- Reflect Yes, I feel rather silly for having done so, and it makes it difficult to type at a computer for long periods. Trending; Update to the above comment: This is possible in Gen 8. Knock Off cripples would-be switch-ins like Ground types by removing their item. - Calm Mind (if you accidentally forgot Nasty Plot or you don't have access to it) / Nasty Plot I get the joke so the Alolan Raichu looks like a pancake and it's holding pancakes.....PERFECT!! They have the typing, moves, and stats to succeed as top contenders. It evolves from Pikachu when exposed to a Thunder Stone. Move #4: Boosts the Special Attack stat. EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Stellar mentions a good point, I wouldn't have remembered this comment to correct it for this current gen. TRs are probably the second best thing SwSh added to the games. Thunder and Volt Switch are options, but with Thunder's low accuracy and Volt Switch's lower damage output I say nah. Move #3: Either a move with 100% chance to cause paralysis, or coverage for Raichu's Ground weakness. If you opt to go with Signal Beam as your fourth move, use either Wise Glasses or Aloraichium Z. As there is no other way to transfer a Pokemon from Sun and Moon to Sword and Shield, it’s impossible to … Features embroidered detail and … Doubles this Pokémon's Speed on Electric Terrain. But it's not wrong to write 6 EVs on a 252/252 spread. - Psyshock Ability: Surge Surfer It is the final form of Pichu. Subscribe! Boards. Abilities Surge Surfer. Encounters From September 1 at 1 p.m. PT until October 1 at 1 p.m. PT, you’ll receive an encounter with Alolan Raichu each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough (there’s the chance for Alolan Raichu to be shiny). It is vulnerable to Dark, Ground, Bug and Ghost moves. The man also has a Pikachu that knows Fly. Between Groudon, Tyranitar, Mewtwo, and Gengar, this psychic surfer has to deal with some of the highest damage dealing Pokémon in the game.Your fastest time to win, not accounting for weat… Doubles Tier List Updated for March Season! The Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu is a special Trainer Kit for the Pokémon Trading Card Game and features the Pokémon Lycanroc and Alolan Raichu.It was released on April 21, 2017. Mandatory if you want to run Raichu's exclusive Z-Move. 4. Caught CP range. Raichu, The Mouse Pokémon. Focus Blast is coverage, and Psyshock is your other STAB. Modest Nature - Nasty Plot, Alolan Raichu @ Wise Glasses / Light Clay However, since only 4 of those EVs can be used to add a stat point, most players simply add 4 EVs to a stat and forget the other two. User Info: Wynzo437. Wynzo437 3 months ago #2. His Ability, Surge Surfer, doubles its Speed when Electric Terrain is active. - Focus Blast Setting up Electric Terrain activates Surfer Surge, which makes you faster. See more ideas about raichu, pokemon, pokemon sun. HAU & ALOLAN RAICHU SYNC GRID BULD GUIDE! Level 50 Umbreon with Last Resort (non shiny), Level 50 Diggersby (non shiny), Level 50 Alola or normal Raichu (non shiny), level 50 jigglypuff/wigglytuff More pvp stuff availiable upon request. Choice Specs or Life Orb for the extra damage. Stoked Sparksurfer is a power 175 Z-move and always causes paralysis. Alolan Raichu - Stats & Weakness. Thunderbolt or Discharge is your choice of Electric STAB. After using Electric Terrain your speed will be doubled and could outspeed just about anything, then you use Rising Voltage against your opponent and if there’s a Ground type you can use Grass Knot or surf. It only evolves to this form in the Alola region. According to researchers, its diet is one of the causes of this change. If you have a good competitive moveset for Alolan Raichu, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. However, an Air Balloon is always an unexpected item, and will let you swap into a