Poor guy doesn't even feel pain until five seconds after something hits him. Pokemon: Genr8 You might also like: Moveset Rankings! 8. I can't really remember any funny names I gave my rival, but I used to name them Melissa (after my sister)... even if they were a boy. Let us help you. Check out our other posts! Nov 19, 2018 #7 Check your Pokemons movesets and compare it's ranking to others. This fire/fighting fowl debuted as one of the three starters for Hoenn, but it wasn’t until the … Pokemon Go players and fans will recognize the names of the Generation 1 Pokemon … Alolan Ratticate. re: Funny character names I remember I always nicknamed everything someting stupid, the main character, thr rival, my pokemon, everything. 6. See more ideas about pokemon teams, pokemon art, pokemon pictures. Tell me you can't hear the Ninja Turtles telling each other to "shell out, man". 9. NovaBrunswick Canada Connoisseur. Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. The names have been divided into 2 categories. Riptide – A strong current of water that flows outward from the beach. Maybe Professor Oak was tired of forgetting his grandson's name and took it out on Scrafty, that darned hoodlum hooligan. re: Funny character names I remember I always nicknamed everything someting stupid, the main character, thr rival, my pokemon, everything. Pokemon Generation 2 Names! 9. Do you Bayleaf in life after love? Sure, you can do a great one-off—we all want to name a Magmar “assface,” right?—but the truly inspired jokes don’t stop there. … Then I stopped and kept the name of Johnny. Select your favourite PoKeMoN and generate a random name! But hey, I'd take dopey over his original Japanese category, which translates to stupid. Of course, the title actually refers to Accelgor's discarded shell, which gives him amazing speed, but nothing can stop shell out from sounding like 90's slang. Looking for Pokemon nicknames? When Kanto's three legendary birds received new Galarian forms, the other two got fearsome-sounding categories: Articuno as the malevolent Pokémon and Moltres as cruel. ... You can name your rival in pokemon let's go. Search for: Editor’s Pick. If you need a funny nickname or a hilarious nickname for someone, you will love this list of funny pet names for guys, girls, and pets. funny pokemon wifi names (1) jigglypuff play rough (2) i got the volbeat (3) i am a team rocket guy (4) my wifi is slowbro (5) cubone and the two strings (6) dawn of the dedenne (7) where is my arcanine (8) who saw my kakuna (9) the nidoking crimson (10) samurott jack (11) golem ancient power attack (12) magnet bomb (13) east side sinnoh Greatest Pokémon Trainers. What in the world is a posy picker? 50+ Funny names for Pokemon that will make your granny blush Can you solve these Pokemon memes yourself? So a rendezvous here is about as raunchy as Pokémon gets, though maybe not as much as breeding a Wailord with a Skitty. ; Shipwreck – The destruction of a ship at sea by sinking or breaking up. ULTIMATE Pokemon Nicknames Guide | 13,000+ total nicknames for ALL Pokemon. Below is a list of the strongest and greatest trainer names. 2. Good luck catching ’em all and renaming ’em in the interest of bad puns and glorious shitposting. by. When Kanto's three legendary birds received new Galarian forms, the other two got fearsome-sounding categories: Articuno as the malevolent Pokémon and Moltres as cruel. The first 8 names are random combinations of 2 parts, which together form a Pokemon-like name. 700+ Good nicknames for Pokemon. You can either use partial or full name of a Pokémon in conjunction with another popular name… Does it mean a picky eater? The last 2 names will be 2 out of 222 names I made up by altering the names of animals, plants and even fruits and vegetable in a Pokemon-like way. No, no, it's actually just talking picking the posy flower, but it's still a hilarious description. Reactions: Minedreigon and NovaBrunswick. The following are funny nicknames you can use for Pokémon: Aspirin – This Pokémon is always giving you a headache. 3. