Though much of its moves are unknown, it is known to have the tendency of” echolocation” and he is a good acrobat at the same time. Additionally, "Ash" is one of the suggested names for Red in the games Pokémon Red, Yellow, FireRed, and LeafGreen, for the rival character Blue in the games Pokémon Blue (international) and LeafGreen, and for Ethan in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. He always extended his support to Ash and for that reason Ash offered him to become a part of his team. Ash caught several Pokémon on Melemele Island, such as his Rowlet, Rockruff, and Litten. Ash also defeated his friend and rival, Stephan, in the tournament. also appeared. However, during a Guzzlord invasion of the Manalo Stadium, the Masked Royal's true identity as Professor Kukui was exposed. Ash and his friends, along with Looker, the Team Rocket trio, Professor Cedric, as well as N, Anthea and Concordia, managed to foil Plasma's evil scheme. Along with Cynthia, Looker and Team Rocket, they faced off against Pokémon Hunter J as well as the evil Team Galactic. Ash Ketchum (Japanese: サトシ Satoshi) is the main character of the Pokémon anime. Knowing this was for the sake of Kalos, Ash bade farewell to Greninja before Greninja left with the two Zygarde. 6 virtual presentation tools that’ll engage your audience; April 7, 2021 After learning about cases of Pokémon Dynamaxing in Galar outside of Power Spots, Ash and Goh headed to investigate. On witnessing his master putting his life in danger for him, he got firmly convinced that Ash was fair and he decided to change his attitude towards him. He overcame his disappointment after seeing and listening to how Ritchie took his loss as a way to better himself as a Trainer in Friends to the End. Captured in episode: facing fear with eyes wide open! Ash was a beginner and he had no sense of becoming an efficient trainer. From April 29 to May 2, you can complete event-exclusive research tasks, encounter themed Pokémon, and get avatar items at no cost. He has also gained a close connection with many Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, such as the ones who played major roles in the movies. Ash encountered Gary occasionally in Johto, and, while they were still rivals, Gary seemed to view Ash with slightly more respect than before. Ash has a strong sense of justice, especially when it comes to Pokémon. Thanks for the A2A. Even though Aipom is a Gen 2 Pokemon [usually associated with Johto] and its evolution is from Gen 4, [which is usually associated with Sinnoh], it was caught in Kanto. After Ash helped it understand what was happening, Poipole allowed itself to be captured and was allowed to stay with the group until they could find its Ultra Wormhole and send it back. He was not ready to take him along and decided to leave him at the oak’s laboratory with Hoenn league. Afterward, Ash and Nebby used Searing Sunraze Smash, while Gladion and Lunala used Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom on Necrozma. Ash's Heracross is another pokémon that jumps in and out of his team pretty frequently but has pulled off some impressive wins when it shows up for a battle. Pokemon Mega Evolution Designs. They help Clemont face Clembot, and after the issue was resolved, the two boys promised to battle after Ash fulfilled the original conditions set by Clembot (even if it was no longer necessary), to earn four Badges. In those cases, he will selflessly volunteer to help them. Hawlucha agreed readily and since then the bond of friendship is prevalent between the two. Following Ash's victory over the Battle Frontier, May set her sights on Pokémon Contests in the Johto region and traveled there while Max returned home to Petalburg City in Hoenn. These Pokémon do not count as official captures. Ash Ketchum always had a deep settled desire to become the Pokémon master. Several event Pokémon based on Ash's Pokémon have been made over the course of the franchise. During this encounter, he also met a boy named Goh, and the two shared a ride with Lugia throughout Kanto. What's more, Ash has exhibited tremendous will power, as seen when he took attacks for long periods and keeps advancing, which also drives his "never give up" attitude when it comes to Pokémon battles. Tapu Koko gave him a new Electrium Z after Ash won his grand trial battle with Melemele Island Kahuna Hala. He lost in the final round to Ephraim's Skiploom. Ash also has the unique ability to use Bond Phenomenon. However, after hearing Olivia mention how important knowing the "outside world" is, he decided to return home and start traveling around the world. After winning the Alola League championship, Ash was given the right to have an exhibition match against the Masked Royal. When Ash inquired about the reason