Ground-type move to start setting up (run Surf or Grass Knot instead of Focus Blast if you plan on doing this though, you'll only have one turn to set up while they break your balloon). Focus Sash to get at least one Calm Mind off or if you aren't bothered, just go for the 100% paralysis with the Z-Move to cripple. Surf is a safer option and hits resisting Ground-types way harder, and Grass Knot completely decimates Water-Ground-types, who are still pretty popular walls in the lower tiers. - Psyshock (STAB Psychic and physical damage move) Raid. Finally, I don't run Aloraichium-Z since I already use a Z-move somewhere else, and once I have a Nasty Plot boost or two, I don't feel the need for Life Orb or Expert Belt (another item it runs well due to its large coverage). 5 out of 5 stars. Alola Raichu is made from super soft Shannon Minky, and measures 8.5″ tall on top of the tail. The following table lists best Alolan Raichu counters in Pokemon GO. Works for doubles and singles, but you may want Life Orb and Protect for doubles if you don't have an Electric Surge Pokemon on your team. Sweet Kiss can confuse the target along with Stoked Sparksurfer's 100% chance to paralyze, making the opponent 50% of the time unable to attack. Modest Nature Modest Nature Tier. Timid Nature Focus Sash is there to a least get off 1 Nasty Plot and not to get knocked out in one hit. EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP Raichu originally had an evolution named \"Gorochu\", which would have had two horns and fangs. <3. Can I get a shiny Alolan Raichu from Psytrice? Hidden Power has been removed in Gen 8, making this moveset no longer possible. Boss CP. Overview Out of all the various 1st Generation Pokemon to receive an Alolan Form, Raichu clearly received, competitively speaking, one of the best that were given. Information. Good moveset, but feel I should point out that Grass Knot only cares about absolute weight, not relative weight. As your last coverage move, Focus Blast has the most coverage and has huge base power. - Thunderbolt: STAB Move, It has great power and accuracy! Raichu has previously been Raid Boss in Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 3 Raids. I said Calm Mind because I just got a shiny Pikachu from Friend Safari and it didn't have Nasty Plot, so Calm Mind could be a good substitution. - Volt Switch Enjoy the video? In Alola, Raichu has a regional variant that is Electric/Psychic. Added: The items that you give will be dependent on what moves you decide to use. This will be something of a rushed review because I strained my neck. AND has a 10% chance of paralyzing the target Sugimori stated that while there was nothing wrong with its appearance, it was nonetheless omitted, as the staff found that the game balance was better without it. Raichu-Alola @ Focus Sash As many fans are now well aware, Pokemon … Is there any way to evolve a Pikachu into Alolan Raichu in Pokemon Sword and Shield? EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 HP - Psychic / Psyshock - Signal Beam - Nasty Plot / Agility / Double Team Ability: Surge Surfer - Electric Terrain. However, Signal Beam is deprecated in this generation. 75. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Due to Alolan Raichu's squishiness, being able to set-up without instantly getting OHKO'd is very important. Ability: Surge Surfer Enjoy! Ability: Surge Surfer Psychic can lower the foe's Special Defense by one stage, or Psyshock can hit specially bulky targets like Blissey. - Surf Caught CP (boosted) 12 - 32. Grass Knot for coverage, instead of Focus Miss which you could go for, but I think Grass Knot is more reliable. Add to Favorites. Overview. 