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Cynthia is the name of the champion of the Sinnoh region. Check out our other posts! For more characters in Pokémon, look at our list of funny Pokémon names or cat Pokémon names. If the cute, colorful characters are a game-maker's dream, the names themselves are perfect for funny Pokemon memes and wordplay. Some Pokémon are classified oddly, others are simply based on weird things, like Trubbish the trash pile or Vanillite the ice cream cone, but either way, there's plenty of wacky things to chuckle at in the Pokémon world. Ebb – A word that describes the movement of a tide as it flows back to the sea. This person who named them after whatever their 2-year-old called them. Did ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ delete a pandemic subplot? Then I stopped and kept the name of Johnny. The Name Rater says... That's funny, I always thought Togepi looked like what Humpty Dumpty would have looked like if he's survived the fall and had a vengeance against the world for it. 200+ Cute nicknames for Pokemon. Pokemon Go players and fans will recognize the names of the Generation 1 Pokemon … I now have a Pikachu nicknamed 'Ass' through the exact same concept! It actually sounds ferocious and scary just like this mighty Pokémon. His work has also appeared on nymag.com, suicidegirls.com, and the Morning News. Did someone mispronounce nose-picker? 19 Pokémon Names That Are Pretty Much Borderline Genius. Thinknoodles named his rival in let's go Dan. Meanwhile, Zapdos's new form is, well, strong-legged. 700+ Good nicknames for Pokemon. 1.Use one of the 151 Pokémon Names With a Little Twist . He previously served as the Daily Dot’s news editor, was a staff writer at Gawker, and edited the classic websites Urlesque and Download Squad. Yea, maybe an omen of gastrointestinal problems when you're doing that. His Japanese translation doesn't save him either (where he's simply called the "diaper" Pokémon), so there's no escaping his playground teasing, at least until he evolves into Mandibuzz. For an even more pitiful name, look to its direct Japanese translation as the "good walker" Pokémon. He is clearly the scratch cat to end all scratch cats." After a few weeks doing unpaid beta testing for Niantic and Nintendo’s fun-but-glitchy Pokémon Go, players have come to realize that the game’s best feature is the ability to give your pocket monsters stupid and hilarious names. by : The Name Rater says... Wit a name like dat it be booted out de ghetto man. I guess this one's as much the concept as the actual species name, but either way, it's a prime example of Pokémon silliness. Rated: Tue 19 Oct 2010 11:10:18 UTC: Scizor: Jack Bauer Hard-skinned, resistant to all of your poisons... and is part bug. I promise that you have something you like, try it. Fully appreciating this name requires some context. On the surface, this name might not elicit giggles, but, well…Luvdisc is all about love. Sure, you can do a great one-off—we all want to name a Magmar “assface,” right?—but the truly inspired jokes don’t stop there. While most Pokémon's English names only include letters, several Pokémon include punctuation and other characters in their names. That's far better than an old shrimp, something most kids playing Pokémon would probably call me. Ever looked at some of the Pokemon names in other languages? 200+ Cute nicknames for Pokemon. Uh, yeah I believe in life after love, but … If you're looking for cool names, funny puns, or great nickname ideas for your Pokémon, Pikachu, then you've come to the right place! Someone at some point said "no, no, Meowth isn't just a cat, you fool. Alder is the champion of the Unova Pokémon League. [Placeholder for https://nightcores-pokemon.tumblr.com/post/147225555277 embed], [Placeholder for http://therustyskull.tumblr.com/post embed]. 