of being at this place, he replied that he is looking for a stout land in the house that was abandoned many years ago. Their rivalry came to a head after they competed in a Tag Battle Tournament together, when Paul released his Chimchar after it failed to meet his expectations. Scraggy has angry outbursts that cause him to get violent and in that condition it can inflict serious damage on its enemies. Although he never caught it, Rockruff was living with Professor Kukui before it met Ash. Considering your profound interest in him, we have decided to provide you with a comprehensive list of all the Ash Ketchum’s Pokémon that he has collected after visiting different places across the globe. As a result, he had some bad habits, such as shamelessly boasting of his skill if he were ever on a winning streak, and becoming angered easily if he were personally insulted, as seen in The Path to the Pokémon League. Thread starter ImBeVillain; Start date Feb 13, 2021; Tags catch gen 8 poke Vote which Pokémon from the gen VIII (Galar) has the best chance or opportunity to hit Ash. Gary and Professor Oak reminded Ash that he was always a step behind Gary. Following Ash's defeat in the Indigo League, Professor Oak asked him to travel to Valencia Island in the Orange Archipelago to retrieve the GS Ball from a Pokémon Professor named Ivy. K2=Kalos Route 2. In them, Ash and his friends have mistakenly wandered into the world Magical Pokémon Journey is set in. He is happy when his Pokémon evolve but lets them choose whether or not they want to evolve instead of forcing them. If a Pokémon is in trouble, he will make every effort to help them, even if he has no prior connection to them. This was pretty disrespectful and upsetting for the amateur trainer who didn’t know much about training Pokémon’s. This section shows the Pokémon that Ash keeps at Professor Kukui and Burnet's house. He was determined to achieve his goal and when Pikachu saw that he was willing to compromise his safety to keep it safe, the two of them formed an extremely strong bond that has been noticed and remarked upon by many characters in the anime. fell in love with Ash because of his personality, as it has also happened that Ash has had, or at least appears to have had, some small crushes. Ash has changed a great deal throughout the anime, particularly in regards to his skill at Pokémon training, but his earnestness, rashness, and determination have remained. From that point onward, Ash journeyed through Hoenn with one old friend and two new friends, collecting Gym Badges in much the same fashion as before. Snivy is a female Pokémon, which Ash encountered on his way to the forest. And sorry for the late reply. Also, Ash is determined to see the best in everybody unless he has a very good reason not to. Although it was a close battle, Ash emerged victorious against his rival for the first time in his career as a Pokémon Trainer, marking one of the biggest turning points in said career. Evolved from Grovyle in episode: odd Pokémon out! In the original, he is also confirmed to have a grandfather, whose son followed his footsteps. Thankfully, Reddit user SandyJR68 compiled what is easily the best win rate record Ash’s Pokémon have seen. On the night before the final battle, he and his friends learned more about the Ash-Greninja transformation. After a tough match, Ash was able to defeat him and advance to the finals, where he was set to face Gladion. During these journeys, Ash and his friends ended up being entwined in the plots of the region's two rivaling villainous teams, Team Aqua and Team Magma, with Pikachu actually getting possessed by Groudon in the summit of their conflict. After a long and exhausting journey, he finally managed to accomplish this after defeating Paul at the Lily of the Valley Conference, after which Paul finally recognized Ash as his rival and equal. Furthermore, he cares about their opinion, even giving them the option of whether they should evolve or not. This section is for the Pokémon that Ash still owns but are in the care of another Trainer or a group of other Pokémon. Ash Ketchum is based on Red, his counterpart from the games. Over the years, Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) has traveled to many different regions in the Pokemon world. Version 2. Ash, his classmates, and Gladion then watched as the guardian deities helped Nebby evolve into the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and upgrade Ash's Z-Ring into a Z-Power Ring. Finally, the two rivals battled in the tournament in a Full Battle. He then battled one of his newer rivals, Cameron, where he lost in A Unova League Evolution!, ending in the Top 8 of the Vertress Conference. Ash's happiness about that moment made him think about how much he wanted to