Us Girls also promotes a range of innovative good practice such as linking in non-sporting activities to your sessions, to make them more attractive to this group. "When we think about sport, we traditionally go to the definition that it is structured and it’s often competitive in nature." For Caoimhe, the social and community aspect of playing Camogie is really important: "It makes you feel like you belong in the place where you’re from. (b) Female role model to be highlighted. And as the trainer pointed out, all of us attending the workshop were there because we love and “get” sport. They also respond better to images of other people having fun, rather than more “serious” or competitive sporting images. However, it can also be intimidating to some women if they see themselves as “not the sporty type”. So often, a convenient, local venue which women are already used to can be perfect, such as the local college, or a children’s centre. 'One of the ways is by providing females with opportunities that are actually fun'. It can be done though publishing great stories about women, through raising awareness on social media, through hiring more women, through making an unapologetically feminist sports podcast, through supporting new websites that give platforms to women’s sports and female journalists, through publicly calling out news organizations on their lack of diversity, through producing academic studies that highlight gender inequality, and through prominently featuring women’s sports … You could even train up someone in that agency to deliver your sport, or to help out in your own sessions. Kai Morgan is a martial arts blogger with a special focus on women’s participation in and experience of the martial arts. (a) Self confidence must be developed in women. sports participation, namely physical, social and mental health - rates and patterns of participation fluctuate throughout the life course (2). This could either include activities such as beauty, cooking or art; or access to services such as social housing options or money management. There was a point, maybe in first year, where I wasn’t very enthusiastic, but I’m well back into it now!" Check out her blog and download her free e-book on how to attract and retain more female students in your dojo. It is time you know how you can help students get into sports. Her Sport Her Way builds on the momentum in women’s sport and looks through a female lens at the way that sport in NSW is delivered, coached, marketed, led, sponsored and consumed. As children get older and make the change from childhood to adolescence, there’s often a shift in priorities. Because inviting these young women into a class where they perceive the others as “better” than them will often put them right off. For example, men’s sports get significantly more coverage on television and in other media, whereas there should be equal or at least approximately balanced media space for both sexes. Images that show women exercising with perfect make-up and not a drop of sweat only exacerbate the fear that sweating is “unfeminine” and “unattractive”. You can help with this by setting small, achievable goals, which may include attendance goals. We discussed approaches to support women whose culture requires them to train in female-only environments, with a female coach. "[E]ven in school, we’ve got past pupils who are on the (Kilkenny) team and I think it’s just great to have someone to look up to. Carlin says evidence shows that low self-efficacy is usually linked to negative experiences that have stemmed from childhood or adolescence. All you need to know - Camogie All-Ireland finals, Why periods matter when it comes to females in sport, The challenge of encouraging more teenage girls to be physically active. (This works for boys and young men too!). As expected, female athletes have also benefited from the evolution of the medical and nutritional sciences and are continuously achieving higher distinctions. Although she’s in her Leaving Cert year, having something like Camogie to get her out of school and the library, really helps her balance things, and her club is understanding if she can’t make a training session. It has launched a new campaign focusing on the social side of sport to encourage more women to ... for Wales highlighting the lower levels of female participation in sport. ", Schools are a great source of providing opportunities to be physically active, but most of the provision of extra-curricular sport is in relation to team sport, Carlin says. What's the psychology behind our obsession with reality TV? A lot of women and girls have bad memories of school PE, or just general insecurities around sport and exercise, and don’t see themselves as necessarily welcome in the world of sport. Create a safe and welcoming place. tournaments to support participation initiatives and use LET players to inspire women and girls to take up the sport. A much more effective way to improve body image through exercise is to focus on what the body can do, rather than how it looks. Invite them to be guest speakers or hold training sessions; Try making it a policy in your programme to promote female coaches and leaders, even if it means you won’t be the team that always wins Why do I have to leave my personal belongings there when I don’t yet trust you. You’re more likely to succeed with this group if the whole class comprises young women in similar circumstances. By working with other golfing bodies, we aim to encourage participation at national, local and club level. Encourage your child’s interest in athletics to help ensure that the experience is a positive one. Insights from @AngelaCarlin7 @UlsterUni - video by @_LauraGaynor - based on a piece by @thatdanishgirl #20x20 Consider if that is okay to start with according to age and physical ability. The Us Girls website has a load of brilliant case studies, ideas and resources, including a 170-page Us Girls Simple guide to marketing your project. It quickly became clear to me that there are a lot of people