Learn more here. Group exhibitions and curatorial proposals are welcomed, as well as solo exhibition proposals from established and emerging artists in all mediums. The Newport artist residency, AiR/Newport, is designed to encourage the creative, intellectual, and personal growth of emerging and established visual artists and designers by giving them the time, space, and solitude needed to create apart from the daily demands of production and deadline. This means that while artists are still responsible for their own travel, materials, meals, and other personal incidentals while in residence, WSW provides housing and studio space at no cost. FIELD: Painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, stills of video/film, sculpture (of any type of material), ceramics, mixed/multiple media, installation, and other new or alternative media. online juried art exhibition. The Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Grant is awarded annually to under-recognized American painters over the age of 45 who demonstrate financial need. The goal is expansion in all ways. Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's international program for Visual and Applied Artists. This is a process-based residency; there is no expectation or promise of an exhibition in our first-floor galleries. All forms of photographic processes are encouraged. Learn more here. Skowhegan has a long tradition and high reputation of offering artists the opportunity to engage fully with their studio practice, with their peers, and with distinguished faculty and mentors. Grants are dispersed twice annually. Applicants should anticipate using the studio 15 hours/week or more. Learn more here. A stipend of $3,240.00 annually is provided, which is paid in monthly increments of $270 via direct deposit, plus benefits. Free for 30 days. It is a hilly region fringed with massive coastal plateaus and sand dunes, and dotted with clear lakes. WHO: Open to all artists in the US, especially the Michigan/Midwest region, any theme or medium. We will be updating this list throughout the year as deadlines become available, so make sure to check back often and download the latest version of the guide. The IEA research specialist will work with the resident artist. The list is updated daily so there'll always be a great new opportunity to pursue. The Arts Board offers two programs that make grants to individual artists, and twThe Arts Board offers two programs that make grants to individual artists, and two services that help promote the work of artists who teach and artists that are interested in public art.o services that help promote the work of artists who teach and artists that are interested in public art. Spokane Watercolor Society, whose mission is to foster the development and growth of artists in the medium of watercolor and to promote watercolor art, is hosting an open juried show for watercolor artists. More information here. NYC4PA offers international, themed open call competitions juried by recognized experts in the field of photography. If you are applying for a specific exhibition, please include the title of the exhibition in your application. The Puffin Foundation Ltd. has sought to open the doors of artistic expression by providing grants to artists and art organizations who are often excluded from mainstream opportunities due to their race, gender, or social philosophy. It is also unique in its scope, in that it is available to students and artists around the world. Artists-in-Residence are invited to utilize the resources of the Museum’s campus including The Studio, the extensive collections and archives of the Museum, and the Rakow Research Library. The mission of this grant is to promote public awareness of and a commitment to American art and to encourage interest in artists who lack adequate recognition. The theme includes any art which depicts cities, towns, urban scenes and/or any related metropolitan subjects. Learn more here. Founded in 2007, JTHAR is a nonprofit artist residency that fosters creativity through opportunities for exploring, experimenting, quiet reflection, engagement and cross-cultural exchange with the vibrant local artist community. FINE PRINT: Studio Fellows are required to commit to a minimum of 20 hours of studio time per week and 5 hours of mentorship time with their high school Apprentice. FINE PRINT: Residency includes: Unfurnished two-bedroom apartment from mid-May through mid-August 2020 rent-free. Learn more here. Do you wish you could get the doors to open more easily? Learn more here. Learn more here. The figurative & portrait show is always a popular show among area artists. The Artists’ Collecting Society (ACS) is offering one student or recent graduate £6,000 to contribute to the cost of an artist’s studio in a UK city of your choice. AMOUNT: The program will provide one-time grants of up to $5,000 for unexpected medical emergencies. AMOUNT: The amounts of grants vary, and the Foundation does not guarantee it will fully fund any project. Artists who have graduated from such a course within the past four years are also invited to apply. This juried call for art seeks art forms of all media that consider native plants that are currently threatened or endangered. Artist Development: Grant to help NS-based artists tour, record, market, and showcase their work for one year. Each call has a different theme, some of the themes are repeated over time. Teachable moments create space for rethinking, for cross-examination, and to draw on abstract concepts deploying them not only as a method, but also as authentic behavior in the heat of the moment. FINE PRINT: Entries must have been completed within the past 2 years and not previously exhibited in JF Gallery. Different booth sizes available. Artists-in-residence have 24-hour access to extensive installation and production spaces and the Okada Sculpture & Ceramics Facility, a 9,000 square foot industrial