Most often characterized as the dry season, it's the time of year when the rain disappears and the crisp rays of the sun fold through the foliage of the rainforest; prime weather for sun bathing, sunset watching, surfing, fishing, zip lining, hiking and just about every other thing you can think to do outside. 2021): Reisen nach Costa Rica sind wieder relativ problemlos möglich. But the proverbial "dry season" is not the same throughout the entire country. A note on hotel prices in the Caribbean: Most hotels plan their high season (read: high prices) in accordance with what's considered the dry season (Dec.-April). Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos from Because it’s the end of the rainy season and the start of the dry season, the entire country is lush and green. In der gemäßigten Klimazone, der Tierra templada, beträgt das jährliche Temperaturmittel 14-18 °C. The contour maps of Costa Rica below for each month of the year show the average High, Average and Low Temperature in °F fore every region of the country color coded by the legend at the bottom of each. Average monthly temperatures in Costa Rica (degrees centigrade and fahrenheit) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec °C: 30.6: 31: 29.7: 28.3: 26: 23.1: 24.8 Jun. Wet season in the Pacific has the additional benefit of being fairly consistent. dass auf Basis Deiner Einstellungen womöglich nicht mehr alle Funktionen der Seite zur Verfügung stehen. The climate in Costa Rica is hot all year round in the plains and along the coasts, while it's milder in the plateau, that is, in the so-called tierras templadas. Temperatures vary depending on your exact location, but typically fall into the 75ºF to 90ºF range. So while Guanacaste, in the Pacific, retains the title as the driest part of the country, the Caribbean gets doused with daily tropical rains for most of the year. Temperature varies with altitude, with lower temperatures at higher locations. Hier kannst Du festlegen, wie wir Deine Daten verwenden dürfen. San Jose is more comfortable with temperatures between 17.8°C (64°F) and 25.6°C (78.1°F). Aktuelle Angebote für Costa Rica-Reisen anzeigen. Dein Standort. Pack light, cotton clothing and be ready for occasional early morning or late evening showers during the ‘wet’ season. When planning your Costa Rica vacation, the weather in Costa Rica is a big part of the equation- the country lies wholly within the tropics, yet boasts about a dozen climatic zones and is notably diverse in local microclimates. The climate is very hot in this city in the month of april. The highest recorded temperature in Costa Rica is 42.8°C (109°F), set in February 1964 in Puntarenas. Annual Sunshine for Costa Rica The longest days in Costa Rica are in June , with an average of 12.7 hours of daylight per day. hier verwalten und individuell widersprechen. Because of the volume of rain, there's also a lot of humidity with daily average hovering around 86 percent. Die Wetterdaten wurden soeben für Sie aktualisiert. ohne Einwilligung zusammen. Das mittlere Temperaturmaximum der einzelnen Monate weicht nur geringfügig um weniger als ein Grad davon ab. Down in the Osa Peninsula, near Costa Rica's border with Panama, it rains more frequently and the weather is more similar to the Caribbean region, though the dry season remains the same as the rest of the Pacific. Monteverde, located in the highlands, sees significantly more rainfall, winds and cooler weather than towns in the northern lowlands. Wetter 7 Tage: Besserung pünktlich zum Wochenende, Tipps und Empfehlungen für die individuelle Freizeitgestaltung, Freuen Sie sich auf bis zu 11 Sonnenstunden, Freuen Sie sich auf bis zu 8 Sonnenstunden. However, if you're interested in seeing Monteverde in its full glory, visit during the wet season when the clouds rolls through the rainforest. The wet and dry seasons ar… Aktuelles Wetter für Samara, Costa Rica:. Im Laufe des Mittags ist es sonnig bei Höchstwerten von 30°C. Allerdings sorgt die Bergkette der Kordilleren für eine deutliche Unterscheidung der Mikroklimata zwischen derKaribik- und der Pazifikküste. Get the Costa Rica weather forecast. Wir und unsere Partner verwenden Cookies und weitere Technologien zur Optimierung und Finanzierung … Apr. Unlike the Pacific, the Caribbean rain doesn't fall in a predictable pattern and you can expect it to drop in at any time of the day… so do yourself a favor and bring an umbrella. Costa Rica besitzt eine vielfältige Topographie und viele Mikroklimas - somit variieren die Temperaturen je nach Region stark. Sie wollen sich in Ihrem Urlaub frei und unabhängig fühlen, die Natur genießen und dort Halt machen, wo es am schönsten ist? Coastal sea temperatures around Costa Rica Ocean temperature and marine climate data is provided daily by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Winds increase with elevation making Monteverde particularly windy. From mid-day on, expect scattered showers for the rest of the day and into the night. The average rainfall in highlands areas like Monteverde during the wet season can be as much as 16 inches per month. Costa Rica 15-day weather forecasts for more than 60 destinations. Just because there's a little bit of rain, doesn't mean it's not worth visiting the Pacific during the wet season. Though the Caribbean has no definable dry season, but that doesn't mean there isn't any sun. Einwilligung zusammen. Similar to the Pacific, the rain falls rather consistently at the same times every day. Covid-19-Situation in Costa Rica (Stand 01.04. The Central Valley – home to the capital, San Jose– has unique weather. Bitte beachte, Costa Rica can be roughly divided into five climatic regions, although there are plenty of micro climates within each of these. Die ersten Gäste waren bereits mit travel-to-nature in Costa Rica und sind begeistert zurückgekehrt. Aug. Sep. Okt. The maximum temperature along the western coat is typically between 31.1°C (88°F) to 36.7°C (98.1°F). Average temperatures hover around 86 degrees in the lowlands and 70 degrees in the highlands. Winds increase with elevation making Monteverde particularly windy. In San José, the average high temperature gets down to 25°C in December and January, then creeps up to 26°C in February, 28°C in March and back to 30°C in April. Die Liste aller Partner kannst Du hier verwalten. Get current weather conditions and regional weather summaries. Find the most current and reliable 7 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for [city] with The Weather Network. ist ein klimaneutrales Unternehmen. Es liegen neue Wetterdaten While the dry season begins early and ends later some years, in general, visitors can expect the best weather from the beginning of December to the middle of April with temperatures ranging between 80 and 100 degrees and an average of 82 degrees. Die Liste aller Partner kannst Du hier verwalten. Puerto Limon (Costa Rica) 24.0° C Liberia (Costa Rica) 24.4° C Owen Roberts Int. Visit Arenal in the dry season for you best chance of seeing the Arenal Volcano free from cloud cover. diese Daten z.B. You can choose the units of measurement for displaying data - in Celsius or Fahrenheit The coolest month in Costa Rica is December when the average maximum temperature is 31°, average temperature is 26° and average minimum temperature is 22°. Durchschnittliche Wassertemperaturen Samara im Jahresverlauf. So our advice is, visit the Caribbean in either September or October when the weather is drier and the prices are lower. Ist es der beste Moment, um Quepos und Puerto Jiménez besichtigen? Not only are the hotel prices more affordable, the countryside flourishes with an entire color wheel of green and that's not to mention the flowers.
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