who work in sport and have a marketing role, but didn’t know how to use marketing effectively. The 17-year-old counts sisters Una and Mary Leacy, the legendary Wexford Camogie stars, as some of her role models. Because this is very likely to lead to frustration, disappointment and ultimately drop-out. I recently attended an Us Girls three-hour training session called “How to Engage Women and Girls in Sport”. This group was highlighted on the course because young mums tend to be very busy and time-poor, so exercise is often pretty low down on their list of priorities. And if you can help out with childcare in any way, it’ll be appreciated. The organisation’s new ‘Gameplan for Growth’ details how it will grow participation and create a sustainable and successful high-performance system to ensure England teams compete with distinction on the world stage at every age group. But, it’s not just a lack of opportunity that plagues young women, it can also be a lack of encouragement. ), just to see what it felt like to be uncomfortable and out of his depth. But despite the increased interest and media coverage of women's sport, there’s still a lot of work to be done to ensure that girls stay engaged with sport on an equal footing with boys, says Dr Angela Carlin, lecturer in exercise and health at Ulster University. Younger women especially are more attracted by bold, bright colours; and by photos than other images. This includes arriving at, and leaving the building at the end of the session. If a girl’s or women’s competition doesn’t exist start asking for it. How can you make your sport more inclusive of female participants? "As they move into secondary school, they would rather maybe go up to the town and socialise with their friends for an hour than go and do activity… so that’s maybe replacing time in the evenings that would have previously been spent being active," she says. ", Camogie makes you feel like you belong in the place where you're from. You don’t have to be a woman to coach girls and young women effectively. But for girls who already have low levels of activity, competition and structure may be perceived as barriers and can be "quite off-putting. The workshop tutor talked about the importance of engaging with the women and girls’ families. (Very interestingly though, the same data shows that 74% of girls want to be more active). Meáin Náisiúnta Seirbhíse Poiblí na hÉireann. Participation in sport is an excellent ... getting family “buy in” for female participation when developing programmes. What I really loved about this course, and the pack of written resources that all participants received, was the colour, vibrancy and huge range of potential it all seemed to open up. My brother is 15 and he plays under 15s and with minor and the drop off rate is so low, like no one stops playing. The 2018 All-Ireland Senior Ladies' Football Championship Final saw a record-breaking 50,141 fans in the stands and this Sunday's upcoming clash between Galway and Dublin in Croke Park is likely to be another bumper day. You can also support women and girls’ self-esteem by using realistic images in your marketing. And again, this goes back to competition," she says. Role models do matter and for little girls and young women who might dream of seeing themselves on the pitch, "if you can’t see it, you can’t be it" is especially true. It’s also helpful if you have a good understanding of the issues and barriers these women are facing – this may mean that you and/or colleagues need extra training or other learning opportunities. Or you could run a specific session for participants from several local groups. It is our responsibility to demonstrate to girls that it is socially acceptable to participate in sports ; it can give girls the skills and confidence to break down barriers and achieve goals throughout their lives . says Caoimhe Doyle, 17, from Co Kilkenny. On a related note, you should try to discourage women from exercising for appearance-related reasons. "So they’ll have a Gaelic team, a hurling team, a soccer team. Caoimhe has played camogie for Danesfort GAA since she was "tiny," first for the under 8s and now as a right wingback on the minor and intermediate team. According to data shared on this course, only 12% of girls in England aged 14 meet the official guidelines for physical activity – this is about half the number of boys at the same age. While boys and girls are fairly evenly matched in childhood, something starts to change around the age of seven or eight, when the "gender play gap" emerges and disparities in levels of physical activity and sport participation start to show. Please review their details and accept them to load the content. Another initiative you can look into is the “This Girl Can” campaign which is the celebration of active women supported by Sports England that encourages inclusion and women’s participation in sports. When an exercise class puts the emphasis on improving appearance (such as a focus on burning calories), this can actually make women feel more self-conscious and insecure about their bodies. "At the individual level, it’s trying to address the day-to-day barriers," she says. Us Girls therefore recommends word of mouth, direct contact, social media, taster sessions and outreach work. The other issue that ties into perceptions of femininity is belief in their own abilities. "In some qualitative work that we’ve done, we sort of expected role models and things like that to come out as a driver, but many say no, it was more friends.". It’s a detailed guide on how to target the market segment which Sports England labels as “Leanne”. This can be very useful, to get their “buy-in”, and reassure them that you respect their cultural beliefs. Which is where initiatives like 20x20 come in, which aims to increase media coverage of women’s sport, attendance at games and female participation in sports by 20% by the end of 2020. You can also explore other innovative ways to recruit students. On a related note, it can often be helpful to use