space used for large-scale sculpture fabrication. Art Vancouver draws over 10,000 well-educated buyers & art lovers from all around the world. All the finalist works will be shown on the online gallery for the whole duration of awards, together with info and contacts of the artist. Transitions and displacements are the objects of reflection for our call. OPA is currently accepting new member applications. A more comprehensive monthly list is offered at $5 a year. FINE PRINT: Contemporary Art Gallery Online encourages entries from all 2D and 3D artists regardless of their experience, education in the art field or where they may reside. One of Yeiser Art Center’s most engaging and innovative international exhibitions, FANTASTIC FIBERS seeks to showcase a wide range of outstanding contemporary works related to the fiber medium. MacDowell does not offer classes or instruction. Detailed FAQ here. Get the latest art news & tips delivered once a week, straight to your inbox. Art Fair | Seattle 2020, 10th Annual "Animals" Online Art Competition, International Online Juried Bi-Monthly Solo Exhibition, 2020 Annual International Representational Exhibition, 8th Annual 2020 “Water/Seascape” Art Competition & Exhibition, Exhibition Opportunity at New Public Sculpture Park, 4th Annual "Patterns, Textures & Forms" Online Art Competition, Call for Entry - OPA Eastern Regional Exhibition, 2020 Firehouse Art Center Call For Artists, 9 Things You Should Give Up to Be a Successful Artist, How to Make Money as an Artist on Instagram. DATES: September 11, 2020 - January 18, 2021. We accept three types of proposals for our 2020 Summer Programming: ready-to-hang work, site-specific installations, and temporary installations/performances. In addition to the workspace, each fellowship includes ab annual material and firing stipend and professional development and enrichment opportunities through NCC’s education, exhibitions, and sales gallery programs, for qualified and interested fellows. Art Gym Gallery is inviting artists to submit work to the 4th Impressed National Printmaking Exhibit. FINE PRINT: First Place $2000; Second Place $1500;  Third Place $1000; Fourth Place $500; Tile Prix Primo $750; People’s Choice $250. Now in its 50th year, the Midsummer Festival of the Arts remains committed to providing a service to artists and to our audiences. NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the National Endowment for the Arts staff is working almost entirely off-site. Is water our frenemy now? Important Note: The artworks should not exceed 150/150 centimeters. Each year, we award thousands of grants to provide all Americans with diverse opportunities for arts participation. FINE PRINT: On the application, you must include a chronological list of shows, citing dates and places, and a list of collections in which your work is represented. The proposed site should be and will be the focal point of the newly redesigned entrance into Riverfront Park from Clinton Avenue. The work should speak for itself and their application reflects that. Learn more here. FIELD: Any Field. The viewpoints and experiences that come with age are invaluable lessons to us all on how to live life - and live it well. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery and is open to all forms of abstraction, from the geometric to the lyrical, from the precise to the raw. More than 300 artworks have been exhibited Downtown since AOTS began in 1998, and the district is home to more than 50 permanent works, over 30 of which have been purchased through AOTS. Entry Fee $45/3 images Awards: $800 Best in Show, $500 Second Place, $300 Third Place. FINE PRINT: Halcyon defines emerging artists as an early career artist who has demonstrated promising artistic development and demonstrates dedication to their practices but is at a pivotal point in their career where they could benefit from further training and support. FINE PRINT: Analog and digital manipulation in all its forms welcome. You must be totally self sufficient, have insurance, be self realized, highly independent and prepared to be art focused in this natural environment. There are no deadlines, so you will never fall behind. One can stay, take private lessons, a workshop, or have a pause in travels, and create. The panel of jurors will make their initial selections based on digital submissions. Jane will be leading viewers through the steps of landscape oil paintings, however, most of the concepts and essentials covered apply to all mediums and subjects. FINE PRINT: Please include an artist’s statement about your piece. DATES: 6 artists will be chosen from the two deadlines for the upcoming year's solo exhibition schedule and artists will be assigned in random order for following show dates: September 1 - October 31, 2020, November 1 - December 31, 2020, January 1 - February 28, 2021, March 1 - April 30, 2021, May 1 - June 30, 2021, July 1 - August 31, 2021. FINE PRINT: Selected artists each receive a $2,000 honorarium and are eligible for other awards. More information here. WHO: Artists from all disciplines encouraged to apply, DATES: Three cohorts of three-month residencies in 2021, DEADLINE: Applications open Feb 1 - March 13, 2020. Students not eligible. All at no cost to the artists. FINE PRINT: Applications submitted will remain on file for two years, and those not chosen for an exhibit will be considered for any additional opportunities that occur during that or the subsequent season. DATES: Two 3-week residencies are available during September and October 2021. Artists are encouraged to submit works that speak to contemporary culture, current events, or envision the “new normal.” We seek art that pushes beyond the derivative and creates something compelling, authentic, and telling of the world we live. It offers a two-year studio and tutoring program that is best tailored to the needs of artists who wish to strengthen their artistic