street Journal Military investigations into the alleged extrajudicial killing of almost 50 suspects in Diourra, Boulikessi and Nantaka in 2018 progressed but at time of writing no soldier had been prosecuted. March 20, 2020, U.S. Weighs Troop Cuts in Africa, Leaving Allies to Confront Growing Militant Threat, MIchael M. Philipps May 29, 2017. ###bild-1-31###Herr Asche, die Bundesregierung will den Einsatz der Bundeswehr in Mali verlängern; der Bundestag wird demnächst darüber entscheiden. CFR Expert Brief Wesentliche historische Epochen bis zur Unabhängigkeit Mali weist eine lange und bewegte Geschichte auf. Since late 2018, numerous men detained by the security forces during counterterrorism operations were subjected to enforced disappearance, five were allegedly executed or died in custody, and dozens more were subjected to severe mistreatment in detention. The mandate of the Specialized Judicial Unit against Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime (Specialized Judicial Unit), created by law in 2013, was in July expanded to include international human rights crimes. September 16, 2014, United Nations Security Council January 14, 2014, Stabilizing Mali, Tackling Terrorism in Sahel Region Hinges on Long-Term Plan, Sustained Support, Senior Peacekeeping Official Tells Security Council, UN mission in Mali condemns ceasefire breaches by peace accord signatories, UN chief welcomes deployment of regional force to combat terrorism in the Sahel, The World Factbook January 14, 2020, Jihadi Violence and Terror Surging in West Africa, John Campbell March 15, 2020, Violence Continues in Mali Despite Negotiation Efforts, Sirwan Kajjo February 8, 2018, Why UN Forces Are Finding it Hard to Bring Peace to Mali, Anthony Morland March 2020: Camp Taji attacks and reduction of coalition forces in Iraq See also: 2020 Camp Taji attacks and Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq (2020–2021) On 11 March, Qasem Soleimani's birthday, 15 Katyusha rockets struck Camp Taji , Iraq, killing two U.S. soldiers [255] and one British soldier from the Royal Army Medical Corps . Over 50 civilians were killed by improvised explosive devices planted on roadways, especially in central Mali. Selected Security Council Letters: View All There was scant progress on delivering justice for atrocities committed since 2012-2013, however several investigations were opened by local courts and the Specialized  Judicial Unit, including into the Ogossagou massacre. May 28, 2019, Mapping Armed Groups in Mali and the Sahel, European Council on Foreign Relations July 29, 2019, Frontlines in Flux in Battle against African Militant Islamist Groups, Africa Center for Strategic Studies Where Do Sahel Terrorists Get Their Heavy Weapons? The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has brought new health and economic difficulties. 3 April 2020 SC/14156: This was a 2374 Mali Sanctions Committee press release on its 2 March meeting with Mali and regional states on the sanctions regime. These actors regularly denounced atrocities through public statements but were inconsistent in their calls for accountability. Die Mali-Mission ist die tödlichste, auf die sich die Vereinten Nationen jemals eingelassen haben: Seit Beginn im Jahr 2013 sind 180 Blauhelm-Soldaten in Mali gefallen, 15 alleine in diesem Jahr. In June, the UN Security Council renewed and strengthened MINUSMA’s mandate by including the deteriorating security situation in Mali’s center as a second strategic priority. Horoskop - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Köln und der ganzen Welt Seit im April 2012 Tuareg-Rebellen den Norden Malis besetzt und ein unabhängiges Territorium ausgerufen hatten, herrschte in Mali ein Bürgerkrieg. Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice, Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808, Judicial and Human Rights Legal Framework, Human Rights and Truth and Reconciliation Mechanisms, Two Years After #MeToo Erupts, A New Treaty Anchors Workplace Shifts, Holding Companies to Account: Momentum Builds for Corporate Human Rights Duties, As Killer Robots Loom, Demands Grow to Keep Humans in Control of Use of Force, Shutting Down the Internet to Shut Up Critics, With Millions Out of School, the Countdown Begins to Get All Children into Quality, Accessible Education, Going to the Bank for Food, Not Money: The Growing Reality of Hunger in “Rich” Countries. The EU Training Mission in Mali (EUTM) and EU Capacity Building Mission (EUCAP), continued to train and advise Mali’s security forces. IPI Global Observatory Das sind 263 Millionen Franken mehr als 2019. Little progress was made toward providing justice for victims of abuses, and rule-of-law institutions remained weak. During 2019, at least 400 civilians were killed in incidents of communal violence in central and northern Mali. The International Commission of Inquiry, established in 2018 by the UN secretary-general as provided by the 2015 peace accord, investigated serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law between 2012 and January 2018. CFR In Brief Casualties in the Sahel Highlight Jihadi Persistence, John Campbell The three heads of state will oversee an eighteen-month transitional period before elections are held. Nach Angaben der UNO starben 2019 in Niger, Mali und Burkina Faso 4.000 Menschen durch dschihadistische oder ethnisch motivierte Gewalt. Institute for Global Change In September, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), pledged US$1 billion to help support G5 Sahel and national militaries in countering terrorism from 2020- 2024. June 2017. World Politics Review After the Ogossagou massacre, the government pledged but failed to disarm and dissolve the implicated militia. February 28, 2020, France and G5 Sahel Recommit Themselves as U.S. Mulls Drawdown, John Campbell Die dritte Corona-Welle trifft die Menschen auf dem Westbalkan hart. In February 2020, an ethnic militia killed at least thirty people in Ogassagou. In contrast, the Specialized Unit was actively investigating over 200 terrorism-related cases and in 2018, completed 10 trials. Der Anteil der Schweizer APD am Bruttonationaleinkommen (BNE) betrug 0,48%. Armed Islamists planted explosives in the bodies of security force members, and in February a civilian’s body, which exploded during his burial, killing 17. September 8, 2020, The Malian Military Ousts a Wayward Government, Judd Devermont CFR Blog, “Africa in Transition” In several instances, they removed men from public transportation vehicles and killed them, including around the towns of Sévaré and Bandiagara. August 15, 2017, A fresh perspective on security concerns among Malian civil society, Aurélien Tobie The International Criminal Court (ICC) continued investigation into alleged war crimes committed in Mali, opened in 2013, and in March, the ICC Registrar visited Mali. Am 21. Will the Niger Attack Shift U.S. Policy in West Africa? Ein Drittel der Bevölkerung ist dabei in besonders kritischer Weise betroffen. Jamestown Foundation Trotz des Friedensabkommens von 2015 greift die Destabilisierung immer weiter vom Norden auf … Voice of America New York Times Vox Despite the presence of various counterterrorism forces and internationally supported military operations, violent attacks and reprisals have increased and major terrorist networks and other militant groups appear to be gaining power in Mali. Juni 2020 Irak: Diyala: IS: salafistisch, wahhabitisch 7 5 Konflikt im Irak seit 2019: 14.
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