a faith venue if you are looking to recruit women and girls from minority ethnic communities, to make it feel more familiar and comfortable for attendees. Through the program, VicHealth is funding six sporting codes to work with women and girls who don’t normally participate in traditional sports programs that are provided through clubs and competitions. What are your own experiences of girls’ school sports participation? Times have changed, and the IOC has played an important role in establishing a positive trend to enhance women’s participation in sport. This could be a bad experience in a PE class, a teacher, or not getting picked for a team. In many cases as well, those are not open to everyone. As the workshop tutor put it: they’re often troublesome for their teachers, but for us they’re just the kind of student we want to reach! Try to see your club through the eyes of a beginner, 2. (c) More time and facilities to be given to women participation. They advise that just relying on posters and leaflets is unlikely to achieve much. How long-term renting is impacting on our mental health. Step 2 The most important thing about a coach for girls and young women is their ability to coach well, lead and inspire. Equipment, and even uniforms aren’t funded for many girls’ programs at the same levels as boys so their ability to grow and enjoy the sport is diminished. Understand the needs of women in challenging circumstances, 8. If you don’t have the facilities to offer something like a crèche yourself, you could help by mobilising the mums to share childcare, or run activities where parents can train alongside their kids. One exception to saying that gender is not a big factor, is of course the case of coaching girls and young women from cultural groups which prefer girls to be taught by women. Advantages from Women’s participation in Sports Events. You may also need to ensure that men can’t spectate. There needs to be a "plan B" for those that don’t want to go down that route, she says. A Women in Sport report concludes girls are not engaging enough with school sports. Us Girls advises sports clubs to avoid coming over as too directive or “too much like school” in any way. The 2015 Solheim Cup at … The workshop tutor told us a great story about how he actually joined a choir (with no musical experience whatsoever! Every club that activates Pitchero Payments gets its own Account Manager to ask any questions during the year. This makes Caoimhe’s story a little different. Compared to male participation in sports, female sports are newer and this contributes to why they do not get equal recognition as they should. playing sport at least once a week compared with 40.7% of men (APS 9). "All of the research now tries to look at the influence of peers and friends and tries to build, then, peer support into programmes to get girls more active," Carlin says. Personal qualities are always important in a coach, but perhaps even more so for this group. Therefore, barriers to their participation in sport and active recreation may be … Understand the barriers faced by women from different ethnic and cultural groups, 4. From RTÉ Archives, a camogie match in Mayo in 1956. "Because even if you look across under 6 and under 8 sport in Ireland, from the get go, they’re in tournaments and it’s all competitions," she says. It helps to be able to see it on television, it makes it feel like a major sporting event, which it is - it’s not just the mens. So if you can target one or more very influential “alpha female” and get them attending and enjoying your club, it’s very likely that more girls will flock to follow her. I just get a rush out of playing, it’s a great sport like," she says. If you have access to schools, this leader can often be the more “edgy” girl (or boy). VicHealth’s Changing the Game: Increasing Female Participation in Sport program was launched on 10 August 2015 at the National Tennis Centre, Melbourne. Images of women with “perfect” bodies can make girls and young women feel intimidated, and that they don’t belong in your club. Female participation in sport & physical activity A snapshot of the evidence Females of all ages generally have lower physical activity participation rates than males.1 Increasing physical activity levels for females is important for health and mental wellbeing.1 Understanding and addressing the barriers preventing more female Choose sport activities that girls can play in modest clothing; Regularly expose the girls in your programme to positive, strong women role models. ", "But then we know again, as we come into that shift, adolescence and puberty, it’s less likely the physical and structural barriers that are cited, it’s much more then, interpersonal reasons, things like; 'I don’t like it, it’s boring,’ and social environment as well; ‘friends aren’t going, I don’t wan’t to go, I don’t want to take part’.". Shorter courses Less time, shorter rounds, including 9-hole and 6-hole options. Specifically, a feeling that their time in sports is with be short-lived once they “become a highschooler.” According to Gatorade’s Gi… But a young woman walking in for the first time may have all kinds of questions: So try to put your own confidence and experience to one side, and really think about all the things you do and say, which might seem strange to new people. But he also said he didn’t feel this would be essential, if it wasn’t possible. Focus on the social side in your marketing For younger women, taking part with friends and family members tends to be... 3. He talked about getting into partnership working with agencies who already support them. The workshop tutor explained that it can be hard (and time-consuming) to engage this group and win their trust. Some women will also appreciate being able to wear clothing of their choice such as long trousers, long sleeves and head coverings. Earlier this year, the BBC launched its #changethegame campaign and RTÉ has partnered with the 20x20 'If she can’t see it, she can’t be it’ campaign. You’ll then be