foundation, develop their ideas and deepen their practice in a focused, critical environment among peers from all around the globe. This residency is designed for visual artists who have previously completed formal training in visual arts and/or lens-based media and are ready to intensely focus on an aspect of their existing career or on a specific upcoming project. stARTup Art Fair San Francisco is a contemporary art fair for independent artists. Residency options include a fall semester and a winter/spring semester, or both. Learn more about applying here. Artist grants and fellowships are provided by local arts councils. JF Gallery is pleased to announce its 9th Annual Juried Art Exhibit. The City of Elk Grove in Northern California is seeking artists working in various disciplines for FOUR public art projects: 1. Don’t let a lack of funds prevent you from sharing your vision with the world. Support for the translation of works of prose, poetry, or drama into English. The Studio Workspace Residency is an opportunity for artists to create new work and fully immerse themselves in WSW’s supportive environment. The recipient will also receive additional financial support that will enable them to access other national opportunities for further learning as well as dialogue and discussion about their work with national leaders in the arts and other allied fields. The picturesque National Lakeshore is ideally suited for an Artist-in-Residence program. The park also requires all Artists-in-Residence to share three public presentations to be given during the artist’s residency. We want to sustain our momentum, continue empowering black women and their practice, the only way we do this is if we are the change and the support we want to see. Please note that this open call is meant specifically to apply for a work space based at LMCC’s Arts Center and not any of the other affiliated organizations’ houses on the Island. In addition to participation in a culminating group exhibit, Studio Fellows have the unique opportunity to form new creative partnerships within the art communities at Yale University, as well as in Greater New Haven and New York City. Works can be still art, drawings, paintings or photography of any kind of food or beverage. FINE PRINT: The program does not consider requests for dental work, chronic situations, capital improvements, or projects of any kind; nor can it consider situations resulting from general indebtedness or lack of employment. WHO: U.S. visual artists who work in the program city (or its eligible counties) and who have resided there for at least two years. FINE PRINT: All artists, regardless of location or experience, are encouraged to submit their best work in any medium. Candidates must notify ASF if they have received other award offers. Learn more here. Learn more here. As a self-directed residency, artists are afforded the time and environment needed to research, experiment, and produce an on-going body of work as a professional working artist. Las Laguna Gallery is now accepting submissions of artwork by artists who create works depicting food. The theme is open for artist interpretation. All mediums are welcome. Students not Eligible. FINE PRINT: Each month FCA receives an average of 95 Emergency Grant applications and makes approximately 12-15 grants. WHO: All visual arts practices are welcome. Learn more here. FINE PRINT: The three winning artists will be awarded prize money totaling € 45,000 for the realization of a 05–10 min high-resolution audio-visual production, to be presented during the festival as a video mapping on the respective facade. Learn how to build sales and a collector list from our marketing experts. Applicants who are enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs as of the date of application are ineligible for a residency and therefore cannot apply. Learn more here. Curate to sell with our friendly guidelines, and meet your next collector in our hip DTLA location just blocks from the LA Art Show, the country's highest-attended art fair. Each grant is given as one-time assistance for a specific emergency, examples of which are fire, flood, or emergency medical need. In addition to receiving a grant award, winners will be featured and recognized on their website and join a growing community of vibrant and talented artists. FINE PRINT: Drawing, painting (all mediums), pastel, printmaking, photography, sculpture, fiber, mixed-media, new media, and installation works are eligible. All you have to do is to submit 4 images of your Art (submit your photography or a photo of your painting, mixed media...think Instagram- what would you post on Instagram). The housing is only for the artists. FINE PRINT: All local, national and international artists, professional and amateur are encouraged to submit their artwork for this art exhibition. FINE PRINT: Covid-19 information: The Firehouse is open for the summer to a limited number of visitors at a time, masks required. Learn more here. Learn more here. The property offers a wide variety of sites for placement. FINE PRINT: All media is eligible. Creation Grants support the creation of new work by Vermont artists. In an effort to sustain black women’s contributions in the art industry during the COVID -19, TILA Studios is launching a recurring monthly fund beginning at $1,000 to support black women artists nationwide. Accepting all contemporary and fine art submissions. IaRex l'Atelier: International Artists Residency Exchange is for artists who are seeking a program for numerous artistic and personal reasons. We put together a mix of unrestricted grants for individual artists—both emerging and established, that will make you start drafting up yo… Residencies are from 1 to 3 months, featuring artists working in a diverse range of materials and techniques. Artists are asked to submit artwork, photography and sculpture with or without clothes. In addition to the