10 / 10 / 10. Choosing a cutoff displays the weighted usage stats for this ranking. Move #2: Psychic STAB. That's enough for two stats to max out their EVs at 252, making a total of 504 EVs. EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def Focus Blast and Grass Knot are coverage moves; Focus Blast is coverage against Dark, Ice, Rock and Steel types, or Grass Knot could cover Ground types. Pikachu only evolves into Alolan Raichu in Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon... Any other game, you get it via in-game trades or gifts. - Surf (Important coverage for Ground, plus Fire & Rock, & decent neutral coverage) However, Raichu can boost its power with Nasty Plot, and has much higher Speed. Run Psyshock for special walls if needed. Brandy Berthelson April 6, 2021 7:41 AM. Timid Nature Raichu is a rodent-like Pokémon, similar to its previous evolution forms. This set can potentially have Raichu be a sweeper but you still have to be careful in double battles because if you’re hit twice the Focus Sash would be useless. 54/236. Modest Nature - Psychic: Its a STAB move, great power and accuracy, takes out Fighting types and Poison types, AND has a 10% chance of lowering the targets Special Defense. Breed a Female Pikachu/Raichu with a Male Smeargle, Manectric, Luxray, or Togedemaru that knows Electric Terrain to pass it down. Oct 27, 2016 - A board dedicated to one of my favorite pokemon! Suggested players. Psychic is here for a different strong STAB move and Electro Ball is if you run a Timid Nature as you will be faster than a lot of opposing Pokémon. The boost you get from Wise Glasses is practically a waste of an item slot. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe - Nasty Plot: SPECIAL ATTACK BOOST, YES! IVs: 0 Atk Additionally, its electrical sacs are yellow, unlike its previous form's red coloring. Alolan Raichu @ Focus Sash / Alolaraichium Z Raichu (Japanese: ライチュウ Raichu) is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. 1. This in turn lets you run Modest over Timid and boost the power of your STAB Electro Ball. Ability: Surge Surfer And last, but not least, Electric Terrain. - Thunderbolt Ability: Surge Surfer (only ability, plus doubles speed in Electric Terrain) In Alola, Raichu has a Electric/Psychic-type regional form. No matter the votes on this page, this is the best set in the list. Minimum IVs. Also electro ball isnt good. (114) $55.00 FREE shipping. Raichu-Alola @ Air Balloon Raichu-Alola @ Life Orb ... Build-A-Bear's Animal Crossing Collection Goes on Sale April 6. 07-ago-2020 - Explora el tablero de Fernando Villaseñor "Raichu Alola" en Pinterest. Electric Terrain can only be obtained on a Pikachu as an Egg Move. It is the final form of Pichu. I see no one has answered since the new moves have come out. If it's a special attacker, why is Volt Tackle an option? Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. Ability: Surge Surfer Modest Nature Italics indicate legacy movesets. - Thunderbolt Electric Terrain (boost Speed and Attack). items, abilities, natures and EVs.Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. You could use Focus Sash, but I personally wouldn't use it. Grass Knot: Coverage for Ground types. 13 In Ultra Sun and Moon you can obtain a Pikachu with the move Surf from the man in the surf association in Heahea City after claiming the No. EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP - Thunderbolt - Electric Terrain. This speedy special attacker will deliver large amounts of damage in a few turns. Raichu & Alola-Raichu. - Psyshock / Light Screen / Focus Blast I was waiting for someone to point this out for this Gen... again. It has long ears and feet, but has little stubby arms with no noticeable fingers. By using Agility and Electric Terrain, its STAB Electro Ball becomes even more powerful and you get to go first unless they have a 252 Speed Timid Alolan Raichu that follows this as well. While those new monsters are all well and good, however, I'd be remiss if Alola Raichu went unnoticed. Ability: Surge Surfer Reflect (boost Defense) Use Life Orb for extra damage output. 