50+ Funny names for Pokemon that will make your granny blush ; Maelstrom – A whirlpool or vortex in a body of water. Ash is the main character in the 'Pokémon' series. Which are most mind-boggling? The last 2 names will be 2 out of 222 names I made up by altering the names of animals, plants and even fruits and vegetable in a Pokemon-like way. A trainer's Pokédex lists Pokémon categories (sometimes called species) for each creature. The Pokemon games used to allow you to name your Trainer & Rival whatever you wanted, from Pokemon Gen 1 to some of the later Pokemon generations. It's heart-shaped, associated with couples, and can even fly by kissing another Luvdisc and flapping their "wings". With the godlike powers that Pokémon have, this name embodies the "Hell" part of their existence really well.After all,… Hot Stuff – Charizard sure is hot stuff!. After all those years, there are more than 700 different Pokémon. Here is a massive list of over a 1000 excellent Pokemon names for all types of Pokemon. Everyone say thank you Cher. You can check out the exclusive list of 151 Pokémon pocket monsters with their ranking and personality traits by clicking here. The two best things about being young were having a juvenile sense of humour and Pokémon. They use an entire screenful of nine Pokémon. by Matt Stopera. The creativity in the design of these creatures seems almost limitless, leaving room for the cute, the strong, and the downright strangest Pokémon ever. ULTIMATE Pokemon Nicknames Guide | 13,000+ total nicknames for ALL Pokemon. PoKeMoN Go Name Generator Stumped on what to call yourself or your PoKeMoN in PoKeMoN Go? Here are some of the best we’ve seen so far: Am I doing this right? These are the ten funniest Pokémon species names! In between "Pokémon" journeys, Jeremy enjoys working as a pharmaceutical chemist and campus manager. Rated: Mon 18 Nov 2013 22:19:29 UTC: Togepi: Fantastic! Hot Stuff – Charizard sure is hot stuff!. Check out our other posts! The opening narration from Bee Movie would also be a savvy choice, especially if you happen to have nine Beedrills in your collection. 8. Greymon – Now, now, we don’t want any fight, but tell me this nickname is very funny for Charizard.. 7. Slowpoke is classified as the dopey Pokémon, and well, yea, he is. 50+ Funny Names for Pokemon That Will Make Your Granny Blush If you don't take yourself too seriously, picking a funny names for Pokemon is a riot! Looking for Pokemon nicknames? Sure, Anorith's status as a fossil Pokémon means he's from prehistoric days, and his Japan-translated title dubs him an ancient shrimp. The first 8 names are random combinations of 2 parts, which together form a Pokemon-like name. 200+ Cute nicknames for Pokemon. These have no affect on gameplay, but are interesting tidbits that often reference the real-world inspiration for a Pokémon. Here is a list of the best Pokémon Nicknames for any pokemon type. If the cute, colorful characters are a game-maker's dream, the names themselves are perfect for funny Pokemon memes and wordplay. Reading through the Starter Pokemon thread, I was thinking what are the funniest Character/Rival names? Vesuvius – This is the name of a volcano in Italy. Still pretty weird though, as bakeneko are said to lick lamp oil as a bad omen. Meanwhile, Zapdos's new form is, well, strong-legged. The fewest number of unique characters that have been in a Pokémon's name is 2, with Eevee. You can use these nicknames for pokemon go or any pokemon game. For an even more pitiful name, look to its direct Japanese translation as the "good walker" Pokémon. The names have been divided into 2 categories. To be fair, Nintendo had to determine how to translate Meowth's Japanese category, bakeneko, which references a mythical creature most overseas players aren't familiar with. Last time we talked about censored Pokemon nicknames in the newer games like Pokemon Sun and Moon. Only five Pokémon have a hyphen in their English names: Ho-Oh, Porygon-Z, Jangmo-o, Hakamo-o, and Kommo-o. 700+ Good nicknames for Pokemon. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. With a tongue as big as Lickitung's it's unsurprising that its German … Categories Themes. We’ve come up with a bunch of clever, funny, and irreverent nicknames for your Pokemon that’ll make your inner class clown stand out a bit. The Alolan version of Ratticate is known to have a larger appetite than the original … BuzzFeed Staff, by Dave Stopera. Categories Themes. If you're looking for cool names, funny puns, or great nickname ideas for your Pokemon, Charmander, then you've come to the right place! Dark Pokémon generally have menacing names and natures, but there's no denying Vullaby's diaper-dub is hilarious. Click on the name text and the name will be automatically selected. With those official Eevee names out of the way, we should sit back and have a bit of fun with our other Pokemon and their respective names. This is how it's done. People are not happy with Demi Lovato for calling a fro-yo shop ‘diet culture vultures’ because of the sugar-free menu, Why Captain America’s shield is the MCU’s best MacGuffin, Lizzo drunkenly slides into Chris Evans’ DMs, gets a response. Arts & Design. Blaziken. You just need to select the length of the nickname, and enter the quantity to generate. Because Togepi is fantastic. It actually sounds ferocious and scary just like this mighty Pokémon. Funny, I battled yourself the other day. ULTIMATE Pokemon Nicknames Guide | 13,000+ total nicknames for ALL Pokemon. Looking for Pokemon nicknames? This one cracks me up because it sounds like some Pokémon elder was having a rough day when he named it. This extends to moves too, with silly attacks like Tickle, Snore, and Let's Snuggle Forever (I wish I was kidding), but for now, vote for your favorite laughably-classified creature and I'll see you at our next Pokémon countdown! If you're looking for cool names, funny puns, or great nickname ideas for your Pokémon, Pikachu, then you've come to the right place! Treecko: Treekz It has a cool characteristic, plus treeckos are one of the coolest pokemon! 1. Gyarados Nicknames Associated With the Ocean. If you're looking for cool names, funny puns, or great nickname ideas for your Pokemon, Charmander, then you've come to the right place! Whether you use this list to entertain your friends, or as a guide for what not to name your next child, let this be your guide to the silliest names out there.So, without further ado, here are funny dirty names that will have you giggling like a child. The legendary Pokémon is more than 20 years old now. That number is only growing with Pokémon Sun and Moon new monsters joining the ranks. Let’s start with the funny Pokémon names. That doesn't make it any less weird that one of the original Pokémon was simply based on licking. Your maturity shines through like a penny in an oil-field. At least he's not Psyduck, who needs headaches for his psychic powers and never actually gains the Psychic type. Can you solve these Pokemon memes yourself? With this nickname generator, you can generate countless nicknames you like. pic.twitter.com/YBehzvU6V6, — Jelisa Castrodale (@gordonshumway) July 20, 2016, I think they're trying to tell me something… pic.twitter.com/mBBtZnOp0l, — gabe bergado (@gabebergado) July 20, 2016, sorry for this pic.twitter.com/VhcSOQlunx, — pointy (@chipspopandabar) July 14, 2016, https://twitter.com/JamesHadouken/status/754760346552954880, (SNAKE ME UP) SNAKE ME UP INSIDE(I CAN'T SNAKE UP) SNAKE ME UP INSIDESNAAAAAAAAAKE ME pic.twitter.com/5OldnDy20r. 6. It … Greymon – Now, now, we don’t want any fight, but tell me this nickname is very funny for Charizard.. 7. The two best things about being young were having a juvenile sense of humour and Pokémon. It could also mean turbulence, turmoil, or uproar. Most are unremarkable, but every so often, you'll see one worth chuckling at, highlighting the weirdest quirks of various Pokémon. Well let me tell you, some of them are really hilarious. I feel ya, Anorith. BuzzFeed Staff. Nov 16, 2020 - Explore Clover's board "Team names" on Pinterest. 50+ Funny names for Pokemon that will make your granny blush Lickitung is Schlurp in German. Her name is derived from 'Synthesis,' … Both Lickitung and Lickilicky are known as the licking Pokémon, which is definitely accurate. But, it can be tough to come up with something that fools the game's forbidden words and toes the line between giving someone a good chuckle and being downright raunchy! Vesuvius – This is the name of a volcano in Italy. ... Pikachu is an electric-type mouse Pokemon. Funny Pokémon Nicknames. Jay Hathaway is a former senior writer who specialized in internet memes and weird online culture. These names are too good not to write about.
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