honorarium, residents will be provided with housing, studio space, and up to $10,000 funding support for project materials, installation, and de-installation. SU-CASA places artists and arts organizations in residence at senior centers across the five boroughs of New York City. WHO: Emerging artists worldwide who are interested in further investigating a socially engaged practice and creating lasting connections and partnerships in Washington, DC. Animal subjects include any living organisms, mammals, birds, insects and any animals that may also live in water. The flexible residency at IaRex l'Atelier: International Artists Residency Exchange is for artists who are seeking a program for numerous artistic and personal reasons. Residency includes 24-hour access to the Working Studio. This includes painting, sculpture, photography, installation, and performance art. The artist is responsible for the transportation, installation and removal of their work. The top award this year is $25,000 for Best in Show and over 140 awards and honorable mentions are being offered. Awards: $1200 Best in Show, $800 Second Place, $400 Third Place. Jane Hunt OPA, AIS, has created a unique learning system that combines the best parts of a live painting workshop with the focused tutorial aspect of watching a video. Applicants will receive a response within 1-2 months. (no commercial work please- only your fine Art). Glacier National Park Artist-in-Residence Program. Learn more here. Each year we send our team on a mission to find the best opportunities, artist grants, and calls-for-entry for artists. FINE PRINT: Eligible media include, but are not limited to: drawing, painting, photography, mixed media, oil/chalk pastels, block/ink print, pottery/vessels, sculpture, assemblage, digital art, collage, metalwork, jewelry design, fiber/textile art, woodwork, contemporary craft, soft sculpture, and weaving/tapestry. Are you confused about how decisions are made in the art world? The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation grant is one of the most prestigious grants available to emerging figurative artists, as well as one of the most substantial. Media: Mixed Media, 3-D, Free Standing, Appropriate for Outdoor Space. or which are manufactured (e.g., bottles, glasses, pottery, books, jewelry, coins, pipes, etc.). FINE PRINT: The annual 2020 NOAPS membership of $50 is required. FINE PRINT: All artists, regardless of location or experience, are invited to submit their best representational and/or abstract art and photography. What are you doing? Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW) is pleased to announce the opening of our call for entries for the 23rd annual PCNW Juried Photography Exhibition, Distinction with our esteemed juror, Kris Graves. Artists may submit one to three pieces of artwork. The residency includes a $2000 stipend, a studio, housing, events, publicity, a Dolphin & Manta Ray Excursion and much more…the chance of a lifetime for Artists! ASF awards may require supplementation from other sources, but they should not duplicate the benefits of additional awards (and vice versa). While we are experiencing some adjustments, and things are changing all the time, we are completing our exhibitions schedule as planned this year and will continue into 2021. If the theme or major component of your piece is "Water" it satisfies the theme requirement. Single person occupancy. Climate Change: What Will You Do To Help? DEADLINE: TBA for 2020 grant cycle (Last year’s deadlines were in October). The exhibition is subject to be virtual-only depending on the severity of the crisis in the fall. Update: VicArts Grants and Sustaining Creative Workers programs. Learn more here. Fifty juried artists will have four days to paint, en plein air, the unique subjects of the southwest, such as colorful rock formations, cobalt skies, and meandering adobe walls. This "gift of time" allows artists to work without distraction in an effort to break new ground and focus on individual goals. Learn more here. FINE PRINT: Space limited. Submitted proposals must include a description of how the project will address the Institute for the Humanities 2020-2021 theme exploring the idea of home; not limited to but potentially including considerations of temporary shelter, power as it pertains to space; identity/community, the emotional and philosophical landscape of home and homelessness, exile, memory and loss as it is associated with place. FINE PRINT: Winners of the STARTS Prize must make a commitment to accept their awards in person at the award ceremony and to present their works at the STARTS Prize Forum, an artists’ symposium in Linz, Austria. We are a 2D award, accepting paintings, drawings and photography of any size or support. 18th Street Arts Center’s visiting artist residency program has hosted more than 500 artists from dozens of countries ... MacDowell Colony Residency. Artists must provide their own materials, some of which can be purchased from WSW. Grants to Help New, Innovative Visual Arts Projects (UK) 14th April 2021. Arts Grants. On the Edge seeks submissions that reference the balancing act that is the current state of the world, which appears in an unprecedented state of political, economic, social and environmental change. Studio Fellows are required to commit to a minimum of 20 hours of studio time per week and 5 hours of mentorship time with their high school Apprentice. FINE PRINT: Open to artists of all mediums — 2D, sculpture, video, new media, performance, site-specific pieces, etc. WHO: All interested professional or amateur artists, graphic designers, illustrators, architects or anyone able to build a digital object on 3D, are eligible to submit work. You can even add application deadlines to the “My Schedule” feature and receive email reminders before it’s time to submit so you never miss out on these opportunities.
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