123. It uses psychokinesis to control electricity. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread. Note: I decided to allow Alolan Forms as separate questions, as these Pokemon are quite different to their regular forms. Read on for information on its evolutions, abilities, type advantages, and more. - Electro Ball / Rising Voltage - Grass Knot / Electro Ball / Surf (Learns via TR77 for Grass Knot, TR80 for Electro Ball and TR04 for Surf). Ver más ideas sobre pokemon, fotos de pokemon, pokémon sol. A straightforward set, except for Sweet Kiss. - Electro Ball Raichu's strongest moveset is Volt Switch & Wild Charge and it has a Max CP of 2,286. I prefer surf on regular Raichu, but that's just me. Electric Terrain Sweeper - Electro Ball / Thunderbolt / Volt Tackle Ability: Surge Surfer The best Pokemon overall across multiple roles. ... And perhaps best of all: it's dirt cheap, and doesn't require any Legacy moves. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. The best Pokemon with shields in play. Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX (SM – Unified Minds 54/236, 220/236, 221/236, 241/236) is our Wednesday pick. http://bit.ly/PokeaimMD . Raichu-Alola @ Aloraichium Z Unlike Pichu or Pikachu, which both have yellow fur, Raichu has orange fur with two strips of brown fur on its back. Ability: Surge Surfer Timid Nature 2-5. - Thunderbolt Both moves are TRs, and if you move an Alolan Raichu to Galar, it is compatible with them. Timid Nature - Psychic 123. - Surf firedarkIntimidateBlaze Assault VestSitrus BerrySafety GogglesShuca Berry Aguav Berry Figy Berry Iapapa Berry Other Fake OutFlare BlitzParting ShotSnarlTauntU-turnDarkest LariatOther, electricTransistorFocus SashMagnetLife OrbChoice Scarf Choice Specs Other ElectrowebProtectVolt SwitchThunderboltThunderRising VoltageElectro Ball Eerie Impulse Screech Hyper Beam Reflect Extreme Speed Other, fairysteelIntrepid SwordRusted SwordBehemoth BladeProtectSubstituteSacred SwordClose CombatPlay RoughOther, electricflyingDefiantPranksterAssault VestLife OrbSafety GogglesSitrus Berry Lum Berry Other FlyWild ChargeSuperpowerFoul PlayProtectThunderboltEerie ImpulseTauntLash OutCrunch Electroweb Scary Face Thunder Wave Brick Break Leer Other, groundflyingIntimidateLum BerryAssault VestLife OrbChoice Scarf Safety Goggles White Herb Other EarthquakeFlyRock SlideSwords DanceU-turnProtectRock TombSuperpower Other, grasspoisonChlorophyllOvergrow Coba BerryLife OrbWeakness PolicyAssault Vest Focus Sash Occa Berry Other Sludge BombWeather BallSleep PowderEarth PowerFrenzy PlantLeaf StormProtectOther, fightingdarkUnseen FistFocus SashChoice BandBlack Glasses Other Wicked BlowClose CombatSucker PunchDetectProtectPoison Jab Other, fireDroughtShell Armor White Smoke CharcoalSitrus BerryChoice SpecsShuca Berry Focus Sash Other ProtectEruptionBurning JealousyHeat WaveYawnEarth PowerBody PressOther, normalDownloadTraceAnalytic EvioliteOther Trick RoomRecoverEerie ImpulseIce BeamFoul PlayTri AttackShadow BallThunderboltHyper Beam Other, grassGrassy SurgeOvergrow Miracle SeedAssault VestCoba Berry Choice Band Rose Incense Other Grassy GlideFake OutProtectWood HammerU-turnKnock OffHigh HorsepowerOther, grassfairyPranksterChlorophyll Infiltrator Focus SashEject ButtonCoba Berry Mental Herb Other TailwindHelping HandMoonblastTauntSwitcherooDazzling GleamTrick RoomFake TearsProtectMisty Terrain Encore Other, darkfairyPranksterFrisk Pickpocket Light ClayBabiri BerryFull Incense Lagging Tail Wide Lens Other Spirit BreakReflectLight ScreenScary FaceFake TearsFake OutTauntSucker PunchTrickFoul PlayOther, dragonghostClear BodyCursed Body Infiltrator Life OrbLum BerrySafety Goggles Choice Scarf Focus Sash Other Phantom ForceDragon DartsFlyDragon DanceDiveSurfWill-O-WispLight Screen Breaking Swipe Protect Other, waterDrizzleMystic