become a Pokémon Trainer. While Brock did not directly accompany Ash to Sinnoh, he did meet with him while there and traveled with him through Sinnoh as he had for Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. Though much has been achieved, but much remains undone to place him in the list of Ash Ketchum’s Pokémon’s. Den Traum Pokémon-Meister zu werden, verfolgt Ash schon länger. Ash, his Greninja, and his friends and the gang were ultimately able to foil Xerosic's plans and hand him over to Officer Jenny. An example would be Team Rocket's frequent "sudden appearances" that coincide with their needs at that time, and Ash never questioning it until it is too late. Hawlucha is an integral part of Ash’s team and has won many battles for him owing to his complete mastery over the moves like high jump kick among others. Infernape is another strong entry in Ash’s list of Pokémon’s. The group soon reunited with Squishy and Z2, who requested Greninja's help to obliterate the remaining negative energy left by Team Flare's crisis. Later, Ash and Goh traveled to the Galar region to watch the finals of the World Coronation Series. This unbreakable friendship would set his course for the future. Along the way, Ash would also support Serena in her quest to become Kalos Queen and gave her some helpful advice when she eventually lost, telling her that losing is simply another step towards victory. 20 Gliscor Ash met his Gligar in the Sinnoh Region, the Ground and Flying-Type Pokémon soon evolved into a Gliscor and won Ash an intense battle against the Canalave Gym Leader's Bastiodon. Also, on a few occasions when it came to a matter of Pokémon love, with a male who's experiencing difficulty in gaining the attention of a female, while his friends will often mainly advise on improving the male's looks or charm, Ash's advice is simply to be stronger. During the opening ceremony, the head of the institute, Professor Cerise, informed the attendees that a rare Pokémon would be appearing at the local port shortly. Squirtle - Caught. Ash resumed his journey by leaving Swallow in Oak’s lab. He eventually made it to the semifinals, where he faced off against the Team Skull Boss Guzma. Once May set her sights on becoming a Top Coordinator, Ash supported her whenever he could while maintaining his focus on winning Badges. In Pokémon Team Rocket Blast Off, Pokémon Poké Ball Launcher, and Pokémon Seek & Find, the male player character is Ash. It turned furious and challenged Ash for a battle. He is said to have the same Aura as Sir Aaron, a legendary hero, and is theoretically able to manipulate it in much the same way. Ash Ketchum in Pokémon. Promotional disks could also be dispensed for an additional ¥100 following battles with Goh or Ash, with 'WINNER' versions available to players who successfully defeated their teams. Physically, Ash is in very good shape, especially for someone 10 years of age. Ash, who was looking for the Poliwag, came to her rescue and wrapped a handkerchief around the wounded knee to brace it. His philosophy on training is that Pokémon are individuals and that a combination of trust, friendship, and hard work are needed to overcome adversity. Ash also got a Normalium Z after his fight with Totem Gumshoos on Melemele Island. He usually only does so when battling against powerful opponents (such as Trainers in the Pokémon League Conferences, and Frontier Brains), or when attending certain events that requires a specific Pokémon (like Tauros at the Pokémon Swap Meet or Snorlax at the Sumo Conference). This was considerably earlier into the set's duration compared to other sets—the fourth Ultra Legend set, which also featured special opponents in Trainer and Battle Mode, shares this trait. Also, sometimes he will use someone else's battle strategies as shown with Paul and Tierno, though when using the latter's, Ash stated that his unique strategy is the one he can truly count on, instead of simply mimicking others. Tranquil was severely injured in a battle against one of his opponents Skyla’s Savanna and that’s when it evolved into unfezant. ‘ means the Pokemon will disappear by the time the story is completed. Ash eventually obtained all of the Sinnoh Gym Badges he needed to enter Sinnoh's Pokémon League Conference. Should the problem be caused by humans, such as Team Rocket, Pokémon thieves, hunters, or poachers, Ash will resolve to do anything in his power to stop them. He seems to battle best with Pokémon that are similar to Pikachu: ones that are speedy and maneuverable, yet able to perform high-powered attacks; however, he is willing to work with any Pokémon that comes into his care. Later on, he met Tapu Koko, the guardian of Melemele Island, who gave Ash a Z-Ring and an Electrium Z. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Ash was a beginner and he had no sense of becoming an efficient trainer. In another instance, his Charizard defeated Gary's Blastoise by causing the field to overheat before mounting a close-quarters attack while Blastoise was blinded by the steam. Ash used to complain about perfectly legal things, like Giselle's Cubone using a bone in The School of Hard Knocks, or Blaine's use of the lava in Volcanic Panic. Soon after it was captured, Muk was sent to Oak’s laboratory. He believes nothing he and his Pokémon do on their journey is a waste of time. ^ means the Pokemon cannot be found there upon the first visit. Of the first five Gym Badges that had been given to Ash in Kanto, only Lt. Surge's Thunder Badge in Electric Shock Showdown was earned from a victory in battle. On the other hand, according to Takeshi Shudō's novelization, Ash's father left home to go on a journey right after Ash was born, and never returned since. Ash and his Pokémon were ultimately abducted by Team Flare and were taken captive at the top of Prism Tower, as Lysandre intended to use Ash and Greninja's Bond Phenomenon for his plans by using Team Flare's Mega Evolution energy ray to control them. When Ash was down to his last Pokémon, Pikachu, Tapu Koko gave Kukui a Tapunium Z, while Ash's Electrium Z once again transformed into a Pikashunium Z, allowing both Pokémon to unleash their signature Z-Moves. After saying farewell to his classmates, Kukui, and Burnet, he boarded a plane back to Kanto, leaving all of his current party Pokémon (excluding Pikachu) under the two Professors' care. This incredible creature was found injured after being attacked by gang of Pokémon in the valley. Ash first confronted Fletchling when it emerged and tried to snatch food from a wild creature named Dedenne. Later, Ash managed to attend another one of Professor Oak's Pokémon Summer Camps. Captured in episode: first catch in Alola, ketchum-style! Ash appears in Pokémon: Catch the Numbers!, I've Begun Hiragana and Katakana!, and Pico for Everyone Pokémon Loud Battle!. Ash taught him how to fly and that was a clear indication that Ash wanted Noivern to join his team. However after Ash returned to his body, Haunter agreed to join Ash's team to battle Sabrina's Psychic Pokémon. While Ash had no major recurring rival in Hoenn, he did encounter certain Trainers multiple times and formed friendly rivalries with them. Mime) at Oak's lab, Ash with his Alola Pokémon (excluding Naganadel). His father has not been introduced. He also has huge endurance, as seen when he took powerful attacks from various Pokémon head-on and then recovering quite quickly. He also learns where their hidden abilities lie, as well as resorting to unorthodox strategies when fighting particularly challenging opponents. However, in the lesson "How do I evolve my Pokémon?" Obtained in episode: A festival of decisions! Ash traveled with Delia to the Alola region after Mimey won the trip via lottery. and decided to teach his Buizel one of the moves Clayton's Mr. This section is for the Pokémon that Ash traveled together or bonded with for some period of time but never officially caught. On encountering the gym leader, Olympia told him about the strong bond of friendship that will prevail between the two upon its evolution into greninja. Known for her eye-catching moves, this Pokémon is another addition to Ash Ketchum’s ultimate list! Upon returning to Pallet Town, Ash discovered that Brock had returned due to some unknown incident that left the aspiring Pokémon Breeder in dread of even hearing Professor Ivy's name. He continued his journey with Misty, who had dreams of becoming the world's greatest Water Pokémon Master. It all started with Pikachu who was the first pokemon he collected during his adventurous trip. On their first mission, Ash and his classmates were assigned to capture a Buzzwole that had appeared through an Ultra Wormhole. In almost 21 years of Pokémon anime, Lycanroc is Ash’s first Rock-type Pokémon to reach its final evolution. In Hoenn, Ash met a girl named May and her brother, Max, who he later learned were Petalburg Gym Leader Norman's children, and both of whom decided to join Ash on his travels. Brock carried Charmander to the Pokémon Center, while Ash held his coat over the Charmander's tail flame to keep it lit. After Brock decided to stay with Professor Ivy and help her with her work, Ash and Misty were joined by an enthusiastic Pokémon watcher named Tracey Sketchit. This was shown when a Mankey stole his hat in Primeape Goes Bananas, he screamed and yelled at it, even climbing trees just to get his hat back, but when an Aipom did the same in Slaking Kong, he stated merely that he would feel strange without a hat.
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