in a better position to empathise, and help new students feel at ease. 10 Tips for Engaging Women and Girls in Sport 1. Women in Sport strongly believe that we need to promote participation amongst girls at an early age to ensure they have a positive relationship with sport and to effectively tackle this entrenched gender gap. There are more girlsplaying high school sport today than years past. Secondly because you may be able to link in with whatever the local community is doing to celebrate a key event, to promote your club. Women would be encouraged to play more golf if clubs were less male dominated and more female friendly; Solutions to re-engage lapsed players and attract new golfers: Affordable rentals Being able to sample golf without significant up-front spend. Qualities of successful coaches for girls and young women tend to include: Inspiring and encouraging; Down to earth and “real”; Open and helpful; Ability to listen and be responsive; and committed. The advice here was all about making it easy and uncomplicated for them to join in your sport. The time after puberty is also a key point where the drop-off rate in sport is greater for girls than it is for boys. more female athletes than male athletes •Too many girls coming out for some sports with too little experience - tennis •Increasing demand for additional sports – field hockey •80+ female high schoolers volunteering as coaches •Confident with participation numbers … That’s a very high number of young women and girls who simply aren’t used to exercise, and may well feel nervous or alienated at the prospect. Promoting girls’ sports participation is not just a trendy ideal. allow them to encourage out of school activities and feel comfortable that the environment will be safe. Analysis: there's still a lot of work to be done to ensure that women stay engaged with sport on an equal footing with men. After working in marketing for a couple of years I got a job with Sport England as campaigns manager. A good few of my friends stopped, especially around first year or second year. She wears the number 5 jersey proudly and has stuck with her sport right through school, even as other girls dropped off. Influence in participation of sports. This means feeling competent and in control of your body. Women who participate in sports experience physical, mental, and behavioral benefits (Blinde et al., 1993; Staurowsky et al., 2009). Why they need to stay in: More than three-quarters of working women feel that sports participation … Today we, as a sport for development sector, need to uncover and invest in innovative methods to retain the number of women and girls in sports. Try to see your club through the eyes of a beginner According to data shared on this course, only 12% of girls in... 2. The increasing rates of female athletes’ participation in sports events help counter gender biases. In children aged eight to nine, it's more likely that they rely on parental involvement: "They’re relying on mummy and so on, to support them being able to attend and engage in sport. Carlin says fun gets overlooked in a sporting context, but the research has consistently shown that the main drivers for keeping boys and girls at any age engaged in sport are fun and being around their peers. This could be either in the same group, or in two separate groups. ... understand the benefits of sport to . Sessions held in the park can be very popular, due to the low cost, and the chance to spend some quality time with their baby in the fresh air. Focus on the social side in your marketing, 3. From the RTÉ GAA Podcast, a look ahead to Sunday's camogie finals, the lessons learned by Kerry and Dublin last Sunday, and the psychology of an All-Ireland final replay. If you force a student into a sport they don’t like, it will not yield good a outcome. The first such group was women and girls from black and minority ethnic communities, and diverse cultural groups. Caoimhe intends to keep up the sport even when she goes to college and seeing older teammates do this has helped her see it’s possible. Best answer. Differentiate sport and exercise from other interests by promoting (not preaching) the additional benefits – sell what your audience is looking for; Seeing is believing. Female group lessons The workshop tutor was male, and said that he worked alongside a female assistant coach, who in his view was a definite extra draw for the girls. I think, probably sports is emphasised more to them than it would be to girls.". These barriers include; issues around visibility and gender balance; the transition from childhood to adolescence and the difficulties this brings around a lack of time; the influence of peers and fun; issues around perceived femininity; and the strict structure and competition element of sport. Training here can also work out expensive; and can be unattractive if it’s hard to get to, or some distance away from where participants live. You can help by ensuring good lighting, or making sure that no one has to walk out there alone if they don’t want to. Support women’s sports by attending female sporting events or signing up to coach a girl’s youth team. Girls and younger women are also highly influenced by the opinion of their peers. Help your child choose a sport to suit his age, tastes and physical ability. For more of Kai's coaching tips and tricks, head to her previous article on coaching disabled participants in sport. Support girls and young women to develop a positive body image, 9. I just kept going with it, because it never really lost its appeal for me. Part of the workshop focused in on several specific groups who would be likely to need additional support to access sporting activities. ", On the "gender play gap" Caoimhe says "it’s got to have something to do with the way that Ladies sports is viewed and emphasised I think. Carlin says addressing the overall gender imbalance when it comes to sport is key, but nevertheless research has shown something surprising.
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