WaterWeakness PolicySea IncenseChoice ScarfWave Incense Choice Specs Other Water SpoutOrigin PulseProtectThunderIce BeamScaldOther, waterfairyMisty SurgeTelepathy LeftoversSitrus BerryChoice Specs Wiki Berry Choice Scarf Life Orb Other MoonblastProtectMuddy WaterCalm MindNature's MadnessHazeDazzling GleamIcy WindScaldHeal Pulse Ice Beam Trick Other, fireflyingSolar PowerBlaze Life OrbAssault VestWacan BerrySafety Goggles Charcoal Lum Berry Other Heat WaveProtectBlast BurnScorching SandsHurricaneAir SlashAncient PowerOther, psychicnormalPsychic SurgeOwn Tempo Synchronize Psychic SeedSafety GogglesSitrus BerryFocus SashColbur Berry Other Follow MeExpanding ForceProtectHelping HandMystical FireOther, grasspoisonRegeneratorEffect Spore Coba BerryFocus SashMental Herb Occa Berry Other SporeRage PowderProtectPollen PuffClear SmogSludge BombOther, psychiciceWeakness PolicyLife OrbAssault Vest Focus Sash Other Glacial LanceHigh HorsepowerTrick RoomProtectHeavy SlamClose CombatHelping HandOther, psychicghostFocus SashLife OrbChoice Specs Weakness Policy Spell Tag Other Astral BarrageExpanding ForceProtectTrick RoomMud ShotImprisonDraining KissHyper Beam Substitute Nasty Plot Taunt Psyshock Pollen Puff Leaf Storm Speed Swap Other, groundDroughtSitrus BerryWhite HerbAssault VestWide LensWeakness Policy Lum Berry Choice Band Life Orb Other Precipice BladesRock SlideProtectSwords DanceFire PunchEarthquakeOther, fightingwaterUnseen FistFocus SashChoice BandMystic Water Choice Scarf Other Surging StrikesClose CombatAqua JetDetectProtectPoison JabOther, ghostfairyDisguiseMental HerbBabiri Berry Safety Goggles Other Trick RoomShadow SneakTauntPlay RoughWill-O-WispWood HammerSafeguard Other, steelpsychicClear BodyLight Metal Weakness PolicyAssault VestLife OrbOther Stomping TantrumProtectIron HeadIce PunchRock SlideMeteor MashZen HeadbuttEarthquakeBrick Break Steel Roller Other, flyingPranksterDefiant Life OrbFocus SashMental HerbWacan Berry Sharp Beak Safety Goggles Other TailwindHurricaneIcy WindTauntDark PulseProtectAir SlashBrutal SwingRain Dance Other. Thunderbolt for STAB and power, and Psyshock instead of Psychic for those annoying special walls like Blissey and Chansey. - Nuzzle / Surf That move is physical. Raichu and Alolan Raichu were created by Atsuko Nishida. Thunderbolt is a great STAB move required for its exclusive Z-move and Psychic/ Psyshock is for STAB and power! EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD (or whatever you want to put the remaining 4 in) EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Kyōka Kakuchō Pack GG End. - Psychic / Psyshock Honestly, I don’t know the gen 8 mons well enough to know their abilities but yea, that could totally work. Bulk or hard-hitting moves allow them to close out matchups. And this is where the Focus Sash comes into play, first turn you use Electric Terrain or Nasty Plot if you’re in doubles and have it already set up, and survive a potential OHKO move due to its poor defenses. MUST be used on Electric Terrain. See, Alolan Raichu’s Ability is Surge Surfer, which doubles the speed stat while in Electric Terrain. Raichu-Alola @ Focus Sash Nasty Plot sets a Special Attack boost. Move #1: Electric STAB. Generally their usefulness is based on this legacy moveset.Alola Raichu has so many top-tier counters, it won’t be hard to send it crashing. Psyshock (stab) / Light Screen (boost Special Defense) / Focus Blast (coverage) What is a good moveset for Alolan Raichu? After the expansion pass in Sword and Shield, one of the new moves introduced caught my eye for potential power. Alolan Raichu and original Weezing can’t breed alternate forms — their off-spring will become standard Pikachu and standard Koffing, and won’t evolve into their Alolan / original forms. Video Title: HAU'S GRID IS BETTER THAN WE THOUGHT! When you get that off, he's unstoppable! Raichu Pokédex and learnset for reference. Alolan Raichu Competitive Battling Moveset. Cutoff numbers refer to Glicko ratings on Pokemon Showdown. Alolan Raichu has speed to kill, with a movepool that sees it being able to further boost its somewhat lacking offensive abilities. It's crucial for Raichu's success. Capable of applying pressure or winning extended fights, they're ideal leads in battle. