Cognitive dissonance is the mental conflict that occurs when people hold two or more contradictory thoughts or values. COVID-19 has to some greater or lesser degree put you in the state of cognitive dissonance. Conspiracies, Cults and Cognitive Dissonance by Ron McAllister. it … She specializes in cognitive psychology, which includes attention to cognitive dissonance. Cognitive Dissonance, Mass Insanity & Covid Hysteria Check the numbers. Coronavirus: how times of crisis reveal our emotional connection with strangers ... many in lockdown are now experiencing what psychologists refer to as “cognitive dissonance… this is negligible and it’s still FAR higher than the risk from a supermarket or a sidewalk. Coronavirus can significantly impact brain function, causing mental decline equivalent to the brain aging 10 years, according to an alarming new study. A … Why have Americans struggled to agree on health directives related to COVID-19? It can lead us to act in ways that don’t reflect our values. One UW professor points to a growing cognitive dissonance in the US. The Covid-19 world pandemic is being used by the powers that be as a means of reaching an end goal — a those are so close to zero i doubt it can be measured as meaningfully extant. ... and a cluster of beliefs about COVID-19 (that it was made in a China lab), … COVID and Cognitive Bias: Rationalizing Danger Fear, misinformation, and lack of leadership are a perfect storm for bias. It fits the COVID situation perfectly. The disease is not ravaging us, is not unprecedented, but has killed 1/3rd the death toll of a … “Cognitive dissonance: The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.” (Oxford Dictionary) The world population is in the penumbra of this disturbing but interesting state of mind. While administrators create COVID … Cognitive dissonance on a massive scale prevents the population at large from grasping the atrocities being perpetrated against America’s young. the secondary attack rate of asymptomatic covid even if you live with the carrier is 0.7% (vs 18% for the symptomatic). Posted May 21, 2020
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