It is able to reach speeds of 80 km/h even on dirt. Let us know! Das Fahrzeug hat eine Schottpanzerung für die Wanne und den Turm, die Bewaffnung besteht aus einer 105-mm-Kanone mit der Feuerleitanlage des Leopard 1, einem Paar leichten MGs und Nebelgranatwerfern. Curious what people here think about a Tank Destroyer the size of the Maus but on WHEELS. I really want to enjoy it but all these bugs are really ruining the vibe. The combat weight of this vehicle was augmented to 24,500 kg, making it loose considerably the options for air lifters as well as loosing completely the amphibious capabilities. Sections of this page. The armour is not to be relied on unless there are specific enemies (T-54's for example) as most of them will always penetrate your hull. They total 15 shells and gets filled first when loading up the tank. The Class 3 prototype was exhibited at the Bloemfontein War Museum with a different turret. Tricky to master, War Thunder’s Buffalo is – like many of the American fighters – a heavy, labouring beast. Light, agile and well armoured, the T-50 is used even in tier 2 battles thanks to its proficiency as a scout tank. While the hull of the Class 3 is weak and prone to hullbreak, the whole front of the vehicle has multiple well angled and very bouncy plates, both interior and exterior, which allows the turret and hull to sometimes take hits without damage, or even ricochet some shells. Wait for the game to install and then click Finish. 3. required experience. Забыли добавить? I'm suprised you didn't name say anything about the fact that it was built by Thyssen-Henschel., or that its production codename was "Bismarck.". We couldn't let you be "perfect" ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Level. A perpendicular hit to the turret will be lethal but an angled hit will often deviate the shrapnel which may damage or destroy modules but will keep the vehicle operational. The 8 wheels give it an almost perfect cross-country capability with exception of mud, snow and deep sand. I'm way too funny. Gaming. dRiceKO, Well, probably not. The Class 3 is the heaviest wheeled tank in the game. Originally posted by Cadia Stands: To be honest I rarely even see people play it. Jump to. So far, therefore, in accordance with the kill/loss ratio the following vehicles (with an indication of the Battle Rating = BR) are the most effective ones in Realistic Land Battles.. Early rank fighters mostly have a light machine gun based armament that isn’t ideal for bringing down large bombers (though lucky/accurate shots can take out pilots or key components, or enough bullets will get anything in the end); later models with cannon or larger batteries of heavy machi… Values in the range of 1.0 are only average and below are already reveal too weak vehicles. War Thunder League Grand Final. The smallest version of the platform, it was meant to be used as a reconnaissance vehicle as well as a mobile support vehicle, armoured personal carrier and weapon carrier. 80 mm air 38 mm turret front second plate80 mm Gun mantlet, 120 mm air 16 mm turret side second plate. Forgot account? Sign Up. War Thunder War Thunder is a free-to-play, cross-platform MMO combat game for Windows, Linux, Mac and PlayStation 4 dedicated to military vehicles used in the World War … And Bismarck was an unofficial nickname, just like how the small and medium armored cars with a 76mm (the latter being what became the Rooikat) were unofficially nicknamed Cheetah Mk 1 and Mk 2. In tier 1 however, the T-50 is best employed in pincer movements where its excellent armour and high speed come into their own. Class 3 was the third and heaviest wheeled combat vehicle prototype to compete for the South African Army.
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