The area has an estimated population size of around 2.4 million people. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. Residents do a wide variety of things during their elective time from working on their own research project to learning about some other aspects of clinical medicine. Throughout my elective I worked with the Dental Wellness Trust (DWT) to improve oral health in the townships of Cape Town; Mfuleni and Khayelitsha. Train • 1h 56m. Tygerberg Hospital is situated approximately 30 minutes out of Cape Town city centre. Foreign undergraduate elective student is a registered undergraduate student in one of the health professions training programmes of an acknowledged foreign tertiary institution and who, with the approval of the institution, undertakes supplementary training at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Twitter Feed . Location: Eerste River, Cape Town, South Africa : Owned / Funded by / Endorsed by: Department of Health (Western Cape Government) Facility Category: District/Provincially Aided Hospitals: Contact Information: Street Address: Humbolt Avenue, Perm Gardens, Eerste River, 7100. The trauma surgeons and EM residents that I worked with were very competent and their patients received high quality care rooted in ATLS standards. It provides medical services to patients contracted to several large medical insurance companies. My elective is a clinical rotation in the Emergency Department at Khayelitsha Hospital, a high acuity, large volume district hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. The population is over 95% black African, mostly Xhosa speaking people, with over 50% unemployment and 70% of people still living in tin / wood shacks. KHAYELITSHA HOSPITAL . Emergency Medical Services (EMS) ... Khayelitsha District Hospital. 3. You were doing an elective rotation at a rural hospital near Khayelitsha when this grandmother brought her six-month-old grandson in after the child had suffered a seizure. Private hospital group Life Healthcare had already cancelled unnecessary elective and non-emergency surgeries in Knysna and Mossel Bay in preparation for the next wave of patients. I was very impressed with the South African medical system. About us. Train • 1h 45m. Dormaa Presbyterian Hospital ( Elective Ghana ), Dormaa Ahenkro, Ghana Dr Jeetoo Central Hospital, Port Louis, Mauritius Dundee Municipal Hospital, Dundee, South Africa Students who arrange their own accommodation or take part in an elective programme at a hospital other than Tygerberg Academic Hospital will still be expected to pay the international student fee and affiliation fee. •2 hospitals for elective • Tygerberg hospital: 2 nd largest hospital in south Africa, 1384 bed hospital • Khayelitsha hospital: located in the fastest growing township in SA, 230 beds The grandmother, Numbulelo, had been looking after this child since his mother died only a few months after he was born. Tygerberg Hospital officially opened in 1976 and is an affiliated teaching hospital for the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, the University of Western Cape and Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Completion of a final draft of the MSA and capstone presentation is due in January and March of the Phase 4 year. South Africa - September 2014: Resident Elective- FRUHAN. Read more. In Khayelitsha Hospital, patients had to bring their own blankets because of a shortage of bedding. What links here; Related changes; User contributions; Logs; View user groups; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information ; Browse properties; Foundational Sponsor. A brand new hospital (Khayelitsha District Hospital) within the township was opened in February 2012. Directly next to the hospital is the Stellenbosch University Health Sciences Faculty, where my accommodation was located. The hospital provides a comprehensive range of medical services to people in the Eerste Rivier, Macassar, Delft, Mfuleni, Kleinvlei and surrounding communities. KDH is a government-funded hospital situated in Khayelitsha Township in which almost 70% of residents live in corrugated iron shacks, built during apartheid to house poor black migrant workers. My preceptor during the rotation will be Dr. Niel Van Hoving, an Emergency Physician and well-published expert in Point of Care Ultrasonography (POCUS). 79m Cput Sport Hall 88m Harare SDA Church, Khayelitsha,Cape Town. Elective time allows our residents to tap into the intellectual resources within our department and our hospital system. Jessica undertook her elective at Khayelitsha District Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. You will be based at Khayelitsha Hospital, but will spend one day a week at New Somerset (echo clinic) and some days at Tygerberg Hospital (lung & infectious diseases). Location: Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa : Owned / Funded by / Endorsed by: Department of Health (Western Cape Government) Facility Category: District/Provincially Aided Hospitals: Contact Information: Street Address: C/o Steve Biko and Walter Sisulu Drives, Khayelitsha. The Office for Global Health focuses on international research, partnerships, education, and capacity building. Recommended option. The hospital has a sophisticated 47-bed trauma unit; fully secured medical wards and obstetrics unit; and four operating theatres for acute surgery, Caesarean sections and elective surgery. International undergraduate elective students . an elective rotation in Cape Town and surrounding areas. We represent the Faculty of Medicine and Health and provide strategic advice and leadership on international engagement. DR DANIE HUGO MBChB (Stell), MPhil (Sports Med)(UCT), MMed (Orth)(Stell), FC Orth (SA) Position: Senior specialist and Head of the Department of Orthopaedics, Khayelitsha Hospital Area of Specialization: General Trauma and Reconstruction; Paediatric Trauma; Sports Medicine Other Positions Secretary: South African Orthopaedic Association Western Cape …
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