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe All Pikachu in Alola will evolve into this form regardless of their origin. I usually Post these Movesets for future use, and my OCD will kick in if I don't put those 2 EVs somewhere. Psychic: Nice power, decent accuracy, STAB. Raichu-Alola @ Wise Glasses / Focus Sash / Aloraichium Z What level should I evolve my Pikachu into Alolan Raichu? I also just realized Raichu can learn surf so it depends on what you want whether to have surf or grass knot, I mainly used it for ground coverage. - Calm Mind / Nasty Plot (Setup move) / Signal Beam (Important coverage for Dark, plus Grass & Psychic). Raichu-Alola @ Focus Sash Ability: Surge Surfer EVs: 252 SpA / 4 HP / 252 Spe Explanation: My favorite Alolan form. This is a page on the Pokemon Alolan Raichu, including its learnable moves and where it can be found in Pokemon Sword and Shield. - Grass Knot (Ground coverage) IVs: 0 Atk Zap Plate isn't a particularly good item. - Electric Terrain (learns via TM90) / Nasty Plot if you’re in doubles (Move Reminder) Either is a good cup of tea. Raichu (Alola Form) is an Electric & Psychic Pokémon. - Electric Terrain, Electro Ball/Rising Voltage (super strong STAB) It's stronger than Base Raichu and has a more versatile moveset, but it gains 3 extra weaknesses, a situational ability and a reduced Defence stat. This in turn lets you run Modest over Timid and boost the power of your STAB Electro Ball. - Nasty Plot Up to you to decide what works best for your team. This leaves 6 EVs that can be assigned to a stat. - Nasty Plot. If you go with Calm Mind or Nasty Plot, using Focus Sash is mandatory if you want to set-up. It hops aboard its own tail, using psychic power to lift the tail and move about while riding it. You cannot get Surf and Nasty Plot on Alolan Raichu; Nasty Plot is a Pichu pre-evolution move. Thank you for the feedback and sharing your ideas. 1 spot on every island's Mantine surfing spot, which is pretty funny. Focus Sash for Nasty Plot setup. 015/055. Raichu has a niche in the current metagame as a fast Nasty Plot sweeper for teams that are in need of Electric-type coverage. - Grass Knot Custom orders available. This plush can balance on the tail easily with rare earth magnets, and has pellets in the tail and bum so that it stands upright. 2. - Thunderbolt - Nasty Plot Psychic and Psyshock are STAB. - Rising Voltage (double damage in Electric Terrain, plus STAB and terrain boost) One of the best ways to use Alolan Raichu in the Great League is to build a team composition around it. Right now, no, it's not possible. Alola Raichu Sucks. - Psychic - Focus Blast, Raichu-Alola @ Zap Plate / Leftovers / Aloraichium Z / Focus Sash The Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu is the first Trainer Kit released for the Sun & Moon Series. - Psychic (STAB, Poison & Fighting coverage) Setting up Electric Terrain activates Surfer Surge, which makes you faster. But Electro Ball works when you have the Speed boost from Surge Surfer, great natural speed, Timid, and 252 Speed EVs. Nature: Timid / Modest Ability: Surge Surfer How can I make Speed Swap Alolan Raichu useful after I use Speed Swap? - Thunderbolt Ability: Surge Surfer Raichu-Alola @ Focus Sash Ability: Surge Surfer EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Electro Ball - Psyshock - Focus Blast - Electric Terrain . Edit: Sword and Shield has made this possible now to any Alolan Raichu thanks to TRs (technical records) and also made make it possible to use Nasty Plot as well. Ability: Surge Surfer Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. - Grass Knot 55/214. Raichu STILL kills it before it can reach the necessary third charge move. - Thunderbolt (STAB, Flying & Water coverage, plus paralysis chance) It has a plump white belly, the tips of its arms and toes are brown. You're not wrong there. - Sweet Kiss / Grass Knot. - Psyshock Pokemon Ultra Sun. No other Pokémon has the same type combination as Alolan Raichu. - Nasty Plot. EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Gen 8 NU Standard game images. 008/054. Raichu-Alola @ Choice Specs / Life Orb / Focus Sash Calm Mind; you need this boost, but if you have Nasty Plot I would go for that too. FC (3DS): 3411-7422-4902. Whichever you prefer. 3,227. EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe - Focus Blast / Grass Knot Modest Nature Raichu-Alola @ Life Orb Hidden Ability: (Available through transfer) Lightning Rod: Electric-type moves are drawn to this Pokémon. And I said electro ball because it hits harder the faster you are and on electric terrain with timid it can outspeed a whole lot of mons. - Psychic / Psyshock Thunderbolt: Reliable STAB, with Aloraichum Z upgraded to Spoked Sparksurfer. Naive / Hasty Nature (Rash Nature with Pincurchin support). Modest Nature Fake Out, undefined and more! Aloraichium Z is only for SM and USUM. (most of them are heavy so it has good power :D) Raichu-Alola @ Heavy-Duty Boots It evolves from Pikachu when exposed to a Thunder Stone. Moveset Guide on how to use Alolan Raichu! - Volt Switch / Focus Blast / Nasty Plot (pivot or Dark coverage or setup or stall while waiting for terrain). Anyways, Astronautical's right. Abilities: Static - Lightning Rod (Hidden) (Normal Forme) - Surge Surfer (Alola Form) Static: The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with PARALYZE when using an attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon. - Rising Voltage (learns via Move Tutor at Isle of Armor) It evolves from Pikachu when exposed to a Thunder Stone. - Thunderbolt / Discharge. Pokemon Sword & Shield Raichu moves, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2021 Series 8. - Psychic (Learns by level up) Hope you enjoy the move set I came up with, if you have any of your own ideas or some feedback I’d like to know. Focus Blast is coverage, Surf consistently smacks Ground types, Grass Knot hits heavy Ground types harder. Insane speed when on it, plus Rising Voltage gets a huge boost. Read about Alolan Raichu in Pokemon … Raichu) is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Synergising Pokémon that will counter its counters will be crucial in outplaying and staying one step ahead against your opponent. Alola Form. Raichu. Since its already amazing speed, 110, doubled to 220, plus 252Spd EVs, you get the fastest Pokemon ever, even faster than Speed Forme Deoxys! Alola Form; Raichu Raid Guide. Raichu-Alola @ Aloraichium Z / Focus Sash Similar to the others I suppose, but it's a different moveset nonetheless. - Hidden Power [Ice]: Takes out Ground types, Flying types, Grass types AND Dragon types - Nasty Plot, Raichu-Alola @ Focus Sash Custom Alola Raichu Plush. Ability: Surge Surfer - Thunderbolt - Thunderbolt If you really wanna abuse surge surfer use electric surge pinchurchin. DPcrafting. Kyōka Kakuchō Pack Night Unison. And the new move I’m talking about is called Rising Voltage which is a base 70 power special move and if its used while in Electric Terrain, it’s power is doubled. Timid Nature Alolan Raichu Pokeball Diorama, 4 inch Terrarium with stand, & free original design 3" Pokemon sticker. 3. EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 6 SpD This is one that really should have gotten more upvotes, and for some reason I can't upvote anything.
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